RevMedia Publishing Summer 2012

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Anointed and gifted authors that will impact your life today!


RevMedia Publishing2012 Summer Book Catalog

Anointing and Excellence in

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David Yanez is a leading faith and spiritual entrepreneur for the gospel reaching the world through preaching, media, books, missions and broadcasting. Founder of Revelation Ministries, which operates David Yanez Ministries, a global missions and healing service ministry. RevMedia Network/ RevMedia TV an online broadcasting ministry reaching millions, RevMedia Publishing a Christian publishing ministry reaching the world with books and magazines through printed and digital editions, and RevLife a global orphanage ministry and feed program.

�“Dr. David Yanez has been a friend of mine for many years. His ministry is valuable on many levels, especially in the areas of user-friendly broadcasting and publishing. But more than that, he is a man of integrity that I am proud to recommend.�”Dr. Bron BarkleyFounding Pastor Shalom Hebraic Christian Congregation of Kingwood, TexasDirector of Evangelism of Alive Ministries of Kingwood, Texas

"No higher praise can be offered than to describe David Yanez as a man of God who lives what he preaches. His love for the forgotten peoples of earth stirs me to find and reach those suffering in a similar manner. A faith preacher, David is a miracle worker and someone worthy of your confident consideration," Malcolm Burton, Pastor, Northgate Family Church, Spring, TX

�“The thing I admire about Dr. Dave Yanez, and his radio network, is his appreciation of programs that are trying to "meet people where they are... in order to take people where they need to go". We no long can be fisherman of men with a "dry hook". I think sports provides that bait that causes people to at least swim around us to check out we might be offering. The Gospel has been around for a long I believe we must be creative and innovative in the way we present the "Good News of Jesus Christ" to a world that truly is lost and desparate for "some kind of hope"!...Dave understands that...PTL!�”Dr. Dwight Allen, A Second Look at Sports, Findley, OH

Anointing and Excellence in PublishingN


Should I Speak in Tongues by Gerald W. DavisSpeaking in tongues is not just a doctrinal or religious thing to do. It has powerful and positive benefits. It is a tool for walking in the freedom �“wherein Christ has made us free.�”

If you can bring yourself to do it, I will ask you to repress any pre-determined doctrinal position and just concentrate on the thoughts I will share. My only purpose in doing this writing is to help move the people of God up and into a stronger, more victorious life in God. In chapter 2, you will read four personal, dramatic miracles that were, without question, directly connected to prior speaking in tongues.

The Dream Seed by Clarence DalrympleThe universal questions that tug at the heart of every individual are: What is my purpose in life? Why was I born? How can I know the divine purpose that God has for me? I am sure that if you are honest with yourself, you will admit that these questions have come to your mind often. Deep within all persons is a connection to the Creator of our being. The link to God was planted deep in our spirit before we were conceived. God preprogrammed His blueprint for our lives before we ever arrived on planet Earth. When the Lord spoke to Jeremiah, as a young prophet, He said to him, "Before I formed you in the belly I knew you; and before you came forth out of the womb I sanctified you, and I ordained you a prophet unto the nations" (Jer. 1:4-5 NKJV). What was true for Jeremiah is also true for each of us

$12.99Paperback124 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9839186-5-3 March 2012

$14.99Paperback142 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9839186-8-4May 2012

Anointing and Excellence in PublishingN




Mckenzie�’s Companion by Peter StanwayChapter-by-chapter, McKenzie's Companion follows and explains more fully the meaning of the bible passages used in Who is McKenzie? McKenzie's Companion is for those who want to delve deeper into the Word of God.

The Recruit by David Yanez Is a book full of true stories of faith, miracles and divine intervention. Enjoy a journey of faith, power and spiritual lessons for all ages to embrace.

