Roman Food

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Breakfast was an important meal for the Romans. Breakfast usually started at six in the morning for the Romans.

The rich ate bread, flat cake, milk, cheese, eggs, honey and even meat.

Why the rich had an appealing diet; the poor were stuck with bread and milk.

Lunch was from 10-11

At lunch roman people ate eggs, olives, onions, bread, cheese, olives, grapes, and figs.

Ancient romans often ate standing, walking up the streets, or went to taverns.

For the rich dinner was made up of three courses.

The main course consist of fish and meat

The first course consist of starters like salads, mushrooms and shellfish.

For dessert the romans had cakes sweetened with honey, apples, nuts, grapes and figs

The poor fed themselves with legumes, pulses, flour pie, and vegetables if available. The poor often ate cold meals.