Romania accommodation

Post on 01-Sep-2014

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  • Varciorog-pisoaia Ice cave detunata gaina Gate of ionele
  • Arieeni is a commune located in Alba County , Romania . The commune is composed of eighteen villages.It is a very popular ski resort among the people of Bihor and Alba counties, with a 700-meter ski slope. Charm of the Mountain Inn Four Seasons Hotel Our House Pension Casa Motului Pension
  • Albac Apparently isolated from the world,situated in the heart of the Apuseni Mountains,Albac commune is an ideal place for rest and relaxation,offering a large variety of accommodation. Jianu Pension Steaua Ariesului Pension Green Glade Pension
  • Cmpeni is a town in Alba County , Transylvania , Romania . Sixteen villages are administered by the town. The town has historical significance as the capital of the " ara Moilor " region. The Avram Iancu Museum is located in the town.The town is a regional center for lumber exploitation and the furniture industry. Detunata Pension
  • Varciorog Waterfall is situated at 5 km from Arieseni, it is a landscape reservation because it is a beautiful waterfall of 15 m high. It is accesible in all seasons. To reach it you must fallow the point yellow marcup. From the watterfall you can climb to the Peak Piatara Graitoare in 1-2 hours
  • The Pisoaia waterfall is a landscape reservation on a rocky treshold of crystalline limestone of paleozoic age, suorrunded by a beech forest and a small number of other remote resimous tres.
  • The Ice Cave was born 3500 years ago, during the glaciations, when these mountains were covered by snow and ice. The cave is located at an altitude of 1165 metres above sea level. The cave is 105 m deep and 720 m long, the entrance shaft giving access through metal stairs to a large chamber- The Big Hall . The part that tourists can visit includes the entrance shaft, The Big Hall and The Church , the other chambers being reserved for scientists.
  • The Gate of Ionele Cave (Poarta lui Ionele) ( 810 m ) is situated in Ordancusa vale . One arrow idicate to the cave atop a blast (at apx. 200 meters). The blast continues in the cave. The length of its ducts is of 131 m and it has a periodical lake as well. For visiting the cave you need a light-source.
  • Detunata is a peak of bazalt stone, composed by huge prisms, which stand straight up, like some giant trees, one next to the other, in the Abrud Mountains, at North West of Bucium Sasa. There are two Detunate, situated at 1 km away from each other. These are columns of basalt with an amazing regularity, resembling a huge natural organ.
  • Arieseni Ski Slope The ski-track is 980-meter long and 90-meter wide, with a difference of 220 meters between its top-end and its bottom-end, which puts it in a"color red"class. The depth of the snow blanket and the quality of night-time lighting put the track into the five or six stars category.
  • Gaina Mountain's Maidens' Fair ( Targul de Fete ) was once a place where families would bring their children to meet and arrange weddings. Today it still attracts people from the local region to enjoy music, dancing and other traditional festivities. The legend of the Maidens' Fair tells that fairies brought to the Apuseni Mountains a magic hen who laid golden eggs. Once a year, couples who really loved each other would receive one of these eggs as a gift.
  • Roia Montan is a commune of Alba County in the Apuseni Mountains of western Transylvania , Romania . The rich mineral resources of the area have been exploited since Roman times or before. The state-run gold mine was forced to close in late 2006 in advance of Romania's accession to the EU but Gabriel Resources of Canada want to replace it with a new mine.
  • Wine Route begins at the foot of mountains Romanian wines were known and appreciated since ancient times. It can be rightly said that the vineyard is a field of reference for our country. Crops grape-vines occupy a significant industry and wine production are our ancient crafts and traditions. Combines tradition with innovation, Alba working for months on an innovative project to revive the wine-growing areas through tourism.
  • Accomodation on the wine route Calnic-28 km from Alba Iulia Girbova-40 km from Alba Iulia Poarta oilor Hotel Rustiq
  • Sfantu Gheorghe Pension Elisabeta Pension
  • Places of interest The town of Blaj with the freedom field then and now The Ortodox cathedral The landscape of the wine route.
  • Teius-18 km from Alba Iulia Aiud & Ciumbrud-29 km from AlbaIulia Mobis Pension Hotel Victoria
  • What can you visit? Monastery of Ramet Gorges of Ramet Gorges of Aiud The gorges of Ramet are formed from the collapse of the ceiling of a former cave, which in time took this magnificent form.
  • What can you visit? The route of the tree fortifications The obelisc The reunification Cathedral Romano-Catholic Cathedral
  • 1. About Alba Iulia
    • Alba Iulia is the name of an urban settlement in Romania where the most important historical events took place. The town was the main political, military, administrative and cultural centre in Transylvania.
  • Casa Tariana Pension Perla Muresului Pension Marylou Pension Todoran Pension
  • The Lutheran Church The Calnic fortress Sebes Townhall Lucian Blaga Memorial House