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Introduction to tourism The impacts of tourism Economic impacts of tourism defining ecotourism Tourism concepts and

applications Reference


R'tist @ Tourism, PU

First Definition for Tourism

The first definition of tourism was made by Guyer Feuler in 1905.

UNWTO Definition of Tourism

"Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes."

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Tourism is different from travel

In order for tourism to happen, there must be a displacement

But all travel is not tourism.

Three criteria are used simultaneously in order to characterize a trip as belonging to tourism:

It involves a displacement outside the usual environment:

Type of purpose: the travel must occur for any purpose different from being remunerated from within the place visited: the previous limits, where tourism was restricted to recreation and visiting family and friends are now expanded to include a vast array of purposes;

Duration: only a maximal duration is mentioned, not a minimal. Tourism displacement can be with or without an overnight stay.

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.

The World Tourism Organization defines

tourists as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".

Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity.

In 2011, there were over 983 million international tourist arrivals worldwide, representing a growth of 4.6% when compared to 940 million in 2010.

International tourism receipts grew to US$1.03 trillion (€740 billion) in 2011, corresponding to an increase in real terms of 3.8% from 2010

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

In 2011, international travel demand continued to recover from the losses resulting from the late-2000s recession, where tourism suffered a strong slowdown from the second half of 2008 through the end of 2009.

After a 5% increase in the first half of 2008, growth in international tourist arrivals moved into negative territory in the second half of 2008, and ended up only 2% for the year, compared to a 7% increase in 2007.

The negative trend intensified during 2009, exacerbated in some countries due to the outbreak of the H1N1 influenza virus, resulting in a worldwide decline of 4.2% in 2009 to 880 million international tourists arrivals, and a 5.7% decline in international tourism receipts.

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

In 1994, the United Nations classified three forms of tourism in its Recommendations on Tourism Statistics: Domestic tourism, involving residents

of the given country traveling only within this country.

Inbound tourism, involving non-residents traveling in the given country.

Outbound tourism, involving residents traveling in another country.R'tist @ Tourism, PU

World tourism statistics and rankings

Most-visited countries by international tourist arrivals

The World Tourism Organization reports the following ten countries as the most visited in terms of the number of international travellers. In 2011, Turkey overtook the UK to become the sixth most visited country.

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

International tourism receipts

International tourism receipts grew to US$1.03 trillion (€740 billion) in 2011, corresponding to an increase in real terms of 3.8% from 2010.

The World Tourism Organization reports the following countries as the top ten tourism earners for the year 2011, with the United States by far the top earner

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

International tourism expenditure

The World Tourism Organization reports the following countries as the top ten biggest spenders on international tourism for the year 2011.

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Most-visited cities by international tourist arrivals

R'tist @ Tourism, PU


R'tist @ Tourism, PU


By Product

Mass Tourism: Package tour

Alternative Tourism: Ecotourism

By nature of the activity

Active: Adventure tourism, Ecotourism, Golf

Passive: Sightseeing, Beach, Cruise

Location preference

Coastal, Rural, City, Mountains, Lakes

Duration of trip

Day trip, weekend trip, annual holiday





By age/socio-economic group




Empty Nesters



R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Tourist Typologies

Dalen (1989)

Traditional Materialists

Traditional Idealists

Modern Materialists

Modern Idealists

American Express (1989)






Valene Smith


Elite Tourists

Offbeat tourists

Unusual tourists

Incipient mass tourists

Mass Tourists

Perreault &Dorden (1979)

Budget tourists

Adventure tourists

Homebody tourists



Cohen (1972)

Recreational tourists

Diversionary tourists

Experimental tourists

Experiential tourists

Existential tourists

Gray (1970)



Plog (1977)



Peters Inventory of Tourist attractions

Cultural attractions

Traditional attractions

Scenic attractions

Entertainment attractions

Other attractions

Iso Ahola

Push-Pull Factors

Cooper Tourism Demand

Life Cycle Factors

Life style FactorsR'tist @ Tourism, PU

Tourism Theories

Leiper’s Tourism System Model (1990)

Stanley plog’s model of Destination preferences

Stanley Plog’s psychographics model (1974)

Butler’s Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC - 1980)

Doxey’s Irritation Index (Irridex - 1975)

Matheison and Wall Travel – Buying Behavior Model (1982)

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Tourism System

Leiper’s model, which was suggested in 1979 and adapted in 1990

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Stanley plog’s Tourist model of Destination preferences (1980)

Smith(1990) argued that the allocentric-psychocentric model fails to support the hypothesized association between personality types and destination preferences.

