Rocky Hill Congregational Church Established 1727 … Hill...

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Rocky Hill Congrega t i ona l Church

Established 1727 UUUU N I T E D N I T E D N I T E D N I T E D CCCC H U R C H O F H U R C H O F H U R C H O F H U R C H O F CCCC H R I S TH R I S TH R I S TH R I S T

September 9, 2012

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10:00 A.M

The Friendly Church at the Center

An Open and Affirming Community

Rocky Hill Congregational ChurchRocky Hill Congregational ChurchRocky Hill Congregational ChurchRocky Hill Congregational Church

United ChurUnited ChurUnited ChurUnited Church of Christch of Christch of Christch of Christ

Sunday, September 9, 2012 10:00 a.m.

Order of Worsh ipOrder of Worsh ipOrder of Worsh ipOrder of Worsh ip

We welcome all and extend a special greeting to our guests; our service is enriched by your presence! Join us in Chapin Hall for fellowship time after worship. The Welcome Table in Chapin Hall offers information about the church and members who can answer your questions. Hearing devices and large-print bulletins are available for worship—ask an usher. Nursery care is always available downstairs in Room 4.

God Gathers Us for Worsh i pGod Gathers Us for Worsh i pGod Gathers Us for Worsh i pGod Gathers Us for Worsh i p

Scr i p tural A ff i rmat i on

Isaiah 35:4-7, adapted The Rev. Donna K. Manocchio and Julia O’Connor

Pre lude

Please use the prelude as a time for personal prayer and preparation of your heart for worship. “Prayer in Summer”

by James Southbridge

Welcome and announcements

Please include your full address and phone number as you sign our friendship registration pads, and please wear your nametags. All announcements should be written down and given to the usher or pastor prior to worship.

*Call to Worship

Meghan D. Young Leader: Holy God, open our hearts this morning to hear your words of compassion. People: Help us to truly listen to you. Leader: Loving God, open our spirits this morning to strengthen our faith. People: Help us to deepen our trust in your grace. Leader: Gracious God, prepare us this morning for lives of service. People: Make us ready to witness to your healing love. Amen.


“O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing” New Century Hymnal 42

Service of Installation of Mary Service of Installation of Mary Service of Installation of Mary Service of Installation of Mary DeLiberoDeLiberoDeLiberoDeLibero

as Minister of Music, RHCC, UCC

Greeting and Introduction Rev. Donna K. Manocchio

Denominational Greeting Rev. Ineke Mitchell, Regional Minister, CT Conference, UCC

A Song of Welcome “Everyone is Welcome in the Circle”

Led by Victoria Bower Children – verse 1; Children and Congregation, verses 2-4

Everyone is welcome in the circle; Everyone is welcome in the circle; Everyone is welcome in the circle, The circle of God's love.

Everyone sings in the circle; Everyone sings in the circle; Everyone sings in the circle, The circle of God's love.

Everyone shares in the circle; Everyone shares in the circle; Everyone shares in the circle, The circle of God's love.

Everyone is welcome in the circle; Everyone is welcome in the circle; Everyone is welcome in the circle, The circle of God's love.

Presentation of Mary DeLibero Ruth Fitzgerald, Chair, Search Committee

Covenant Questions and Promises Robert Inderbitzen, Moderator

Congregation: We will, with God being our helper. May God give us all grace to offer our music and our lives in faithful service, thanksgiving and praise to God.

Blessing and Prayer of Installation (unison) Gracious God, you have called us to be your holy people and to sing your praise. Teach us to use our voices and our talents to share the good news of love and welcome, and for strengthening the faith of your church. Place a song of grace in our hearts, and let us serve you each day with glad hearts and dedicated lives. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Words from the Minister of Music Mary DeLibero

Release of Search Committee

*Unison Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer (debts/debtors) Creator God, we come to you today knowing that in your wholeness, there is nothing that can separate us from you. Call us away from the busyness and greed of the world to a place of rest in your love. Keep our hearts close to you today and every day and remind us that we belong to You. May our worship strengthen us for service in the spirit of your Son and our Savior, Jesus, the Christ. It is in his precious and powerful name that we pray, joyfully saying together the words he teaches us,

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

*Gloria Patri

God Shares Words o f Love and L i f eGod Shares Words o f Love and L i f eGod Shares Words o f Love and L i f eGod Shares Words o f Love and L i f e

Open i ng th e Word

The Good News o f th e Gospe l Mark 7:24-37

We Respond to God ’ s WordWe Respond to God ’ s WordWe Respond to God ’ s WordWe Respond to God ’ s Word

Anthem “Steal Away”

arranged by Don McKeever The Choir

Steal away to Jesus Steal away home. My Jesus I adore you.

