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Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre (RDC)



Final (Version 0) September 2011

Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy ii

Contents 1  Introduction 1 

1.1.  Background 1 1.2.  Purpose of this Community Consultation Strategy 1 1.3.  Overall Community and Stakeholder Consultation Goal 2 1.4.  Community and Stakeholder Consultation Aims 2 

2  Legislative and Regulatory Compliance 3 2.1  Relevant legislation 3 2.2  Minister’s Conditions of Approval 3 2.3  Statement of Commitments 4 2.4  Guidelines and Standards 5 

3  Identification of Community and Stakeholders and Key Issues 6 3.1  Community Groups and Key Stakeholders 6 3.2  Key Issues 7 

4  Community and Stakeholder Management Team 11 4.1  The Team 11 4.2  Roles and Responsibilities 11 4.2.1  Environmental Representative 11 4.2.2  Environmental Officer 11 4.2.3  Project Manager/Site Manager 12 

5  Community and Stakeholder Involvement Procedure 13 5.1  Community and Stakeholder Awareness Training 13 5.2  Inquiry and Complaint Management Procedures 13 5.2.1  Opportunities for Information Exchange 13 5.2.2  Inquiry and Complaints Handling Process 13 5.3  Community Liaison Committee 15 

6  Community and Stakeholder Information 17 6.1  Communication Tools 17 

7  Review and Improvement of the CCS 19 7.1  CCS Performance Indicators 19 

Appendix A  Key Project Stakeholders  Appendix B  Example Inquiries Form and Complaints Register



Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy ii

Document history and status

Revision Date issued Reviewed by Approved by Date approved Revision type

Initial Draft 16/05/11 E McCabe L Montesin 19/05/11 Initial Draft

Initial Draft 20/05/11 R Savage / D Elliot

L Montesin 20/05/11 Initial Draft

Draft 24/05/11 K Cochrane K Cochrane 26/05/11 Draft for practice review

Final (Draft) 01/06/11 R Savage L Montesin 07/06/11 Final for DoPI Submission

Final (Version 0) 12/09/11 L Montesin L Montesin 12/09/11 DoPI Approved


Distribution of copies Revision Copy no Quantity Issued to

Final 1 2 Kane Winwood, DoPI

Final Draft V2 1 1 Issued for Tender

Final Version 0 1 1 DoPI / R Savage


Printed: 12 September 2011

Last saved: 12 September 2011 01:03 PM

File name: I:\ENVR\Projects\EN02872\Technical\Rooty Hill RDC\Construction Environmental Management Plans\CommunityConsultationStrategy\EN02782.400_Community

Author: Lisa Montesin/Alice Busby-Smith

Project manager: Claire O’Keefe

Name of organisation: Holcim

Name of project: Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Name of document: Community Consultation Strategy

Document version: Final

Project number: EN02872.400

Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy 1

1 Introduction 1.1. Background

The construction and operation of the Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre (RDC)(the Project)is an important issue for affected land owners, local communities living and working in the vicinity of the proposed works, and for any road users affected by traffic movements associated with the Project. Accordingly, Holcim is committed to ensuring that all interested and affected parties have the opportunity to understand the nature of the proposed works. The community and key stakeholders will have the opportunity to express their comments, and to have their concerns and issues understood and taken into consideration during construction and operation of the Rooty Hill RDC. 

This Community Consultation Strategy (CCS) has been developed to address issues of importance to the community and key stakeholders that need to be considered during construction and operation. It will ensure Holcim establishes an environment of genuine commitment and cooperation between the project and operations team, stakeholders and wider community.  

Holcim believes that ongoing dialogue with the community and key stakeholders is an important aspect of good project planning and implementation. The company is committed to engaging with local communities and key stakeholders in a transparent and responsible way to ensure a positive and long‐term partnership exists. 

The CCS will use a mix of communication and consultation tools to seek and provide information and identify issues of importance to the community and relevant stakeholders. 

The CCS has been prepared in accordance with the AS 4269‐1995 (the Australian Standard for complaints handling), requirements of Quality Assurance Standard ISO 9001‐2000 and with Holcim’s Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) guidelines on community awareness (January 2010). 

1.2. Purpose of this Community Consultation Strategy

This CCS describes how Holcim proposes to manage the community and key stakeholders during construction and operation of the Project.  

The CCS aims to provide accurate information to the community and key stakeholders as the Project proceeds, set objectives and describe the activities that will be undertaken.  It also: 

Outlines strategies for liaison and consultation. 

Details communication tools and techniques to implement these strategies. 

Describes the controls to ensure specific community consultation obligations are met and the processes by which activities will be evaluated. 

The CCS addresses how community and stakeholder involvement requirements will be met to ensure there is a high level of participation, awareness and resolution of issues. Proactive and ongoing community and stakeholder involvement is considered critical to the success of the Project. 

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1.3. Overall Community and Stakeholder Consultation Goal

The following community and stakeholder involvement goal underpins this strategy. This goal is consistent with Holcim’s SHE guidelines on community awareness (January 2010):  

“Holcim is committed to minimising any impact on the environment and being a good corporate neighbour” 

1.4. Community and Stakeholder Consultation Aims

The approach to community and stakeholder involvement outlined in this strategy is based on the principles of honesty, openness and inclusiveness in dealing with the community and stakeholders.  The CCS builds on the consultation conducted for the 2005 EAR and for the 2010 project modification and is structured as a continuation of the consultation process that has already taken place with community  and key stakeholders. The broad aims of the CCS are to: 

Facilitate a two‐way flow of information between the Holcim team, stakeholders, landowners, residents, the broader community and road users. 

Provide effective communication of information about the project and its benefits. 

Disseminate information to stakeholders, residents and businesses. 

Identify, consult, advise and resolve all complaints, issues and concerns in a timely and effective manner.  

To monitor emerging issues and manage stakeholder expectations about the Project. 

Facilitate communication with the local community and key stakeholders. 

To minimise the impact on Project timelines resulting from community and stakeholder concerns. 

Community groups and key stakeholders are listed in Section 3.1of this CCS. 