�“The Recruit, by David Yanez, is a must read for any person with a desire to serve God. It is an especially vital source of inspiration and information for anyone considering entering the military. The Recruit shows all of us that we can serve God and demonstrate the life of God in any endeavor whether it is a secular job, homemaker, in the military or religious vocation. I whole-heartedly recommend Recruit.�”Pastor David HopeWords Of Life Church, Humble TX

$14.99Paperback256 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9839186-7-7May 2012

$14.99Paperback134 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9839186-0-8May 2012

Anointing and Excellence in PublishingN




Who is Mckenzie? by Peter StanwayThe intriguing and mysterious McKenzie stories will appeal to a wide range of people (Christians and non-Christians) from diverse cultures and countries. Everyone will identify in some way with the central character, McKenzie. That means that you and I will empathize with elements and aspects of McKenzie's life, but just who is McKenzie?

$14.99Paperback142 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9839186-8-4May 2012

$19.99Paperback314 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9839186-9-1April 2012

The Crossover by Demetrius A. JacksonIs to presents a holistic, integrated, and principle-centered kingdom challenge to all. This book is to mentor you through a plan to build a healthy ministry that isn't dependent on one individual. It is my hopes to help strengthen leaders, members to become devoted to their ministry, and to provide structured information to those searching for a church and their purpose. This book is appealing to all rather if you are a pastor, leader, member of a church, don't attend church, and/or looking to reach this generation and see their lives change and transformed by God.

Have your ever felt that you let God down in the way you handled your dating or marriage relationship? How about that déjà vu feeling? That you�’ve had the same (bad) experience before, but you can�’t help repeating what you know doesn�’t work. Does this describe you? And if it does, do you ever wonder if all your rationalizations and poor choices have exceeded the limits of God�’s patience with you�—so that you are almost out of grace?

If so, I�’ve written this book for you.

Bottom 1/2�” of the back page will be covered by your tagline (chosen during the publish process) and an internal order number.

By David Yanez

$9.99Paperback124 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9772194-3-8April 2009

Anointing and Excellence in PublishingN




Almost Out of Grace

Anointing and Excellence in PublishingN


Wee Boys From Glasgow Don�’t Cry



270 pages

5.5 x 8.5


November 2010

Wee Boys from Glasgow Don�’t Cry, Peter Stanway�’s story of survival and victory. Lost in drugs and alcohol and on the run, Peter is unexpectedly thrown a lifeline. He grabs the outstretched hand of Jesus. The power of God floors him. When he gets up he is totally changed.

By Peter Stanway

Anointing and Excellence in PublishingN




$12.99Paperback166 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9772194-7-6July 2011

Jesus of Nazareth, Socialist or Capitalist?By David Hope

�“This compelling work by Christian Author David Hope aroused my passions. I found it inspirational, thought provoking and penned by a true patriot and lover of liberty! Inspirational because it was packed full of encouragement to be all that we were created to be, to rise up and lay hold of our God given destinies, and to realize that Christians have all been endowed with gifts from above and given the great opportunity to be participants in the End Time Harvest of Souls. Thought provoking because Reverend Hope clears away the confusion by wielding forth the sword of truth. I love his no nonsense one liners chocked full of biblical principles and practical application. In Jesus of Nazareth, Socialist or Capitalist?, the author draws a line in the sand and states his case against forced government redistribution of wealth and proclaims that the best days of the glorious and triumphant Church of the Lord Jesus Christ lie ahead.�”

Lee Short, Missionary to MexicoFounder and President of Vida International

Anointing and Excellence in Publishing

How To Function In This EconomyBy Gerald W. Davis



274 pages

5.5 x 8.5


February 2010

This book has already changed the financial lives of many persons. One business woman reported that she had increased from $1,200 per month to $30,000 per month in two years after reading and studying these God revealed principles. The author went from bankruptcy to full recovery and debt-free living in 12 years after learning these truths from the scriptures. Thirteen chapters that will forever change your life.

Simple Gospel is a complete modern language presentation. Stories and events are presented in context sequentially so you can get the feel of Jesus' life as it unfolds. Once you have read this book all the gospels will ring clear when you approach or revisit them. New converts, skeptics, and Bible students, alike, will not find a more convenient source for reading about, studying, or understanding what Jesus' is purported to have actually said and done while he lived on Earth.

