Revisiting User Privacy for Certi cate ·...

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Revisiting User Privacy for CertificateTransparency?

Daniel Kales, Olamide Omolola, and Sebastian Ramacher

Graz University of Technology, Graz,

Abstract. Public key infrastructure (PKI) based on certificate author-ities is one of the cornerstones of secure communication over the inter-net. Certificates issued as part of this PKI provide authentication of webservers among others. Yet, the PKI ecosystem is susceptible to certificatemisissuance and misuse attacks. To prevent those attacks, CertificateTransparency (CT) facilitates auditing of issued certificates and detect-ing certificates issued without authorization. Users that want to verifyinclusion of certificates on CT log servers contact the CT server directlyto retrieve inclusion proofs. This direct contact with the log server createsa privacy problem since the users’ browsing activities could be recordedby the log server owner.

Lueks and Goldberg (FC 2015) suggested the use of Private Informa-tion Retrieval (PIR) in order to protect the users’ privacy in the CTecosystem. With the immense amount of certificates included on CT logservers, their approach runs into performance issues, however. Neverthe-less, we build on this approach and extend it using multi-tier Merkletrees, and render it practical using multi-server PIR protocols based ondistributed point functions (DPFs). Our approach leads to a scalabledesign suitable to handle the increasing number of certificates and is, inaddition, generic allowing instantiations using secure accumulators andPIRs.

We implement and test this mechanism for privacy-preserving member-ship proof retrieval and show that it can be integrated without disrupt-ing existing CT infrastructure. Most importantly, even for larger CT logscontaining 231certificates, our approach using sub-accumulators can pro-vide privacy with a performance overhead of less than 9 milliseconds intotal.

Keywords: Certificate Transparency · User Privacy · Private Information Re-trieval

? This is the full version of a paper to appear at 2019 4th IEEE European Symposiumon Security and Privacy, EuroS&P 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, June 17–19, 2019. c©IEEE, 2019.


1 Introduction

Nowadays Transport Layer Security (TLS) [Res18] is the de-factor standard forsecure communication over the internet. In general, TLS enables two parties—aclient and a server—to agree on a shared secret key which can then be usedto encrypt payload data. During the handshake that is responsible to performthe key agreement, the client most commonly verifies the server’s identity basedon the server’s X.509 certificate [CSF+08] issued by some trusted certificateauthority (CA). However, in the standard certificate ecosystem, there is stillroom for misuse, as multiple certificates may be issued for the same domainname. The most prominent examples of such incidents include CAs like Comodo1

or DigiNotar2 issuing certificates for, among others, subdomains of the latter case of DigiNotar, these fraudulent certificates were used for man-in-the-middle attacks against users.

To this end, countermeasures like Certificate Transparency (CT) [Lau14, LLK13,DGHS16] have received a lot of attention recently. In CT, all issued TLS cer-tificates are publicly logged. Its goal is to allow any party to audit the publiclog and find suspicious certificates or check the integrity of the log itself. Theultimate goal of CT is to eventually have clients refuse connections for certifi-cates that are not included in a public log. Google began enforcing this policyfor certificates issued after April 20183 in its browser. Also, other big browservendors such as Apple and Mozilla are in the process of enforcing this policy.

In a logging system, web clients need to ensure that log servers do not hand outpromises of certificate inclusion in the log without actually doing so. To combatmisbehaving log servers, web clients act as auditors, verifying that any certifi-cates they received are actually publicly logged. Although this is an importantrole, it has negative privacy implications for clients performing such an auditingrole, as verifying the inclusion of a certificate reveals the browsing behavior ofthe client to the log server.

1.1 Overview of the Certificate Transparency Ecosystem

Certificate Transparency is a large ecosystem with many participants. First,there are so-called submitters, who submit certificates or precertificates4 to thelog server and receive a Signed Certificate Timestamp (SCT). An SCT is a logserver’s promise that the certificate it was issued for will be included in the log


middle.html3 Precertificates are certificates provided to the log before the issuance of the actual

certificate. They contain a special critical poison extension that renders the certifi-cate unusable in TLS connections.


server after a particular time period called Maximum Merge Delay (MMD). ThisSCT is then either directly included in the certificate or exchanged with a webclient during the TLS handshake. Submitters are usually CAs, but, in general,anyone can submit certificates to the log server.

Log servers receive certificate chains and issue SCTs for them. They add thosechains (together with the respective SCTs) to a data structure which allows tostore elements and to later produce succinct witnesses to attest the membershipof certain values within this data structure. Conceptually, such a data structurerealizes what is formalized by cryptographic accumulators (see [DHS15] for anoverview). Technically, it is realized using Merkle trees [Mer89].

The role of monitors is to watch the log servers and audit their behavior byverifying the validity and consistency of the accumulator over time. Monitorsalso can check for misissued certificates and alert domain owners when theydetect a potentially malicious certificate in the log.

Finally, there are so-called auditors, who verify the SCTs’ signature and checkthat the accompanying certificate is present in the log by requesting a witnessattesting their membership in the accumulator and verifying it against the cur-rent accumulator value. They additionally can request a proof of consistencywith respect to changes in the accumulator over time. An auditor is an essentialpart of a TLS client, but it could also be a secondary function of a monitor.Auditors built into TLS clients do not necessarily perform this inclusion checksin real time when visiting a website; usually, only the SCT signatures are ver-ified against the public keys of trusted log servers. The Merkle-tree inclusionproofs are then retrieved asynchronously at a later time to audit if the log serveris well-behaved. Chromium-based browsers already have a built-in componentthat validate SCTs by sending them to a Google resolver that validates inclu-sion proofs. A misbehaving log server, issuing SCTs for certificates that are notlogged by the server, will then get reported to big browser vendors and willsubsequently be removed from the list of trusted log servers.

Current State of the Certificate Transparency Ecosystem Due to theefforts of big browser vendors, especially Google, the CT ecosystem is growingrapidly. As of August 2018, several of the big CT log servers (e.g., Google Argon)have more than 250 million certificates in their log. Even the smaller log servershave more than 10 million active certificates, with a certificate issuance rate of ≈53000 new certificates per hour. Two months later (October, 2018), the certificateissuance rate jumped to ≈ 105000 new certificates per hour and several of thebig CT log servers (e.g., Google Argon) have more than 400 million certificatesin their log servers. Cloudflare’s CT statistics website5 publishes live statisticsabout the current state of CT log servers.



A big factor in these numbers is the growing popularity of Let’s Encrypt,6 afree, automated certificate authority that accounts for more than 72% of allcertificates in CT logs (cf. Table 1) This huge number of certificates makes theuse of simple privacy-preserving techniques, such as simply downloading the fulllog, impossible in practice.

Root CA Certificates Percentage

DigiCert 64,226,041 5%Let’s Encrypt 941,016,262 72%Sectigo 246,484,842 19%Other 62,114,615 5%

Table 1. Number of certificates per CAs tracked as part of CT. Numbers are basedon data from as of April 8th, 2019.

1.2 Privacy Challenges with CT

The auditors’ role in CT is essential because they verify that a log server didnot issue an SCT for a certificate that is not included in the public log after theMMD. However, this vital process of auditing SCTs in CT can violate a user’sprivacy if the auditor is, e.g., a TLS client.

The CT auditor checks that the corresponding certificate of each valid SCT isincluded in the log server. This is done by requesting a membership proof forthe certificate hash from the log server and verifying it against the accumulatorvalue (the Signed Tree Hash (STH)) of the log server. The downside to thisapproach is that it reveals the browsing behavior of the specific auditor (whichis usually a TLS client) to the log server because having a particular SCT meansthat the auditor visited this website. A malicious log server can choose to recordthis browsing behavior and sell this browsing history to interested third parties,like advertising agencies.

On the other hand, the privacy problem stated above can also weaken the in-tegrity of the CT ecosystem, since TLS clients are discouraged to audit siteswhich they may not want to be associated with, e.g., sites of political, religiousor sexual nature. In turn, if no-one is auditing the validity of SCTs for thesecertificates, they can more likely become targets for adversaries, as they couldconvince a malicious log server to issue an SCT for a malicious certificate andnot include it into its log. If a potential victim of a man-in-the-middle attackusing this malicious certificate is not likely to audit the SCT because he does not



want his browsing behavior known, this attack is much more likely to succeedunnoticed.

Furthermore, the privacy problem is transferred to applications or protocols thatuse CT as a basis or follow the same architectural design. One such applicationis DECIM [YRC18], which aims to detect the compromise of endpoints in mes-saging scenarios. DECIM provides a key management protocol based on CT andenables users to refresh and manage keys in a transparent manner. Users of thissystem query keys from log servers and can thereby leak their communicationpartners. Thus, the authors of DECIM suggest the use of spoof queries over ananonymous channel such as Tor to hide the actual user queries from the logservers. Our proposed solutions can also be directly applied to DECIM.

