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RTAC Quarterly Report

Quarter: Q1 2018 Date: 5/11/18

EMS Region 1 RTAC Chair Jaina Carnes RTAC Coordinator Jaina Carnes

Date last BIS Assessment completed: _4/15/17___________ Date last Trauma Plan completed: __11/2015____________


State Date Status (Date if Completed) Description and Report Ongoing by Data

Committee Data report- compilation of data from Region 1 Trauma Centers/Level 1 and 2 trauma centers serving region 1- review of EMS scene times and trauma patient metrics.

Ongoing by Hospital Committee

Annual update of hospital’s capabilities document (Done Dec. 2017).

Ongoing through 2018 Stop the Bleed- Regional completion in public schools.

Ongoing through 2018 DART team trainings to include TCCC Ongoing through 2019 Survivor Cases spotlight/recognition- Beginning

stages of pulling cases from county data and Trauma Center data with patient approval to highlight survivor stories (BIS 105.2).

Ongoing through 2019 RTAC resource development – identifying gaps in resources for RTAC (BIS 204.1)

Ongoing through 2019 Injury Prevention/Education campaign- identifying what IP initiatives are being done throughout the region to combine efforts to better use resources and bring more awareness to the public/legislators/press.

Ongoing through 2019 EMS Data report- compilation of data and review of EMS metrics on trauma patients.

Stop The Bleed:

Please complete the below table by indicating a count of each category listed. Persons Trained

Schools Completed

Counties in Progress

Counties Completed



RTAC Quarterly Report

4279 169 9 7 School schedules. Communication not returned by school officials

Financial Report:

Grant Amount: $ How received:

Award Date Invoice # Invoice Amount Grant Amount Remaining


Unsure of date, but prob 2012.

Please check record with Dena (per David Foster).

$50,000 Unsure but cannot account for more than $4500 according to David Foster.

Before Region 1 had a 501c3, $50,000 was given to an area Trauma Center so that keep records could be kept. David has asked for a ledger without success. We would like the grant money placed back in the Region 1 501c3 account for use.

Requested $48,500 RTAC Grant- Funded RTAC Coordinator

Requested $46,070 Regional Improvement Grant- Education, equipment, and Prevention funds.


RTAC Quarterly Report

Current Needs:

Regional Summary:

Funded RTAC Coordinator. Funds for Regional Improvements.

April 2018 meeting: Based on BIS goals, the following objectives have been identified by RTAC Subcommittees: Data Committee:

• Define & identify cases concerning dramatic life saves with return to a quality of life.

• Develop process to measure stratified ISS to help identify cases. • Work with public relations contacts from all stakeholders to host event

for survivors Hospital Committee:

• Perform gap analysis to identify trauma system gaps and resource needs for RTAC in region one.

• Utilized published evidence based documents as guidance to accomplish the above.

• Meet twice before next RTAC meeting to work on objectives. IP/Education Committee:

• Send Survey Monkey to EMS Services. Hospitals and other stakeholders to identify IP and Education initiatives already in use in Region 1.

o This will be done in waves. • Use results from Survey to:

o Identify gaps in services o Develop injury prevention campaign o Use public service announcements to target the community,

policymakers and trauma system stakeholders o Develop and establish a repository for publications and education

materials. EMS Committee

• Develop Excel document and request data from EMS Service Directors to work towards filling EMS Data gaps.

• Work towards getting GEMSIS reports back to the region.


RTAC Quarterly Report

Quarter: 1st Date: May 10, 2018

EMS Region 2 RTAC Chair Chad Black RTAC Coordinator N/A

Date last BIS Assessment completed: 2015 Date last Trauma Plan completed: 2017


State Date Status (Date if Completed) Description and Report 02/18 11/2016 3rd Annual Trauma Symposium planning for

November in progress. 02/18 Trauma App for Region 2

and State use Currently in production and have applied for funding from FY 2019 Commission Funding for completion and field testing.

06/2018 Scheduled

Stop the Bleed: Please complete the below table by indicating a count of each category listed.

