Robert E lee Camp 1589 Newsletter Southern Herald Feb2016

Post on 14-Apr-2016

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Robert E lee Camp 1589 Newsletter


Southern Herald

ROBERT E LEE Camp #1589 Newsletter

And Journal of Unreconstructed Confederate Thought

This month’s meeting features:

MARCH 2016 This month’s meeting features: Speaker John Henry Taylor Topic - "The Pledge of Allegiance Unmasked"








COmmander’s Report

Greetings Compatriots,

I hope you are all staying warm as winter has invaded us.

At our last meeting Gladys Ligon, Teresa Roane and Darlene Taylor received associate member camp

awards, congratulations to these fine Southern Ladies. These awards were well overdue, as their

contributions and dedication help make our camp what it should be.

Our CIC, Kelly Barrow has sent out communications that he has declared that Saturday, March 5th 2016 will

be “Confederate Flag Day”. This will be a National Event. He has requested that all Divisions have a Flag

Rally in their State. Our own Tommy Clinger as 1st Lt. Commander of the 2

nd Brigade has coordinated and

prepared our areas ceremony to begin at 10:00 at Hollywood Cemetery. Our Camp participation has been

requested to be there for this ceremony. Afterward, the Rally will go down Monument Avenue and onto the

Confederate War Memorial Chapel. Please mark your calendars.

Our Camp Auction was a major focus of our last meeting, and it went rather well. The auction is a major

source of income, we did not do as well as some previous years, but it was still a great success. Thank you to

all the members that donated items for the auction.

This year’s State Convention will be held at the Wingate by Wyndham Hotel in Glen Allen, VA from April

15-17, 2016 near Short Pump, with the proximity of the location, I hope you can all attend, contact any Camp

Officer for registration information

I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on March 1st. Stay warm and safe.

God Bless,

Commander Ken Norman

“In all my perplexities and distresses, the

Bible has never failed to give me light and


― Robert E. Lee

Compatriots, We are beginning the new year with an enthusiastic team of officers and a grateful thanks to our Creator for our out going officers. We are indeed fortunate to have such a group of good and Christian men willing to lead our camp in honoring the Charge of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. As your newly elected Chaplain, I will do my best to serve our members. To coin a phrase spoken by our great leader, General Robert Edward Lee upon assuming the duties and responsibilities of the Army of Norther Virginia, I would say to you, Profoundly impressed by the solemness of the occasion, for which I confess I was not prepared, I accept the position assigned to me by your partiality. I would have preferred that your choice had fallen upon an abler man, but trusting in Almighty God, an approving conscience, and with the help of my fellow compatriots, I dedicate myself to the service of the Gen. Robert E. Lee Camp # 1589 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Please contact me if you have knowledge of any of our compatriots who are sick or distressed. I can be reached via home phone at 804-794-0704 or E-Mail Sick and Distressed: Compatriot Oren Kevin Mowels (Kevin) has been diagnosed with lung cancer. He is now undergoing chemo and radiation treatment. Compatriot Welton Hailey Jones Jr.'s wife, Jane, just underwent surgery and is recovering at home under the care of Buzz. Compatriot Hugh C. Hawthorn Sr. has undergone surgery to his hand for carpal tunnel disorder. He goes back to the hospital in 30 days for the same operation to be done on his other hand. At this time, Hugh has some difficulty in getting around in his walker until both of his hands are completely healed. Compatriot George Edward Winn Jr. is still dealing with cataract surgery issues. 2nd brigade Commander Les Updike is undergoing surgery and 1st Brigade commander Tommy Thomas is dealing with a relapse of cancer, Please keep these Compatriots in your thoughts and prayers. Respectfully submitted, John Henry Taylor Chaplain Gen. Robert E. Lee Camp # 1589 Sons of Confederate Veterans Midlothian, VA.

There were 13 members and 6 guest at our February meeting.

There’s a good deal of socializing before the meeting started, as members and guest fraternized and broke bread.

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM February 2, 2016 by Commander Norman.

Chaplain Taylor delivered the Invocation.

Adjutant Isenhour Read the "CHARGE"

2nd Lieutenant Brown led us in pledges to the flags.