1.3 Our Contribution

In this work, we tackle the privacy issues within the Certificate Transparencyecosystem. Our contributions are as follows:

– We build on top of Lueks and Goldberg’s approach [LG15] for privacy-preserving retrieval of inclusion proofs from CT log servers. To achieve pri-vacy there, clients fetch inclusion proofs using a multi-server private infor-mation retrieval (PIR) protocol. We, however, present a more scalable designfor logging a huge number of certificates, which allows us to include smallstatic partial inclusion proofs in an SCT, a server’s certificate or as a TLSextension. The client can then check the inclusion based on the partial proofand by fetching the missing parts of the proof using a PIR-based approach.

– We verify the practicality of our approach by extending Google’s CT logserver implementation and performing experiments on realistic log serversizes. Even without using the approach of sub-trees, we report practical per-formance numbers and improve both runtime and communication comparedto previous approaches. For our multi-tier approach, we report a client run-time overhead of less than a millisecond in total, a server runtime overheadof less than 9 milliseconds, and total communication overhead of around 7KB for 231 certificates when using hourly sub-trees, and even below 1 mil-liseconds for clients and servers for sub-trees accumulating certificates perminute.

Specifically, our goal is to tackle the privacy issue without any changes to theTLS server side to ease the possibility of a fast deployment. In our approach,we split the Merkle tree containing all certificates into multiple tiers of smallerMerkle trees where the trees at the bottom contain certificates. This split can,for example, be based on a parameterizable time interval or a maximum numberof certificates. The sub-trees, respectively their roots, are then combined intothe larger tree containing all certificates. This separation of the certificates intosmaller sub-trees then allows us to embed membership proofs concerning thesub-trees in an extension field of the SCT or as an X.509v3 extension [CSF+08]


into the certificate itself. As the height of the larger tree is now considerablysmaller than a single tree containing all certificates, the approach by Lueks andGoldberg [LG15] using PIR to fetch the membership proofs, becomes practicalagain.

We formalize our approach in more general terms using accumulators and sub-accumulators, where we consider the smaller sub-trees as accumulators and thenthe full tree as an accumulator of accumulators. Using this abstraction, we dis-cuss different types of accumulators including Merkle-tree accumulators as wellas RSA and bilinear pairing based ones in terms of their performance character-istics as well as their consequences on the security on the CT ecosystem.

Additionally, we use a different two-server PIR solution as an alternative to thePIR scheme used by Lueks and Goldberg. We make use of the work on distributedpoint functions by Gilboa and Ishai [GI14] to build an efficient two-party compu-tationally secure PIR system and present a highly performant implementation.For this, the client needs to know the index i of the item it wants to retrieve inthe database. At the moment, there no such index exists in the SCTs that arereturned by the log server. Therefore, we propose to include such an index inthe CtExtensions field of an SCT. Alternatively, this static piece of informationcan also be included in a TLS extension.

Finally, our approach is general and can also be applied to other systems based onCT-like architectures. In particular, it could be used to replace the spoof queriesover Tor as proposed in DECIM for hiding a user’s communication partners.

1.4 Related Work

Different approaches have been proposed to solve various privacy issues in thecontext of CT, and we discuss some of them below as well as known privacy-preserving techniques.

Tor [DMS04] and AN.ON [BFK00], two open and privacy-enhancing networkscan provide the needed infrastructure to solve the privacy problem in CT. Inboth networks, the client requesting an inclusion proof is anonymous through aseries of complex routing mechanisms. However, Tor suffers from unpredictableperformance and AN.ON has limited bandwidth and has no load balancing mech-anisms [WHF07].

Another suggestion allows the clients to receive the inclusion proofs using specialDNS records through their DNS resolvers [Lau16]. In this case, the log serveroperates DNS name servers which serve authoritative answers to special queriesfrom web clients. One of the pitfalls [Mes17] of this approach is that the browsinghistory is still observable since DNS requests are mostly sent in plaintext overUDP.

The draft of version 2 of the CT RFC [LLK+18] discusses the privacy issuesin CT and presents three mechanisms to retrieve the Merkle inclusion proofs


in a privacy-preserving way. The first mechanism involves a new TLS extensionwhere the TLS servers send the inclusion proofs and SCTs in the process of com-munication with the client. The inclusion proofs and the SCTs can be updatedon the fly in this case. This approach puts additional load on the server, i.e., theserver has to continually update the inclusion proofs it has in storage. The secondmechanism involves the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) [SMA+13]. Auser contacts the OCSP service of a certificate authority to check whether a cer-tificate was revoked, thus leaking the browsing behavior to the CA. The OCSPcan also be used in this manner to deliver inclusion proofs to the client. How-ever, OCSP does not solve the privacy problem but simply shifts the informationleakage to a certificate authority. OCSP stapling [III11], which was initially de-signed to offload computational costs to the servers, also helps to address privacyissues, since the client no longer needs to contact the CA themselves, but veri-fies the time-stamped OCSP response appended by the server to the initial TLShandshake. The OCSP stapling approach also adds additional load on the serverbecause the time-stamped OCSP response has to be continuously changed andupdated. The final mechanism involves adding the inclusion proofs and the SCTsdirectly as an X509v3 certificate extension. This extension can not regularly beupdated, and while it provides privacy, it quickly de-synchronizes with the logservers.

Lueks and Goldberg [LG15] propose to store membership proofs in a PIR databaseoptimized for multi-user queries. The database stores a record containing themembership proof for each certificate; thus for storing 2` certificates, the databaseis required to store ` · 2` hashes. For log servers storing a million of certificates,the performance is reasonable; however, current CT log servers contain a hun-dred times more certificates than assumed by Lueks and Goldberg, renderingtheir approach impracticable.

Eskandarian et al. [EMBB17] address another privacy issue, which is not thefocus of this work. In case a misbehaving log server is identified, an auditor isrequired to publish the offending SCT to indicate the log server’s misbehavior.Naturally, the incident together with the SCT would then be reported to browservendors managing the list of trusted log servers. However, this again leaks theclient’s browsing behavior to a third party. Eskandarian et al. tackle this issueby constructing zero-knowledge proofs of exclusion, proving that an SCT hasbeen excluded from a log whereas the verifier only learns that an entry has beenexcluded. Their techniques fundamentally rely on efficient proofs of knowledgeof signatures together with suitable signature schemes for signing timestamps.

A recent proposal [NGR18] addresses the issues related to gossiping in CertificateTransparency. Gossiping is the sharing of information about log servers betweenclients. The authors propose three protocols for gossiping SCTs and Signed TreeHeads (STHs) amongst web clients. The protocols necessitate the exchange ofsensitive information that can be used to aggregate network activities of differentclients or track clients across different origins. The authors proposed measuresto ensure that the possibility of such a privacy breach is minimal. However, the


protocols and the privacy measures of this draft focus primarily on the gossipingprotocols and do not address the privacy concerns that come with the fetchingof inclusion proofs.

Demmler et al. [DRRT18] use a PIR based on distributed point functions (DPF)to construct a multi-server private set-intersection protocol optimized for unbal-anced set sizes. In addition to a performant implementation, they also touch ondeployment considerations, which we also discuss in Section 5.4.

Splinter [WYG+17], a system built on Function Secret Sharing and DPFs, pro-vides privacy for users querying a public database. The query from a user issplit and sent to multiple servers that have a copy of the same data. Splintercannot only retrieve data in a PIR-like fashion but also enables a user to com-pute functions such as MAX or TOPK over ranges of the public data withoutnon-colluding servers learning any information about the query.

A different approach to PIR is called oblivious RAM (ORAM), where a client canread and write to a database stored on a server without the server learning aboutthe location or content of the reads and writes. The original work of Goldreich[Gol87] has spawned an extensive line of work for different ORAM constructionsand improvements, a recent example being [SvDS+18]. However, while ORAM isa more powerful primitive than PIR, it is not well suited for the scenario of CT,since the database is read-only and public, with many different clients wantingto retrieve data.

A different line of work investigates privacy-preserving key directories, which aresimilar to the logging infrastructure used in CT but additionally hide the con-tents of the key directory. Examples of such systems include CONIKS [MBB+15],EthIKS [Bon16], Catena [TD17], and the generalization of Verifiable Key Direc-tories by Chase et al. [CDG18].

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce cryptographic primitives and constructions thatwe subsequently use as building blocks. Notation-wise, let [n] := {1, . . . , n} forn ∈ N. For an algorithm A, we write A(· · · ; r) to make the random coins explicit.We say that an algorithm is efficient, if it runs in probabilistic polynomial time(PPT).

2.1 Accumulators

We rely on the formalization of accumulators by Derler et al. [DHS15]. Basedon this formalization, we then state the Merkle tree, the RSA, and the bilinearaccumulators within this framework. We start with the definition of a staticaccumulator.


