ROMILEY GOLF · Dr Blades Shield, Saturday,...

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Mark Jones, winner of the Kinsey Salver

Lowest Gross: 70-0=70

Stableford and Eaton Vets Trophy, Thursday, 4th July, 2019

Winner of the Eaton Vets Trophy

Carolyn Brinsley, 37 points

Winner of the Stableford competition: 3rd: Anne Harrison, 35 pts

Lady Captain, Janet McRoberts, 39 pts

Kinsey Salver, Sunday, 7th July, 2019

In 2nd place was Michael Grainger (away) 75-5=70, and 3rd Graham Erickson (away) 76-6=70

Romiley Open , Sunday, 7th July, 2019 Awarded for the lowest nett score

Winner—Peter Tankard (away) 83-14=69 3rd Graeme Ericksen (away) 76-6=70

2nd Mike Goodwin, Romiley, 82-13=69

Dr Blades Shield, Saturday, 6th July, 2019

2nd Henry Beischer 38 pts 3rd Paul Himsworth 38 pts

1st Ken Fendall 39 pts

Ladies’ Challenge Bowl, Thursday, 11th July, 2019

Just about every lady was rained upon but the daytime ladies did feel sorry for the evening players who had to suspend play because of torrential rain and thunder. Four intrepid players then went out again to complete their round. Well done.

Lady Captain Janet with Irene Barrow, winner of the

impressive Challenge Bowl, 96-22=74

2nd: Sharon Dineen, 103-27=76 3rd: Gill Walker, 99-24=75

Difficult Conditions?

These photos clearly demonstrate just what the 4 ladies went through to complete their rounds. Thanks to Lady Captain Janet McRoberts for the photos

Lottery, Saturday, 20th July, 2019

Winner: Brent Shore £100 2nd Jimmy Leith £60 3rd John Stansfield £40

In it to win it

Hazel Grove Seniors v Romiley Vets, Wednesday,10th July, 2019

I’m sure in the next life many of us would choose to be weather forecasters. They can say what they like and no-one doubts them … 2 days ago they predicted wall-to-wall light rain. They were a bit (100%) mistaken…. Yet we still believe the forecast for tomorrow! This July Wednesday was lovely … a bit of light cloud early on but more sunshine as the day wore on. The course was in very good condition. We were able to admire the attractive beds of flowering shrubs scattered about. The fairways, which had been scarred by wide cracks when we last visited during last year’s drought, had recovered well… and the bunkers… the Hazel Grove volunteer working group is into a programme of revetting them. Several have already been successfully upgraded using pieces of Astroturf and a good deal of imaginative skill. As for the match, Chairman Chris and Frank Forrester set the balls rolling. Chris later declared that he was indebted to Frank for baling him out at times. The next party included 2 recent former captains … one (Steve Harrison) displaying just a little agitation at the absence of the second (Glyn Roberts) who arrived with moments to spare, inquiring, with recently acquired Italian sang froid, ‘What’s all the fuss about?’ The final group off the first tee was myself and Eric Jones, partnered with Mike and Nick, who was the brains behind many of the improvements. We lost the first two holes to pars, but fought back to level on the 5th. After that it was nip and tuck with neither pairing able to break away. Both Eric and I spurned chances to forge ahead in the later stages; we paid for these lapses on the last, finishing 1 down. This, however, was the only reverse for our team.

After a very good meal of chicken and ham pie with chips, peas and gravy, followed by summer fruits and ice cream which we enjoyed in the well-appointed lounge/dining room (decorated and upgraded by more seniors working group efforts), we were told the result … 1½ v 6½ in favour of Romiley. It only remained to sit through the Chairmen’s well-worn jokes and mercifully brief few words before we could beat the rush hour traffic home.

Pasta masta?

Frank Forrester Chris Broster

On the 1st tee.

A lovely

fountain. Could

that be a future

addition to our

2nd and 14th?

