Rikki Tikki Tavi Vocabulary

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Directions: View each slide and create/record your own

definition for each example based upon what you see or read.

Then, record the part of speech and dictionary definition given on the following slide.

Finally, draw a picture under the connection column that will help you to best remember the definition.

Even though she did not win the gold medal, she received a blue ribbon as a consolation prize.

“If it’s any consolation,” Richard stated as he wept, “I hope we can still be friends.”

Consolation (noun)

The act of comforting; the state of being consoled

Cowered (verb)

To crouch, as in fear or shame

My neighbor cultivated the land weeks in advance for her beautiful vegetable garden.

Cultivated (verb)

Prepared and used for raising crops, tilled

The lion cunningly crouched in the tall grass, stalking his unsuspecting prey.

Caitlin cunningly went to the restroom as the teacher collected homework.

Cunningly (adverb)

Acting with deceptiveness; secretly

Fledgling-click on picture-watch 45 seconds of video

fledgling (noun)

A newborn animal; typically one that hatches from an egg

Gait-click on picture

gait (noun)

A manner of walking, stepping, or running

immenselyI immensely enjoyed my

piece of birthday cake at the party.

After watching the two hour opera, we decided that it was immensely boring.

Immensely (adverb)

Vastly; hugely; greatly

mourning (noun)the period or interval during which a person grieves or formally expresses grief, as by wearing black garments.

restless-click on picture

restless (adjective)

twitchy; unceasingly active

revived-click on the picture

revived (verb)

to restore to life or consciousness

savage-these pictures are examples of savages

savage (adjective)

enraged or furiously angry, as a person.

scornfully Even though Jesse received an A on her

test because she studied, Matilda looked at her scornfully all throughout lunch.

Beth scornfully thinks of all the birthday presents that she didn’t receive due to the fact that she wasn’t born when her sister was.

scornfully (adverb)

to regard with disdain or hate even though it’s not deserved

Scuttle from The Little Mermaid gets his name from his unusually fast gait.

Hayden stole a Snicker’s bar from the 7 eleven and scuttled away.

scuttle (verb)

a quick pace; a quick, hurried run

Sir Gawain from the Knights of the Round Table was valiant in his efforts to save the kingdom.

Sue was valiant because she shared her personal poem during class discussion.

valiant (adjective)

boldly courageous; brave

veranda-these pictures are examples of verandas

veranda (noun)a large, open porch, often

extending across the front and sides of a house