Revolutions in Russia. 1. Policies of the Czars Autocratic policies, harsh punishment, and...

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Revolutions in Russia

1. Policies of the Czars

Autocratic policies, harsh punishment, and resistance to change angered the Russian People.

2. Industrialization and economic growth

Bad working conditions, low wages, and child labor, as well as the workers’ low standard of living, lack of political power, the enormous gap between the rich and poor, rebellion.

3. The Russo-Japanese War

Russia’s losses to Japan sparked unrest at home, revealed the czar’s weaknesses, and led to the revolt in the middle of the war by Soldiers and Peasants at home.

4. “Bloody Sunday”

Provoked a wave of strikes and violence across the country and forced Czar Nicholas II to promise more freedom and create the Duma, Russia’s first parliament.

5. World War I

Revealed weaknesses of czarist rule and military leadership; destroyed morale of Russian soldiers, who mutinied, deserted, and ignored orders.

6. The March Revolution

Forced the czar, Nicholas II, to abandon his throne; allowed Duma to set up provisional government

7. November Revolution

Toppled the Duma (The provisional government) and gave power to Bolsheviks a political power that was created by the working class people.

8. Civil War

Caused millions of deaths from fighting and famine; showed that Bolsheviks were able both to seize power and to maintain it; crushed opposition to Bolshevik rule

10. Karl Marx

Marx’s ideas formed the basis of the Communist revolutionary government.

11. V. I. Lenin

Led the Bolshevik revolution and restored peace and order

12. Leon Trotsky

Commanded the Red Army during civil war, but was banished from Russia by Joseph Stalin and later murdered


Local council of workers, peasants, and soldiers (the working class)

Communist Party

A revolutionary party following the teachings of Marx and Lenin, based around the idea that everyone in society works together for the good of the country