
Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Review. Which culture lived in wigwams?. a. Mississipian b. Adena c. Hopewell d. Hohokam. What is “soapstone”? Which culture used it for carving?. Cahokia is a large temple mound site of the. a. The Hohokam b. The Hopewell c. The Anasazi d. The Missisippian. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Which culture lived in wigwams?

a. Mississipian

b. Adena

c. Hopewell

d. Hohokam

What is “soapstone”? Which culture used it for carving?

Cahokia is a large temple mound site of the

a. The Hohokam

b. The Hopewell

c. The Anasazi

d. The Missisippian

The Adena culture began in what is now...

a. Ohio

b. Mississippi

c. Arizona

d. California

Which culture’s name means “The Ancient Ones”

a. The Hohokam

b. The Hopewell

c. The Anasazi

d. The Missisippian

Give two examples of how the Inuits learned survival from their physical surroundings?

The Adenas built mounds for

a. storing their famous artwork

b. burial sites

c. as tributes to the gods

d. as part of their irrigation system

Why do the Inuit hunt seals?

Which culture came first of the two:

a. Adena

b. Hopewell

Which culture used an advanced canal system to water crops in the harsh climate?

a. Hohokam

b. Adena

c. Hopewell

d. Mississppian

What were the Anasazi pueblos built out of

a. Heavy logs and a mud cement

b. stone and adobe

c. stick structures with animal skin coverings

d. None of the above

Why do archeologists think the Anasazi abandoned their homes in 1280?

a. a drought

b. invading tribes

c. Spanish invasion

d. seeking better farmland

Which group is known as “The Vanished Ones”

Why do young Inuit boys learn how to carve?

Why would “reading snow” be important to survive in the Canadian tundra?

Snaketown was the largest village of the...

a. Hopewell

b. Anasazi

c. Mississippian

d. Hohokam

Which came first Hohokam or Anasazi?

What is a petroglyph?

What items did the Hohokam and Adena trade?

Why are Huskies important to the Inuit?