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2 Legislative and Regulatory Compliance 2.1 Relevant legislation

Key legislation relating to community consultation includes the following: 

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) 

Blacktown Local Environment Plan 1988 

2.2 Minister’s Conditions of Approval

The Minister’s Conditions of Approval (MCoA) from the Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DoPI) relevant to the CCS that have been considered in this strategy are detailed in Table 2‐1. 

Table 2-1 Minister’s Conditions of Approval

MCoA Requirement Document Reference


By 30 September, the Proponent shall: a) Make copies of the following publicly available on its website:

the documents referred to in condition 1.1; all relevant statutory approvals for the project; all approved strategies, plans and programs required under the conditions of this approval; a comprehensive summary of the monitoring results for this project; a complaints register, which is to be updated on a quarterly basis; the AEMR reports required under this approval (over the last 5 years); any independent environmental audit of the project, and the Proponent’s response to any

recommendations in any audit; and any other matter required by the Director-General; and

b) keep this information up-to-date, to the satisfaction of the Director-General. 

Section 5.2.1


Prior to the commencement of construction of the project, the Proponent shall ensure that the following are available for community complainants for the life of the project (including construction and operation): a) a telephone number on which complaints about construction and operational activities at the site may be registered; b) a postal address to which written complaints may be sent: and c) an email address to which electronic complaints may be transmitted. The telephone number, the postal address and the email address shall be displayed on a sign near the entrance to the site, in a position that is clearly visible to the public and which clearly indicates the purposes of the sign.

Section 5.2.1


The Proponent shall record details of all complaints received through the means listed under condition 4.2 of this approval in an up-to-date Complaints Register. This Register shall record, but not necessarily be limited to: a) the date and time, where relevant, of the complaint; b) the means by which the complaint was made (telephone, mail or email); c) any personal details of the complainant that were provided, or if no details were provided, a note to that effect; d) the nature of the complaint; e) any action(s) taken by the Proponent in relation to the complaint, including any follow-up contact with complainant; and

Section 5.2.2

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MCoA Requirement Document Reference

f) if no action was taken by the Proponent in relation to the complaint, the reason(s) why no action was taken. The Complaints Register shall be made available for inspection by the Director-General upon request.


Prior to the commencement of any works associated with the project at the site, the Proponent shall prepare and implement a Community Communication Strategy for the project. This strategy shall be designed to enable the Proponent to respond to any enquiries from the local community and/or adjoining landowners as to the operational environmental performance of the facility. The Strategy shall include, but does not necessarily be limited to:

a)Mechanisms through which the Proponent can report to the local community and adjoining landowners on the operations of the project and its environmental performance;

Section 6.1 and 5.4

b) Mechanisms through which the community and/or adjoining landowners can provide feedback to the Proponent in relation to the environmental management of the project; and Section 5.3.1

c) Mechanisms through which the Proponent can respond to any enquiries or feedback from the community and/or adjoining landowners in relation to the environmental performance of operations at the project.

Section 5.3.2

The Strategy shall be approved by the Director General prior to the commencement of the construction of the project.

2.3 Statement of Commitments

This strategy also considers the requirements in the Statement of Commitments (SoC) from the Environmental Assessment Report (including Submissions Report and revised SoC’s). The SoC’s relevant to the CCS are summarised in Table 2-2. 

Table 2-2 Statement of Commitments

Objective Ref no. Commitment Document Reference

Community Consultation 13.1 A Community Liaison Committee will be created which will meet on a

regular basis to review environmental performance of the RDC. Section 5.3


Membership of the Committee is to be determined by Holcim and the Committee is to be chaired by an Independent Facilitator and will include representatives of the local community and adjoining property holders, Department of Planning and Infrastructure, the Office of Environment and Heritage and Blacktown City Council.

Section 5.3


The Environment Protection Licence for the RDC will require Holcim to keep a record of all complaints made in relation to pollution arising from any activity to which this Licence applies and will also specify the details to be provided in the record and a complaints handling procedure.

Section 5.3


The Environment Protection Licence for the RDC will require that a telephone complaints line operates during the operating hours of the premises for the purpose of receiving any complaints from members of the public and that the telephone number of this line to be notified to the community.

Section 5.3


A 24 hour telephone complaints line will be established and the local community will be notified of the phone number. Complaints received would be recorded. All information from the complainant, including the nature of the complaint would also be recorded.

Section 5.2

13.6 The Site Manager or his/her nominee will undertake an immediate investigation into the cause of any complaint relating to the operations of the site and in particular environmental issues and will ensure that

Section 5.2

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Objective Ref no. Commitment Document Reference

corrective action is taken as required.

13.7 The Site Manager or his/her nominee will provide the complainant with an explanation of the cause of any environmental incident and details of any actions taken to mitigate its effect.

Section 5.2


If necessary, the Site Manager would initiate further corrective action, such as introducing changes in operational procedures, work instructions or modifications to equipment etc as may be required to reduce the possibility of further environmental incidents.

Section 5.2

13.9 A record of all complaints received will be kept on site for 4 years. Section 5.2

2.4 Guidelines and Standards

Holcim’s corporate strategy notes community involvement (social responsibility) as one of the six (6) strategic pillars. This CCS is consistent with Holcim’s policies regarding community engagement across its international operations, which give a commitment to ‘engage our stakeholders and report publicly on compliance, performance and progress’ and ‘work with all our stakeholders, building and maintaining relationships of mutual respect and trust’ (Holcim 2008). 

Holcim is guided by The Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 26000 (ISO 2009) which provides direction on the principles of corporate social responsibility and outlines methods to integrate socially responsible behaviour into existing organisational strategies, systems and processes. 

In addition, this CCS uses established and tested community relations and community involvement practices developed for other recent major infrastructure projects. 


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3 Identification of Community and Stakeholders and Key Issues

3.1 Community Groups and Key Stakeholders

The closest residential properties are located approximately 590 meters to the west of the Project site on Station Street, Rooty Hill. There are also residential areas to the south and east on Mavis Street, Rooty Hill and Knox Road, Doonside approximately 720 meters and 770 meters respectively from the Project site. These communities are located in the Blacktown Local Government Area (LGA) as shown in Figure 3.1. 