Keith Selby

Vets’ Summer trophy, Holes 1 –9, Friday, 12th July, 2019

1st Tom Croucher 19 pts 2nd Harry Parker 19 pts 3rd Glyn Roberts 17 pts

Juniors’ Order of Merit, Round 5, Sunday, 30th June, 2019

1st Dylan James 41 pts 2nd Ashton Baxter 36 pts 3rd Leo Downes 34 pts

Clifford Sidibeh with

Bob Blundell

Throughout the summer the Juniors have the opportunity to play on Sundays on a regular basis in an Order of Merit competition. Yet again, Clifford Sidibeh has come first and his handicap is tumbling. It has now gone down again from 36 to 25. Thanks must go to Bob Blundell who keeps trundling along making sure our Juniors get the best they can possibly be. It helps when you realise just how much our Professionals are involved with the Juniors, making sure they progress with the opportunity of regular clinics which are full of fun and laughter.

Monthly Medal, Saturday, 13th July, 2019

Div 1

Div 2

Div 3

Div 4

1st Mark James 76-5=71 2nd Brook Snape 72-1=71 3rd John Allman 72-1=71

1st Craig Oakes 75-7=68 2nd Ben Beer 80-11=69 3rd Joe Smith 78-8=70

1st Jack Hilton 81-14=67 2nd David Smith 86-18=68 3rd Steve Baldwin 87-17=70

1st Steve Hibbert 92-21=71 2nd Peter Wagstaff 94-23=71 3rd Robert Lewis 94-23=71

In it to Win It!

Roll out the “lazy, crazy, hazy days of Summer”…. or so we thought! Your Lottery Committee (Audrey Jones, Anne Harrison, Martin Clark and Joyce Glynn, Chair) looked at outdoor seating to update the much-repaired sets that were in situ. After much searching and all due diligence we have provided a table and four chairs for the halfway house. Outside the downstairs lounge there are now two seating units made of recycled plastic and seat 16 people. We have no doubts that this seating will outlive all of us! On the balcony there are four tables with accompanying parasols, chairs and cushions. How refined. All have been provided to enable weary golfers to renew their energy and refresh their flagging spirits in stylish comfort. It also gives a good impression to any of our visitors. Just 25% of our membership contribute to the Lottery at the moment. Just consider that in the last two years those in the lottery have won nearly £5k in prizes and £5k has helped to buy blinds in the back bar, signage for local roads to RGC, decoration of both sets of stairs and the landing, carpeting for the hall, stairs and landing, mower for the Greens’ Staff, balcony plants and colour on the course, security cameras at the greens’ shed, gazebo, petrol strimmer and, of course, all the new, outdoor furniture.

A big thank you to ALL who contribute to the RGC Lottery to make these purchases possible. Should you wish to be part of this then there are application forms around the clubhouse or contact a Lottery Committee member direct. It is only £5 a month. If you would prefer not to commit to a monthly standing order, then cheques for six or twelve months will be accepted.

Joyce Glynn, Chair

Evening Mixed 9 and Dine, 13th July, 2019

The format this time was the introduction of the Yellow Ball into the usual Stableford scoring system of the best two scores to count on each hole with the score recorded with the Yellow ball counting double. You had to nominate a player A, B, C, or D who would use the ’Yellow Peril’ for that particular hole. Each time I play this format I am reminded of what Carl Mellor (late of Werneth Low Golf Club now a fixture at Romiley GC) once said “That Yellow Ball carries its own level of stress when it’s your turn, doesn’t it?” I can confirm that it does and how nice it is for a change to mention Carl’s name without me announcing that he has won something! (Mind you he didn’t partake on this occasion.) The stress had obviously taken its toll on John Glynn even before the big day as fellow team member Audrey Jones had to ring him 15 mins before his scheduled tee time to see where he was. Apparently he was watching the Ladies Tennis Final from the comfort of his armchair and had forgotten all about the golf, but, John being John, he didn’t want to let anyone down and made a hasty dash to the club to join his team in time for the allocated tee slot. He did not let the situation affect his golf. He immediately drove into the trees by the stream then took a penalty shot which he stuffed 20 yards. No change there then. It was good to see some new and returning faces on the night (especially past Captain Derek Worthington playing his first 9 holes following a serious shoulder injury) and we also had a different winning team for a change, demonstrating that ‘you just never know’ in this Yellow Peril event. Results

The winners with 66 points (65 points won last year) were Jan and Gordon Harman who played with their two guests from Bramhall Park GC Tricia and Ian Warrington. A fantastic score which gives us all a difficult target to achieve next year. Gordon praised the contribution of the ladies on the night but congratulations are due to all four of them.

