Rosalies Story

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Lion and Lamb Production

*-Rosalie Hale-*My Unhappy Ending

*Rosalie Hale*The incarnation of

pure beauty The tall, gorgeous


But, was it always like that?

Rosalie Hale was always beautiful.

People stared as she passed and praised her, which made her vain and conceited.

Her life was perfect…

But Rosalie was jealous of her average looking

friend, a girl named Vera. Vera was married young and had a beautiful son,


She longed for someone to love her. She longed for a little boy of

her own.

Then Royce King came along,

promising to do just that….

Royce was a rich man who lived in town. He would watch Rosalie

and soon started sending her flowers


Royce eventually asked Rosalie to marry

him. She accepted……

Rosalie was at Vera’s house… she was

worrying about the weather for her wedding. When she walked home,

she saw a bunch of drunken men under a broken street lamp.

Royce was among them.

Trying to show off to his drunken friends, Royce

brutally ripped out Rosalie’s hair pins and

tore off her beautiful new jacket.

Shortly after, they stumbled away laughing,

leaving Rosalie to die alone in the street.

The blood from the violent encounter had attracted a vampire,

Carlisle Cullen. He had come to investigate

the scene with his son, Edward.

At first, Rosalie thought she was flying because of

the speed and grace of Carlisle’s running. He was

taking her to his house for the transformation. Edward did not approve of Rosalie, he thought

she was too spoiled. But one thing did comfort

Rosalie, even through the excruciating pain from Carlisle’s venom……

Edward and Carlisle Cullen both knew

that Royce King was guilty of ending Rosalie Hale’s perfect life.

* * * When Rosalie’s painful change was finally over, she was surprisingly thrilled. She thought she was even

more beautiful as a vampire than as a

human, and she was…

The very first thing she did as a vampire was

seek revenge on the men that cut her life short.

She went after Royce’s friends first, so he would know what was coming for him…to make the revenge sweeter for


“I was overly theatrical. It was kind of childish,

really. I wore a wedding dress that I stole for the

occasion.”-Rosalie Hale-Eclipse-

“He screamed when he saw me. He screamed a

lot that night. Saving him for last was a good idea-it made it easier for me to control myself , to make

it slower-”-Rosalie Hale-Eclipse-

“It doesn’t have a happy ending-but

which of ours does? If we had happy endings,

we’d all be under grave stones now”

-Rosalie Hale-Eclipse-

*Thanks for watching*


Song: Claire de Lune By: Debussy

Song: Everybody’s Fool

By: Evanescence

Made by: Jessica and LeighannWe take


Our next projects:Jasper Hale’s Story

andAlice Cullen’s Story

What do you think?