Ric V2.0 Development Workshop Outcomes From The July Workshop David Michael 101129 V0.1

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Outcomes from the July workshop


Presentation by:

David Michael

Business Development & Project Manager

Products and Services

eIS Science Technology & Medicine

The British Library

RIC 2.0 Development Workshop 29/11/2010

Overview of the July Workshop

Presentations by institutions that have installed the RIC to share their experience


Overview of the July Workshop

An overview of the RIC 1.0 functions and enhancements following its release in January


Overview of the July Workshop

An outline of the work the British Library has been doing to engage with the biosciences research community


Overview of the July Workshop

Microsoft’s plans to develop the RIC ‘in the cloud’ - RIC 2.0


Individual researcher-focused ‘experiences’ that can be assembled like Lego blocks to construct research sites

Distributed and community-driven development

New modules can be stored/discovered via Research Accelerators Gallery


Deployment options from onsite to Cloud


RIC Development Community Survey


Understand how the British Library and Microsoft can appropriately support the community of RIC developers during development of RIC 2.0.

Take into consideration the views of attendees of the RIC workshop and individuals who were unable to attend the workshop.


RIC Survey: How the community would like to collaborate?

Workshop Attendees: Non Attendees:


Most important areas that the development community needs to address:

Workshop Attendees: Non Attendees:


What else the community wanted to see from the BL and Microsoft:

“Long Term Roadmap” “We need to identify key scenarios that the whole community

really care about so that this can help drive adoption.” “Outline the detailed business scenarios that RIC will support.

Detailed business process documentation or workflows so that community can provide feedback on other overlapping business situations where RIC can be used. Publish an overall product vision as it evolves so that the community can be involved”

“V1.0 is obviously overly complex and difficult to get going. It would be excellent if some support from MS is made available to early adopters”


Expectations over the next 12 months

“Given the comments about the concept of RIC 2.0 where releases will be made as "Experiences" I think that in the future we will have a RIC defined as catalogue of experiences under SharePoint 2010. If so, the user would be able to download and configure the experiences according to specific scenarios“

“Developing RIC 2.0 on SharePoint 2010 as soon as possible” “To see user requirements in both the biomedical & humanities spheres largely met and

the user community significantly extended. To see a clear long term strategy for RIC.” “RIC in the cloud should be a reality or we should be very close to it.” We plan to set up virtual research environments for a number of research teams at our

university. In the next 12 months, we hope to set up some 4 or 5 VREs. We are hoping that we can use the RIC for this purpose”

“That it is widely used in the research community“ “I hope to be able to provide researchers with a Virtual Research Environment in which

they can collaborate on research, share data, manage their resources and eventually publish their data (publication/data/enhanced publication)”

“To understand how it can be used to serve local needs To understand how it relates to integration with digital repositories for seamless movement of content between them”


What Microsoft and the British Library are going to do.

There is significant demand for a face to face workshop every 3 months.

Ongoing collaboration / discussion will continue to take place on LinkedIn.

The development community workshops will focus on the following aspects that have been highlighted as priorities: - Plugin enhancements and priorities. - User feedback and requirements - Technical Issues - RIC Development on BPOS

More details around the specific plans/strategy for RIC 2.0 to be made available and communicated.

While most of our attention is now turning to RIC 2.0 development, the source code for RIC 1.0 is now open and available on http://ric.codeplex.com and we (the BL and MSR) intend to partner with the community to establish longer term development, support and migration options for those who wish to deploy RIC 1.0 on SharePoint 2007


RIC Workshops.

RIC Annual Workshop (July 2011 TBC):

• The next event will be lengthened to include scope for more discussion. • Investigate the feasibility of holding the workshop at a different venue eg Cambridge / Newry. • Look at the potential of involving end users.

July 2010 Workshop Rating:


LinkedIn Development Community - Update


BL RIC Website


The BL RIC website has been updated to include contact details, links to Codeplex, LinkedIn and PowerPoint presentations. www.bl.uk/reshelp/experthelp/science/ric/ric.html

Research Information Centre


email: david.michael@bl.uk

