
Post on 29-Mar-2016

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It is known as the

legendary island first mentioned by Plato, it is said that this city was under a thousand feet under water, and that it contained the biggest wealth and knowledge ever found. It seems this city was buried under water centuries ago by a natural disaster or sort of an earthquake. Also it is said that in the majestic underwater city also lies a super developed society, which brings us years of knowledge, and only the most extremely intelligent people will be able to find the entrance into it. Since the nineteenth century some

The lost city of Atlantis

Scientists have found clues and evidence about the legendary island and that it actually exists but no one could find it. Atlantis is closely related to the legend of El Dorado, because all the evidence that has been fund on both sites was found by the same person, an historian named Blake Kircher. Interesting was Mr. Kircher disappeared by the time they would begin the expedition to the alleged coordinates, some rumors says that undertook his own way to find Atlantis.


It is mythical place that was full of gold and great wealth brought by the

Spanish and English conquerors. It is said that this place is somewhere in the center of Colombia or in the Amazon, many historians and researchers had undertaken several expeditions in search of the mythical place, but it was never found. This place is highly relates to Atlantis as it was said that both sites were suitable only for those who deserve it to found it. The first researcher to seek this place was Francisco Orellana and had the help of Blake Kircher. Several pieces of gold were found near the Amazon but

they never got to the entrance of the unknown place.

Flying Dutchman The legend of the Flying Dutchman concerns a ghost ship that can never

make port, and was condemned to wander forever in the world’s oceans. The story records that the ship s captain Williem van der Decken made a pact with the devil it consist in that he would be able to face all the natural difficulties and navigate throw the sea at his own will, against the designs of God, so when God realizing it sentenced him to wander for eternity in the oceans without ever touching land. Others versions say that the Flying Dutchman sailing eternally searching for the lost love of the captain, who was thrown into the sea on their wedding day. Today, many commercial

and fishing boats claim to have seen the big boat en the distance but suddenly, this one disappears in the fog.


The legend tells the story of a woman exercising papacy hiding her sexual

identity. Joan had herself elected under the name of Benedict III or John VIII more or less between the years 855 and 857. Joan cleverly kept her sexual

identity unknown until one day while she was pregnant and had contractions during a full ceremonial act, so she was discovered; consequently she was murdered in cold

blood in front of all the cardinals of the Vatican.

It is said that the child that Joan was expected was born and that he became one of the greatest cardinals of the history, without ever revealing his true origin. There are many theories that prove that this legend is true, but others maintain that it was not,

because they do not coincide with the papal mandates in dates.



In the venerable mountains Himalayas, where without a doubt is the homeland of the Yeti, the "Abominable man snow man", "Metoh Kangmi" of native porters. TESTIMONY: Andrew Dzávada, expedicionist "the tracks were clear for more than one mile, and we note that they belonged to a very heavy creature that normally walked on two feet. In my 29 years of experience as a climber in Europe and Asia, have seen traces of many kinds, and incidentally also traces of different kinds of bear, but these tracks that I saw at the base of Everest I must believe in the unbelievable."

"No be live could survive at this stage and with this temperature. Good, but there was someone there. Perhaps it

has been a Yeti.” "His eyes were expressionless, dull and empty." “The creature was naked and seemed dark against the snow. He pointed out that the creature moved to strides long and slightly sloping. He could distinguish his face, with nose crushed, very indented in his birth; the conical and pointed head with a crest of hairs.



Bone recorded serving to divination (3000 before Christ Paris, Museum (Carnuschi)

A remedy against oblivion

A day of 1899, in Beijing, a doctor prescribes to the family of

such Wang I-yung a remedy against malaria. One of the ingredients

is what is called long "dragon bones" reduced to dust. At the time of crushing them, Wang realizes that they are, in fact, pieces of turtle

shell decorated with strange markings. Expert in ancient scriptures, Wang notes that these signs are pictograms, i.e. symbolic

representations and ideographs such as those used in the Chinese and Japanese language. "Sure of having discovered something

exceptional, Wang is rushing to buy all the bones of the Dragon" that is, whether fragments of skeletons of animals, or again turtle



The era that dates back the canvas, since carbon-14 tests have proved daunting for many believers, that

the estimated date dates back to the middle ages, i.e. that the canvas does not have a 2000 years old, but it was made at the time of mankind has not yet has ruled. But before this disputes have arisen since carbon-14 does not demonstrate a reliability of 100 percent in cases of radiation and still does not know the true reason why that image is there embodied. Invisible to the eye and embodied human when it is observed, but which appears clearly in the photographic negatives. .