Commander Norman lit the memory Candle in honor of his Grandmother, Alice Irene Reams Norman. Mrs. Norman was a great influence in the Commanders decision to dedicate much of his life honoring and defending his ancestors and all of our confederate forbearers.

Adjutant Isenhour disclosed the Adjutants and Treasurers report from January 2016. A copy of these reports are available to all members, Contact Adjutant/Treasurer Barry Isenhour for a detailed copy.

Tommy Clinger updated the camp on the camp Raffle, The Virginia Division 2016 Convention, and the March 5th Flag Rally at Hollywood Cemetery.

Chaplain Taylor was presented with his lifetime membership certificate.

Gladys Ligon, Darlene Taylor and Teresa Roane were presented certificates for their outstanding dedication to the Camp and our Cause.

New applicant: James Emmett Fitch III, voted on, excepted unanimously by Camp vote.

Camp held its Annual Auction, featuring 46 items with great success.

Chaplain Taylor delivered the benediction.

Commander Norman adjourned the meeting at9 PM

Barry F Isenhour


ATTENTION PATRIOTS , we have a FLAG RAISING. The ANVMC has joined Together with the VIRGINIA FLAGGERS to Dedicate a 80ft pole and a 20 x 20 ANV Battle Flag in Prince George county on Interstate 95 at mile marker # 41 on Saturday February 13th at 11:00 o'clock. Here's the picture of the FLAG & Banner that will be Installed at that location.

03/05/16 - The Virginia Division 2nd Brigade will be hosting a rally to commemorate Confederate Flag Day on March 5th 2016 as requested by CIC Barrow. It is our honor to celebrate our Confederate forebears in an Opening Ceremony at 10:00 at Hollywood Cemetery, then depart on a mobile route down Monument Avenue to Commemorate the great leaders of the South. For more information contact Tommy Clinger at

04/02/16 - The Old South Ball will be held at the Danville Community Market from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm. Music by the 2nd South Carolina String Band. Tickets are now on sale for $35.00 each or you can get a camp table for 6 for $200.00. History on the Lawn from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, concessions and re-enactments, sutlers and artillery units with the Ball from 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm. Events happening all day. Bring the entire family. To help sponsor this event, we are asking local businesses for sponsorship. As a sponsor you have several options: a business card size ad in the program is $100.00; a business card size ad and a table for 6 is $300.00; A full page ad and a table for 6 is $500.00. Period dress is not required but is preferred!!! Arrangements with the Eastern Costume Co. (rentals) about coming to Danville for custome fittings for men's and women's period dress for the ball. They will be in Danville March 12th and 13th. A time and place for fittings is yet to be determined. Proceeds going to the VA Wounded Warriors. Click here to view a flyer of the Old South Ball or contact Frank Harvey at 434-822-6984 for further information.

04/15-17/16 - 2016 Virginia Division Convention hosted by the General James Longstreet Camp #1247 at the Wingate by Wyndham hotel, 13991 North Gayton Road, Glen Allen, VA (just West of Short Pump Town Center). The hotel provides a free shuttle to and from the center every half hour as well as many other locations on request. Guest rooms are from $101.00 and a few very nice king suites are available. Ask for the SCV Convention rate. Reservations may be made at your convenience by calling the hotel at (804) 421-1600. The featured business of this convention will be the election of new officers for the 2016-2018 term. Click here to read about the 2016 Virginia Division Convention or visit the General James Longstreet Camp #1247 website where updated information will be posted as it becomes available.


CONTACT TOMMY CLINGER FOR MORE DETAILS TC11671@GMAiI.COM, 804-317-2736 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




The Camp Quartermaster shall be responsible for handling the location and logistics of the recruiting booth. In addition, he shall be responsible for the storage of camp property, and the distribution of materials for the Robert E Lee Camp 1589. Newsletter Editor PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES

The editor will be responsible for selecting the format of the camp newsletter, writing and publicizing articles of interest to the camp members and reports from camp officers. this position needs to be filled as soon as possible to inform members, build membership attendance, attract prospective members and advise other interested parties of the camp's activities. The camp newsletter is circulated 11 months of the year. Webmaster PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES

Maintain websites for camp,Ensure the web servers, hardware and

software are operating accurately. Design websites.Generate and revise

web page.Create and modify appearance and setting of site. Lay out

content on web pages.Deal with and respond to email.

