rTTTfiw HRNRY B MKTCALPK, County^ Judge. 21/Albany NY... · Ira Thorp , speeial guai .lor n of...

Post on 09-Jul-2020

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Vorttj "f tH« gra«« usWi l l iam)) . Went

•wotti. i«a)dj«« »i J1',?*~J. ,Blf »< Berlin, In the stale

at t t ol 0 * « H I S , a

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county 01 u i " » i « . .•"•"? xwas 1. wentworth, lat* or Ihe cit» of

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l . ee tmut Wtw.***

H. sVeamrorth, of H e «;.» of 0 s -r % u i r of"Yi«We»!>, lias utal'j made

nr county judge of the count , ol 0*-we«o, application Ky coitnia lusuuinent In wrll lag. rela* we*«r io"**JG S H G N M I •*i*t*i d o U proved as t t i e tin*- '<>>r**tf«*UnMai o f M i a rho«. H. Wentworth, ia*. • ' " " i n and * « h of j o u are hereby elted anil *•*•? **? jiisoii »U. to be anilappear twtore oar said MaultMjfh, o««re«o Hotel, In ihe city of Oawejo, )ua(*i %aii 01 Ds*t | i> , on the »th day of May neat, i a *,iyeM>«« IM the forenoon of that d », then and *L 7 'Hend to the probate of said instrument a* l°f",t will and ie»t«ment ol said dtw.aaed-1 i-c'.iimony vrhereof, we have eau«ed the seal of

l> otttca *>f our ettid surrogate's court ol the county of O s w . s o , Ip be hereunto affixed.—

,,»} ttllMn, t>ili II. Whitney, county Judge of 1 the u U county, at Mexico, in said county,

he Uth Jay of March, A. Ii . tttto. O. H. WII1TNKY,

l y y t e Count , Judge of Oawejo Countjr-

rart i l ion -William spi«»u» w tin l.arujdon, Isaac tangoon, Khuda

Hubbard, Lyman llubbard, Mallaa Pi th , BalebBKieh, AI me i on ,viurfc«, special guardian ol MallndaSu.afiie. Ira Thorp, speeial guai .lorn of Alfred, rieorge, Helen, Mary, Johu aud Wil l iam Sptague, Hurnah SIKURUC, Hannah ttpiagxte, 0»ea» Huaell and Peter Hal lenUck.

IB im i-HUUIM of< olid by vluuf of a n order of ihm court, n.i.lc on t l i l i i tUihd. iy ui'Maich, 18*0, appoint-IUH and directing the undersigned, to sell the real es­tate and premise , ia thi* «ult Mentioned, notice l» heieby g.»*Oi that on the aoth day of April nest ,at 'he hour of too'elock'A. M.. at the publlo house o i o e e a r it II'••:.'I, In the town of Hens.eiaerrll le, In the . m a g e of Potter'* Hollow, I shall sell at publio anollon, all o f that certain lot o l land situated In the town «» Kennselaerville and county of Albany, and rtlhlj ol Potter's Hollow, Itnowa an the Sprasuo tavern »'»»». bounded ou the north by land o r Ira Humans, on he eaet by the road to Frier's larro, «0 called, on the sotilb by the old lurnpike road, and went by the lat d oro*carRua»el,ooni»lning about oneacre of I and with

rriiii7 people" ol "the" state of New Yorit, to Job" Bar >d, George llnrlaml and Mary, wife of Cha»les X lend, OeoTt* . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . - - . , . - - - , , , ,

Dibble of Ktringstou, Somtrteuhire , ho»laotl, heirs snd nam of kin of BoWrt Borland, deceased, greeting.

