Room for Curiosity: The Present Edge of Online Learning

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Room for Curiosity The Present Edge of Online Learning



“If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.”

- Sir Ken Robinson, 'How Schools Kill Creativity', TED 2006


“The power dynamic envisioned by the [education] system is inherently flawed for the current state of technology because is does not allow for the flexibility & individuality of how we work to be incorporated.”

- Sam Watling, 'Our Antique Education', TEDxBrighton 2013


“It's tragic because, by my reading, should we fail to radically change our approach to education, the same cohort we are attempting to “protect” could find their entire future scuttled by our timidity.”

- David Puttnam, speech at MIT 2012





Option A

Progress sequentially through a series of learning units from start to finish.


Option B

Progress sequentially and / or non-sequentially through a series of learning units from start to finish at the teacher / tutors / AI discretion.


Option C

Progress through a series of given content at your own [learner] discretion until all content is consumed.


Option D

Enrol in a learning environment. Never. Stop. Learning.


“le rhizome”

A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, 1980


As a model for culture, the rhizome resists the organizational structure of the root-tree system which charts causality along chronological lines and looks for the original source of 'things' and looks towards the pinnacle or conclusion of those 'things.' A rhizome, on the other hand, is characterized by 'ceaselessly established connections between semiotic chains, organizations of power, and circumstances relative to the arts, sciences, and social struggles.'


Rather than narrativize history and culture, the rhizome presents history and culture as a map or wide array of attractions and influences with no specific origin or genesis, for a 'rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, inter-being, intermezzo.' The planar movement of the rhizome resists chronology and organization, instead favouring a nomadic system of growth and propagation.


In this model, culture spreads like the surface of a body of water, spreading towards available spaces or trickling downwards towards new spaces through fissures and gaps, eroding what is in its way. The surface can be interrupted and moved, but these disturbances leave no trace, as the water is charged with pressure and potential to always seek its equilibrium, and thereby establish smooth space.


Rhizomatic / connected / networked learning

Open Distributed Multi-channel / medium Social Generative Scalable Adaptive Global Infinite

Derek WenmothChristchurch, NZ

Natalie LloydChristchurch, UK


Measuring Success

Test individuals for compliance – if there are things your learners have to understand and you require confirmation of that, test it.

Distributed measures for everything else – online and IRL attendance, engagement, duration, sharing etc. Measure the populous and their ability to solve collaborative tasks.


Let me take you through my personal rhizomatic adventure...


Barbara HepworthTension between figure and landscape


Henry MooreFigure as, and interplay with, landscape


John Luther AdamsBecome Ocean - “eventually we become to realise that we're part of something much larger than ourselves”


Broadchurch(because it's down the road from Christchurch)


Autumn In New YorkCreating a hat that is inspired by “the line of a woman's hip”

Le Grand Patissier(Nom)



What does the future look like?