Persons Trained

Schools Completed

Counties in Progress

Counties Completed


5600 124 4 9 Improvement with 2 counties slow to start initially.

Financial Report:

Grant Amount: $ How received:

Award Date Invoice # Invoice Amount Grant Amount Remaining


$50,000 $32,000 Original Funding $12,000 0 Funding for 2nd


Current Needs:


RTAC Quarterly Report

Funding for Trauma Symposium, Law Enforcement STB and Trauma App development and implementation.

Regional Summary:

Region 2 continues to have great participation in our R.T.A.C. Quarterly meetings and work within the region. We are currenly working on plans and logistics for the 3rd Annual Trauma Symposium to be hosted again in Gainesville Georgia. We continue to progress with our STB

Training in our schools, with over 86% completion. We have had one incident we are aware of where the Trauma Kit was used for a young lady who suffered an open fx. which included an arterial bleed. The School Nurse was trained, and quick to apply the CAT which subsequently stopped the bleeding. The child is now back in school and doing well. Region 2 RTAC is also assisting other regions with their current trauma plans and planning. We have applied for several funding opportunties from the commission for STB with all Law Enforcment in our

region and completing with development of the Trauma App for all Smart Devices and computers.


RTAC Quarterly Report

Quarter:____1st-2018______ Date:______5-15-2018___

EMS Region 3 RTAC Chair Dr Jeff Nicholas RTAC Coordinator

Date last BIS Assessment completed: _3/2015___________ Date last Trauma Plan completed: ___1/2016___________


State Date Status (Date if Completed) Description and Report 6/2016 In progress RTTDC- Looking for sites 6/2016 In progress Car Seat Technician-Classes are scheduled

Stop The Bleed:

Please complete the below table by indicating a count of each category listed. Persons Trained

Schools Completed

Counties in Progress

Counties Completed


7,000 234 Fulton Dekalb Clayton Douglas Gwinnett Rockdale


Financial Report:

Grant Amount: $ How received:

Award Date Invoice # Invoice Amount Grant Amount Remaining


7/2017 $60,000 $42,766.35 6/2016 $11,165.37 EMS Regional

Improvement Grant

Current Needs:


RTAC Quarterly Report

Regional Summary:

Regional Improvement Grant- In process of completing 2 of the 3 projects. Utilized funds to purchase distracted driving learning kits, great success in their usage. In process of hiring for new coordinator, there is a large need for this role with the amount if projects and daily activities in this region.

Requesting $60,000 for coordinator position for next year while recognizing the funds were not exhausted from last year. We wish to utilize the funds from last year that are currently located with the Trauma Foundation to host a trauma symposium in R3.


RTAC Quarterly Report

Quarter:_1st 2018_______ Date:_5-15-2018__________

EMS Region 4 RTAC Chair Steve Folden RTAC Coordinator

Date last BIS Assessment completed: ____________ Date last Trauma Plan completed: _1/2018________


State Date Status (Date if Completed) Description and Report 6/2017 In progress TECC Courses

Stop The Bleed:

Please complete the below table by indicating a count of each category listed. Persons Trained

Schools Completed

Counties in Progress

Counties Completed


8875 109 Carroll Henry Heard Lamar Upson Troup

Butts Coweta Fayette Spalding

Financial Report:

Grant Amount: $ How received:

Award Date Invoice # Invoice Amount Grant Amount Remaining


7/2017 $70,000 $67,885.00 Startup 6/2017 RIG-TECC Courses

Current Needs:


RTAC Quarterly Report

Regional Summary:

TECC courses are in progress, some difficulties with the funding streams so having to make adjustments. Will continue with progress for STB. Have signed an agreement with North Georgia Community Foundation. Will be transferring funds there in the near future.

Will be working towards a new coordinator in place to assist with daily operations to include completing new BIS assessment. No requests from the commission this year.