Where i s , James Hydon, sole esecutor named in a certain Instrument In wrillog, P»n»»t l» i to 0« at >a<t wil l and testament of Hubert Builaud, late •of i he town of s ianeatele*, In the county of , °«»<»«ts , • •** state of New Yom, deceased, hath th » « y « « * • « » nllcatjon to the surrogate ol oui cochly of Ononea-aa^ to h a w said luslruriient in writing proved and re-co'rdSd M a will of real and personal estate | ypu are iharefore hereby cited lo appear before the said .or C , „ w l ornc* In the c f t f of Syracuse in the said eonatV Of O lonuaga, on the «tn day ol May nest , at 10 o ' c l o i i In the forenoon, then and there IO attend to t h o f * w ^ o d e M h » 1 h ' « « - a » « * « a l o f office of our said

»,irroi u", »t S>»rscute fn *al<l couniy ol On-(I S 1 «»<Uta, iht» 18th <J»y of M>ii«h, in the »«ar of

TrfF«J«T o u r 1-ofd o n e t h o u « * m i t\pni hundred .tin) .li>.v

•" M I N A H D , SoTToftate, ISAAC Ts nSHH people of the »l«te of New Yoik, by the grace oi X Mod » c e »*Jid •..depend*.it, to «H whom theve pje-•*«.v»ctksli a w M o r may concern, and especially to .lull.. Betker i:tucker. («-4dVnK in the luwn of Barntta bl« In U>« county of H unist•:,»>,« u. the comnionwexlih of Mafieadhueette, Ketlra V. Crocker and Stephen Crocker. leaidtna tn the city mil county and eutte ol New York, Murtba. Crocker, remldlAg in the city of JBoeton lit the commnttwealtb of Maoieachusette. Lydla Butte and &Hied UlJturd and ClarUna Oitford,hit wire, *U i'.' titllua lu the city of Hudvuu in the county of Co luoibia r*nd itnte ol New York, the heirs at law and u t i i ol kiuof Ah'.»y *' Crocker, late of the cltr of Hud-eon la ihe county of Colombia and ttaie of New York, deceased, tend gieei ipgi

Wbeteas , Oarim Peck ol the city of Hudson, la the couaty of Colombia, Dame 1 as sole ,««cutor lo_» cer-taio instrument in writing, purooning to be the last will and testament of the said -»bby P crocner. dtcea-H d , and relating to both i»-». and personal estate has applied for proof theieof, hefoie our surrogate of our county of Columbia; you are theretore hereby cited and required personally to be and apaeitr (if you shall •#« St) before the stid surrogate, at his office in the city of Hudson, on the fifteenth dai of Mar u*xt, *t l° o'clock in the forenoon of that dayi then and there to attend tho [rttbeue of »atd wit).

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ol of­fice 01 our said suirogate to be hereunto uHH-ed Witness, Charles B. Dutcher, esquiie,

[L. i-i, | surrogate <>'• our «aid count> ot ('oiumhin, at Hudson, the twentieth day of March, iii the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred , audilfty.

nrHK people of the state of N»w York, to Kuth fay-1 X lor ol Mansfield, Conn , Samuel K, Johnstone of I lacksou, ObkOi Lathrop A. Johnstone and Daphne I Merrltt ol Nelson Ohio, Painelia Northrop, w.feof: feduthau Northrop of Michigan, but whose particular I place of residence is unknown, two daughter* ui IV- , mella Hrde, whose names are unknown, and who are supposed to reside in Franklin, Conn , heirs at law ol Betsey P alien, deceased;

Whereae, Hiram Mi*»s, has this day offered the last will and testament of the said Betiey P. Allen, late of ta t towD of New Hartford ia the county of Oneldm, de> ceased for probate i s a wilt of reaiand par s o w 1 es­tate) before Othnlel 8. Williams, surrogate of the oounty of Oaelda; fou are therefore hereby cited to appear belore the taid surrogate, at his office in Clin­ton, la the county of Oneida, on the 6th day of May, m o , at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ol that day, to at* tend to the probat* of said will.

