Revelation Chapters 16, 17 & 18

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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RevelationChapters 16, 17 & 18

Calvin L. Mitchell

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Revelation Chapter 16:

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looks like!

Each plague is incredibly devastating, overwhelming the medical and sanitation systems of the world and leaving the people of the world to wallow in the painful consequences of their sin.

In Revelation 16 God’s Wrath is demonstrated IN HISTORY to living men and women that, despite every opportunity to repent, have committed themselves to worshipping the Devil.

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Greek transliteration of the Hebrew: “Har” - Mount“Magedon” - “Meggido/Meggidon”

...a military/guerilla raid or invasion.

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or else…

You’ll be caught UNPREPAREDand NAKED!

JESUS SAID: we need to...

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1. Take time to LISTEN for what God is saying RIGHT NOW!

2. Never yield to the temptation of depending on our own righteousness; but wear the Righteousness of Christ and let that Righteousness PURIFY me by the BLOOD OF CHRIST!

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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Osaka, Japan

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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New Dehli, India

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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Mexico City, Mexico

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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Mumbai, India

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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Manila, Phillipines

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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Seoul, Korea

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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NYC, New York

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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Jakarta, Indonesia

The Seventh Bowl: THE END OF CITY LIFE!!!

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Tokyo, Japan

Revelation Chapters 17 & 18:

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The Judgement of the Great Whore!

Who / What is Babylon the Great???

Three Clues: 1. She is a WOMAN.2. She sits on a

BEAST.3. Her Title!

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“The Two Babylons”

Begun in 1853, this little pamplet was expanded and later published as a book (323+ pages) in 1858.

It was written by the Reverend Alexander Hislop, an ordained

minister of the Presbyterian Free Church of Scotland, and

traces the progress of pagan/false religion from

Babylon through Assyria, Egypt, Greece and


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God’s Plea to His People in Babylon:

COME OUT OF HER, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues;

For her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Rev. 18:4,5

...and in her was found the blood of prophets and saints and of all who have been slain on the Earth! Rev. 18:24



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