Roadshow Europe rippll - Doug Chisholm

Post on 12-May-2015

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Location Based Marketing Doug Chisholm – Rippll

Thanks to 3G, Wi-Fi and GPS location data is readily available on mobile


Location has revolutionised the consumer app space... time for advertisers to join the party

Location in apps

When you are already at a venue, encouraging you to check in Early focus of location was here...

Loyalty The check in

Focus now on driving footfall to a venue

Driving footfall – new customers Beyond the check in

Introducing Rippll Location based SMS

Introducing Rippll Location based map ads

Introducing Rippll Location at Wi-Fi hotspots

Introducing Rippll Location in apps and advertising

Pure Geo Store targeted

Standard ad

Geo-Optimised Ads

Location based version, around football grounds

Lifestyle targeted

Rippll Formats Maps inside mobile ads

Case Study

• 300% uplift in CTR using store targeted ads

• Stats delivered by store:

– London Coventry Street was the best performing store

Case study

PUSH Messaging

Future trends

The future of location

Location Based Marketing Doug Chisholm – Rippll