Figure 3.1 Site Locality Plan

Source: Google Maps, April 2011 

A community consultation program prepared by Twyford Consulting for the 2005 Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) identified that there has been a strong theme of growth and infrastructure development in the area since the 1970s and a steady population increase. Blacktown LGA is linked to both the M2 and M7 motorways and the main Western rail line provides transportation for commuters as well as industry. Rooty Hill and the surrounding suburbs were identified as having a relatively stable and young population, dominated by couple families with children. Key stakeholders identified included: 

Residents of Rooty Hill, particularly those living in proximity to the development site. 

Residents of some areas of Doonside and Plumpton. 

Local community groups including the Rooty Hill Progress Association. 

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Operators of local businesses, particularly those in the industrial area. 

Local business groups. 

Blacktown City Council Councillors and Council Officers. 

State Government members for the local area. 

State government agencies (i.e. Office of Environment and Heritage and Department of Planning and Infrastructure). 

Users of the Nurragingy Reserve including the operators of the Colebee Centre. 

Blacktown Olympic Centre. 

Aboriginal Land Council/s. 

A detailed list of the key stakeholders associated with construction and operation of the Project is provided as Appendix A. 

Holcim will liaise, consult and communicate with communities, agencies and stakeholders listed in Appendix A during construction and operation of the Project.  The nature and extend of the engagement will vary throughout the Project as some communities, agencies and stakeholders will maintain an interest throughout all stages of the delivery while others will only have a strong interest at specific times. Further details of the communications strategies to be adopted are in Section 6 of this strategy. 

3.2 Key Issues

Community and stakeholder consultation undertaken for the 2005 EAR and for subsequent project modification in 2010 identified a number of key issues associated with the development. Holcim anticipates these are the main issues that will need to be addressed during construction and operation of the Project. These issues are outlined in Table 3‐1. 

Table 3-1 Key issues

Key issues Description How addressed

Transport impacts and traffic generation

The RDC operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week and the potential traffic impacts.

Traffic movements on local roads and associated noise and congestion.

Potential higher risk to residents of large trucks on residential roads.

Closure of North Parade which residents use for walking and a bike track.

Traffic Management Plans will be developed for both the construction and operational phase.

Increase in train movements near Rooty Hill

Increased rail traffic having to cross main lines in order to access the siding.

Proximity of shunting traffic to Rooty Hill station and associated commuters.

The Project is likely to result in a small increase in rail movements locally and on the rail network. All movements are strictly controlled by Railcorp.

Rail sidings are required to operate in accordance with the Rail Safety Act and comply with Safety Interface Agreements, under the control of Independent Transport Safety Regulator (ITSR).

Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

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Key issues Description How addressed

Public access to the siding area will be restricted.

Surface water run-off and stormwatermanagement

The location of Angus Creek and two (2) Endangered Ecological Communities (EEC) on the site should be managed in a way that will not impact on the intrinsic qualities of the riparian corridor or have downstream impacts on water quality.

Stormwater flows will be managed to minimise potential impact on the Angus Creek riparian corridor.

Sediment control structures will be incorporated into the Project design.

Development and implementation of the Vegetation Management Plan.

Soil and Water Management Plans will be developed for construction and operational phase of the Project; these plans will include requirements for water quality monitoring.

Flooding and floodway issues

The development site includes areas of flood prone land.

The major portion of the Project site is elevated. Some elements, including the rail siding, rail unloading station, rail unloading transfer conveyor system and the bridge over Angus Creek are within the Angus Creek 100 year ARI floodplain. Modelling shows that the inclusion of these elements will not result in a significant increase in flood levels in the 100 year ARI flood event.

Air quality The Project has the potential to create dust emissions if not controlled and managed properly.

Certain key features of the Project will be enclosed and contain dust control systems to reduce dust emissions. These include the rail unloading station, all transfer points, conveyor systems and load out points;

Dust control systems such as a street sweeper would be permanently stationed on site.

Monitoring dust to ensure immediate action is taken if an issue arises.

Development and implementation of an ongoing Dust Management plan for construction and operational phase of the Project.

Noise impacts Noise effects from a 24 hour, seven (7) days a week operation have potential to affect/impact on residents at night and early morning, and on weekends.

Potential impacts of shunting noise on local residents.

Potential impacts from plant and equipment during the construction phase of the Project.

Noise generated during the operational phase by conveyors, as well as trucks, heavy equipment and other industrial noise have potential to affect the amenity of local residents.

Noise mitigation measures will be factored into the design of the Project. Noise barriers will be installed and there will be a restriction of some activities being undertaken at night.

Noise Management Plans are being developed for construction and operation of the Project. Noise monitoring and responses to exceedance of the consent limits forms part of the Noise Management Plan.

Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

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Key issues Description How addressed

Operational noise may impact on the amenity of Nurragingy Reserve.

Landuse conflicts

Nurragingy Reserve and the Blacktown Olympic Park are recreational areas for the surrounding suburbs and are used extensively and continuously by residents and visitors. The development may impact on people’s enjoyment of these areas.

Notification to local residents and potential users of the Reserve and Park as noted in Section 6 to allow users to make alternative arrangements if necessary.

Environmental management plans for construction and operation will address potential air quality, noise, traffic and visual impacts on nearby land uses.

Impacts on flora and fauna

Two EEC’s listed under the Threatened Species Conservation Act, Sydney Coastal River-Flat Forest and Cumberland Plain Woodland, are situated on and around the site. Cumberland Plain Woodland is also listed as an EEC under the Environmental Protection and Biological Conservation Act.

One threatened plant (Grevillea juniperina) and one threatened invertebrate (Cumberland Plain Land Snail) were recorded on the site.

The Project has been designed to limit disturbance and ensure protection to these EEC’s.

A buffer will be established in the area adjoining the Grevillea juniperina.

The area where the Cumberland Plain Land Snail is located will be protected and enhance to ensure no disturbance to the habitat.

Regeneration works will be undertaken in the vegetation adjoining Angus Creek. Landscaping in other areas of the site will include native plant species.

Development and implementation of the Vegetation Management Plan.

Implementation of a Compensatory Habitat package.

Visual impacts The size and height of silos will be visible from many points in the local area, including Rooty Hill and could compromise the aspect of Nurragingy Reserve for local residents.

