Rise of Russia

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Rise of Russia. Ch. 18. I. Introduction. Became an empire shortly after overthrowing the Mongols (tartars) Spread to the Pacific Ocean through the efforts of the tsars Russia believed that it was the 3 rd Rome and succeeded Byzantium Tsar-Caesar. I. Introduction. Russia under Mongols - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Rise of RussiaCh. 18

I. Introduction• Became an empire shortly after overthrowing

the Mongols (tartars)• Spread to the Pacific Ocean through the

efforts of the tsars• Russia believed that it was the 3rd Rome and

succeeded Byzantium• Tsar-Caesar

I. Introduction• Russia under Mongols

• Many Russians adopted Mongol dress• Russian Orthodox continued as main religion• Artistic innovation declined• Economy declines

• Peasants became serfs and business decline• Agricultural focus

II. Tsarist Expansion• 1st great tsar- Ivan the Great aka Ivan III

• Freed Russia from Tartars• Believed Russia was third Rome and utilized

Roman Orthodox church• Expanded territory out from Moscow

• Ivan the Terrible (IV)• Pushed South and East from Moscow• Brutal ruler who killed boyars (aristocrats) to

solidify rule

II. Tsarist Expansion • Expansion into Central Asia

• Pushed Mongols back• Prevented future nomadic invasion• Settled by Cossacks

• Russian Pioneers that disliked strict rule• Military based on horses

• Made Russia multicultural (not just Slavic)• Ran by a bureaucracy based on nobles

rewarded for loyalty to tsar

II. Tsarist Expansion • Times of Troubles

• Resulted from Ivan IV not having an heir• Poland and Sweden invaded Western and

Northern territories• Boyars fought for power• Settled in 1613 when the boyars chose the

Romanov family to being the ruling family• Lasted until the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917

II. Tsarist Expansion • Michael Romanov

• First Romanov ruler• Reestablished order• Took over part of Ukraine

• Alexis Romanov• Succeeded Michael• Abolished Assembly of Nobles• Continued Expansion• Removed superstitions from church• Exiled Old Believers to Siberia

II. Tsarist Expansion • Peter the Great

• Son of Alexis• Traveled to Western Europe in Disguise

• Wanted to westernize Russia• Nobles shaved beards, changed clothes• Bureaucratic system with magistrates appointed

by Tsar• Encouraged use of serfs for mining and agriculture• Encouraged Arts

• Expanded territory

II. Tsarist Expansion • Catherine the Great

• Came to power after a period of weak rulers• German Princess who married Peter III

• Peter died and she took over• Very successful ruler

• Consolidated power• Put down Pugachev Rebellion

• Brought ideas of French Enlightenment• Divided Poland with Austria and Prussia• Gave Nobles more power over serfs• Got involved in Western European politics

III. Beginning of Modern Russia

• Life for peasants greatly declined• Continually declined with the onset of serfdom

• Landowners/nobles greatly taxed and punished serfs

• Debt Slavery for peasants• 1649 –hereditary status of serfs- virtually slaves

• Economy• Exported raw goods for finished products• Labor and manufacturing took place in countryside• Surplus went to lords

III. Beginning of Modern Russia

• Pugachev Rebellion• Cossack Chieftan, Emelian Pugachev, claimed to

be the next tsar• Promised end to serfdom, high taxes and military

conscription• Caused problems in Southern Russia• Quartered in Moscow when captured

IV. Conclusion• Russian Tsars created a huge empire that was

able to pull up massive armies• Treatment of Peasants/Serfs led to Bolshevik

Revolution and Communism