Given under the hat,d andolficlal seal of the taid (L. 8-j surrogate, at Clinton in said county, this 10th

day of March, A D. 18*0. 7»F»w O. $• WILLIAMS, Surrogate.

iuMtK peopii:? of the state ol New York; by the grace X of God free and independent, to Johu Purdy and baiah Merrick* near Cold spring, Putnam county. N. Y.( S l u m Pujdr, wife o( , of Stanford, Dutch-tat county, N, Y , Kbeueser Purdy aud Hannah, wile Of Wright W»eks ot Lyons, N. Y , Abijah furdy of Je- . ruealem, N. Y., KUxabetn, wile of Samuel WykotTof' Hopawellj'N Y , Locinda, w-ie of Wii'iam W n e h t o f ; Middlesex. N Y . , Joshua Washburn, Richard Wash-bura« Benjimm SVa&hburn and Is^ac Washburn of Canaodaigua, N Y., Lester Washburn of Ontario county, N. Y , John Washburn ol Oorham, N. Y., ! Jamea Washburn of Hanover, Michigan, Utmiih, wttei of Abram Wager neai Baitl« Creek, Michigan, Abby,' wile of Lemuel Wager ui the same place, John Ja cox (

uf Putnam county, N V . Abraham Purdy, Martha' Hickman, Dedeilca Purdy Kranc.s Pnrdv, Jr , Miry Purdy and Abiiah Purdy of Philips, Puuiam county, N. ' Y., buaaunah t 'm. i | , IMVKI Jacui, f raucis Jacox, s-a-blna, Wife ol *i i t t i in Mcck-i Mrah, wne oi John ii-u • g«r ef the same t>i ice, aud John l. L e w h , Jr , special guardian of Sii is Wood M Wood, James vv^od, Mar-th» A. Wood and Joel Wood, minor child.en of Sarah Wood, send greet log •.

You and each oi you ar« hereby cued and required otrsouatly lo be and appear before our surrogate of i th* couuty of Yates, at hi* office ID the /ill i»r ot Peon Yan ( on the 5Wth day of May next, at io o'clock in thtr forenoon of that nay, th«u and there to attend ihe pio-bate of a certain Instrument in writing, purporting to bf the last will ana testament ol Mary Snooa, Ueceav-ad, and bearing date the -.nth day ol January, eighteen f," hundred and lorty^ight, oo application of laaac s . Purdy, eUtitniag to be one of the executors thereof) which said will relates to personal estate.

In teettmony wbereoi, we have caused the seal of of-dee of our *.atd surrogate to be hereunto atftx ed. Witness, \ . Oliver, surrogate ot the anid

(L, S ) couuty ot Ynti-M. in •> iu\ coun'y, at the village

! ! £ 7 a 6 a ^ ^ ^ « ^ » ? ° the eaet by Unda la posaeasion of Alexander Snyder, on the south by the lauda of Benjamin l l u b t n n h aud lauds lately owned by James Hubbard, dceeaaed, and west by lands of Peter ri^ai, A c , aa ta more partlaularly de«cribed in tu* foregoing deed, and the original pat­ent deed of »md premises, together with the appurte nadcee* and the buildings thereon standing, contain-t»g one hundred aud tweWe acres, raotd or less,whlcb said several preihufes srliV be sold separately to the highest bidder, aud upon such tetms aua condltlous as topiyment , as shall by the undersigned be hereafter designated upon such sale , in pursuance of the order of «a*d court. LYMAN TRKMAINK, Referee.

(t W.CummlngSJfctt'y fcSol'r forPj^lT. _14Fpw_ •^pHK people of the state of New York, by thegrace of

1 Qod free and Independent, to Mary Cfocheron, Ann turret sun. j.)any»e Dtnf se and B l u a Denyse, his wife, John U. Sinaouson and Jane M. Slmonson, bis wife, Catharine Cfocheron, Hiram J. Corson, and Let* nab B. Corson bis wife, James Brownlee and Henrtet ta Brown t«i his wlit i all les idiog in the county ol Richmond and state of New York, and Henry Crocae-run, resldiog at Bastrop 4 a the state of Tesaa, the widow, heirs and nent of kin of Jacob Crocheron, de c«-i&ed, send greeting!