My Lord, he calls me, he calls me to the thunder The trumpet sounds within my soul. My Jesus I adore you.

Steal away to Jesus Steal away home. My Jesus I adore you.


“Be Open!” The Rev. Donna K. Manocchio

*H ymn “I Heard My Mother Say”

New Century Hymnal 409

Shar i ng of Jo ys and Concerns

(We invite your oral prayer requests – keeping the request brief and identifying the first name for the pastors. Trust that God knows the details of the need.)

Prayer o f th e P eople

Pra y er Response

O f f er i ng I n v i t a t i on

For those who have already given their offering, Giving Cards are available in your pew so that all may participate in giving back to God with joy and gratitude.

Offer tory Anthem “Be Still, and Know That I Am God”

by Grier/Lantz III The Choir

Be still and know that I am God. The God of strength, The God of truth; I am your refuge in your time of fear, And you will know that I am near.

Be still and know that I am God, The God who gave My only Son to you; You will find hope in His great sacrifice. Your faith leads to eternal life.

Though waters may roar And mountains may shake, And danger fills your heart with deep despair, With faith and hope and love, You'll find Me through your prayers, And know that I am near.

Be still and know that I am God. In times of pain, in times of war; In Me, find solitude and perfect peace. Keep faith, My wonders never cease.

Be still and know that I am God, The God of strength, The God of truth. With love, I speak the heav'nly words you hear So you will know I am near. Trust in me for I am here.

Be still and know that I am God.

* Doxology

As we sing the Doxology, praising God for all our blessings, some in our congregation sing this inclusive language version: “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above, Ye Heavenly host; Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Amen.” You are welcome to sing whatever words are in your heart.

* Pra yer of Ded i ca t ion

We Go Forth to Love and ServeWe Go Forth to Love and ServeWe Go Forth to Love and ServeWe Go Forth to Love and Serve

*H ymn “If You But Trust in God to Guide You”

New Century Hymnal 410

*B ened i c t i on

*Benediction Response


“Carillon Toccata” by Douglas Wagner

(*Please rise in body or in spirit.)

Gree ters Eric, Michele, Eric, and Nicholas Jokl

Hosp i t a l i t y Inreach and Music Committees

Ushers Jim and Lois Stevens, Steve and Deb Copes, Kari Blaise

The flowers are given in loving memory of Joan Pacholski by Ed Pacholski and family.

The tower is lit this week in loving memory of Jerry Pawlich by Rich, Mary and Rick.

Next Week Next Week Next Week Next Week –––– September 16 September 16 September 16 September 16

RALLY SUNDAY Scripture: Psalm 19

Sermon: “Sweeter Than Honey” The Rev. Donna K. Manocchio


Our new Minister of Music, Mary DeLibero, has scheduled rehearsals for the new program year. Choir rehearsals began last Wednesday evening at 7:30pm and Handbell Choir rehearsals begin Monday, September 10th at 7:30pm. Both choirs would love to welcome new members.

Pastor Donna’s Sabbatical Leave Begins September 24 The United Church of Christ recommends that pastors take a sabbatical leave after every four to six years of service. Pastors take sabbatical to refresh, rejuvenate, and replenish their strength and creativity for ministry. Pastor Donna has completed 8 years of continuous parish ministry with us. The Church Council has affirmed Donna’s request to take a sabbatical leave this fall. Donna will take 8 weeks away—6 weeks of sabbatical plus 2 weeks of her planned vacation. She will be away from September 24 through November 18.

Pastor Meghan and the entire church staff will help us navigate day-to-day church life during Donna’s sabbatical. To help Meghan, the Board of Deacons will hire a temporary supply pastor to support some of the responsibilities and ministries of our busy congregation.

See the September church newsletter for more details. And, please join me in wishing Donna a well-deserved and restful sabbatical in the peace and presence of God.

Bob Inderbitzen, Moderator, cell 860-418-9171

Pasta Dinner Saturday, September 15, 2012 at 6:00pm This dinner will benefit our work project at

Rupert Congregational Church in VT.

