Revision week 2

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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Section A1.Software is also known as program.

2. URL is a/an address of homepage

3. Which one of the graphic software used to illustrate using points, lines and curve?Adobe illustrator

Section B1.List two types of software.i. Applications softwareii. System software

2.List two operating system used by IBM computeri.Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vistaii.Mac OS, Linux, Redhat

Section B3.Give two tasks of operating system

i.Control centre for input, processes and output.ii. Handles errorsiii. Command centreiv. Manages files

Section B4. What do you understand by booting up?

Booting up means restarting the computer or when the computer system is started.

5. What do you mean by software?Software is an instruction for

the processor.

Revision test6. List two examples of application software below :

O Word processing Microsoft word and Word Perfect

O Spreadsheet Microsoft excel and Lotus 123

O Database Microsoft acess and Dbase

O Multimedia Microsoft powerpoint and Movie maker

Revision test7. List one examples of application

software below:a. Graphic software

ORaster graphics Adobe photoshop

OVector graphics Adobe illustrator

Microsoft paint

b. Desktop publisher

Indesign Microsoft publisher

Revision test8. List one use of word processing

Word processing is used to edit and create documents.

9. List one use of spreadsheet.

Spreadsheet is used to store numerical data and set formulae to perform calculations.

Section C, Q1Internet is a very powerful resource that is becoming

increasingly indispensible to various industriesm private

companies, government bodies, interest groups and

individuals around the world.

Section C, Q11. a.Name three items that connect to the


i. Computer ii.Modem

iii.Telephone line iv.Internet Service Provider v. Web browser

Section C, Q1b. Name two examples of web browser.

Mozilla firefox safariOpera

Internet explorergoogle chrome

Section C, Q1C. List two benefits internet usage.

i. Search for useful information, read the latest news and updates.

ii. Watch movie and video clips, chat with people from around the world.

iii. Read message that people have sent to you.

Section C, Q1d. List two disadvantages using


i. Become plagiarism ,

ii.Bad undesirable content

iii.Sometimes web page content virus, trojan and spyware

Section C, Q1e. What do WWW, URL and ISP mean ?

WWW World Wide Web

URL Universal Resource Locator

ISP Internet Service



Adobe flash plug-in

Sun java plug -in

Foreign language translatorQuick application launcerA faster web search

Section C, Q2The figure below shows a Central Processing Unit which consists of the ALU, part A and part B.



Section C, Q2a.Name the part label A.

Immediate Access ( Memory unit )

b.Name the part label B. Control unitINPUT OUTPUTA


Section C, Q2a.Name the part label A.

Immediate Access ( Memory unit )

b.Name the part label B. Control unit

Section C, Q2c. What is the function of label A?To hold program instruction and data before processing .

d. What is the function of label B?Control data flow between different parts of a computer.

Section C, Q2e.What is the function of label ALU?

Processes data by performing calculation arithmetic and logical operations.

f. The speed of computer is measured in hertz.

Reminder1. 2nd Monthly test on 19 / 09/

2011 , Monday.

Don’t forget to read the topic below :

1.Types of software2.Application software

3.Internet4.Central processing unit

5.Ram and Rom