Definition 1 (Static Accumulator). A static accumulator is a tuple of effi-cient algorithms (Gen,Eval,WitCreate,Verify) which are defined as follows:

Gen(1κ, t) : This algorithm takes a security parameter κ and a parameter t. Ift 6= ∞, then t is an upper bound on the number of elements to be accumu-lated. It returns a key pair (skΛ, pkΛ), where skΛ = ∅ if no trapdoor exists.We assume that the accumulator public key pkΛ implicitly defines the accu-mulation domain DΛ.

Eval((skΛ, pkΛ),X ) : This algorithm takes a key pair (skΛ, pkΛ) and a set X tobe accumulated and returns an accumulator ΛX together with some auxiliaryinformation aux.

WitCreate((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , aux, xi) : This algorithm takes a key pair (skΛ, pkΛ), anaccumulator ΛX , auxiliary information aux and a value xi. It returns ⊥, ifxi /∈ X , and a witness witxi for xi otherwise.

Verify(pkΛ,ΛX ,witxi , xi) : This algorithm takes a public key pkΛ, an accumulatorΛX , a witness witxi and a value xi. It returns 1 if witxi is a witness forxi ∈ X and 0 otherwise.

We now define a dynamic accumulator, but adapt it to our use-case. We onlyallow additions of elements to the accumulator.

Definition 2 (Dynamic Accumulator). A dynamic accumulator is a staticaccumulator with an additional tuple of efficient algorithms (Add,WitUpdate)which are defined as follows:

Add((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , aux, x) : This deterministic algorithm takes a key pair (skΛ,pkΛ), an accumulator ΛX , auxiliary information aux, as well as an elementx to be added. If x ∈ X , it returns ⊥. Otherwise, it returns the updatedaccumulator ΛX ′′ with X ′ ← X ∪ {x} and updated auxiliary informationaux′.

WitUpdate((skΛ, pkΛ),witxi , aux, x) : This algorithm takes a key pair (skΛ, pkΛ),a witness witxi to be updated, auxiliary information aux and an x which wasadded to the accumulator. It returns an updated witness wit′xi on success and⊥ otherwise.

Note that the formalization of accumulators by Derler et al. gives access to atrapdoor if it exists. Giving those algorithms access to the trapdoor can often bebeneficial performance-wise, but requires additional trust assumptions. We willdiscuss the consequences for instantiating our schemes in Section 3.3.

Finally, we recall the notion of collision freeness:

Definition 3 (Collision Freeness). A cryptographic accumulator is collision-free, if for all PPT adversaries A there is a negligible function ε(·) such that:


[(skΛ, pkΛ)← Gen(1κ, t),(wit?xi , x

?i ,X?)← AO(pkΛ)


?,wit?xi , x?i) = 1

∧ x?i /∈ X?]≤ ε(κ),


where Λ? ← Evalr?((skΛ, pkΛ),X?) and the adversary gets access to the orcales

O = {Eval((skΛ, pkΛ), ·),WitCreate((skΛ, pkΛ), ·, ·, ·)}

and, if the accumulator is dynamic, additionally to

{Add((skΛ, pkΛ), ·, ·, ·),WitUpdate((skΛ, pkΛ), ·, ·, ·)}.

2.2 Merkle-tree Accumulator

In Scheme 1, we cast the Merkle-tree accumulator in the framework of [DHS15].Correctness can easily be verified. We restate the well-known fact that this ac-

Gen(1κ, t) : Fix a family of hash functions {Hk}k∈Kκ with Hk : {0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}κ ∀ k ∈Kκ. Choose k←R Kκ and return (skΛ, pkΛ)← (∅, Hk).

Eval((skΛ, pkΛ),X ) : Parse pkΛ as Hk and X as (x0, . . . , xn−1). If @ k ∈ N so that n = 2k

return ⊥. Otherwise, let `u,v refer to the u-th leaf (the leftmost leaf is indexed by0) in the v-th layer (the root is indexed by 0) of a perfect binary tree. ReturnΛX ← `0,0 and aux← ((`u,v)u∈[n/2k−v ])v∈[k], where

`u,v ←{Hk(`2u,v+1||`2u+1,v+1) if v < k, andHk(xi) if v = k.

WitCreate((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , aux, xi) : Parse aux as ((`u,v)u∈[n/2k−v ])v∈[k] and return witxiwhere

witxi ← (`bi/2vc+η,k−v)0≤v≤k, where η =

{1 if bi/2vc (mod 2) = 0−1 otherwise.

Verify(pkΛ,ΛX ,witxi , xi) : Parse pkΛ as Hk, ΛX as `0,0, set `i,k ← Hk(xi). Recursivelycheck for all 0 < v < k whether the following holds and return 1 if so. Otherwisereturn 0.

`bi/2v+1c,k−(v+1) =

{Hk(`bi/2vc,k−v||`bi/2vc+1,k−v) if bi/2vc (mod 2) = 0Hk(`bi/2vc−1,k−v||`bi/2vc,k−v) otherwise.

Scheme 1: Merkle-tree accumulator.

cumulator is collision free.

Lemma 1. If {Hk}k∈Kκ is a family of collision resistant hash functions, thestatic accumulator in Scheme 1 is collision free.

In the current CT log server implementation, Hk is instantiated using SHA-256.Also, in practical instantiation, the requirement that Eval only works on sets ofa size that is a power of 2 can be dropped. It is always possible to repeat thelast element until the tree is of the correct size.


2.3 Dynamic Public-Key Accumulators

Besides hash based-based constructions, major lines of work investigated ac-cumulators in the hidden order groups, i.e. RSA-based, and the known ordergroups, i.e. discete logarithm-based, setting. The first collision-free RSA-basedaccumulator is due to Baric and Pfitzmann [BP97]. The accumulator in thisconstruction consists of a generator raised to the product of all elements of theset. Then witnesses essentially consist of the same value skipping the respectiveelements in the product. Thereby, the witness can easily be verified by raisingthe power of the withness to the element and checking if result matches the accu-mulator. We recall the RSA-based accumulator in Scheme 2. Note however, thatwe define WitCreate in a way that does not require the factorization of N , secret key is required. Correctness can easily verified, and collision freeness

Gen(1κ, t) : Fix a hash functions H with H : {0, 1}∗ → P. Choose an RSA modulusN = p · q with two large safe primes p, q, and let g be a random quadratic residuemod N . Set skΛ ← ∅ and pkΛ ← (N, g,H)

Eval((skΛ, pkΛ),X ) : Parse pkΛ as (N, g,H). Return ΛX ← g∏x∈X H(x) mod N and

aux← X .WitCreate((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , aux, x) : Return witx ← g

∏x′∈X\{x}H(x′) mod N .

Verify(pkΛ,ΛX ,witx, x) : Parse pkΛ as (N, g,H). If witH(x)x = ΛX mod N holds, return

1, otherwise return 0.Add((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , aux, x) : Parse pkΛ as (N, g,H) and aux as X . Set X ′ ← X ∪ {x},

aux′ ← X ′, and ΛX ′ ← ΛH(x)

X ′ mod N . Return ΛX ′ and aux′.

WitUpdate((skΛ, pkΛ),witxi , aux, x) : Parse pkΛ as (N, g,H). Return witH(x)xi mod N .

Scheme 2: RSA-based accumulator.

follows from the strong RSA assumption:

Lemma 2 ([BP97]). If the strong RSA assumption holds, Scheme 2 is collision-free.

Additionally, we recall the t-SDH-based accumulator from Nguyen [Ngu05]. Theidea here is to encode the accumulated elements in a polynomial. This poly-nomial is then evaluated for a fixed element and the result is randomized toobtain the accumulator. Similar to the RSA-based accumulator, a witness con-sists of the evaluation of the same polynomial with the term corresponding tothe respective element cancelled out. For verification a pairing is used to checkwhether the polynomial encoded in the witness is a factor of the one encodedin the accumulator. The scheme is depicted in Scheme 3. Again we define theaccumulator in a way that no secret key, i.e. s, is required. Correctness is againobvious, whereas collision freeness follows from the t-SDH assumption:


Gen(1κ, t) : Let G be a prime order group p generated by g with a bilinear map e :

G×G→ GT . Choose s ∈ Z∗p and return skΛ ← ∅ and pkΛ ← (G, e, (gsi


Eval((skΛ, pkΛ),X ) : Parse pkΛ as (G, e, (gsi

)ti=0) and X as subset of Zp. Expand

the polynomial∏x∈X (x + X) =

∑ni=0 aiX

i, choose r←R Z∗p and return ΛX ←(∏ni=0 g

si)ai)r and aux← (r,X ).WitCreate((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , aux, x) : Parse aux as (r,X ), run (witx, . . .) ←

Eval((skΛ, pkΛ),X \ {x}; r), and return witx.