Please Contact Commander Ken Norman to

accept one of the previous positions and

help move our Camp and mission forward


Camp members continue to protest the atrocities at the Confederate Chapel, and patrol

the Monuments in Richmond to prevent vandalism.

Camp members attended the J.E.B. Stuart Graveside Memorial Service on Saturday Feb. 6th

Hollywood Cemetery and the Camp wreath was presented by Blair Perrow.

At the February Camp Meeting, Chaplain John Henry Taylor received his lifetime membership certificate. Three of the finest southern ladies were honored ( Gladys Ligon, Teresa

Roane, and Darlene Taylor) and the camp auction was a success.

Whether you’re an longtime member, a new or prospective member, or simply an interested citizen of the public, you’ll be warmly welcomed at our meetings.

Please Join Us For Dinner and Meeting on March1,2016

Members (and their guests) are invited to come out for our informal pre-meeting dinner and Meeting. We meet at Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant located at2401 Colony Crossing Place Midlothian, VA 23112,Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm the first Tuesday of every month except July. The pre-meeting dinner is an excellent way to meet members, welcome newcomers, and renew old friendships.

Featured Speaker

Sergeant John Henry Taylor "The Pledge of Allegiance Unmasked"

Important Dates in The Confederate States of America


2 1861 Texas admitted to the Confederacy. US Revenue Cutter Dodge is seized by Texas troops at

Galveston, TX.

2 1867 Northern-majority Congress passed the Reconstruction Act, declaring the Southern States to

be outside the indivisible Union troops re-entered the South and implemented U.S. military rule. The

Southern States were then required to ratify the amendment as the price of readmission to the

Union. Otherwise, they would remain under military rule.

3 1861 General Beauregard assumes command of the CS Army at Charleston, SC


4 1861 First National Flag of the Confederacy is display (although a resolution to officially adopt was

never passed by the Confederate Congress) The very first flag of the Confederate States of America

was raised by Miss Letitia Christian Tyler, granddaughter of former President John Tyler.

5 1865 President Davis signs the law adopting the third National Flag of the Confederate States as the

official CSA Flag.

6-8 1862 Battle of Pea Ridge, AR

7 1862 CSA Generals McCulloch and McIntosh are killed in action at Pea Ridge AR

8 1862 The CSS Virginia on patrol near Hampton Roads, VA, sinks USS Cumberland, damages USS

Minnesota and USS Roanoke

8-10 1865 Battle of Kinston, NC

9 1862 CSS Virginia and battles the ironclad USS Monitor near Hampton Roads, VA

9 1865 Battle of Monroe's Crossroads, NC

10 1865 Skirmish at Boyd's Station, AL

11 1861 Confederate Congress adopts the Constitution of the Confederate States of America. General

Bragg assumes command of the Confederate forces in Florida.

13 1862 US Major General Henry Halleck, Commander of the Department of the West, issued "Order

Number Two." The order labeled all Confederate guerrillas as outlaws and required that they be

executed immediately upon capture

15 1863 HMS Britannia runs the Federal blockade arriving in Wilmington, NC

16 1828 General Patrick R. Cleburne’s birthday

16 1865 Battle of Averasboro, NC

17 1863 Battle of Kelly's Ford, VA

19-21 1865 Battle of Bentonville, the last significant attempt to stop the invading yankee army of


22 1817 General Baxton Bragg’s birthday

22 1864 The Great Snowball fight in Dalton GA.

23 1862 First Battle of Kernstown, VA

24 1864 General Nathan Bedford Forrest's cavalry captures Union City, TN

25 1865 Confederates attack Fort Stedman, VA

26 1864 Battle of Paducah, KY

27 1864 Fighting at Branchville and Brooks Mill, AR

28 1818 General Wade Hampton, III’s birthday

28 1862 Battle of Glorieta Pass, NM

29 1865 Heavy fighting in Petersburg, VA at Boydton and Quaker Roads

30 1862 Union City, TN under federal attack

30 1863 Skirmish at Tahlequah Indian Territory

31 1863 John S. Mosby's cavalry defeat Federals at Drainesville, VA