RTAC Quarterly Report

Quarter:1st-2018_________ Date:_5-15-2018________

EMS Region 8 RTAC Chair David Edwards/Daphne Stitely RTAC Coordinator

Date last BIS Assessment completed: Pending Date last Trauma Plan completed: Pending


State Date Status (Date if Completed) Description and Report

Stop The Bleed:

Please complete the below table by indicating a count of each category listed. Persons Trained

Schools Completed

Counties in Progress

Counties Completed


1,141 45 Early Seminole Decatur Lee Irwin Dooly

Financial Report:

Grant Amount: $ How received:

Award Date Invoice # Invoice Amount Grant Amount Remaining


7/2016 $60,000 $60,000 Invoicing for now

Current Needs:


RTAC Quarterly Report

Regional Summary:

We are currently finishing the BIS assessment with a goal to complete the Regional Trauma Plan prior to the end of the year. Intend to utilize start up funds to hire a coordinator to assist with projects and daily activities of the RTAC.

Hire a coordinator to assist with activities.


RTAC Quarterly Report

Quarter:_1st 2018________ Date: 5/15/2018

EMS Region IX RTAC Chair Dr. James Dunne RTAC Coordinator Stephanie Gendron

Date last BIS Assessment completed: Scheduled for 1/22/18 Date last Trauma Plan completed: 2011- Will be completed after 7/1/2018


Start Date Status (Date if Completed) Description and Report 8/17 Stop the Bleed- School

Response GTC Stop the Bleed Program

4/2018 Stop the Bleed- Regional Private Schools

Private schools will receive invitation on 6/5/18. Have already trained 3 private schools

9/2017 Trip Reports Establish a standardized trip report form for all EMS units

9/2017 ATV/Golf Cart Safety Create ATV/Golf Cart Safety Program- Final document is with Safe Kids Worldwide currently

12/2017 Training public responders-STB

Trained Savannah Police, Savannah Fire, Southside Fire, Savannah Airport, Bulloch EMS, Tybee Police. Found supplies to continue training public safety organizations.

6/2018 Public STB Training Partnering with CEMA to conduct public response training including STB. ‘Be the help until help arrives’

5/2018 3rd Annual M. Gage Ochsner Symposium

Regional Trauma Symposium

Stop The Bleed:

Please complete the below table by indicating a count of each category listed. Persons Trained

Schools Completed

Counties in Progress

Counties Completed


~3500 181 4 20 Politics, supplies. Bryan County


RTAC Quarterly Report

Financial Report: Grant Amount: $ How received: Unknown

Award Date Invoice # Invoice Amount

Grant Amount



Will be applying for Regional Improvement Grant to finish DART program.

STB Grant Requested 5/11/18

Current Needs:

Regional Summary:

Our RTAC BIS assessment was completed on 1/22/2018. Our committee will until after the start of the fiscal year on 8/1/2018 to begin the Trauma Plan due to staffing and potential change in the Chair position.

The participation for RTAC activites has been overall solid- with the exception of the injury prevention committee and QA/PI committee, the focus has been on completing STB. Our injury prevention committee created an ATV/Golf Cart injury prevention program that is currently being reviewed by Safe Kids Worldwide. In addition, Memorial has published research emphasising the need for increased legislative measures for golf cart and ATV use. The QA/PI committee created a pre-hospital trip report that is currently being used by two of our largest services. We have seen an increase in trip reports being received at the level I center, and are working out logistics with the new patient registration system due to the acquisition by HCA. Stop the bleed has been extremely successful in our region. We have completed 25 counties with ease, and four will be complete as of May 25th. That leaves one county: Bryan County, that has elected to complete their training at another time. We have received extremely positive feedback from all of our counties, with one nominating the GTC for an Award in Nursing. We will begin contacting private schools on 6/15 to set up their training for pre-planning in July/August. We have already trained 3 private schools with positive feedback. At this time we have submitted the list of private schools to the Region J council so they can determine how

- Involvement from EMS council - Involvement from ALL outside hospitals - Will need direction for Trauma Plan after 7/1 - Will need direction for new RTAC chair