Verify(pkΛ,ΛX ,witx, x) : Parse pkΛ as (G, e, (gsi

)ti=0). If e(ΛX , g) = e(witx, gx ·gs) holds,

return 1, otherwise return 0.Add((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , aux, x) : Parse pkΛ and aux as (r,X ). Set X ′ ← X ∪ {x} and return

Eval((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , aux,X ; r).WitUpdate((skΛ, pkΛ),witxi , aux, x) : Return ΛXwitx−xixi .

Scheme 3: t-SDH-based accumulator.

Lemma 3 ([Ngu05]). If the t-SDH assumption holds, Scheme 3 is collision-free.

2.4 Distributed Point Functions

Distributed Point Functions (DPFs) were introduced by Gilboa and Ishai [GI14]and later generalized and improved by Boyle, Gilboa, and Ishai [BGI15, BGI16]in a concept called Function Secret Sharing (FSS). A point function Px,y is afunction defined for x, y ∈ {0, 1}∗, so that

Px,y(x′) =

{y if x′ = x

0|y| otherwise.

A DPF is a keyed function family Fk, where given x, y we can generate nkeyshares (k0, k1, . . . , kn) so that

∑ni=0 Fki = Px,y and Fki completely hides

x and y. We focus on the case of two parties because efficient DPF constructionsexist for n = 2, where the sizes of the key-shares ki are logarithmic in the domainof the DPF input, whereas the best generic multi-party construction of DPFshave key-share sizes in the order of the square root of the domain.

The interface of a DPF is given as a tuple of functions (DPF.Gen,DPF.Eval)in [BGI16], and is defined for general y, however for our use, we restrict it toy = 1. We also fix the number of parties to two, and then use AES as anefficiently computatble PRF, as suggested by [BGI16]. In the following, N refersto the domain of the DPF. We describe the interface in the following:

DPF.Gen(x) : Given an index x ∈ [N ], this algorithm returns a key pair (k0, k1).

DPF.Eval(kb) : Given a key kb, which is the result of a previous call to DPF.Gen(x),this algorithm produces a keystreamKb of lengthN . GivenK0 = DPF.Eval(k0)


and K1 = DPF.Eval(k1),

(K0 ⊕K1)[x′] =

{1 if x′ = x

0 otherwise.

2.5 Private Information Retrieval

Private Information Retrieval (PIR) is a primitive originally introduced by Choret al. [CKGS98], that allows a client to retrieve an item from a server databasewithout the server learning anything about the item requested. The server’sprivacy is not a concern in PIR schemes, and the database may even be public,only the client’s query is considered private.

Computational PIR is a flavor of PIR where the client’s query is hidden from apolynomially bounded server. Such PIR schemes can, for example, be built fromfully homomorphic encryption (FHE). Information-theoretic PIR protects theclient’s query even against a computationally unbounded server. Such schemesusually rely on multiple non-colluding servers to provide such strong privacyguarantees and usually offer more performance than single-server PIR schemes.Since the introduction of PIR in the 1990s by Chor et al. many works haveimproved the communication and computational complexity of PIR schemes, forexample [DHS14, ACLS18, GCM+16, MBFK16, Gol07, DGH12, BS07, LG15].

An efficient 2-server computational PIR scheme can be constructed from DPFsin a straight-forward way as shown in [GI14]. Before we discuss the instantiation,we recall their definition of a private information retrieval (PIR) protocol:

Definition 4 (2-server PIR). A 2-server PIR protocol involving two serversS0, S1 holding the same n−bit database z and a user consists of three algorithms(Q,A,M) with query domain DQ and answer domain DA and are defined asfollows:

Q(n, i) : On input of an index i, client returns queries (q0, q1) ∈ D2Q.

A(z, q) : On input of a query q and a database z, server b returns an answer ab.

M(i, a0, a1) : In input of an index i and two answers a0, a1, recovers and returnsthe i-th database entry zi.

We note that [GI14, Definition 2] explicitly handless random coins, but we simplyomit them for the sake of brevity.

Definition 5 (Correctness). A 2-server PIR scheme is correct if for everyn ∈ N, every z ∈ {0, 1}n and every i ∈ [n], it holds that

Pr[(q0, q1)← Q(n, i) : M(i, (A(j, z, qj))j∈{0,1}) = zi

]= 1.


Definition 6 (Computational Secrecy). Let Db,dlogne,i, b ∈ 0, 1, n ∈ N andi ∈ [n] denote the probability distribution on qb induced by Q. A 2-server PIRscheme provides computational secrecy if there exists a PPT algorithm Sim suchthat the following two distributions

{Sim(b, dlog ne)}b∈{0,1},n∈N and {Db,dlogne,i}b∈{0,1},n∈N,i∈[n]

are computationally indistinguishable.

We now give a short intuition of a 2-server PIR construction from a DPF. There,the client calls (k0, k1)← DPF.Gen(q) and sends k0 to server 0 and k1 to server1. Both servers 0 and 1 call Ki ← DPF.Eval(ki) and perform an inner product

between the expanded keystream and the database items, Xi =⊕N

l=0Ki[l] ·DB[l]. The servers finally return X0 and X1 to the client who can recover therequested item xq = X0 ⊕ X1. The correctness of this PIR scheme follows fromthe correctness of the used DPF scheme. The privacy of the PIR scheme followsfrom the privacy of the used DPF scheme ([GI14, Theorem 2]), but requires thatthe two servers do not collude.

3 Modeling Append-Only Logs and Membership Proofsfor CT

In this section, we give a model of the append-only7 log functionality that isused in the CT ecosystem. We then extend the append-only log by also allowingfor privacy-preserving membership proofs.

3.1 Append-Only Logs

An append-only log has to provide several functionalities: (i) adding new items,(ii) proving membership of a item in the log, (iii) proving consistency of theappend-only property between two versions of the log. We closely model append-only logs on the definition of accumulators, but take care of the interactivenature. In the following, we define the syntax of the append-only log protocolbetween a client and a server closely resembling the CT protocol.

Definition 7 (Append-Only Log). An append-only log is an interactive pro-tocol of a global Setup algorithm, a client with algorithms VerifyMember and aserver with algorithms (Append,GetAcc,ProveMember) which are defined as fol-lows:

7 Although the generalized functionality might be more accurately called “add-only”,since the order of the elements is not preserved in general, we choose to go with“append-only”, since it is consistent with the terminology used, e.g., by the Certifi-cate Transparency RFC [LLK13].


Setup(1κ, t) : This algorithm takes a security parameter κ and a parameter t. Ift 6=∞, then t is an upper bound on the number of elements to be accumulatedin the log. It returns public parameters pp.8

Append(xi) : This algorithm takes new item xi and appends it to the log.

GetAcc() : This algorithm returns the current log accumulator value ΛX to theclient.

ProveMember(xi) : This algorithm value xi. It returns ⊥, if xi /∈ X , and a wit-ness witxi for xi otherwise.

VerifyMember(ΛX ,witxi , xi) : This algorithm takes an accumulator ΛX , a witnesswitxi and a value xi. It returns 1 if witxi is a witness for xi ∈ X and 0otherwise.

The server starts off with an initially empty log. Optionally, a server can providean additional algorithm Gen and the client an additional algorithm VerifyAccdefined as follows:

Gen() : This algorithm generates a secret signing key sk and a verification keypk.

VerifyAcc(pk,ΛX , σ) : This algorithm takes the server public key pk, an accumu-lator ΛX , a signature on the accumulator σ. It returns 1 if σ is valid, and 0otherwise.

It these two algorithms are available, GetAcc additionally returns a signature onthe accumulator.

The additional algorithms Gen and VerifyAcc provide the functionality of signedtree head, i.e., Gen creates the signing key material on the server side andVerifyAcc verifies the signature on the accumulator.

For correctness of the log, we require that for every κ ∈ N, pp ← Setup(1κ, t),that for every x appended to the log using Append(x), for all Λ ← GetAcc(), itholds that

VerifyMember(Λ,ProveMember(x), x) = 1.

This essentially captures that the membership proof for every element addedto the log can be verified. If the append-only log also provides the optionalalgorithms Gen and VerifyAcc, then we additionally require for correctness, thatfor all (sk, pk)← Gen() and all (Λ, σ)← GetAcc(), it also holds that

VerifyAcc(pk,Λ, σ) = 1.

A variant of the append-only log is one with privacy-preserving membershipproofs, which allow a client to retrieve a membership proof for a certain itemwithout the server learning the item for which the proof was requested. This

8 We assume that these public parameters are available implicitly in all algorithms.


property is useful in many applications such as CT, where it allows a client tohide its browsing behavior from the log server.