The site will be landscaped and certain colours will be used for site structures to minimise potential visual impact and enhance the aesthetic quality of the site.

A detailed Landscape Plan will be prepared and implemented.

Environmental performance

Appropriate monitoring and management during construction and operation.

An Environmental Management Plan will be prepared for construction and operation of the Project which will include monitoring of key environmental aspects.

Environmental controls will be included in the design of the Project.

Disruption to services The Project has the potential to temporarily disrupt local services during construction.

Detailed consultation with service and utility providers will be undertaken prior to the commencement of construction.

Detailed design of the Project will endeavour to avoid and hence minimise any disruption to services.

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Key issues Description How addressed

Construction staff behaviour

Poor language, unnecessary loud noise or unapproved out of hours noise on sites

Environmental awareness training. Project induction and toolbox sessions. Integration of environmental staff into

site teams. Implementation of environmental

management plans for construction and operation.

Consultation process There is potential for complaints from the community regarding the consultation process

Community and Stakeholder management system.

Mix of communication channels to increase reach of messages.

Clear and visible contact information available on sites and in all communication materials generated for the Project.

CCS fully implemented.


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4 Community and Stakeholder Management Team 4.1 The Team

The Holcim community and stakeholder management team for construction and operation of the Project will comprise three people – the Environmental Representative (ER), the Environmental Officer (EO) and the Project Manager (PM). Holcim’s Communications and Public Affairs Manager will review all communications material before it is published and distributed.  

It should be noted that the Site Manager (SM) will take on the responsibilities of the PM during the operational phase of the Project. The role of the ER and the EO will remain the same during the construction and operational phase of the Project. 

4.2 Roles and Responsibilities

4.2.1 Environmental Representative The Environmental Representative (ER) is accountable for ensuring environmental outcomes and compliance of the Project and has primary responsibilities in receiving and responding to complaints. Specifically, complaints and enquiries will be directed to the ER or their nominated delegate and it their responsibility to ensure these complaints are managed in accordance with the Project’s community and stakeholder management system. 

Other responsibilities of the ER in relation to community and stakeholder management include: 

Resolving and responding to complaints in accordance with Project’s community and stakeholder management system outlined Section 5.2.2. 

Ensure that systems for community and stakeholder management are established and implemented. 

Ensure theCommunity Liaison Committee (CLC) is established and operating effectively. 

Ensure communication materials for the Project are prepared and distributed.  

The ER will primarily be supported by the EO and PM/SM who will have an onsite role during construction and operation of the project. 

4.2.2 Environmental Officer The EO will be on site during the construction and operational phase of the Project and will report directly to the ER. Their responsibilities include the following: 

Assisting the ER in resolving and responding to complaints in accordance with Project’s community and stakeholder management system outlined Section 5.2.2.  This will include responding to the 24 hour freecall community information line on behalf of the ER, and management of other written correspondence received. 

Building positive relationships by proactively liaising with residents, the community and stakeholders. 

Be a contact point for all Project information. 

Establish and maintain Project protocols and systems for community and stakeholder management. 

Be a member of the CLC. 

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Produce a monthly report on the status of responses to all inquiries and complaints for review by the PM/SM and ER. 

Management and administration for the CLC meetings and the preparation of community and stakeholder information. 

Provide community and stakeholder awareness training as part of the Project induction and other toolbox sessions as required. 

Preparation and distribution of communication materials for the Project. This includes but is not limited to; direct mail, newsletters and fact sheets, signage, advertisements, displays and online information. As noted in Section 4.1 the Communications and Public Affairs Manager will review all communication materials before it is published and distributed. 

Notification to relevant stakeholders and local community of works.  

4.2.3 Project Manager/Site Manager The PM/SM will be available for contact by stakeholders, property owners, local residents and community representatives as delegated by the EO, to answer any questions and to address any concerns in relation to the Project. Responsibilities of the PM/SM include: 

Provision of information on planned operations to the EO to ensure any affected landowners, residents and businesses receive appropriate notification. 

Assisting the ER and EO in resolving and responding to inquiries and complaints in accordance with the Project’s community and stakeholder management system. 

Leadership and direction for other team members. 

Assist building positive relationships through proactive liaison with landowners, residents, the community and stakeholders. 

Attend CLC meetings. 

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5 Community and Stakeholder Involvement Procedure A balanced approach to consultation will need to be undertaken to ensure all community and stakeholder issues outlined in Table 3‐1 are identified their needs understood. Some of these needs may contradict one another and it will be important to collaboratively develop solutions that consider all issues raised and result in a positive outcome for the community at large. Holcim intends to review and revise the way community stakeholder engagement occurs throughout the life of the Project to ensure an appropriate level of engagement is continually maintained. 

5.1 Community and Stakeholder Awareness Training

All Project personnel are required to undertake compulsory induction training, which includes community and stakeholder awareness.  Key elements of the induction training include: 

Outline of community and stakeholder involvement obligations. 

Freecall community contact telephone line. 

Community inquiry and complaints handling procedures. 

Interface with the public and media. 

Issues /complaints management procedures. 

As noted in Section 4.2.2, the EO will be responsible for providing community and stakeholder awareness training as part of the Project induction. In addition, the EO will provide other toolbox training sessions in response to specific issues (e.g. noise) as required. 

5.2 Inquiry and Complaint Management Procedures

5.2.1 Opportunities for Information Exchange

Holcim has established the following avenues to register inquiries and complaints related to construction and operational activities: 

A 24‐hour freecall community information line (1800 809 381).  

Postal address for written complaints (Rooty Hill Project Manager, Holcim, PO Box 5697, West Chatswood, NSW, 1515). 

Email address for electronic complaints (rootyhillproject‐ 

The telephone number, postal and email address will be clearly displayed on a sign near the entrance to the site, in a position which is clearly visible to the public. This information will also be widely disseminated in the community and included on public information such as the website, advertisements, letterbox notifications and fact sheets. 

5.2.2 Inquiry and Complaints Handling Process

Holcim’s community and stakeholder management system includes procedures for recording, investigating, tracking and handling of all inquiries and complaints.  A summary of Holcim’s inquiry and complaint handling process is provided in Figure 5.1. Further information on this process is provided below. 