"It is amazing that no one until now has thought of writing this book! I plan on using Simple Gospel, as the foundation of a new teaching series on Jesus. This book is well written and really does present a deep insight into the life of Christ. I encourage everyone to read this book. It will change your life and the way you perceive who Jesus really is. This book will bring the reader into a closer walk with Christ." Rev. Dusty Kemp, New Life Church, Houston TX



242 pages

5.5 x 8.5


September 2011


$11.99Paperback94 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9772194-9-0March 2010

Anointing and Excellence in Publishing

By David Hope

Inhabiting Eternity On Earth



174 pages

5.5 x 8.5


October 2010

The Goodness of GodBy David Hope


As you read this book, you will learn the answer to the above question and also discover what will prompt Jesus to say that you have great faith. If you have a desire to better understand spiritual principles and walk in miracles, then this book is for you.

�“Pastor David Hope lives the message he teaches in his book The Goodness of God. That message is simply this, God is not double-minded, one day blessing you and the next day cursing you; rather, it is the devil�’s work that �“kills, steals and destroys�”; but God-in-Christ has come that we �“might have life and have it more abundantly�” (Jn 10:10, 1 Jn 3:8). Pastor Hope defends this biblical truth in the face of numerous traditional interpretations of scripture that depict God as the source of our evil circumstances. He does so lucidly and with convincing force. I heartily commend to you The Goodness of God.�”

Bron Barkely, MA, DMINExecutive Director of Alive Ministries,KIngwood TX




Anointing and Excellence in Publishing



250 pages

5.5 x 8.5


March 2011


Bulimia, debilitating as it is, was not the only snare waiting to entrap me. Another addiction lay in wait �–alcoholism, technically referred to as �“chemical dependency�”. One out of every two bulimics also struggles with substance abuse. This addictive alliance is not the product of ignorance, nor is it the result of intellectual deficiency. It is the lethal manifestation of a complex and intertwined network of physical, emotional, and spiritual dysfunction. Millions of people are trapped in the same unyielding snare, and for many; tragically, death may seem the only way out. I am one of the fortunate ones, for many others have not lived to tell their stories. I speak for those who remained silent and paid for it with their lives!

By Lois Thomson-Bowersock

Out of the Snare

$14.99Paperback76 pages5.5 x 8.5978-0-9839186-6-0November 2012

The V.I.P. Principle is likened to having special treatment. Have you ever been in the V.I.P. section at a concert? A press box? Courtside seats at a basketball game? If you have, congratulations! You now understand the concept of the V.I.P. Principle. If you have not, you are about to experience what it is like to have preferential treatment and be admired among your friends. By reading and applying these tools, you will gain access that will guide you to a higher standard of living. That is the V.I.P. Principle. The V.I.P. Principle will give you the keys you need to gain access to the places in your mind and life you never thought were possible. Let us explain: If you have ever been to a high security building, you know that you cannot enter the facility unless you have an access card. Once the card is properly inserted into the identification machine, the computer will read "Access Granted."

Access GrantedBy Dr. Aletha C. Warren & Tiffany C. Watkins

�“David Yanez, of RevMedia Publishing is a God chosen man who is filled with character and gifting for the ministry of missions and media understanding. A proven blessing for advancing the work of our Lord in these high-tech days.�”Dr. Gerald W. Davis, Overflowing Cup Ministries, Conroe, TX

"No higher praise can be offered than to describe David Yanez as a man of God who lives what he preaches. His love for the forgotten peoples of earth stirs me to find and reach those suffering in a similar manner. A faith preacher, David is a miracle worker and someone worthy of your confident consideration," Malcolm Burton, Pastor, Northgate Family Church, Spring, TX

�“I met David Yanez in California several years ago. At that time he was in the process of opening his own broadcasting station. He is one of the men that work on the edge for Jesus. His drive is infectious and has a limitless open vision. Only a few men like this around. His dedication is outstanding. I will stand behind him in all he does for our Lord.�”Pastor Cliff McKern, Life-Builder Church Ministries, Fort Worth, Texas

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Kingwood, TX