RTAC Quarterly Report

many kits each private school will receive. The grant was submitted for ‘Rural Private Schools’ so we have excluded Chatham County schools with over 100 students as well as Glynn County schools with over 100 students. We will still offer the training to every school, but will be unable to fund kits. We have agreed to roll out the program in the same manner as we did with public schools for consistentcy. We are beginning to train more public safety organizations as we have now found a funding source for police. We provided supplies to Tybee Police before Orange Crush—and will be training Georgia Southern Campus Police in July. We have set up our first public education training sessions, partnering with Chatham County Emergency Management. We are excited to learn from this new adventure.


RTAC Quarterly Report

Quarter:1st-2018____ Date:_5-15-2018____________

EMS Region 10 RTAC Chair Dr. Horst RTAC Coordinator

Date last BIS Assessment completed: _Pending___________ Date last Trauma Plan completed: ___Pending___________


State Date Status (Date if Completed) Description and Report

Stop The Bleed:

Please complete the below table by indicating a count of each category listed. Persons Trained

Schools Completed

Counties in Progress

Counties Completed


1,452 41 Elbert Madison Oglethorpe

Financial Report:

Grant Amount: $ How received:

Award Date Invoice # Invoice Amount Grant Amount Remaining


6-2015 $50,000 ~7,000 Startup

Current Needs:


RTAC Quarterly Report

Regional Summary:

Working to complete the BIS assessment and the trauma plan for the beginning of the year. Was unable to utilize the initial Regional Improvement grant due to leadership changes at the receiving facility. Working on current grant proposal.

Requesting $20,000 to support coordination with coordination through Graduate Program at UGA. Utilized initial start-up funding which lasted 3 years.


Total Individuals Trained 34659 Totals Schools Training Complete or In Progress 1542 Percentage Totals Schools Complete or In Progress 67% Total Schools Completed Training 1010 Percentage of Schools Completed Training 44% Total Schools that have Received Kits 957 Percentage of Schools That Have Received Kits 42% Schools Scheduled For Training 517 Percentage Scheduled For Training 22%







Monroe Jones









Ben Hill



Jeff Davis



















Thomas Brooks





Fannin RabunTowns

















Lumpkin StephensGordonChattoogaPickens

Franklin HartBanksBartow Cherokee

Jackson ElbertMadison

Polk Clarke

Wilkes LincolnOconeeWaltonHaralson


FayetteRichmondCoweta Putnam

HancockHeardSpalding Glascock


WashingtonMeriwetherTroup Pike Lamar Baldwin


TwiggsTalbotHarris Crawford



BleckleyCandlerChattahoochee Macon


WheelerDooly Evans

WebsterStewart Sumter









Clinch CamdenGradySeminole



75 Miles

75 KM

Training complete, awaiting kits

System complete with kits in place

Training in process

Training scheduled


The Stop the Bleed Program for Georgia Schools has been a tremendous success. There are some aspects of this project yet to be completed and still some others to be improved upon. With the additional funding from the governor’s office I would propose the following.

1. $80,000: Purchase kits to complete Georgia School Project The original document that I was given noting Georgia schools did not list alternative schools. While these schools may be smaller, they certainly have a tremendous need for the bleeding control kits. This coupled with new school set to open next year creates an additional need for kits not originally anticipated.

2. $25,000: Training video

$96,000: Training kits for the schools The initial training of the schools was a very labor-intensive process with a great amount of benefit for the staff and the school nurses to interact with healthcare providers. This is not a feasible process on a continual basis though. So, for refresher and training for staff turnover it would be beneficial to ensure that we put out a consistent message. The recommendation will be to create a high-quality training video that can be viewed by the educators. Then to provide each school with a training kit. With this training material the educator can watch the program and then the school nurse can assist with the hands-on portion of the class. This will ensure that this project will be self-sustainable and offer continuity.

3. $19,420: 1 trainer and 5 tourniquets in every emergency department in the state.