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Once Holcim has received verbal or written inquiries and/or complaints via telephone, email or post, the ER or their nominated delegate will undertake an immediate investigation into the nature/cause of the inquiry and/or complaint.  The ER or their nominated delegate will make initial contact with the community or stakeholder representative within 24 hours to clarify the reason for the inquiry and/or complaint and to notify of the investigation process including an appropriate re‐notification time. Within 24 hours the inquiry and/or complaint will be recorded on the inquiry and complaints register by the EO. Example inquiry and complaints register forms are provided in Appendix B. This register will record the following details: 

Date and time of the inquiry and/or complaint. 

The means by which the inquiry and/or complaint was made (i.e. phone, post, email or direct contact). 

Contact details provided by the community or stakeholder representative. 

The nature of the inquiry and/or complaint. 

Any actions taken by Holcim in relation to the inquiry and/or complaint, including any follow‐up contact. 

If no action was taken by Holcim in relation to the inquiry and/or complaint, the reason why no action was taken. 

Date the inquiry and/or complaint was closed. 

A record of all inquiries and/or complaints received will be kept on site for 4 years. 

The inquiry and complaints register will be available for inspection by the Director‐General of DoPI on request. 

A review of previous contacts from the community and stakeholder representative will be taken when the inquiry and/or complaint is entered into the inquiry and complaints register. This review will determine whether previous actions were appropriate and will help inform the management of the current issue to ensure appropriately closed out. 

The ER or their nominated delegate will investigate the inquiry and/or complaint and will provide the community or stakeholder representative with an explanation of the cause and details of any actions taken to mitigate its effect. If necessary, the PM/SM will initiate further corrective action, including introducing changes in operational procedures, work instructions or modifications to equipment etc, as may be required to reduce the possibility of further inquiry and/or complaint. A written response will be provided to the community or stakeholder representative within five (5) days of the complaint and/or inquiry being received. The EO will ensure the inquiry and complaints register is updated to note the response taken. 

It should be noted that if the inquiry and/or complaint is classified as an incident of significance under the Project’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP). The EO must follow the incident reporting process and ensure appropriate resolution and sign‐off. 

Consistent with Australian Standard for Complaints Handling, Holcim will track progress of community or stakeholder representations and will produce a monthly report on the status of responses to all inquiries and complaints. This report will include the average and minimum times taken to respond to representations. Communication feedback will be evaluated as part of the reporting process in order to assess and adjust communication methods if required. This approach embraces a continuous improvement philosophy and allows the team to learn how to improve on their processes and procedures. 

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Holcim’s policy in relation to media inquiries requires that no information is released, in any form, regarding any of the Project works to any organisation or person, including political representatives, without the prior approval from the Communications and Public Affairs Manager.  


Figure 5.1 Overview of the Inquiry and Complaint Response Procedure


5.3 Community Liaison Committee

A Community Liaison Committee (CLC) will be established for the Project and will meet on a regular basis during the construction and operational phase to review environmental performance. CLC meetings may also address general construction impacts, access arrangements during construction and post opening and 

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sustainability. The CLC meeting will also provide a forum to provide feedback to Holcim in relation to the environmental management of the Project.  

The CLC will comprise of approximately eight (8) selected representatives of the local community and adjoining property owners, government departments (such as the Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DoPI) and the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)) and Blacktown City Council plus two (2) representatives from the Holcim Project team (i.e.  PM/SM and EO). Other relevant Project personnel will be invited to attend CLC meetings as required. Holcim will provide information, plans and presentations to enable comprehensive discussion regarding the environmental performance of the Project. 

The meetings will run to a set agenda and will be independently facilitated and designed to engage participants so that they are meaningful and useful to Holcim and to the community. A degree of flexibility will be built into the meetings to allow discussion of issues of particular interest/relevance, or to take on notice questions requiring more detailed consideration that would be incorporated into future sessions. Minutes will be taken and distributed to CLC members. 

It is expected participants will represent a diversity of viewpoints and community concerns. Where members hold a range of perspectives on a particular issue, the differing viewpoints will be noted and taken into consideration. 

CLC meetings will be scheduled on a regular basis as agreed by the CLC. 


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6 Community and Stakeholder Information The mechanisms used to engage with the community and stakeholders will be reviewed regularly to ensure Holcim is effectively communicating and responding appropriately to concerns during the construction and operation phase of the Project. Further details on the review process is provided in Section 7 of the CCS. Holcim aims to maintain a high level of flexibility in its approach to consultation and communication by evolving engagement techniques to meet changing requirements through the life cycle of the Project. 

Holcim will keep the local community and key stakeholders informed about changes affecting individual properties, residences and businesses prior to the works being undertaken. All publications will include contact names, phone numbers, email and postal return addresses, and website details. 

6.1 Communication Tools

Holcim is committed to developing long‐term relationships with the communities within which we operate. Consultation with the community and key stakeholders will be ongoing and following the approvals phase it will utilise a range of mechanisms including: 

Letterbox notifications will be distributed by Holcim two weeks prior to any new stage of works commencing and then annually during the operational phase. The Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) provides further information on construction staging. The letterbox notifications  will be used to inform and advise the directly affected local community and stakeholders of the changes affecting areas around the site. Holcim will distribute all community notices. 

Community updates and factsheets. These will be developed and distributed to nearby residents as required. The community information sheets will include information about Project activities, community events, any company investment in community programs and details on how to provide feedback to the company. 

Briefings with Blacktown City Council and community groups will take place as required. 

Face‐to‐face meetings with affected landowners will occur as required. 

Indirect engagement through social investment for community initiatives will be considered throughout the life of the Project. 

Other engagement methods will be employed as necessary during the life of the Project (including community open days, workshops and information sessions). 

In addition, in accordance with MCoA 4.1(a) a Project website has been established as follows:‐us/community‐link/project‐summary.html 

This website will provide and maintain the following electronic information:   

Project Application 05_0051. 

Environmental Assessment Report for the Proposed Regional Distribution Centre, Rooty Hill, volumes 1‐3, prepared by National Environmental Consulting Services, dated October 2005. 

