Rise of the Republic in Rome 6 th Grade History Alive pg 347-351.

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Rise of the Republic in Rome6th Grade History Alive

pg 347-351

Patricians Create a Republic

In 509 BC a group of Patricians led by Brutus rebelled against the Etruscans

In place of the King the created a Republic Elected officials govern for the people

Created the Senate which was a group of 300 Patricians Appoint government officials and judges

Two elected leaders called consuls, shared command of the army They are advised by the Senate

Plebeians Rebel

Laws were created by the Patricians only Plebeians still had to

fight wars they had no say in

In 494 BC they marched out of the city and camped Caused a panic and

the Patricians had to compromise

Plebeians Gain Political Equality

Now allowed to elect officials called Tribunes of the Plebs Spoke on their behalf Had power to veto, overrule

actions by the Senate

The council of Plebs was formed

Over 200 years Plebeians protested and won politically equality

Important Dates

451 BC demanded laws be written down and won Published on “Twelve Tables”

367 BC stated a new law that one of the two consuls had to be plebeian Allowed plebeians to become senators

287 BC plebeians gained rights to pass laws for all Roman citizens

Future leaders in Europe and America used this as an example of government