REVIEW OF VOCABULARY PROCEDURE Every Monday you will receive 10 vocabulary words that you will be...

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Every Monday you will receive 10 vocabulary words that you will be tested on, the following Monday (or Tuesday if there is no school Monday )

You will copy the 10 words, their definitions, part of speech, and synonyms and antonyms by the end of the class period every Monday

*If you receive a 90% on the test from the previous week you may opt out

We will go over the words as a class, via power point, the day they are assigned or the Friday before the test and before you take the test.

You will receive 10 points extra credit for making flash cards- due at the time of the test.

If you are caught cheating; you will receive a zero, your parents will be notified, and you will be written up

What are synonyms?

What are antonyms?

What are parts of speech?

How do we use the vocab book?Units in corner!A: Words1-10B: Words11-20

Checking out a vocab book:After school, due the next day in class

After schools assigned until book is returnedTests can be retaken or made up anytime before school, after school, or at lunch if

scheduled ahead of time


1. Allocate: (v) to set apart or designate for a special purpose; to distribute

Synonyms: assign, allot, apportion

2. Ardent: (adj) very enthusiastic, impassioned*what does the prefix “im” mean?

Synonyms: intense, zealous, fervent, avidAntonyms: indifferent, stolid, phlegmatic, apathetic

3. Assiduous: (adj) persistent, attentive, diligent

Synonyms: industrious, unremitting, sedulousAntonyms: lazy, lackadaisical, shiftlessness

*what does the prefix “un” mean?

4. Brash: (adj) prone to acting in a hasty manner; imprudent *what does the prefix “im” mean?

Synonyms: rash, impetuous, brazen, impertinentAntonyms: prudent, wary, cautious, circumspect

5. Capricious: (adj) subject to whims or passing fancies

Synonyms: impulsive, fickle, unpredictable, mercurialAntonyms: constant, steady, steadfast, unwavering

6. Chastise: (v) to inflict physical punishment as a means of correction; to scold severely

Synonyms: discipline, censure Antonyms: commend, reward

7. Copious: (adj) abundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose

*what are the last two describing?

Synonyms: ample, profuse, bountifulAntonyms: inadequate, meager, scanty, concise

*what does the prefix “in” mean?Which antonyms were previous vocab words?

8. Deviate: (v) to turn aside; to stray from a norm; (n) one who departs from a norm;

(adj) differing from a norm, heterodox, unconventional

*what’s a norm? What are class room norms? What are school norms? *what does the root “hetero” and the prefixes “un” and “de” mean?

Synonyms: diverge, veer, swerveAntonyms: conform to; abide by; orthodox

9. Emaciated: (adj., part.) unnaturally thin

Synonyms: gaunt, withered, shriveledAntonyms: plump, fat, obese, corpulent

10. Exult: (v) to rejoice greatly

Synonyms: revel, gloryAntonyms: mope, sulk, regret, rue, lament

Which words in the definition and

the synonyms were previous vocab words?

Review!What is a good trick for using a definition

to find out if a word is a verb?

What is a “part.”?What is a“;” and what is it used for?

11. Gnarled: (adj) knotted, twisted, lumpy*what is this word usually used to describe?

Synonyms: knotty, misshapen, contortedAntonyms: smooth, unblemished, straight

12. Indemnity: (n) a payment for damage or loss

Synonyms: comprehension, restitution, reparation*what does the prefix “re” mean?

*when do you hear these synonyms used?

13. Inkling: (n) a hint; a vague notion

Synonyms: clue, intimation, suggestion

14. Limpid: (adj) clear, transparent; readily understood

*what sort of things might this word describe?

Synonyms: lucid, intelligibleAntonyms: clouded, murky, opaque

15. Omnipotent: (adj) almighty, having unlimited power or authority

*what does the prefix “omni” mean?*what does the root word “potent” mean?

Synonyms: all-powerfulAntonyms: powerless, impotent, feeble, weak

*remember what the prefix “im” means?

16. Palatable: (adj) agreeable to the taste or one’s sensibilities; suitable for consumption

*what is your “palate”?

Synonyms: edible, appetizing, attractiveAntonyms: inedible, distasteful, disagreeable

*what does the prefix “dis” mean?*remember what “in” means?

17. Poignant: (adj) deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell

*what is the difference between affecting and effecting?

Synonyms: heartrending, bittersweet, melancholyAntonyms: unaffecting, bland, vapid, insipid, funny

*what does the prefix “un” mean?

18. Rancor: (n) bitter resentment or ill-will

Synonyms: animosity, enmity, bitternessAntonyms: goodwill, harmony, rapport, amity

*which is a previous vocabulary word?

19. Sophomoric: (adj) immature and overconfident; conceited

Synonyms: pretentious, superficial, fatuousAntonyms: mature, judicial, sage, knowledgeable

20. Spontaneous: (adj) arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance

Synonyms: unpremeditated, unplanned, impromptuAntonyms: premeditated, planned, contrived, rehearsed

*what does the prefix “pre” mean?

Review Latin:DEIMIN