Rhino 3d - Car Modeling

Post on 22-Feb-2015

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Here is the Curve that could be used...Part 1 Basic car model forming

Part 1 Basic car model forming

But I will use this one,,, becuse it works better for me...

and then I copy it a few times,, this amout will probably work best... more or less... =D

Part 1 Basic car model forming

Part 1 Basic car model forming

then I will loft these curves

Part 1 Basic car model forming

then the tweeking begins,, we will start by pulling points into better locations

Part 1 Basic car model forming

****then the tweeking begins,, we will start by pulling points into better locations*****

Part 1 Basic car model forming

****then the tweeking begins,, we will start by pulling points into better locations*****

Part 1 Basic car model forming

****then the tweeking begins,, we will start by pulling points into better locations*****

Part 1 Basic car model forming


Part 1 Basic car model forming

Front end work area,, you should also do the same too the rear of the car,, but I will not do thistoo save time and your time

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front end work

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front end work,, look closely throughout this tutorial at the COMMAND PROMPT and thetask bar on the left of the screen,, I may have things open for a reason,, so you can see what I'mdoing... lots of moving and scaling 1D

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front end work

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front end work,, adding a few knots,, this is where it might get interesting

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front end work,, and more knots

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front end work,,, going too add the nose of the car

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front end work

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front end work

Part 1 Basic car model forming

onto the Roof..

Part 1 Basic car model forming

More roof work,,, going to box up the top of the car..

Part 1 Basic car model forming

More roof work,,, going to box up the top of the car..

Part 1 Basic car model forming

More roof work,,, going to box up the top of the car..

Part 1 Basic car model forming

More roof work,,, going to box up the top of the car..

Some shading

Part 1 Basic car model forming

Adding curves in front of the windshild (KNOTS) only one direction and not any Symmetrical

Part 1 Basic car model forming

More roof work,,,

Moving points around too get the winshield too look better

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more windshield work

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more windshield work

Part 1 Basic car model forming

adjusting the A-Piller points a bit more

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more windshield work

Part 1 Basic car model forming

Adding some weight too the A-piller bottom,, sharpening out the bottom of the windshield

Part 1 Basic car model forming

still a little blocky around the window,, we are going too add some cuves to round it out (KNOTS)

Part 1 Basic car model forming

going too move these CV's forward

Part 1 Basic car model forming

I think I changed my mind and going too add some Symmetrical Knots down the center of the car..sorry about that lst one

Part 1 Basic car model forming

then we are going too pull on the center CV's and make the windshield more rounded

Part 1 Basic car model forming

we are pulling the middle CV's out for the curvature of the windshield area

Part 1 Basic car model forming

Same with the top area of the Windshield

Part 1 Basic car model formingNow I'm going too work on the hood some more,,,

this is some more scale 1D,, on the top view

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front-end point moving and scaling,,,,

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front-end point moving and scaling,,,,

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front-end point moving and scaling,,,,

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front-end point moving and scaling,,,,

Part 1 Basic car model forming

more front-end point moving and scaling,,,,

Squeezzing the lights area in-board,, (1D scaling

Part 1 Basic car model forming

going too smooth out the tow area,,(front tire area) its still too sharp looking

Part 1 Basic car model forming dont' wory too much about this area,, but having things look good usualy helps out downthe road,,,

NOTES-----I usually will make a curve too split the wheel well opening,, then I would also split off thelower bumper area,, then that area would be gone and I would build the bumper out ofRAILS or Edge Surfaces... you might also keep that old area,, so you can build curvesoff of it for the bumper,, or distort it too make a bumper,,

Part 1 Basic car model forming

adjusting the rear end points up a little,, making the rear higher than the front,,, popular in carstoday

Part 1 Basic car model forming

Wyatt TurnerHttp://eighthdecay.tripod.comand here they are moved

NOTES---WindowsI like to cut them all out with curves,, looking from the side-viewI also offset them about .2 or .3,,, so you can cut out a little strip,, that you can deletethe you just would move the glass a bit back into the body,, maybe about .4 or .5Then do a BLEND from the body too the glass,, this will make your trim area around you window

Part 2 Building the windows...I jumped ahead and finished off the rearsimilar too the front end of the carSee Part 1 for the basic body form

Part 2 Building the windows..

Draw in the side view the profile of your window with a curveas seen in the red curve..

Part 2 Building the windows..

I then offset the curve out ward from the originalthis will keep the knots from bunching up,,,Think of it like a circle,, offet towards the outside,,this will make the corners a little more rounded.

Part 2 Building the windows..

I then use these curves too split the body,,now making the trim piece and the window,,we will delete the trim piece,, we will make our own window trim!!

Part 2 Building the windows..

as you can see we delete that trimpart out

Part 2 Building the windows..

now we are going to move the window pane back into the bodygoing back at an angle,, trying too stay perpendicular too the body

Part 2 Building the windows..