Definition 8 (Append-Only Log with Privacy-Preserving MembershipProofs). The append-only log with privacy-preserving membership proofs addi-tionally extends Definition 7 with algorithms (PMQuery,PMReconstruct) for theclient the server with PMAnswer algorithm which are defined as follows:

PMQuery(xi, i, n) : This algorithm takes an item xi with its corresponding indexi and returns queries (qj)j∈[n] for n servers.

PMAnswer(j, qj) : This algorithm takes a query qj for the j-th servers and returnsan answer aj.

PMReconstruct(i, (aj)j∈[n]) : Given answers (aj)j∈[n] for index i, it reconstructsthe witness witxi .

The client may use n servers to request membership proofs.

The proof returned by PMReconstruct can be verified as normal using VerifyMember.While the algorithms in this definition are closely modeled after those of PIRprotocols, we note that this does not necessarily restrict instantiations to PIRbased ones.

For correctness, we require first of all, that it satisfies the correctness of append-only logs. Additionally, we require that for all items x append to the log withtheir corresponding index i and n servers, for all Λ← GetAcc(), it holds that

VerifyMember(Λ,PMReconstruct(i, (aj)j∈[n])) = 1

whereaj ← PMAnswer(j,PMQuery(xi, i, n)) for j ∈ [n].

Thereby we ensure that reconstructed witness verify. This definition allows theclients to contact multiple servers to obtain the membership proof. In the fol-lowing, we will focus on the case n = 2.

Finally, we discuss the security notions. However, since our main concern areprivacy issues, we only discuss the first two properties briefly. Inspired by anaccumulator’s collision freeness, the append-only log is collision-free if serverscan only produce witnesses for elements that were included in the accumulator.Secondly, we require that adversaries cannot forge signatures on accumulators,i.e. that the append-only log is unforgeable. The third notion is geared towardsthe client’s privacy when requesting proofs for logged elements and ensures thatthe queries do not leak any information on the queried elements. More formally,we define it in the same vein as computational secrecy of PIRs (cf. Definition 6):

Definition 9 (Computational Secrecy). Let Db,dlogNe,i, b ∈ {0, 1}, n ∈ Nand i ∈ [n] denote the probability distribution on qb induced by PMQuery. An


append-only log scheme provides computational secrecy if there exists a PPTalgorithm Sim such that the following two distributions

{Sim(b, dlog ne)}b∈{0,1},n∈N and {Db,dlogne,i}b∈{0,1},n∈N,i∈[n]

are computationally indistinguishable.

3.2 CT as Append-Only Log

We now show that the existing CT logging ecosystem implements an append-only log according to Definition 7. It also provides the optional algorithms basedon signature schemes, which we formally recall in Appendix B. We note that

Let MT be a Merkle-tree accumulator, Σ be a signature scheme, and let X ← ∅ bethe initially empty log on the server.

Setup(1κ, t) : Call (skΛ, pkΛ)← MT.Gen(1κ, t), set pp← (1κ, t, pkΛ), and return pp.Gen() : Return (skΣ , pkΣ)← Σ.Gen(1κ).Append(xi) : Set X ← X ∪ {xi}, and update the internal state of the accumulator

(Λ, aux) ← MT.Add((∅, pkΛ),Λ, aux, xi) or (Λ, aux) ← MT.Eval((∅, pkΛ),Λ, aux, xi)if xi is the first element appended.

GetAcc() : Set σ = Σ.Sign(skΣ ,Λ) and return (Λ, σ).VerifyAcc(pkΣ ,Λ, σ) : : Return Σ.Verify(pkΣ ,Λ, σ).ProveMember(xi) : Return MT.WitCreate((∅, pkΛ),Λ, aux, xi).VerifyMember(Λ,witxi , xi) : Return MT.Verify(pkΛ,Λ,witxi , xi).

Scheme 4: Certificate Transparency Logging as append-only log.

Scheme 4 uses a yet undefined algorithm of the Merkle-tree, namely MT.Add,yet no function to update witnesses is used. Especially if UpdateWitness is notdefined to achieve a dynamic accumulator, Add is easily implemented by simplyrecomputing the accumulator value.

As the correctness, collision freeness and unforgeability are straight-forward tocheck for Scheme 4, we only give a sketch of the proof:

Lemma 4. Scheme 4 is correct. Additionally, if the accumulator is collision-free and the signature scheme Σ is unforgeable, Scheme 4 is collision-free andunforgeable, respectively, as well.

Proof (Sketch of proof). Correctness follows easily from the correctness of theaccumulator and the signature scheme. Collision freeness follows with a straight-forward reduction to the collision freeness of the accumulator, and unforgeabilityfollows from the EUF-CMA security of the signature scheme.


The existing CT ecosystem does not implement an append-only log with privacy-preserving membership proofs according to Definition 8. Thus we extend theexisting CT system with privacy-preserving membership proofs using PIR inScheme 5.

Let PIR be a private information retrieval scheme where the witnesses are stored in thePIR databases.

PMQuery(xi, i, n) : For each Merkle-tree level v ∈ [k] run (q(v)j )j∈[n] ←

PIR.Q(n, b1/2vc + η) where η = 1 if b1/2vc = 0 (mod 2) and η = −1 otherwise.

Return ((q(v)j )v∈[k])j∈[n].

PMAnswer(j, qj) : Parse qj as (q(v)j ) and run a

(v)j ← PIR.A(j, q

(v)j ) for each Merkle-tree

level v ∈ [k]. Return (a(v)j )v∈[k].

PMReconstruct(i, (aj)j∈[n]) : Parse (aj)j∈[n] as (a(v)j )v∈[k] and run witxi [v] ←

PIR.M(i, (a(v)j )j∈[n]) for each v ∈ [k]. Return witxi .

Scheme 5: CT log with privacy-preserving membership proofs.

For the case with n = 2, i.e. two servers, we specialise in Scheme 6 the schemeusing the DPF-based PIR from Section 2.5. For both schemes, the client traverseseach level of the tree and calculates the index of the element he needs to retrievefor the Merkle-tree witness, with the server input to the PIR functionality beingthe hashes in the current tree level. The privacy guarantees of Scheme 6 followfrom the privacy guarantees of the used PIR scheme.

Theorem 1. If PIR is computationally secret, then Scheme 5 is computationallysecret too.

Proof. Indeed, the k-fold application of PIR’s Sim algorithm induces a simulationalgorithm on the combined distribution of successive queries.

For the DPF-based instantiation, this means that the scheme provides secrecyif the two servers do not collude.

Remark 1 (Database Representation). While this scheme as presented has theadvantage that the structure of the PIR database closely resembles the Merkle-tree and does not induce much storage-overhead, we also now discuss a possiblealternative representation as used by Lueks and Goldberg [LG15], where theyprecompute the full Merkle-tree proof for each item and store it in a separatedatabase. This reduces the amount of PIR queries to 1, which can improve per-formance if the PIR scheme is the performance bottleneck. However, such arepresentation has the disadvantage that updates to the Merkle-tree accumu-lator are much more costly, since the precomputed proofs need to be updated


Client Server j

Input: index i, Merkle-tree size N Input: Merkle-tree ` with size N

PMQuery(∅, i, 2) :

for v = 0 to dlog2Ne:η ← 1− 2 · (bi/2vc (mod 2))

kv1 , kv2 ← DPF.Gen(bi/2vc+ η)

q1 ← (kv1)v∈[dlog2 Ne]

q2 ← (kv2)v∈[dlog2 Ne]

return (q1, q2)

for j = 1 to 2:

PMAnswer(j, qj) :qj

Parse qj as(k0j , k

1j , . . . , k

dlog2 Nej

)for v = 0 to dlog2Ne:K ← DPF.Eval(kvj )

avj =


`k,v ·K[k]

aj ←(avj)v∈[dlog2 Ne]aj

return aj

PMReconstruct(2, {a1, a2}) :

return (av1 ⊕ av2)v∈[dlog2 Ne]

Scheme 6: Privacy-Preserving Retrieval of Membership Proofs instantiatedwith DPF-based PIR.

if the accumulator changes, increasing the cost of updates to O(n), where n isthe number of total items in the accumulator. Furthermore, for our DPF-basedPIR implementation, the actual cost of the PIR is composed of (i) the DPFevaluation and (ii) the inner product of the database items. Our highly perfor-mant DPF implementation results in the inner product dominating this time(see Section 5.2). If we perform one PIR per tree level, we calculate an innerproduct with a database containing a single hash value per item, whereas, for theseparate database of full proofs, we perform the inner product with a databasecontaining k hash values per item, where k is the tree height. This results in thetotal time spent on the inner product being longer in the case of the separatedatabase since in the tree-based PIR approach the number of items in the PIRdatabase is halved each level. Therefore, and due to the costly updates and moresubstantial memory requirements, we use the tree-based PIR approach over theseparate database of precomputed proofs. In Section 5.3, we give a comparison


between these two approaches and give evidence that the tree-based databasestructure is superior.