Several Western for four centuries

archaeologists tried to locate this famous biblical Tower, her sought in the area of the current Iraq, Akar Quf in Western Baghdad, and Birs Nimrud where are located the ruins of the ancient Borsippa, located near the remains of ancient Babylonia, found a structure in 1913 in the city of Babylon to the identify as the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel has been destroyed and rebuilt several times.


This mysterious man was a prisoner of the Government from 1687 and all this time his face

remained hidden after a mask. the prisoner was young and very attractive who liked to dress well and play the guitar.

Truth or fiction, it is said that Louis XIV had a twin brother which was separated by the King of the

family to avoid the dispute for the throne. And it is said that when this brother grew up and realized the truth, he was arrested and forced to spend the rest of his days as the man in the iron mask.


In 1811 on Bimini, Bahamas one of the biggest mysteries of the world had a place. 11 o’clock in the

morning, November 1, a fishing boat headed to Golf of Mexico from Puerto Rico. This boat had 65 crew. The boat never arrived to the port , which was suspicious and led to an investigation, the

investigators figured out it was not only that case, another ones had took a place. In 1902 the fly 2351 headed to Miami disappeared taken away 218 persons a lot of them kids. The investigators tried to solve the case but they could not find any trace yet. What is interesting is this coincides in numbers. 1811= 11 1902=11

November=11 2351=11

65=11 218=11 Everything is related to 11, it has to be something behind this, one day they expected to found out this mystery.


Texas US 12:30 Friday of November 22 of 1963 John F. Kennedy have died.

It all started as a theory but then the police realized that he was brutality killed by revenge.

Everyone knows Kennedy he was one of the most influence person alive, but like all kind of human being had secrets. Marilyn Monroe a beautiful icon, a playmate and every man dream. Kennedy a young, rich, powerful man, what else they need to be a perfect couple or lovers?

Marilyn died in 1962 supposedly suicide, but people knew that was not the really cause, gossips, magazines, papers etc. Inform that maybe Mrs. Monroe and Mr. Kennedy were dating or in fact

were lovers, a couple of days later Marilyn was found death in her apartment which cause controversy. A year later Kennedy died doing what he loved policy. The town said it was a revenge murder by Marilyn’s exboyfriend; other ones said his wife knew about his fairy and contract a killer

to end her sadness.



The most persistent ghost in The Tower of London is the ghost of Queen Anne Boleyn

One of the most haunted places in Britain. His scene of the infamous disappearance of the two

princes; Edward V and Richard Duke of York. According to one story, guards in the late 15th century, who were passing the Bloody Tower, spotted the shadows of two small figures gliding

down the stairs still wearing the white night shirts they had on the night they disappeared. In 1674 workmen found a chest that contained the skeletons of two young children, they were thought to be

the remains of the princess, and were given a royal burial.

Something unseen and very frightening is in the Salt Tower. This is one of the most haunted areas of the Tower of London complex. This is a very old section; dogs will not enter this ancient building. In 1864, a soldier saw a apparition so real, that after ignoring the soldiers three challenges only to go straight through the figure. He was found unconscious at his post and was court-martial led for neglecting his duty. Luckily there were two witnesses who corroborated his story. The soldier was

eventually acquitted.


A legendary alchemical substance said to be able of turning metals into gold; it was also believed to be an elixir of life, use for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality.

A lot of people embarked on a journey to found the incredible and unbelievable stone that could

recover and made reach any person on earth. Unfortunately all of them are death and the stone was never proved to be truth.

Now a days is still one of the most incredible investigation no one ever said it is false or it is true, Scientifics know that if they found this elixir of life the earth could be safe of a master destroy that

we are not prepared for