Now I used the Blend tool,,trim the body surface survetoo the window surface curve,,Making sure you pick points near the same area,,other wise you’ll get some twisting..

Part 2 Building the windows..

now you can see the surface blendedmaking the window look offested into the body..

NOTE: instead of blendong you could make a profile cuveand make a 2Rail Surface... this tends too look more real..

Part 2 Building the windows..

Drawing the side window curve

NOTE: traditionaly windows on the side need nice straite curves that might get sharp in the cornesI went wil nice rounds in the corner,, this is up too you,,,but having some straight line across the bottom looks best (this is all one curve)

Part 2 Building the windows..

I then offset this cuve for the trim area (about .3 on this car) depends on how big you model is..

Part 2 Building the windows..

Draw in the side view the profile of your window with a curveNow you can check you model and split it,,, make sure you window area is nice a flatyou don’t want too split you model too high,, or you will be making a small round off at the top of your window,, that doesn’t look too good.

Part 2 Building the windows..

now you can see the glass and the deleted splited section where the trim of the windowwill be placed. we will now move the window back into the body a little about .3 too .5

Part 2 Building the windows..

I’m moving it back a little. usign the 1D Scale in the top view,, so both sides moveyou could also move them seperatly..

Part 2 Building the windows..

time too use the blend tool,, you might have too flip one of the CV directions

Part 2 Building the windows..

Now you can see the blend surface in yellow

Part 2 Building the windows..

Here is some shading

Part 2 Building the windows..

in the top view I’m gonna draw the rear window,, using the grid snaps with no center points on itit tends too look rounder that way

Part 2 Building the windows..

Adding some weight too the corners,, making it a little square like

Part 2 Building the windows..

Time too do some offsetting of that curve

Part 2 Building the windows..

Splitting like before,,

Part 2 Building the windows..

deleted the trim area,, then moving glass back into the body

Part 2 Building the windows..

Time for the blend tool,, but gotta flip the direction of One CV

Part 2 Building the windows..

and there you go,, the windows are in.. =D

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Start by placing the location of the tires/wheels with circlesfollow an out line with a curve around the wheel circle

also draw the profile of the door

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I then will offset the door curve about .3 or so depending on the size of you car

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

The curve for the door is now offsetwe will not split it yet!!!

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now draw a curve for the bottom of the carbetween the wheel wells

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I then will offset this striaght curve

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

the the same with the front of the car and the rear

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

now split out the wheel wells

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

delete the wheel well parts and time too split the bottom of the car

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

We are going too move this little strip back into the body for some blending

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I used the 1D scale in the top view,, so both sides move into the body

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I created 2 curves too used a 2Rail surface that area together.

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I’m selecting the 2 curves for the 2rail surface command

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I also did the bottom part of the groove,, here is the shaded view of it

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now its time to split the door and seam

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now delet the little trim piece around the door,,

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

now you can see the open Gap around the door

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now we make a KEY filler Curve for the groove around the doortry and make it round off too the surface and use the 2rail surface command

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now surface it with the 2-rail command-- see up above the pull down menu

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

select the two curves and then select the Key profile curve for the slot

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

An there you go,,, you got the groove around the door

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now I’m gonna split the car in Half,, so I only have one side too wory about,,I drew a curve down the middle of the car in the top view.

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Here is a shaded view of it split in half

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now I split the front bumper area off and the rear off,, using the same technique,,I’m also going too make a key filler for the front bumper seam area

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now delete out that small strip on the rear and the front

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

making another key filler and going too use the 2rail surface command

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

there is the seam now surfaced using the 2rail surface command

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now I’m going too do something different too the rearshrink too trimmed surface

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I’m going too give the rear bumper a lipby pulling these top points out in the rear direction

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

moing points too rear,, for bumper lip

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

new we will blend the two surfeced together in the seam area

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Here is the shaded view of what I made sofar

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I now trimmed off the bottom of the bumper using a straight curve

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

now I’m going too duplicate the bottom edge of the bumper

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I now have a curve made on the bottom of the bumper

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I now created a curve that raps under the car too the middle (off of the end point of the new dupliaed curve)I will also create a curve off a near point on the duplicated curve,,we will us it too split that duplicated curve,, now we have a small segement with the same curvature of the bumper

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I then 1rail surfaced that split curve along thenew one that raps under the car too the middle,,but it will come too a funny angle,, just mirror that surface and do a matchsurface,, then trimm off what isn’t needed through the middle of the car.)

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

Now I made a curve for the edge of that lower part,, 1rail surface it

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

I did the same thing too that upper part off the bumper,, a 1rail surface using a curvebut I used that trimmed/splitted off curve.

Part 3-- Modeling the doors an Wheel wells

there we go,, ya got a bumper and doors and wheel wells Wyatt Turners car Tutorial in Rhinohttp://eighthdecay.tripod.com