Gordon Harman Ian Warrington Jan Harman Tricia Warrington

Runners up with 56 points (53 points being the runners up score last year) were The ‘D’ Team consisting of Sharon and John Dineen and Heather and myself, thanks in the main to 5 pars with the yellow ball which contributed greatly to the team total and we backed these up with ‘normal’ pars. The loudest applause on the night followed Ray Hayes’s appreciative gesture to Anne and Steve Harrison who continue to organise these competitions for us all to enjoy and endeavour to ensure that things flow seamlessly both on and off the course throughout the evening. Coming Up The next Evening Mixed will be held on Saturday 17th August so watch your screens for an e-mail or look out for the starting sheet appearing in the main hallway. And don’t forget your friends and guests are always very welcome to join in the fun. Steve Denton “D” reporter for the evening.

John and Sharon Dineen Heather and Steve Denton

Panoramic looking back down the first hole.

Early Thursday morning, 18th July. 2019

Ladies’ Invitation Day, Thursday, 18th July, 2018

Winners: Jackie Glaze and Isabel Wright 44 pts

2nd Jill Woolstencroft and Sarah Loy 41 pts 3rd Rebecca Byle and Lynn Leutton 41p

Jackie Glaze and Isabel Wright won the member and member prize with a phenomenal 44 points. Jill Woolstencroft and her daughter, Sarah, beat Rebecca Byle and Lynn Leutton on a card play off with 41 points for first and second prizes in the member and visitors competition. There were 17 mixed teams and 5 all member teams on a glorious 18th July. Nearest the pin on the second was won by Rebecca Byle but no visitors were able to hit the green on the 11th.

Down the 7th fairway

Vets’ Chairman’s Day, Friday, 19th July, 2019

For the first time the Vet’s Chairman’s Day competition was a singles Stableford with a shotgun start and a putting competition running at the same time. The idea was broached at the committee meeting to try and ensure all players were around for the presentation and group photograph. Well, it worked ! Thanks to Alan Parkey who worked out all the details, the format ran like a well oiled machine and we had a full house for the photograph and for my “speech” and presentation . As Alan was unable to attend, I took responsibility for ensuring that the last two teams began on the putting green and that the first two teams on the 10th and 16th teed off before the horn blew which ensured a smooth progression round the course with no waiting around. All those who played thought it was a brilliant idea and I’m sure all my successors will continue to use it in future years. Finally, thank you again to all the vets who played, despite the weather being so atrocious, and all those who gave their time to make my day so enjoyable, especially my wife Rachel who stood beside me in the pouring rain for two hours scoring the putting competitions. Chris Broster, Chairman

Harry Parker


2nd: Steve Hogg 3rd: Bob Graham

Geoff Dixon

Winner of the Putting


Manchester City v Manchester United, Sunday, 21st July, 2019

The date was Sunday, 21st July- it was Red v Blue - the sky, ominously for the reds, was a vibrant Blue, though no win for the last 3 years weighed heavily on the proverbial City powerhouses. 11 games went out on to the famous Romiley links, with everything to play for.

A shotgun start determined that results would all be in at a similar time as Mr Professional and the enigmatic United Captain, Mr Ian P Smith, set out against the in-form Mike Murray and the City stand-in Captain, Ben Beer. After a wobbly couple of holes where United found themselves 1 up, the City pairing, and more specifically Mr. Murray, clicked into gear and Murray and Beer ran out winners. The game was played in a fantastic spirit with many laughs all the way to the end and I think even though the result went our way (City) the company and golf was enjoyed by all!!

As we walked in, eager to find out other scores, it transpired that it was a day for the Blues. Result after result came in our way—Mr Captain and Mr Vice Captain falling foul of a Snape and Roberts masterclass!!! Thompson and Leigh found things pretty tough against Perfect Pannett and Super Suter leaving City winning 3 to United’s 0. In came Bradley and Hopkins with a spring in their step for United. They had played David ’Stretch’ Riley and Sheddsy and, from all accounts over a tough 18 hole battle, had come out victorious. Was there life in the Reds yet? The Moose and Mr Dineen then came up against staunch Blue’s Eric “the putter” Jones and Steve “diehard” Denton - this game ended all square, further fuelling the Reds Fergie like comeback! Pete “new dad” Watson (congratulations) and Alex “sniper” Jones then faced off against Cowboy Bob Law and Phil “the rogue” Roberts - again nothing in it as another half game was recorded.

