Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    My Qualifications

    Friends with all the movers and shakers

    Career executive or CEO of business or non-profit

    PTA president, levy committee chair, or otherdistrict cheerleader

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    My Qualifications (cont.)

    Spent the past three years closely following theactions of the Everett school district anddecisions of the school board

    Attended school board meetings (or at leastread the agendas & minutes)

    Made many public comments to the board,

    most of them focused on policy decisions(In one case, my suggested changes to a policy

    revision were adopted in toto)

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    My Qualifications (cont.)

    I understand the general organizationalstructure of the district, and am familiar withmany of the various departments and the

    administrators who work in them Attended WSSDA training sessions (both

    general and Everett board-specific)

    Studied governance models, especially CarverPolicy Governance

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    My Qualifications (cont.)

    Read materials published by WSSDA, alsoWASA, EEA, WEA, other materials by variouseducational organizations and media

    I keep up with the district's goings-on byregularly requesting the superintendents Friday

    Reports to the board

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    Actions by the majority of Board members are

    rooted in longstanding policies used by other

    local governments based on the law and the

    principles of open government.

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    Consent Agenda

    Standard consent agenda: a series of actionitems, usually routine matters, to be approvedin a single motion. Any member of the

    governing body wishing to remove an item tothe regular agenda may do so, no questionsasked

    Everett School Board's consent agenda: same

    as above, but at least one other director mustconcur with the request

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    Consent Agenda (cont.)

    What you have here is a special rule of order thatredefines a term with an entirely different meaning. Itappears to defeat the purpose of the consent agenda,and violates more than one of the principles in

    Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. However, if itwas adopted by the two-thirds vote required toapprove a special rule of order, it is in force.

    Colette Collier Trohan, CPP-T, PRPA Great Meeting, Inc.

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    Executive Sessions

    What the OPMA says:

    Nothing contained in this may be construed to

    prevent a governing body from holding anexecutive session... to review the performanceof a public employee.

    RCW 42.30.110(g)

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    Executive Sessions (cont.)

    Everett School Board: the OPMA mandates thatevaluation of the superintendent be held inexecutive session. Anything so much as an

    evaluative comment on the superintendent'sperformance belongs in executive session.

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    Executive Sessions (cont.)

    Because our board encourages a different wayof evaluating the superintendent, all of ourevaluation conversations since 2003 have been

    conducted in public session. However, thatsbecause we havent considered what I callpersonal peccadilloes to be relevant to theperformance of the district.

    Rick Maloney, University Place School BoardVice President

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    To the Board and Administration: wetrust in your decision-making and yourdedication.

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    Trust scenarios

    An employee insists as a condition ofemployment that his internet use not bemonitored

    Your favorite niece will babysit your youngchildren, but only under the condition that youdo not have any kind of nanny-cam in thehouse, and that you do not return home earlier

    than predicted You learn that your all-time favorite restaurant

    has arranged that it is given 24 hours notice

    before a health inspection

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    My Remedy

    Revise, restore, or discard, as appropriate,policies designed to silence individual directorvoices and obfuscate the public's view of the

    board's decision-making

    Rewrite or create policies that will push theboard's transparency beyondthe minimumrequirements of the law

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address


    My Remedy (one example)

    Board Policy on Attorney-Client privilege

    Legal advice pertaining to routine policy

    decisions will be normally released to thepublic. However, each such release will requireaction by the board to waive attorney-clientprivilege.

  • 7/29/2019 Rod Reynolds PG Rotary address