3.3 Using Public-Key Accumulators

Scheme 4 only requires that the underlying accumulator’s Eval and WitCreatealgorithms only rely on public keys and public parameters. Scheme 6 does notrequire any special properties. While the latter is defined to efficiently fetch thewitnesses of a Merkle-tree accumulator, for any other accumulator it can be de-fined by retrieving witnesses stored in a database using a PIR protocol. Hence itis also possible to instantiate the append-only log using public-key accumulators,e.g., with Scheme 2 and Scheme 3. We discuss the performance characteristicsof instantiations using different kinds of accumulators in Section 5.2.

However, if Scheme 4 would allow one to use accumulators where servers alsohave access to the accumulator’s secret key, servers could produce witnesses forelements that were not added to the accumulator (c.f. [DHS15, Section 3]). InAppendix A we discuss this fact for the RSA accumulator (Scheme 2). A similarfact can also be observed for the bilinear accumulator presented in Scheme 3.In that case, knowledge of the exponent s would allow the server to fabricatewitnesses for non-accumulated elements. Thus, when using public-key accumu-lators to instantiate the append-only log, it is essential that the accumulator isset up by a trusted third party.

4 Sub-Accumulators in CT-Logs

Using private information retrieval (PIR) to retrieve CT log membership proofscomes with increased computation and communication complexity, especially forthe log server. In this section, we explore options that can reduce this complexityand make privacy-preserving membership queries more practical.

In the current CT logging ecosystem, adding new certificates to the log serverdoes not happen instantly. Instead, the submitting parties get a signed promiseof inclusion into the log, and all submitted certificates are only appended to thelog at certain time intervals. The length of these intervals is not specified by thestandard, but a certificate must be included in the log after the maximum mergedelay (MMD) set by the log operator (usually 24 hours). This process allows usto restructure the Merkle-tree to reduce the overall depth of the tree that hasto be traversed during the PIR protocol.

In Section 1.4 we discussed some of the methods outlined by the designers toincrease the user’s privacy when requesting membership proofs from the logserver. One of the proposed solutions is to embed the proof in a certificateextension; however, such a proof would quickly get out of sync with the current


accumulator value of the log. We, therefore, suggest using a hybrid approachof static and dynamic accumulators instead. A static accumulator requires thewhole set of elements X to be accumulated to be available when building theaccumulator, with no further updates permitted. Even though the CT ecosystemcontinually receives updates for new certificate chains, we can still make use ofstatic accumulators. We collect all new certificates for a specified time intervalinto a set Xt and build a static accumulator ΛXt . Since the accumulator for thissmall set Xt is static, we can generate a witness witxi for each xi ∈ Xt, provingmembership of xi in ΛXt , and attach this witness to the SCT or embed it in thecertificate, since we do not require any updates to the witness in the future.

These small static accumulators for a given time interval are then in turn ac-cumulated in a dynamic accumulator, which as a whole can be seen as theequivalent of the current CT log. This process helps to reduce the size of the dy-namic accumulator, which in turn reduces the complexity of the PIR approach.A client only needs to fetch the inclusion proof for the dynamic accumulatorusing PIR and verifies the membership of the certificate in the sub-accumulatorand the membership of the sub-accumulator in the dynamic accumulator.

Example 1 (New sub-tree every hour). The largest CT log servers, e.g., GoogleArgon, have an average throughput of ≈ 60000 certificates per hour. Thus build-ing a sub-tree per hour means that we need to accumulate about 216 elementsin the static sub-accumulators. In turn, if we assume a runtime of 3 years, thiswould result in a total of 24 · 365 · 3 = 26280 items in the dynamic accumulator.If we instantiate this dynamic accumulator using a Merkle-tree accumulator, wehave a tree depth of 15, which is very feasible to retrieve using multi-server PIR.

For the choice of static sub-accumulators, we consider two possibilities: usingstatic Merkle-tree accumulators or using public-key based static accumulators.

Merkle-Tree Sub-Accumulators A straight-forward implementation is toalso use Merkle-tree accumulators to instantiate the sub-accumulators. This es-sentially amounts to a conceptual categorization of some sub-tree of the originalaccumulator as static sub-accumulators, with the only change to the originalaccumulator being the guarantee that a sub-tree is static and does not acceptany additional values.

Public-Key Sub-Accumulators An alternative to using static Merkle-treeaccumulators the leaves of our big Merkle-tree would be to use static public-keybased accumulators instead. These public-key accumulators have different trade-offs compared to Merkle-tree accumulators. They usually offer a constant-sizemembership proof and accumulation value, compared to the logarithmic proofsize of Merkle-tree accumulators. However, both the generation and verificationalgorithms of public-key accumulators usually require more computationally ex-pensive public-key operations. Furthermore, public-key accumulators require atrusted setup phase as we discussed in Section 3.3.


From a web server point of view, the constant size proofs of public-key accu-mulators are beneficial in theory, as the required communication only growsby a small, fixed amount. Furthermore, the web server does not actually haveto perform any public-key operations but only relays the witness to the client,which then performs the verification algorithm. However, we are considering sub-accumulator sizes, where the combined size of the membership proof and accu-mulator value are very similar for Merkle-tree accumulators, RSA accumulators,and bilinear accumulators. This fact, combined with the setup requirements andthe lower performance, makes the use of public-key accumulators less attractivein our setting.

We now discuss our approach more formally and show that the so obtainedappend-only log still provides secrecy. The sub-accumulator approach can beinterpreted as an accumulator of accumulators. We cast our approach in intothe accumulator framework in Scheme 7 where we use the second argument ofthe Gen algorithm to define the size of the sub-accumulators.

Let OA and IA be accumulators.

Gen(1κ, T ) : Let (ski, pki)← IA.Gen(1κ, T ) and (sko, pko)← OA.Gen(1κ,∞). Set skΛ ←∅ and pkΛ ← (pki, pko, T ). Return (skΛ, pkΛ).

Eval((skΛ, pkΛ),X ) : Parse pkΛ as (pki, pko, T ). Partition X into T -sized subsetsX1, . . . , X` with X` having potentitally less than T elements. For j ∈ [`] com-pute (Λj , auxj)← IA.Eval((∅, pki),Xj) and (ΛX , aux)← OA.Eval((∅, pki), (Λj)j∈[`]).Set auxX ← ((Xj ,Λj , auxj)j∈[`], aux) and return ΛX , auxX .

WitCreate((skΛ, pkΛ),ΛX , auxX , x) : Parse pkΛ as (pki, pko, T ) and auxXas ((Xj ,Λj , auxj)j∈[`], aux). Find j ∈ [`] such that x ∈ Xj . Nowcompute witi ← IA.WitCreate((∅, pki),ΛXj , auxj , x) and wito ←OA.WitCreate((∅, pko),ΛX , aux,ΛXj ). Return (witi,Λi,wito).

Verify(pkΛ,ΛX ,witx, x) : Parse pkΛ as (pki, pko, T ) and witx as (witi,Λi,wito). If bothIA.Verify(pki,Λi,witi) = 1 and OI.Verify(pko,ΛX ,wito) = 1, return 1, otherwisereturn 0.

Scheme 7: Sub-Accumulator based Accumulator.

Lemma 5. If both IA and OA are collision-free, then Scheme 7 provides collisionfreeness.

Proof (Sketch of Proof). Assume that witx = (witi,Λi,wito) is a verifiying wit-ness for x 6∈ X . Then either x 6∈ Xj for all j ∈ [`] and hence (x,witi) breakscollision freeness of IA, or Λi was not accumulated in ΛX , thus (Λi,wito) breakscollision freeness of OA.

Making this accumulator dynamic or at least providing an Add algorithm is moreinvolved, though. If one adds one element at a time, it is necessary to add to X`


and update its accumulator until the X` is also of size T . However, then, one hasto remove the old accumulator value from the outer accumulator and add thenew one. Hence it is more efficient to gather T elements and then add them atonce. In that case, it is sufficient to add one accumulator to the outer accumu-lator. Alternatively, one could also add sets with less than T elements with oneadditional sub-accumulator without touching any of the old accumulator valuesat the cost of a larger outer accumulator.

Integration into the append-log scheme with privacy-preserving membershipproof using this approach of adding T elements together is straightforward pro-vided that the outer accumulator is a Merkle-tree or provides an Add algorithm.Consequently, we obtain such a scheme providing computational secrecy withnon-colluding servers.

Corollary 1. Scheme 6 instantiated with Scheme 7 provides computational se-crecy if the PIR servers are non-colluding and all sub-accumulator witnesseshave the same size.

Proof. This follows from Theorem 1. If the sub-accumulator witnesses do nothave the same size, it is possible to distinguish queries for witnesses which donot have the same size.

