Roosevelt in Office. Presidents Up to This Point. 1868-1876 Ulysses S. Grant Spoils system...

Post on 19-Jan-2018

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Teddy Takes Office September 6, 1901  President McKinley gets shot at the Pan-Am Exposition Shot by unemployed laborer  At 42, Teddy Roosevelt takes office. Youngest president up to this point


Roosevelt in Office

Presidents Up to This Point…. 1868-1876 Ulysses S. Grant

Spoils system 1876-1880 Rutherford B. Hayes

Tried to fix spoils system, but couldn’t so he quit after 1 term 1880 James A. Garfield

Wanted to create Civil Service Exam, but was shot and killed 1880 -1900

Chester A. Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison William McKinley

All have a very hard time making America more Progressive. 1900

McKinley Runs for re-election

Teddy Takes Office

September 6, 1901 President McKinley gets

shot at the Pan-Am Exposition Shot by unemployed


At 42, Teddy Roosevelt takes office. Youngest president up to

this point

Roosevelt’s Approach to the Oval Office During Gilded Age

Politicians took a “hands off” approach to government

Teddy changes that Believed in the “bully

pulpit”President has the right to speak out on issues

Teddy R. Reforms America

Arbitration Elkins Act Hepburn Act Meat Inspection Act Pure Food and Drug Act

Practices of Food and Drug Companies 1900 Food companies

Scientists were adding substances to food to make it look healthy Formaldehyde was

added to old eggs to take away odor

Skim milk churned with spoiled butter to make it look new.

1900 Drug Companies Sold worthless medicines

that had drugs in them like Cocaine morphine

Protecting the Consumer

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle Explosive novel that

depicted the unsanitary conditions of a meatpacking industry.

“We saw meat shoveled from filthy floors, piled on tables, and then packaged”

Protecting the Environment

1902 Roosevelt passes Newlands Reclamation Act Reclamation

The process of making damaged land productive again


Which of Roosevelt’s reforms do you think was most vital (important) in transforming America? Explain your reasoning.