Rich Robbins, Leigh Shaffer NACADA Journal Co-editors and Marsha Miller NACADA Assistant Director...

Post on 22-Jan-2016

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Rich Robbins, Leigh ShafferNACADA Journal Co-editors

and Marsha Miller NACADA Assistant Director

Resources & Services

Writing for NACADANACADA Journal

Academic Advising TodayClearinghouse

Monographs & Blog

NACADA Publications

• The NACADA Journal

• Academic Advising Today

• NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources

• Monographs, books, CDs, DVD

Presentation Topics

• Purpose• Content• Writing Guidelines• Acceptance Process

Write down at least one idea you have for writing about an advising related


NACADA publications philosophy = marriage of research, theory and practice

• qualitative research• quantitative research• mixed methodology• applying existing theory to advising• developing new theory relevant to advising• implications for advising practice• etc.

A professional publication of NACADA

Includes: Scholarly Articles on


Book ReviewsBibliographic Annotations

Exists to advance scholarly discourse about the research, theory, and practice of academic advising in higher education.

Published biannually

NACADA Journal -- writing guidelines

• Manuscripts should not exceed 6,000 words (excluding title page, abstract, and references)

• Most studies are based on a standard qualitative or quantitative research methodology

• NJ and APA style guides–– Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,

Sixth Edition

NACADA Journal – recent titles• An Applied Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in

Academic Advising• “It’s What I have Always Wanted to Do.” Advising the

Foreclosure Student• Patterns of Persistence in Intended College Major with a

Focus on STEM Majors

Current NACADA members can access pdfs of all NACADA Journal articles at

NACADA Journal acceptance process

• Co-Editors read each manuscript and decide if a blind copy should go to Manuscript Reviewers

• Three Manuscript Reviewers from the Editorial Board read article and write an independent review

• Co-Editors read reviews and re-read manuscript• Co-Editors write an Editorial Decision Letter

– Accept, Revise study/manuscript, Reject

• Process takes two to four months• Approximately 30% of manuscripts are published

How do I get an article published in the NACADA Journal?

• Formulate an idea– Professional reading, colleague discussion, glean from practice

• Conduct an inquiry– Qualitative and/or quantitative research; theoretical; applied

• Write it up: Prepare a manuscript that follows–– Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,

Sixth Edition

• Send it in– Email manuscript as an attachment to:

How do I get an article published in the NACADA Journal?

• Become familiar with the NACADA Journal– Types of articles– Tone and style of writing– Members access Journal articles through “my NACADA”

• Place your article in the context of previous NJ publications on your topic

• Proofread to assure you are really finished• Follow the NACADA Journal’s submission process and

published guidelines• Then follow the APA Style Guide (no hybrid styles)• Learn from the review process• Copyright release

How long does the review process take?

• The review of a manuscript normally takes from two to four months

• Once accepted, manuscripts are published on a rolling basis twice a year: usually June and December

Writing a Book Review for the NACADA Journal

• See guidelines and other information about book reviews at –

• List of available books• Choosing and requesting a book• Writing the review• Submitting the review• Index of print-based book reviews• Web published book reviews

Academic Advising Today -- purpose

• Academic Advising Today is NACADA’s quarterly electronic publication

•• AAT is a venue where academic advisors and

advising administrators share their experiences; discuss their ideas about the theory and practice of academic advising.

• Includes: from the President, from the Executive Director, Keynote speakers, member articles, Vantage Point, Sparklers

Academic Advising Today--content• AAT welcomes member articles and opinion pieces

directed to practicing advisors and advising administrators. • Article authors should write an article that is:

– balanced in perspective– educational in nature– positive in tone– focused on a particular aspect of academic advising.

• Commercial messages and promotions are not accepted; submissions must be both product- and vendor-neutral.

• Articles printed elsewhere cannot be reprinted in AAT without written permission from the original publication.