Tickets: $10.00 adults, $7.00 children 12 & under

$25.00 max per family Tickets available in Chapin Hall or by calling the church office


Church members will be traveling to Vermont to work on several projects at the Rupert Congregational Church, UCC. This is an ongoing project of the Deacons and Board for Missions that began in December of 2011, when the Christmas offering was given to the church to help them recover from the devastating floods.

We will go up to Vermont on Friday, stay over at the home of a church member, work all day Saturday, and join the church for worship on Sunday morning. We are also able to welcome folks just for Saturday if you cannot stay over.

Please sign up by September 30 so we can tell the church how many folks to expect. There will be a brief organizing meeting on Tuesday, October 2 at 6:00 PM. For more information see the September Church Mouse.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY – THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 AT 7:00PM in the Fiorilli Room. Join with other women to explore the women of the Bible. Come and pray, read, talk, laugh, and eat together!

MEMORIAL GARDEN CLEAN UP TRUSTEES will be doing some clean-up work in the Memorial Garden on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 beginning at 8:00 AM. We’ll need a few extra hands to help weed, cut, and pull out some plantings. Please contact Jay Montana at 203.640.2386 for info and to sign up.

FUND OUR FAITH! HELP FAITH COME ALIVE AT RHCC, UCC! You’ll notice the bulletin board outside the church parlor has a new display. It is being used for a new stewardship initiative to help close the budget gap. Please watch the mail for a letter this coming week, and prayerfully discern how you might help support this effort.

Sunday, September 23rd This year’s fall RHCC golf tournament is scheduled for Sunday, September 23, 2012 at the Wethersfield Country Club. We are planning for (6) foursomes and tee times will start at noon. Details of cost and tournament format will follow in next week’s bulletin.

SIGN UP NOW in Chapin Hall, or contact Bill Hoffman (860-563-1367) or Tim Dostie (860-563-5663) to reserve your spot. Don’t miss out on this fun event!

Save the Date!!


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 Come join us for a Special Sunday! 10:00 a.m. Service – Honoring 50+ Year Members with Guided Tours, Food, Fun, & Fellowship in Chapin Hall. For transportation call the church office at 860-529-4167.

We Need Bowlers! All levels welcome! Our 2012-2013 bowling season will be starting October 1st. We are looking for full time bowlers (friends and family are welcome). If you want to be a part time bowler, we will try to match you up with another part time person. We also need substitute bowlers. There will be a sign-up sheet in Chapin Hall. Please sign up by Sept. 16th so we can make up teams. This is great fun – try it, you’ll like it! The league meets on Monday nights, 7:00PM, at Bowl-O-Rama on the Berlin Turnpike. The price is $13 for three strings. If you have questions call Tim Dostie at 860-563-5663 or Michele Jokl at 860-798-9342 or email Tim or Michele

S.P.I.R.I.T. Corner

Children and Youth are invited to remain in worship today, following along with the Children & Youth Bulletins.

Get involved with S.P.I.R.I.T. You’ve heard how much fun the RHCC S.P.I.R.I.T. program is. It’s a place that values intergenerational relationships, growing in faith, and learning throughout our lives to be the disciples Christ calls us to be. You are invited to come join the circle and get involved. We are currently in need of a Shepherd for the 4th-5th Grade and the 6th-8th Grade. Shepherds stay with their particular age group during a whole unit (each time they teach throughout the year, they will stay with that same age group). The Shepherd knows the bible story really well, and helps the class and learning center guide, connect the bible story from week to week over the course of the unit. We are also in need of a Hands-On Learning Center Guide for our first unit (9/23-10/21). A learning center guide is in the same learning center for the whole unit. They teach the bible story through their assigned medium, and each week they modify their activities to a different age group. Additionally, there are several learning center guide openings throughout the year. If you are interested in teaching, shepherding, or sharing a gift or talent at a one-time class, please let us know by sending an email to Meghan at

FALL NURSERY VOLUNTEERS: Nursery Volunteers are needed for September, October, and November. If you are interested in volunteering in the Nursery during Sunday morning worship, please contact a member of the Childcare Committee ( for more information. You can also sign-up outside the Nursery.

Join The S.P.I.R.I.T. Circle!