It is well known that in mass casualty events, most individuals are transported to hospitals by methods other than EMS. The end result for this is that hospitals other than trauma centers would possibly receive patients with traumatic extremity injuries. Also, when discussing tourniquets with several hospitals including trauma centers, it was determined that these facilities did not have tourniquets and the staff has not all been trained on tourniquet use. Finally, department staff should all be trained and made aware of the benefits of tourniquet usage as we train EMS and immediate responders state-wide.

4. $10,000: Place Kits and training for DPH and OPB buildings

5. $269,000: Place kits on Georgia Public School Buses

As a general rule, the most dangerous thing that the majority of individuals do on a regular basis is to traverse the road of our state. While school buses and their drivers do afford the students a safe environment, accidents and assaults do still occur. These accidents can be either in accidents while the student is on the bus or with the students as pedestrians. With this in mind, I would like to place a bleeding control kit on every school bus in the state and ensure that the initial training is provided as well. There are roughly 18,000 school buses in the state. The funding here would provide for kits in approximately


7,500 of the buses. It will then be my intent to approach the commission next budget year for additional funding to complete this project.

Project $500,000.00 Additional Kits for existing STB in Schools project ($80,000.00) Training Kits for Schools ($96,000.00) Educational Technology ($25,000.00) Tourniquets and Training for ED's in state ($20,000.00) Kits placed at DPH and OPB ($10,000.00) School bus equipped 10,000, (18,000 statewide) ($269,000.00)



Stop the Bleed Initiative Proposals

TO: Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission

FROM: Stop the Bleed Subcommittee (limited representation at this time)

DATE: May 17, 2018

With the finding and recommendations from the Hartford Consensus, the GTCNC launched the School Response Program in an effort to train and equip teachers throughout the state’s public schools in basic hemorrhage control techniques. With one million dollars awarded by the Georgia State Legislature, kits were purchased and teams of trainers deployed to accomplish this daunting task. While that initiative is still ongoing we know there is still a greater need to train more people in order to ensure Georgia is a state filled with resilient communities.

Civilian tourniquet use associated with six-fold reduction in mortality according to the Texas tourniquet study group (in press by JACS). Bystanders are the best first line of treatment. We have received a total of seven proposal for consideration in the expansion of the Stop the Bleed initiative.

The attached documents outlines the proposals and funding requests.

We have two recommended amendments to the proposals.

1. Region 3 Mobile Education Trailer - For the mobile trailer, the RTAC 3 logo should also appear on the trailer, in addition the trailer should be an asset for all of Region 3. There needs to be a mechanism to schedule use of the trailer when needed.

TSP/Mr. Terwilliger – We would like consideration to expand this project utilizing the remaining funds available ($192,889.80) to include a multipack bleeding control kit that would be mounted on the wall in each of the identified Emergency Departments. This would provide 10 complete hemorrhage control kits as opposed to 5 tourniquets. The packs would have the GTCNC logo on them. Each ED would receive train the trainer education. In turn the hospital would agree to continue to train additional instructors and host community STB training classes in their area.

Thank you for your consideration of the attached proposals and amendments.




EDorTSP GTCNC $8,249.70StateEmployees/OfficialTraining&PlacementofCabinets(OPB,Floyd&DPHbuildings) 6/30/2019 NO

TSPorCourtneyTerwilliger GTCNC $19,420.50 TourniquetsPlacedinED's&training 6/30/2019 NO2 ChadBlack RTAC2 $49,969.00 TourniquetsPlacedinLEpersonnel&training 12/31/2018 YES3 MartyBillings MAAS $54,421.00 MobileEducationTrailer-Eventtraining ONGOING NO5 KristalSmith RTAC5 $49,975.00 SchoolResponseProgramtocolleges 6/30/2019 YES9 StephanieGendron RTAC9 $45,075.00 BleedingControlKitPlacementonfiretrucks&training 6/30/2019 NO











TraumaSymposium $20,000



StoptheBleedTrainingforLawEnforcement $49,969