Academic Advising Today writing guidelines

• ~1000 words not counting reference citations. • Devote the majority of the article to providing details that

illustrate how an aspect of advising is useful. • What implications does your article have for advising

practice? • Write in the 3rd person (advisors should…) or 1st person

(we should…). Do NOT write in 2nd person (you should…). • Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological

Association, 6th edition • Identify yourself by name, department, institution (include

location, if appropriate), and e-mail address.

Academic Advising Today Sample article titles

• From Inaction to Action: Recognizing the Language of Procrastination• Effective Ways to Deal with Large Advising Loads • Apathy's Antidote: Using Mindfulness to Improve Advisor Performance • You, Me, and Mom Makes Three: How Academic Advisors Can

Capitalize on Parental Involvement• Leeds for Life: Preparing Our Students for Their Future• Nine Steps to a Successful Campus Professional Development Event• Recognize, Realize, and Utilize New Advisors and their Unique Skills• Helping Students Help Themselves: Advising as Empowerment• Improving Our Advisees' Cultural Capital

Academic Advising Today acceptance process

• Submit your article via e-mail to• Identify yourself by name, department, institution (and

location, if appropriate), and e-mail address. • Juried (not blind) review• Acceptance rate ~ 60%• Articles are edited to meet AAT and APA guidelines• Copyright release required• Most articles printed within 3-6 months

How do I get an article published in Academic Advising Today?

• Have an idea– Professional reading, colleague discussion,


• Discuss the idea with Leigh Cunningham, AAT Managing Editor

• Write it out • Send it in

NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources purpose

Promote the advancement of academic advising by providing members with electronic access to:

• Advising Issues & Resources – Resource links to Web sites – Topic anchor articles (overviews)– Annotated bibliography (read more about it)

• Advising Standards & Values include links to recognized definitions, standards and values of advising.

• Member Produced Web Publications suggested by NACADA members as useful.


The Clearinghouse – content of the publication arm of the Clearinghouse

– Topic overview written by a member knowledgeable about the issue addressed that will explain and improve practice

– Annotated bibliography of articles and/or books where advisors can "read more about" the topic

The Clearinghouse -- writing guidelines

• Juried publication • Overview of a 'Critical Issue' within advising• Article can be read in 5-10 minutes ~ 1600 words• Written in 3rd person • Includes annotated bibliography of ~ 10 resources

to “read more about it” • APA format• Copyright release

The Clearinghouse Sample Articles

• Advisor Load • The Puzzle of College Students Success: Fitting the Counseling and Advising

Pieces Together• Are Men the New At-Risk Population of Students

• How to organize a common reading on your campus

• Crafting a personal advising philosophy

• Restructuring our conversations: Shifting to four dimensional advising models

• Is the Canadian Advising System Really Different from the American Advising System?

• "Approachable” “Intimidating” “Unprofessional” “Credible": What do our offices say about us?

How do I get an article published in the Clearinghouse?

• Have an idea– Professional reading, colleague discussion, practice

• Check the Clearinghouse at to see what already has been said about this issue

• Email the Clearinghouse Director at to discuss possible article

• Write it • Submit it

Additional NACADA Publication opportunities

• Monographs

• DVDs

• Books

• Webcast CDs

Additional NACADA Publication opportunities

• Editors• Chapter authors• Exemplary

Practices• Content Review

Team members• Expertise


• Submissions should be:• About an advising/student success related NACADA experience.• Educational in nature, positive in tone, and focused on particular aspects

of academic advising.• Original and written especially for the NACADA blog.• Both product- and vendor-neutral.• Non-political

• Writing Guidelines• Keep posts to the point, roughly 250-400 words in a Word file.• Use the first person singular. Writing in a conversational tone engages

readers and we like hearing personal stories.• When possible, include at least one image in your post. contact• Try to utilize a bulleted format and urls when appropriate (be sure to state

where user is going with url).


• Where would you send a scholarly article based on formal inquiry?

• Where would you send an article about advising that is based on your own experience and observation?

• Where would you send an idea for an overview of an advising article on a yet-to-be published topic?

• Where would you send an idea you have for improving practice?


• Thank you for


• Please fill out the

session evaluation