Rally Day 2012

September 16th, 2012

Join us for Rally Day, as we “kick-off” a year of spirit raising worship, faith formation, and S.P.I.R.I.T. programming. Come join the sacred circle of God’s all-inclusive, never ending love as we discover and celebrate our faith. Join us as we begin a new year focusing on discover who we are as disciples.

Rocky Hill Congregational Church United Church of Christ

Open and Affirming Statement Because we believe that all people are created in God’s image and thus are blessed and loved equally by God, and because love is a unifying and strengthening force within our Christian Faith,

We, the members of the Rocky Hill Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, hereby declare ourselves an Open and Affirming Christian community, actively expressing Jesus’ inclusive embrace of all people.

We welcome all who seek to follow Jesus, including persons of every age, gender, race, national origin, faith background, marital status and family structure, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, mental and physical ability, economic and social status, and educational background, to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings and joys of our church family.

Jesus teaches us to welcome all God’s children into God’s covenantal community. As we grow together in faith and love, we will strive to celebrate the diversity in which God has created us. Approved by congregational vote June 2009

Ministry Team Ministers: All the members of the church

Senior Pastor: The Reverend Donna K. Manocchio Acting Associate Pastor: Meghan D. Young

Acting Director of Christian Education: Meghan D. Young Minister of Music: Mary DeLibero

Pastor Emeritus: The Reverend Arthur C. Weil Church Office: Carol Harvey / 860 529-4167

Webmaster: Dave Hall Church Website:

Visit us on Facebook at:

This Week at RHCCThis Week at RHCCThis Week at RHCCThis Week at RHCC

S e p t emb er 9S e p t emb er 9S e p t emb er 9S e p t emb er 9 S uSuSuSu nd a ynd a ynd a ynd a y

12:00pm PRC Meeting Fiorilli Room

Sep t emb er 10Se p t emb er 10Se p t emb er 10Se p t emb er 10 Mond a yMonda yMonda yMonda y

2:00pm The Lodge Service The Lodge 5:30pm Yoga with Lynn Chapin Hall 7:00pm Women’s AA Chapin Hall 7:00pm RHCCNS Meeting Fiorilli Room 7:30pm Bell Choir Church Loft

Sep t emb er 11Se p t emb er 11Se p t emb er 11Se p t emb er 11 T u e sd a yT u e sd a yT u e sd a yT u e sd a y

8:30am Breakfast Club Bob’s Coffee House 9:00am Quilters Room 6 7:00pm Council Fiorilli Room

Sep t emb er 12Se p t emb er 12Se p t emb er 12Se p t emb er 12 W edne sd a yWedne sd a yWedne sd a yWedne sd a y

12:30pm Bible Study Fiorilli Room 6:00pm Community Meeting Room 25 7:30pm Adult Choir Choir Room

Sep t emb er S e p t emb er S e p t emb er S e p t emb er 13131313 T h u r sda yThur sda yThur sda yThur sda y

5:30pm TOPS Chapin Hall 7:00pm Theology on Tap Chuck’s Steakhouse 8:00pm Men’s AA Chapin Hall

Sep t emb er S e p t emb er S e p t emb er S e p t emb er 15151515 S a t u rd a yS a t urd a yS a t urd a yS a t urd a y

8:30am Yoga with Lynn Chapin Hall 6:00pm Rupert Church Dinner Chapin Hall

Pastor’s Bible Study – Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30pm in the Fiorilli Room. Each week, we gather to read and explore the Scriptures to be used in an upcoming worship service. All are welcome. No experience necessary. Bring your favorite translation or pick on up from the shelf. Brown bag lunch is optional.

The Breakfast Club – Tuesday, September 11 at 8:30am. We meet at Bob’s Coffee Shop, 33 New Britain Ave in Rocky Hill. Come join us for coffee, conversation and community!

Theology on Tap – Thursday, September 13 at 7:00pm. Are you interested in sharing questions and experiences about God and God’s presence in your life? If so, come and join with other church members and friends in the “back room” of Chuck’s Steakhouse. Bring a friend! Contact Donna ( or on FACEBOOK) if you have questions, want to suggest a topic, or can join us for a gathering.

9 Eleanor Maynard Tom Schreier Mckayla Stewart Joey Aseltine

10 Eleanor Mahar Lisa Corvo Stephen Cardello

11 Amy Wiknik Katherine Flynn

12 James Rolfe 15 Gail Walker

Tony Lupacchino John Doll Ben Bishop