RMBALARA AND KATANDRA RESERVES LISAROW Taylors Road · Rain Forest Road Gosford Railway Station...

Post on 29-Jun-2020

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Please note: solid lines on map indicate trails that cyclists may use. Dashed lines indicate walking only tracks.


Access Roads


Historical Site

Horse Trail


Designated for cycling


Picnic Tables

Seymour Pond


Water Reservoir

Water Tap

Turn Around for Cyclists

Train Station

Rain Forest Road

Gosford Railway Station

John Whiteway Drive

Donnison Street

This 11km return walk gives bushwalkers a chance to view some of the most spectacular landscapes in the COSS.

Enter Rumbalara at Donnison Street and follow the Casuarina, Flannel Flower, Red Gum and Mouat tracks to St John Picnic Area. Continue on to Seymour Pond via Toomeys

and Waterman Walks. The return route is along Graves Walk back to Mouat Trail and then to Rumbalara.

The Railway to Rainforest Trail is marked by a set of wallaby footprints. This route is made up of a number of individual, but linked tracks. Cyclists should refer to the symbols for the individual tracks to see if they are suitable for cycling.


You don’t have to travel far to enjoy Gosford’s bushland.It‘s right on your doorstep!By car:

Dolly Avenue Toomeys RoadKatandra Road

By train:

From Gosford Railway Station, walk along Mann Street. Turn left at William Street Mall and continue. Turn right on to Albany St North and left on to Donnison Street for the link to the Casuarina Walk.

By bicycle or foot: By foot:

White Street Donnison StreetMarana Road William StreetToomeys Road Bay View Avenue John Whiteway Drive Tottenham PlaceClyde Road Jarrett Street Bradys Gully Road The RidgewayTaylors Road Henry Wheeler PlaceRain Forest Road Henry Parry Drive





Henry Parry Drive

Henry Wheeler Place

Jarrett Street

Tottenham Place

Bradys Gully Road

Clyde Road

Katandra Road

The Ridgeway

Toomeys Road

Trails Distance Difficulty

Bay View Fire Trail 125m Leisurely

Iron Bark Loop 475m Leisurely

White Street Fire Trail 1000m Leisurely

Flannel Flower Walk 1570m Moderate

Grass Tree Walk 475m Moderate

Marana Fire Trail 555m Moderate

Red Gum Walk 2100m Moderate

Bradys Gully Fire Trail 535m Challenging

Casuarina Walk 2400m Challenging

Jarrett Street Fire Trail 1000m Challenging

Jarrett Street Link Track 690m Moderate

Rainforest Walk 1650m Challenging

Tottenham Track 240m Challenging

Waterman Walk 700m Leisurely

Graves Walk 1340m Moderate

Guringai Walk x CLOSED 880m Moderate

Katandra Horse Trail 3510m Moderate

Taylors Road West Fire Trail 550m Moderate

Toomeys Walk 2570m Moderate

Clyde Road Fire Trail 500m Challenging

Rain Forest Road Fire Trail 980m Challenging

Mouat Trail 4300m Challenging

Management Tracks not designated for recreational use

Taylors Road

Bay View Avenue

Marana Road

White Street

Dolly Avenue

Private Property

The Railway to Rainforest Trail leads from Gosford to the rainforest at Seymour Pond…

William Street Mall