Rachel Broster

Chris Stones

Ian P. Smith Alex White Mike Murray Ben Professional Beer

The next result in again gave United hope with Mad dog Martin Jones and Gaz “The Villain” Hall beating the legendary duo of Pete “Shaper” Woolley and Dave “Cozzy’ Costello pretty convincingly- “It was on” could be heard around the Romiley greens. But, sadly, it wasn’t! Paul “Wily” Wagstaff and Dave “The housewives’ favourite” Ogden came up short in one of the matches of the day against Stuart “Butch” Roberts and Steve “8 Day” Harrison losing on the last after leading all day! “Are you watching, Fergie?” came the shout from Nick Gorman on the terrace… I mean balcony!!! Next in were the Brosters - Chris “full kit Banker” Broster and “Ravishing” Rachel Brooster unfortunately came up short against Rick “Roaring” Crooks and Chris “Airwaves” Stones, leaving City on the brink of a famous and long-awaited victory. Chris Drake and Chris Kyle then came in with more devastating news for the reds….. Steve “Cross- Fit” Roberts and Steve “Boogie” Brown had secured another City win. All that was left was the final match - Mr John “bionic” Glynn and Mike “Just back from Scotland” Wilson paired off in a singles match. Unfortunately for the reds another City victory was forthcoming and, to coin a phrase “The fat lady was well and truly singing”!!! All that was left was a final result. This came out as Manchester United- 9 Manchester City- 26!!! Yes! You heard that correctly- 26-9!!! (All games played to a finish, therefore it was the difference at the end of the match, and not a point for the win). I think what’s important is that as the game was arranged at short notice, regardless of the result, we had 42 golfers out, both male and female, and everyone sat and had a good chuckle and laugh (mostly at Smithy’s expense I have to say) in the bar afterwards. Hopefully this event can continue to grow as it is truly a one-off event each year with all players in their kits and colours. Thanks to Alex and Smithy for organising the event, and to Alex on his last City v United game. At least we gave him a proper send off!!! The only question now is…… does Waggy get back in the team for MCFC!!! Only time will tell. Thanks again everyone for taking part..

Mr Captain Ben Beer Ian Smith

City Football Correspondent

Richard Crooks

Ladies’ 18 hole Stableford and Bunty Booth, Thursday, 25th July, 2019

1st Frances West 42 pts 2nd Denise Booth 36 pts 3rd Anne Harrison 35 pts

Here’s to next year

Mr Captain, Junior Captain Mr Ex Captain Mr Vice

Men’s Ordinary Medal, Saturday, 27th July, 2019

1st Div

1st Harry Doyle 70- -1=71 2nd Jonathan Prest 77-5=72 3rd Paul Wagstaff 79-4=7

2nd Div

1st Alex Jones 73-7=66 2nd Brad Snape 76-6=70 3rd Joe Smith 77-7=70

3rd Div

1st Phil Hart 884=16=68 2nd Mark Hilton 87-15=72 3rd Ken Fendall 90-18=72

4th Div

1st James Peover 88-21=67 2nd Shayne Thompson 95-21=74 3rd Peter Wagstaff 97-23=74