For improved efficiency in the context of certificate transparency, we make use ofthe fact that we can include parts of the proof into extension fields of the SCT orthe certificate. Note that, throughout its lifetime, witi and Λi stay constant, andonly wito needs to be updated after adding new elements to the append-only log.Hence we add witi and Λi to CtExtensions. Then only wito needs to be retrievedusing the PIR protocol, thus greatly reducing its cost. With this approach, we canalways avoid the restriction of requiring equal-sized sub-accumulator witnesses.

4.1 Additional Considerations

As discussed in Section 3.3, public-key accumulators usually require a setupphase involving a trusted third party. Otherwise, the party holding the accumu-lator might have access to the secret trapdoor information, allowing the creationof witnesses for elements that are not actually contained in the accumulator. Apopular alternative to a trusted third party is the use of multi-party computationto compute the public parameters. One prominent example of such an approachis the “ceremony” of the cryptocurrency Zcash based on [BCG+14], where amulti-party computation was performed including hundreds of participants ina scalable multi-party protocol to generate the public parameters for the usedproof system [BGM17].

We leverage the non-collusion property of the servers to generate the parametersfor the used public-key accumulator using multi-party computation protocols.


In recent years, more and more efficient solutions for distributed parameter gen-eration have emerged, e.g., for distributed RSA key generation [FLOP18], wherethe authors report a time of 134 seconds on a single core per party to generatea distributed RSA key pair, or for distributed ECDSA key generation [Lin17].Similar techniques can be employed to generate public parameters for a bilinearaccumulator in a distributed fashion.

5 Implementation & Evaluation

In this section, we describe our implementation of the DPF-based PIR to re-trieve Merkle-tree inclusion proofs. We integrate our implementation into theexisting CT log server infrastructure provided by Google and then evaluate itsperformance.

Using the DPF construction of Boyle et al. [BGI15] and its extensions [BGI16],we can efficiently generate and evaluate the DPF using only AES, which is veryperformant when using the AES-NI instructions in modern x86-64 CPUs. LikeWang et al. [WYG+17], we use the Matyas-Meyer-Oseas one-way compressionfunction [MMO85], defined as H(x) = Ek0(x) ⊕ x. The fixed-key property ofthis construction allows us to benefit from the fact we only have to performthe AES key schedule once for maximum performance. Furthermore, we use thefull-domain evaluation algorithm proposed by [BGI16] to avoid calculating inter-mediate results multiple times and optimize the implementation with respect toAES and vector pipelining. Additionally, the inner product of the expanded DPFkeystream and the 256-bit long SHA-256 hash values in the Merkle-tree can beefficiently calculated using AVX vector operations, making our multi-server PIRsuitable for large log sizes. For experiments using public-key accumulators, webase our implementation on the work of Tremel9. We report microbenchmarkson the performance of our implementations in Section 5.2.

5.1 Integration into existing CT log server infrastructure

The Google CT team provides two open-source implementations of a CT logserver. The original prototype implementation10 written in C++, and their newCT log server11 written in Go, using Trillian12, a scalable implementation of aMerkle-tree accumulator with separate data storage layers, as a backend.

To show the practicality of our solution, we integrate a prototype into the C++implementation13 and provide libraries for DPF-based PIR for both, C++14 and



Go.15 We added new HTTP endpoints for retrieving proofs using DPF, giventhe index of the hashes in the SCTs, and extended the existing client software toverify retrieved SCTs against two servers. This new API was then used to verifythe inclusion of several certificates in the log. We believe that the integrationof the DPF-based PIR into the C++ log server is easily adaptable to the GoCT log server. We refer to the microbenchmarks in the following section for theperformance overhead compared to the existing approach.

5.2 Performance Evaluation

To show the practicality of our solution, we evaluated both a DPF-based PIRon a standard Merkle-tree as currently used in CT logs, as well as DPF-basedPIR on a Merkle-tree with hourly sub-accumulators to reduce the tree depth andcomplexity of the PIR query. We consider multiple different log server sizes basedon existing log servers, more concretely, we perform benchmarks on log serverswith N ∈ {220, 222, 224, 226, 228} certificates.16 All experiments are performedon a desktop PC equipped with an Intel R© CoreTM i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHzand 16 GB of RAM. We perform microbenchmarks on the different parts of theprotocol. All tests are performed using a single-threaded implementation only;however, we remark that the server-side operations, the DPF.Eval algorithm andthe inner product calculation, are trivially and perfectly parallelize-able, e.g.,when using 4 threads, we observe a speedup of ≈ 4x.

NClient Server Client Communication

DPF.Gen DPF.Eval Inner Prod. Verification C→ Si C← Si

220 0.05 0.32 4.28 < 0.01 2298 640222 0.07 1.23 16.72 < 0.01 2886 704224 0.08 4.78 64.49 < 0.01 3546 768226 0.09 19.22 251.32 < 0.01 4278 832228 0.11 78.41 988.93 < 0.01 5082 896

Table 2. Performance of DPF-based PIR when retrieving privacy-preserving mem-bership proofs from a standard Merkle-tree based log server containing N certificates.Time in milliseconds, communication in bytes per server. Merkle-trees for larger logservers no longer fit into the main memory of our test machine.

In Table 2, we present the microbenchmarks when using DPF-based PIR toretrieve the Merkle-tree inclusion proof. We observe that even for a server with228 (≈ 270 million) certificates, the total work for the server is just 1.067 seconds,whereas the client workload is less than 1 millisecond. The total communication

15 For larger log server sizes, the data no longer fits in the RAM.














































































































































Λ ,th



























between the parties is less than 6 KB. The inner product of the SHA-256 hashesis dominating the runtime. One possible future optimization to further speed upthis inner product step would be the use of AVX512 instructions to process twohash values at once.

Table 3 shows the performance of our sub-tree approach. We observe that thetotal execution of the DPF-based PIR with a reduced tree size of 15 levels resultsin a total runtime of 130 µs. The client verification time is slower when using PKaccumulators in sub-trees, but still in the order of milliseconds. We also list theadditional communication of the sub-accumulator and the corresponding witnessin the “extra” column, as the web server needs to send this information includedin the SCT. This approach is very performant, even for logs containing a totalof 231 certificates.

While the client verification times for the used public-key accumulators are veryfast, a problem manifests on the server side. Since we set up the public-keyaccumulators on public-parameters only, we cannot use the secret trapdoor in-formation to speed up accumulation and witness generation for the RSA andbilinear accumulators. This results in much worse performance for these twooperations, especially generating witnesses for each element. Table 4 shows theperformance of these two operations for 210 and 216 elements, which roughlycorrespond to creating one sub-accumulator per minute and hour on larger logservers respectively. We observe that for the public-key accumulators we evalu-ated (using a security level of 128 bits), the only realistic parameter set is usingbilinear accumulators for sub-trees of size 210, which roughly corresponds toone sub-tree per minute. For the other options, accumulating all elements andgenerating the witnesses would take longer than the intended time-frame of onehour for 216 elements or one minute for 210 elements. A possible solution wouldbe to retain the secret parameters and keep them split into shares, with serversengaging in a multi-party computation protocol to compute witnesses using theshares of the secret trapdoor information. The design and implementation of anefficient protocol for this task is an interesting avenue for future work. However,for our current system and implementation, we recommend using Merkle-treeaccumulators for the sub-accumulators.

Accumulator Nsub Accumulation Witness gen.

RSA216 63.47 ≈ 1000000210 1.06 264.15

Bilinear216 2.99 95672.12210 0.12 24.43

Merkle216 0.03 0.09210 < 0.01 < 0.01

Table 4. Performance of one-time server-side sub-accumulator operations (withouttrapdoor information). Time in seconds.


5.3 Comparison to Lueks and Goldberg [LG15]

The only previous work aiming to improve the privacy of retrieving CT log mem-bership proofs is by Lueks and Goldberg [LG15], where the authors optimize thePIR scheme of Goldberg [Gol07, DGH12] to allow for efficient batching of multi-ple queries. The PIR scheme used in [LG15] provides information-theoretic secu-rity and it is robust, meaning it can be extended so that some servers are allowedto misbehave, while still allowing the client to recover the item. Furthermore, itcan be scaled up to more than two servers. In comparison, the DPF-based PIR weuse only provides computational security and does not provide robustness, butcan be instantiated very efficiently for two servers. We argue that the robustnessproperty is not critical in the case of retrieving Merkle-tree inclusion proofs, sincethe validity of the retrieved item is later verified against the Merkle-tree head,allowing for detection of wrong results. We therefore compare to the schemeof Lueks and Goldberg in its simplest form, using two servers and providingrobustness against 0 misbehaving servers. In Table 5, we give concrete perfor-mance numbers for both our implementation and the implementation of [LG15],which has been integrated into Percy++.17 Since both implementations couldbenefit from our sub-accumulator approach, we only benchmark performanceof retrieving standard membership proofs. For [LG15], we perform 28 queriesin parallel to make use of their proposed optimizations. We give numbers forboth, the precalculated database of membership proofs and the tree-based ap-proach we discuss in Remark 1. For [LG15], we follow the recommendation ofthe authors and arrange the database in square-root sized blocks to minimizecommunication.