Response to Issues Raised in Submissions to EAR, prepared by National Environmental Consulting Services, dated February 2006. 

The final Statement of Commitments, submitted by the Proponent to the Department on 17 March 2006. 

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The Environmental Assessment Report ‐ Proposed Modification to the Holcim Regional Distribution Centre (RDC), Rooty Hill NSW prepared by Umwelt (Australia) Pty Limited, dated October 2010: including the Response to Submissions Report for the Proposed Minor Modification to Holcim Regional Distribution Centre, Rooty Hill, dated 9 December 2010 and the March 2011 Modification Statement of Commitments shown in Attachment 2. 

Project Approval. 

All approved strategies, plans and programs required under the Minister’s Conditions of Approvals. 

Comprehensive summary of the monitoring results. 

Complaints register (updated on a quarterly basis). 

AEMR Reports over the previous 5 years (operational phase only). 

Independent Audit Reports and any response to recommendations from the audits. 

 Any other material required by the Director‐General. 

In addition, the CLC as discussed in Section 5.3 will also provide an important communication tool for selected community and stakeholder groups. 

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7 Review and Improvement of the CCS 7.1 CCS Performance Indicators

Holcim will review its CCS on a regular basis to ensure it is relevant and has the appropriate level and form of engagement for the current context. The review will evaluate the outcomes of key performance areas identified for the Project.  Table 7‐1provides the community and stakeholder performance indicators for the Project developed to ensure continual improvement of community and stakeholder management over the life of the Project. 

Holcim’s driver for monitoring community engagement activities is to ensure that community and stakeholder engagement needs are being met throughout the life of the Project and that engagement techniques are improved as required. Holcim is committed to implementing changes to its community and stakeholder engagement program that will ensure communication continues in an open and transparent way. 


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Table 7-1 Community and Stakeholder Management Performance Indicators

Activity Criteria Method of Evaluation Performance indicator

Community updates, fact sheets and notifications

Accurate information. Distribution reach.

Correspondence from community/stakeholders.

Feedback form/survey included in all community updates.

At least two (2) community updates provided for the construction phase of the Project.

A community update distributed at least two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of construction activities.

100% error free information. No complaints relating to difficulty understanding

information provided. Project contact details correctly provided in updates.

Media Relations Adherence to Holcim’smedia policy and guidelines.

Follow up on requests for information from media.

Accuracy of media releases and advertising copy.

Media coverage generated by releases.

Media monitoring.

No unapproved contact with media. Media protocol followed 100% of the time. 100% response to media enquiries. 100% media articles filed in Project records.

Briefings Preparation for briefing. Clarity and accuracy of visual

presentation aids. Follow up on actions/issues raised. Demonstrated level of understanding of

Project by the local community and key stakeholders.

Quality of information provided. Records of briefings, including

follow up actions. Review of media articles quoting


> 90% positive feedback on information provided. Briefing records filed. Information quoted by organisation is accurate.

Telephone information line

Time to respond to callers. Follow up on requests for information. Satisfaction of callers with service.

Community and Stakeholder Management System to track follow up actions.

100% of inquiries and complaints acknowledged within 24 hours.

100% calls recorded in Community and Stakeholder Management System.

Freecall number operating 100% of time. No complaints regarding response to calls. 100% responses provided on issues raised. Comprehensive responses provided within five (5)

days. Project team provided with details of issues raised

during calls 100% of the time. Web site Usage of the website.

Follow up on requests for information. Feedback received through the

website. Update website with new information as approved by

Communications and Public Affairs Manager.

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy 21

Activity Cr eria it Method of Evaluation Performance indicator

Accuracy and timeliness of information. Monitoring visits to the site. Tracking follow up actions.

No complaints relating to accuracy of information on web.

Number of visits to the Project website. Community and Stakeholder Management System

Record of correspondence. Follow up on requests for information.

Issues raised recorded in the inquiries and complaints register

Review of any submissions Submissions tracked.

100% issues and information provided by community/stakeholders relating to the Project recorded in the inquiries and complaints register.

Report issues raised to relevant Project team member/s 100% of the time.

Outstanding actions report generated monthly. Initial acknowledgment of inquiry and/or complaint

received by phone, email, post or from direct contact with Project within 24 hours.

Comprehensive response to issues raised provided within five (5)days of correspondence received.

Reporting Distribution of outstanding actions. Distribution of consultation summary. Distribution of consultation information

for Monthly Report.

Quality checks on distribution of reports

No outstanding actions where information is available Consultation summary accurate reflection of

correspondence 100% of the time. Monthly report on status of responses to all

correspondence 100% of the time. Community Consultation Strategy (CCS)

Approved CCS. Updated to include incorporation of

relevant feedback from community and stakeholders.

Consultant (SKM) Practice Review

of the CCS Review and approval of the CCS

by the Director-General of Department of Planning and Infrastructure.

CCS approved. CCS is relevant and reviewed if changes made.

Advertising Press advertising. Quality check of distribution. Draft approval for advertisement filed with file copy of advertisement.

Advertisement provided to local press to meet copy deadlines for nominated media.

Dates logged in chronology document. Advertising materials approved by Communications

and Public Affairs Manager 100% of the time.

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Appendix A Key Project Stakeholders

Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email

Rooty Hill residents in proximity to project

• Aquilina Drive • Polonia Ave • Darice Pl • Cheryl Pl • Haleluka Cres • Gilpin Pl • Any house on Woodstock Ave

between the M7 Motorway and Napier St

• Napier St • Derby St • Station St (down to the

intersection with Harlington St) • Wolseley St (between Station

St and Napier St) • Hartington St (between

Station St and Napier St) • Short St • Railway View Pde • Rooty Hill Rd North (from

house number 98 to the roundabout)

• Rooty Hill Rd South (between Beames Ave and Eastern Road)

• Mavis Street • Dunsmore St

Doonside residents in proximity to project

• Knox Rd (between Evoe Pl and the Mian Western Railway Line)

• Evoe Pl • Scone Pl • Crawford Rd (between house

number 72 and Cross St) • Graham St (between house

number 42 and Crawford Rd) • Cross St (between Know Rd

and intersection with Coghlan Cres)