Vets’ Exchange Day at North Manchester, 29th July, 2019

Who would have thought that any golf in the area would be played on Monday 29th July following the heavy rains over the weekend which caused the cancellation of Lady Captain’s Day and many courses in the area to be closed. However, even as rain was still falling at 7.00 am on the Monday morning, the green keepers at both clubs worked hard to get the courses ready for the scheduled start at 10.30 am. 33 Vets from Romiley took the half hour journey up to North Manchester GC and played a singles Stableford competition off full club handicaps. In addition, a team event ran alongside this with 11 teams of 3. Scoring was the best two to count on the par 4’s and all three to count on the par 5’s and par 3’s. Following an excellent meal of braised steak, chips and vegetables with fresh strawberries, meringue and ice cream for dessert, the prizes were awarded. The team prize (a 4 ball at North Manchester and donated by that Club) was won by Peter Wagstaff, Dave Bowden and Kevin Ogden. They won by the narrowest of margins with 89 points on a card play off by virtue of scoring more points on the 16th hole from the team of Ken Fendall, Barry Johnson and Ian Bainbridge. The individual prize winner – Ian Bainbridge with 38 points -won a £10 voucher and was awarded a 2 shot reduction to his Vets’ Handicap!! Second was Peter Wagstaff with 37 points and third was Andy Reed with 36 points. The top 16 players each received a bottle of wine, with 2 further bottles presented to the winners of a free raffle among the remaining 17 players. Malcolm Booker and Ken Fendall each won a sleeve of balls for a 2 on the par 3’s 52 members came to Romiley from North Manchester and they had an excellent day as well. It would be nice if we could increase our numbers up to the 50 mark for next year. How often do you get the chance to play on another course, get a good meal and the chance of prizes, all for £15?? Many thanks go to the green staff and catering staff at both clubs for their efforts in ensuring the success of this event. Ian

Mr Captain’s Prize to the Juniors, Thursday, 1st August, 2019

1st Aaron Bardsley 18 pts 2nd Clifford Sidibeh 15 pts 3rd Oliver Coleman 15 pts

Congratulations to ALL the Juniors who played in the atrocious conditions and managed to get a result!

Men’s Singles Stableford, Saturday, 20th July, 2019

Elliot Simmonds 44 pts

Ian Bainbridge 40 pts Dave Loughman 39 pts

Past Captains’ and Presidents’ Day, Wednesday, 31st July, 2019

To play or not to play. That is the problem.

Peter Milnes The problem Ian P. Smith

Peter and Ian returning from the first tee after their abortive start.

A committee was quickly formed to convene in the Pro’s shop to consider the problem. In the end, 9 boldly managed the front 9 holes in appalling conditions. This constituted a competition. Three players managed a very creditable 14 points so it all came down to a CPO.

Peter Cooke Andrew Reed Mr Captain Mr President


And so Past Captains and Past Presidents, plus our present Captain and President, gather for the real reason for this delightful day; a sumptuous meal and plenty of drink. Study the picture and you will see that one Past President wasn’t prepared to leave his pint in the bar!! Many thanks to the inestimable Mike Cope who continues to organise this wonderful extravaganza year on year. He keeps asking for someone to take over but…………………..

2nd: Derek Worthington 3rd Peter Wagstaff

Lady Captain’s Afternoon Tea, Thursday, 1st August, 2019

The ladies attended the club on a beautiful sunny day, all in their finery. They began tea with champagne – the only way – and what followed were delicate sandwiches and bite sized cakes, perfect for such an occasion. After that there were scones, jam and cream.

The ladies could very

easily get used to this.

Many thanks to Lady Captain

Janet for a lovely afternoon in

great company.

David Jones, 31st October, 1942—24th July, 2019

David was born in Reddish and moved to Romiley in the mid 60s. He joined RGC in 1989 and loved his golf. He could hit a very long ball indeed but quite often in the wrong direction so his handicap was never in single figures. He was a member of RGC social committee for a time and very much enjoyed the company of golfers. Back difficulties and then circulation problems curtailed his golfing career but he took up many other hobbies into which he put his heart and soul. Masonry played a big part in his life, joining in the early 90s. When he retired he joined Romiley Probus and was a keen member, taking the chair and taking on the treasurer’s role for a time. In the last few years he took up singing and joined Stockport Male Voice Choir. He also embarked on singing lessons and regretted waiting until he was in his 70s to do that. David easily made friends and kept in touch with work colleagues and friends from the 60s and 70s so it was no surprise that the chapel was full to the brim. He was excellent company and would go out of his way to help people if he could. Friends travelled from all over England and Scotland to pay their respects. He suffered a heart attack in 2006 and underwent bypass surgery. He recovered well and continued to enjoy life but he suffered another heart attack on 14th May this year and struggled to recover from that. He will be missed by so many people, especially me. Audrey

John Glynn Audrey Jones Phil Roberts

Editorial Team

Remember the day that the sun shone?