Our DPF based implementation outperforms the PIR scheme of Lueks and Gold-berg in both runtime and communication in all tested configurations, where wecan especially notice the logarithmic communication of the DPF-based PIR. Fur-thermore, we observe that using our approach of arranging the database to makeuse of the tree structure of the Merkle-tree does also improve the runtime andcommunication considerably when using the PIR scheme of Lueks and Goldberg,mostly due to the reduced overall size of the database. This also means we cankeep the whole database for the tree-based representation in memory, resultingin much better performance. We can observe the jump in runtime from N = 224

to N = 226 when using a database of precomputed proofs for the DPF-basedPIR, which is due to the fact that the database no longer fits into the availableRAM.

Remark 2 (Batch processing of client queries). The main contribution of Lueksand Goldberg [LG15] was the optimized batch processing of queries, where aserver can process multiple queries at an asymptotically lower cost than pro-cessing each query individually. Their approach even manages to batch queriesfrom different clients together, which is beneficial in systems such as CT. For



N Protocol DB structure Time/Query Comm.


Tree 0.02 3.5Precomputed 0.28 0.98

[LG15]Tree 0.08 77.6

Precomputed 0.59 108.7


Tree 0.06 4.2Precomputed 1.23 1.08

[LG15]Tree 0.24 155.0

Precomputed 3.54 222.4


Tree 0.25 4.99Precomputed 82.61 1.17

[LG15]Tree 0.78 312.0

Precomputed − −


Tree 1.03 5.8Precomputed 450.51 1.28

[LG15]Tree 3.57 625.5

Precomputed − −

Table 5. Comparison of different PIR protocols when retrieving a membership prooffrom a log of N certificates. Time in seconds, Communication in KiB per server. Avalue of − indicates the implementation ran out of memory.

our DPF-based PIR, we cannot batch queries for different clients, but can stilloptimize multiple queries from the same client. This scenario is realistic due totwo factors. First, when a client connects to a website, he usually does not onlyretrieve one certificate, but instead connects to multiple different web servershosting stylesheets, Javascript files, images, or other resources, verifying eachcertificate. Second, the auditor in each TLS client can collect multiple certifi-cates to audit them in batches at a later time. Demmler et al. [DRRT18] usea binning approach for queries in their PIR-PSI protocol, which can also beapplied to our use-case. The main idea is to partition the database into β binsof N/β items each. When the indices of queries are uniformly distributed, themaximum number of items per bin can be bounded probabilistically. All bins arethen padded to the maximum number of items, and multiple smaller queries areperformed for each bin. The overall runtime is expected to decrease, with a slightincrease in communication, depending on the choice of β. We refer to [DRRT18]for a more detailed discussion.

5.4 Deployment Considerations

With the enforcement of CT logging by big browser vendors in early 2018, theCT infrastructure has grown considerably and logged hundreds of millions ofcertificates. Any changes to the ecosystem should, therefore, be critically an-alyzed, as these changes may require widespread updates to server and client


software. Our log with privacy-preserving membership proofs has the advantagethat it can co-exist alongside existing log servers and does not require signifi-cant changes. Embedding proofs for the sub-accumulators in an extension fieldof the SCT means that a web server does not require any changes to support ourproposed changes, as his job is to provide the SCTs to the client. For the client,the auditor code has to be extended to distinguish a log with privacy-preservingmembership proofs from a standard log, and to use the new API endpoint toretrieve the proof from the two servers. The log server obviously requires moresubstantial changes, but its API is still compatible to a standard log server andboth servers answering DPF-based PIR queries can still answer membershipqueries in a standard way if no privacy is required.

In addition to these considerations regarding the disruption of the existingecosystem, we also require a non-collusion assumption between the two serversparticipating in the PIR query. This non-collusion assumption can be solved byhosting the second server on a cloud platform potentially run by a competitorof the first log server provider, as was also proposed by [DRRT18]. To maintaintheir reputation, the cloud providers have a significant incentive not to collude.The second server could also be hosted by privacy-conscious organizations andadvocacy groups such as the European Digital Rights (EDRi) or the ElectronicFrontier Foundation (EFF). Furthermore, the system is not strictly limited totwo parties. Several such non-colluding servers could exist, and an auditor-clientcould pick any two of them to perform a privacy-preserving membership proof.

Remark 3 (Cloning Existing Log Servers). We now describe another approachto facilitate better integration into the existing CT logging ecosystem. Insteadof setting up a new log server and accepting the submission of new certificates,we rely on the CT ecosystem and clone the data of an already existing logserver. In addition to monitoring the cloned log server for consistency, we cannow restructure the certificates contained in the cloned log server in sub-trees.Furthermore, other monitors can verify the consistency of our new log serversagainst the cloned one. The new sub-accumulator based log servers then handout their own SCTs (including PIR index i and sub-accumulator witness witi)to existing domain owners that want to provide privacy to their users. TheseSCTs can then be delivered to clients by the web server, and clients can chooseto perform a privacy-preserving membership proof against the new log serversinstead of a regular one.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we have reiterated potential privacy problems for the CT ecosys-tem and presented a solution based on two-server PIR that offers competitiveperformance for real-world parameters. Furthermore, we present an approachusing sub-accumulators that reduces the complexity of the PIR queries to a


point where a single server could handle multiple thousands of requests per sec-ond, and show how such an approach can be set up by mirroring existing logservers, providing a privacy-preserving alternative for auditors. We have shownthe practicality of our solution by integrating it into the existing CT log serverimplementation and performed a performance evaluation for several differentparameter sets. We believe our approach could offer privacy-conscious users analternative and further strengthen the existing CT ecosystem.

Acknowledgments We thank David Derler and Daniel Slamanig for discus-sions and valuable comments. We thank all anonymous reviewers for their valu-able comments. The authors have been supported by iov42, EU H2020 ProjectLIGHTest, grant agreement n◦700321, and EU H2020 Project Safe-DEED, grantagreement n◦825225.


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A Membership Witnesses for Non-AccumulatedElements

We consider Scheme 2 with pkΛ = (N, g,H) and skΛ = (p, q) where N = p ·q. LetX be some set and x 6∈ X such that H(x) is invertible mod (p−1)·(q−1). Now,

the accumulator for X is computed as ΛX = g∏x′∈X H(x′) mod N . Yet, as the

factorization of N is known, the server can compute witx = ΛH(x)−1

X mod N .

Although x is not member of X , witH(x)x = ΛX (mod N) holds and thus the

verification succeeds.

Assuming that p and q are κ bit primes p−1 and q−1 have at most ≈ κ−1/log(κ−1)prime factors and if the have a large prime factor, upper bound is a lot smaller.H(x) is invertible if H(x) is not one of the prime factors of M . Hence, the chanceof a random element x with H(x) being non-invertible mod M is approximately

2 κ−1log(κ−1)


=κ(κ− 1)

4κ−1 log(κ− 1)≤ κ(κ− 1)2

4κ−1(κ− 2).

This gives the server opportunity to produce membership witnesses for non-accumulated elements with high probability.

B Signature Schemes

In this section, we shortly recall the standard definition of signature schemes.

Definition 10 (Signature Scheme). A signature scheme Σ is a triple (Gen,Sign,Verify) of PPT algorithms, which are defined as follows:

Gen(1κ) : On input of a security parameter, this algorithm outputs a key pair(sk, pk) consisting of a secret signing key sk and a public verification keypk.18

Sign(sk,m) : On input of a secret key sk and a message m, this algorithm outputsa signature σ.

Verify(pk,m, σ) : On input of a public key pk, a message m and a signature σ,this algorithm outputs a bit b.

For correctness, we require that for all security parameters κ ∈ N, for all keypairs (sk, pk)← KeyGen(1κ), for all messages m ∈M, it holds that

Pr [Verify(pk,m,Sign(sk,m)) = 1] = 1.

Additionally, we require them to be EUF-CMA-secure.

18 We assume that pk implicitly defines the message space M.


Definition 11 (EUF-CMA). The advantage AdvAEUF-CMA(·) of an adversary Ain the EUF-CMA experiment is defined as


[(sk, pk)← Gen(1κ), (m∗, σ∗)← AS(sk,·)(pk) :m∗ /∈ QS ∧ Verify(pk,m∗, σ∗) = 1


where the environment maintains an initially empty list QS and the oracles aredefined as follows:

S(sk,m) : Set QS ← QS ∪ {m} and return σ ← Sign(sk,m).

A signature scheme is existentially unforgeable under random message attacks,if for every PPT adversary A, AdvAEUF-CMA(·) is bounded by a negligible functionin the security parameter κ.