• Coghlan Cres • Taworri St • Omaroo Ave • Weemala Ave • Wangara St • Yurunga Ave • Kareela St (to intersection with

Taworri St)

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Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email

Businesses in proximity to project

One Steel 22 Kellogg Road Rooty Hill NSW 2766

9675 9999

Humes Woodstock Avenue Rooty Hill NSW 2766

9832 5555

Businesses on Rooty Hill Road North

• Martial Arts Academy • Premier Squash and Leisure

Centre • Peter’s Hot Bread • IGA • Armando’s Italian and

Seafood • Rooty Hill Charcoal Chicken • Rooty Hill Fruit Market • Mediterranean Seafood • South Rooty Hill Takeaway • Sariling Atin Hideaway • Jewel Food Stores • La Patrice Food Supermarket • Big Chief Burgers • Kamayan Food Plus • Shopsmart Wholesale

Pharmacy • Bond’s Butchery • The United Community Store • Domino’s Rooty Hill • J & M Takeaway • Melchrishel Bakery • Lutong Pinoy Atbp • Little Bottler • MFC Food Stores • Elders Real Estate NSW • La Patrice Food Supermarket • Rooty Hill Post Office

Businesses on Rooty Hill Road South

• Deuce’s Tattoo Studio • Richardson and Wrench

Rooty Hill • Sherbrooke Enterprise • Hughie Bakery • Rooty Hill Veterinary Surgery • Sensei’s Martial Art Store • Lone Pine Tavern

Businesses on Mavis Street, Rooty Hill

• Liquor Stax

Businesses on Kellogg Road, Rooty Hill

• Bullivants

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Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email

Businesses on Woodstock Ave, Rooty Hill

• Richmond Road Auto Electrical

• ABC Pool Covers • Heartland Holden • Greens General Food

Businesses on Hill End Road, Doonside

• Cappers Timber and Hardward

• Magnolia Restaurant • Donsworth Pharmacy • Doonside Chinese Takeaway • Doonside Charcoal Chicken

Takeaway Food Lane • Friendly Doonside Grocer • Doonside Auto Parts

Municipal Council

Mayor of Blacktown City Cr Alan Pendleton

Deputy Mayor of Blacktown City Cr Kathie Collins

42 Hadrian Ave Blacktown NSW 2148

9621 1896

Councillor for Doonside Cr Russ Dickens

‘Hillside’ Blacktown Road Blacktown NSW 2148

9622 1200

Councillor for Doonside Cr Jess Diaz

PO Box 804 Blacktown NSW 2148

0428 280 931

Councillor for Doonside and Rooty Hill

Cr Stephen Bali

78 Earle Street Doonside NSW 2767

9621 5410

Councillor for Doonside and Rooty Hill

Cr Edmond Atalla

9625 5281

Councillor for Doonside and Rooty Hill

Cr Stephen Bali

78 Earle Street Doonside NSW 2767

9621 5410

Councillor for Doonside and Rooty Hill

Cr George Bilic

0401 993 635

General Manager Ron Moore Blacktown City Council PO Box 63 Blacktown NSW 2148

City Strategy and Development Director Deputy General Manager

Glennys James

Blacktown City Council PO Box 63 Blacktown NSW 2148

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Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email

City Assets Director Greg Morgan

Blacktown City Council PO Box 63 Blacktown NSW 2148

New South Wales State Government Members

Member for Blacktown Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister for Western Sydney Shadow Minister for the Illawarra

Mr John Robertson MP (Labor)

107-109 Main Street Blacktown NSW 2148

9671 5222

New South Wales State Government Departments

Department of Planning and Infrastructure

Head Office

23-33 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001

9228 6335

Office of Environment and Heritage Head Office

59-61 Goulburn Street Sydney NSW 2000 PO Box A290, Sydney South NSW 1232

9995 5000

Transport NSW Head office 18 Lee Street Chippendale NSW 2008

8202 2200

Roads & Traffic Authority Sydney 27 - 31 Argyle Street Parramatta NSW 2150

131 782

Railcorp Head office PO Box K349 Haymarket NSW 1238

1300 038 500

Federal Government Members

Federal Member of Chifley Mr Ed Husic MP (Labor)

6/15 Cleeve Close Mt Druitt NSW 2770

(02) 9625 4344

Community Groups

Cancer Support Group for Women 34a Rooty Hill Rd South ROOTY HILL NSW 2766

(02) 96313289

Blacktown and District Environment Group

Martin O'Reilly President

PO BOX 207 Doonside NSW 2767

(02) 9284 9739

Eagles Raps Incorporated

Mr Marten Wynd

37 Graham St, DOONSIDE, NSW, 2767

(02) 9837 4225

Nurrangingy Reserve Bushcare Group

Justine Clarke Blacktown City Council Bushcare

c/o Blacktown City Council (02) 9839 6000

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Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email


Rooty Hill Progress Association George Nicolaidis Secretary

(02) 9625 2467

Blacktown Aboriginal Corporation 261 Kildare Rd, Doonside NSW 2767

02 9622 4081

Rooty Hill RSL Youth Soccer Club Beames Av, Rooty Hill NSW 2766

0450 906 595

Western Sydney Community Aboriginal Corporation

3/11 Eddie Road Michinbury NSW 2770 PO Box 177, Mount Druitt NSW


02 9832 3326

Essie Women's Refuge Inc PO Box 62, Rooty Hill NSW 2766

02 9625 7503

Blacktown Older Women's Network (OWN)

PO Box 190, Rooty Hill NSW 2766

02 9631 3289

Rooty Hill and Districts Seniors Computing Club Inc

32 Rooty Hill Road South, Rooty Hill NSW 2766

(02) 9864 6528


Doonside Village Chamber of Commerce

14 Hillend Road Doonside NSW 2767

(02) 9621 6600

Baseball NSW c/o Blacktown Olympic Park 81 Eastern Road, Rooty Hill

NSW 2766 PO Box 63, Mt Druitt NSW 2770

(02) 9675 6872

Rooty Hill and District Lipidary Club Rooty Hill School of Art 32 Rooty Hill Road South, Rooty

Hill NSW 2766 PO Box 59, Rooty Hill NSW


(02) 9628 3224

Softball NSW c/o Blacktown Olympic Centre, Cnr Eastern Road and Philip

Parkway, Rooty Hill NSW 2766

PO Box 52, Blacktown NSW


(02) 9677 4000

Rotary Club of Blacktown City Inc. PO Box 12, Blacktown NSW 2148

(02) 9871 8826

Blacktown Rugby Club (Seniors) Kareela West Reserve via Nurrangingy Reserve PO Box 102 Doonside NSW

(02) 9832 1187 0414 271 199 blacktownrugby@yahoo.

Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy

Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email


Islamic Association of Western Suburbs

420 Woodstock Av, Rooty Hill NSW 2766

02 9625 4716

Doonside Cricket Club Kareela Reserve, Knox Rd, Doonside NSW 2767

02 9622 2853

Australian Hindu Multicultural Association Inc

PO Box 444, Doonside NSW 2767

02 9626 5857

Social Infrastructure

Doonside Nursing Home 84 Earle St, DOONSIDE, NSW, 2767

(02) 9622 3606

Rooty Hill Outside of School Hours Care Centre

113 Rooty Hill Road North, Rooty Hill

(02) 9625 3397

Care Bear Kindergarten

27 Earle Street, Doonside (02) 9622 5168

Blacktown Olympic Centre Kevin Jones CEO

PO Box 63 Blacktown NSW 2148

(02) 9839 6591

Christadelphian Ecclesia Doonside 15 Coghlan Crescent Doonside NSW 2767

(02) 9622 1432

Rooty Hill Public School Jackie Malecki Principal

Westminster Street Rooty Hill NSW 2766

9625 8807

Rooty Hill High School Christine Cawsey Principal

PO Box 70 Rooty Hill 2766

(02) 9625 8104

Doonside Public School Kildare Road Doonside NSW 2767

9622 3575

Peteli Tongan Uniting Church 315 Rooty Hill Road North Rooty Hill NSW 2766

c/o Parramatta Nepean Presbytery (02) 9688 3074

Doonside Kindergarten PO Box 443 Doonside NSW 2767

(02) 9621 2452

Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy

Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email

Mount Druitt and Area Community Legal Centre

PO Box 93, Rooty Hill, 2766 (02) 9675 2009

Doonside Early Childhood Centre 33 Graham St, Doonside NSW 2767

02 9622 9673

Mt Druitt Neighbour Aid Suite 7, 88 Root Hill Rd North, Rooty Hill NSW 2766

02 9832 4585

Community Centres

Doonside Community Centre c/o Blacktown City Council

Cnr Graham and Hillend Road, Doonside NSW 2767

9839 6000

Rooty Hill Senior Citizens Centre c/o Blacktown City Council

34A Rooty Hill Road, South Rooty Hill

9839 6000

Rooty Hill School of Arts c/o Blacktown City Council

32 Rooty Hill Road, South Rooty Hill

9839 6000

Colebee Centre Kerrianne Wedding and function coordinator

Nurragingy Reserve Knox Road Doonside NSW 2767

(02) 9831 5265

Doonside Little Athletics Centre Inc. Charlie Bali Reserve, Knox Rd, Doonside NSW 2767

0431 042 754


Jemena (High Pressure Gas Pipeline)

100 Bennelong Parkway Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127

9397 9000

Sydney Water (Sewer Mains) 1 Smith Street Parramatta NSW 2150

13 20 92

Endeavour Energy (formerly Integral Energy )

PO Box 6366 Blacktown NSW 2148

1300 136 335

Transport Services

State Rail Authority -Rooty Hill train station

North Parade Rooty Hill NSW 2766

(02) 9625 8509

State Rail Authority - Doonside train station

Doonside Crescent Doonside NSW 2767

(02) 9851 7218

Busways 150 Glendenning Road, Glendenning 2761

(02) 9625 8900

Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy

Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email


ComfortDelgroCabcharge (Westbus and Hillsbus)

Jim Glasson CEO

29 Foundry Road Seven Hills NSW 2147

(02) 9890 0000

Baxter's Bus Lines PO Box 491, Plumpton NSW 2761

02 9625 4000

Emergency Services

NSW Police 11 Kildare Road BLACKTOWN 2148

02 9671 9199

Fire and Rescue NSW 222 Richmond Road, Blacktown (Doonside) NSW 2148

02 9622 8932

Community Health Centres 33 Graham Street, Doonside NSW 2767

(02) 9622 9673

Saints Medical Centre

1 Rooty Hill Road South Rooty Hill NSW 2766

(02) 9832 7511

Rooty Hill Medical Centre

31 Rooty Hill North Road Rooty Hill NSW

(02) 9625 3411

Dr Julie Ong Family Practrice 77b Rooty Hill Rd, ROOTY HILL, NSW, 2766

(02) 9675 2558

Highpoint Health Centre

Highpoint Health Centre, 88 Rooty Hill Road North Rooty Hill, NSW, 2766

0417 299 727

Rooty Hill Rural Fire Brigade 204 Rooty Hill Rd South at Great Western Hwy,

02 9832 4433

St. John Ambulance Australia - NSW

Lot 1, Myrtle St, Blacktown NSW 2148

0418 646 264


Blacktown City Sun Matthew Lawrence Editor

6/18 Third Avenue (corner Prince Street) Blacktown NSW 2148

(02) 9852 2811

Blacktown Advocate Simon Kent Editor

156a Main Street Blacktown NSW 2148

(02) 8889 7900

Blacktown City Guardian

Unit 76 Sunnyholt Rd Blacktown NSW 2148

(02) 9831 4511

Blacktown City Star

107 Main St, Blacktown, NSW 2148

(02) 9671 6444

Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy

Organisation Contact Address Telephone / email

Bamdad Weekly Newspaper 5 Enterprise Dr, Glendenning NSW 2761

02 9675 2087

Blacktown City Community Radio SWR FM Association Inc

PO Box 221, Doonside NSW 2767

02 9676 0999


Rooty Hill Regional Distribution Centre

Sinclair Knight Merz | Community Consultation Strategy

Appendix B Example Inquiries Form and Complaints Register SITE REF No