Litvin (2006) tested Plog’s model by showing that ideal destination and the destination most recently visited differ.

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Stanley Plog’s psychographics model (1967)

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Allocentric Near AllocentricMid - Centric

Near Psychocentric Psychocentric

Butler’s Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC - 1980)

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Doxey’s Irritation Index (Irridex - 1975)

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Matheison and Wall Travel – Buying Behavior Model (1982)

Mathieson and Wall (1982) suggested a linear five-stage model of travel buying behaviour

R'tist @ Tourism, PU

Key Perspectives to Tourism

Tourism impacts are likely to change over time as a destination area develops (Butler, 1980).

The impacts are also affected by time (when), location (where) and seasonality.

Tourism impacts also occur beyond the destination.

Key Perspectives to Tourism

Tourism also has an impact on tourists themselves.

Some Fundamental Truths about Tourism

1. Tourism consumes resources and creates waste.

2. Tourism has the ability to over-consume resources.

3. Tourism competes with other resource users and needs to do this to survive.

4. Tourism is private sector dominated.

Economic Costs of Tourism


Increase in prices of land, houses and food that can occur as a result of tourism.

Lies heavily on the demand.

Economic Costs of Tourism


Goes out of the local economy to pay for imported items, expatriate salaries or franchise fees.

Economic Costs of Tourism

Seasonal Character of Jobs Job (and therefore income) insecurity No guarantee of employment from one season to the

next Difficulties in getting training, employment-related

medical benefits, and recognition of their experience Unsatisfactory housing and working conditions.

SW China Ecotourism

Yunnan’s Stone Forest

Yunnan Culture

Ecotourism in Southeast Asia

Malaysia A leader in national park and nature reserve management

Focus on Natural Ecosystem Management

Combined with ecotourism principles

Taman Negara National Park (West Malaysia)

Sarawak and Sabah on Borneo (East Malaysia)

Benefitted from Malaysia’s growing middle class

Indonesia Most popular ecotour destination until 1997 political crisis

Focus on Ecotourism to replace agriculture & fishing in nature reserves

Pro-poor economic development

Initial success has struggles in recent years

Major problems with illegal logging and burning of rainforests to clear land


Borneo Orangutan

Tour Group Size Smallest Average Largest

Group Group Group

Mean 4.5 11.4 24.7 Median 2 8 15 Range 1 - 22 3 - 60 4 - 125

Do you intentionally limit tour group sizes? Yes 34 (81%) No 8 (19%)

If yes, what is your size limit? Mean: 14.9 Median: 14.5 Range: 6 - 40

Reasons Limiting Tour Group Size – p.1

IMPACTS:1. Impacts are greater with more than 16 persons2. To reduce/lessen impact/damage (7)3. To ensure sustainable impact4. To minimize cultural concerns/impacts (3)5. Prevent negative impacts on culturally sensitive areas6. To minimize environmental impacts (3)7. To ensure privacy8. Lower impact from camping9. We will limit tour size to one person to some pristine environments

to lessen environmental and animal damage

SERVICE:1. Guides are unable to have personal contact and control the

situation with more than 17 persons2. More than eight is a mob3. Ease of handling/controlling smaller groups (2)4. Some private groups may exceed our maximum5. Logistics of moving too large a group in the destination region6. Manageable, yet profitable, size7. We break our larger groups into smaller groups of four to five

persons each for daily activities

Role of Tourism

As an instrument for employment generation, poverty alleviation and sustainable human development

Promotes national integration and international understanding and gives support to local handicrafts and cultural activities

Foreign exchange earnings

Domestic tourism plays a vital role in achieving the national objectives of promoting social and cultural cohesion and national integration

Contribution to generation of employment is very high

R'tist@Tourism, Pondicherry University


Semantic barriers of communication for Tourism

Lack of common language

Poor vocabulary

Use of jargons

Poor grammar, punctuation

Round about verbiage

Lack of clarity in the message

R'tist@Tourism, Pondicherry University


R'tist@Tourism, Pondicherry University


Reference list.

by shweta gaur, Data Analyst (Knowledge Resource Centre) at Azim Premji Foundation on Mar 11, 2011

Reymarie Oohlala, Lobby Ambassador at Pan Pacific Hotel singapore on Sep 19, 2013 2,244

tofujay on Oct 07, 2012

Ramakrishna Kongalla, Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management on Dec 31, 2012

Ramakrishna Kongalla, Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management on May 22, 2013

Alan Lew, Professor at Northern Arizona University on Apr 27, 2008

R'tist@Tourism, Pondicherry University