Whereas, JacobC. Oarretson of the county of Rtch mond, bad lately auplled to our county judge ot the county o* Aiahmond.to have a certain Instrument In writing, remtlog to both real and personal estate,duly proved aa the last w ill and testament of Jacob Croch­eron, late of the county of Richmond, deceased; therefore, you ind each of you, are cited to appear be­fore our said county judge, at nU office in the village of Richmond, towu of Southfleld, fn said county, on the sixth day of May next, at it o'clock in the fore­noon of that day, then and there to attend to the prt -bate of the »a<d last will and testament

la testimony whereof, the county jurixe ol our said county has hereunto affixed the seal ol tht

[L, s ) surrogate's court ol said county, the 8th day of March .one thousaud eight huucied and fifty.

TTTfiw HRNRY B MKTCALPK, County^ Judge.

r~"~IB paopla oFtne sfati'of NTw"York, to Nancy Bur-rill, Mrs. Sarah Staples, the wife of Daniel Sta­

ple*, Mrs KlectaHerrington. the wife of Russell Har­rington, residing In Adam*, Berkshire county, Massa­chusetts, Win. Brown olMaine, Broome county, N Y , the special guardian of John Lewis, ichahod Lewis, Malvlna Lewis and Hannah Lewis, Ciliuda Cooke, James Cooke, Lafayette Cooke, and Samuel Cooke, minors, aod alace ot residence unaoown, David Bur-rill. Jeremiah Burritl aud Isaac Bi rti l l , residing in Maine, Broome county, IS. Y-, ftarnuel Burrfll, place ol residence unknown, the heirs at law and next of kin to Isaac BurrllL, late of Maine, Broome county, de-ceased.

Whereas, Thankful Burrill,executrix of the last will of said deceased, hath lots day applied to the judge of Broome couuty, to have the same proved and recorded as a will ol real and personal estate ; you are there­fore hereby cited to appeal before the jud*e of said county, at hU office in the village of Binghamion, in said county, on thw 6th Jay ol May next, at ten o • cluck in the forenoon, to attend the proof ol said will.

tiiveo under the hand and seal of said surrogate, at |l. h.J BinRharnion, >u »*td countv, on the 13ih day

of March, 1*60 Witness, KDW'D C KAIMKI ,

',7 i'iii» iudge oi Broome County, npHL people ol the state of New York, by the grace X of Ood tree and independent, to all to whom these presents shall come and may concern, and especially to Alexander Ray me r ol Oneida county. New York, and Sampson Baymer of the • «te of Illinois, sons of Naney Raymer, lats of ihe town oi Dryden, Tompkins county, deceased :

You and each of you are hereby cited personally to be and appear at a >o,rogaie'» court to be held before our county judge oi the county of fompkins, at his office In Ithaca, la said county, ou the fttd day oi April neit , at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause why admlnistrati m of the goods, chattels and credits of said Nancy Raymer de* ceased, should not be granted to James Oiles. thehus> band of Barbara (files, a daughter «f said deceased, and beieof fail uot.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of the said surrogate's court to be hereunto affix­ed. Witness, Alfred Wells, couuty judge of

(L. S.) our said county oi Tompkins, this filth day oi March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aud nlty.

"Ut-'dw ALFRliD WtiLLS, County Judge.

s " i " ! . . . " ' '


. . . „ . „ .._ HalW ills wire. Oeo ge WrlgM anil Augosta Ma wife, Mate' lltfia H W « M a n * VirMwa u i i j « f » , Ahradam Wriiht and M*r» tils wife.lllialWII) Wrigal, lr»tn«n-l e l l - e m . J e f f s r / o B r-«rr* auil^Sarah Aim his wife, 1 .Im K. Forester ami Angelina his wi le , Ueorge Vein and Elisabeth P . m i d«lind*Bta. ta rkrtltlon.

Insuraiutve of an order of the supreme court, made in the above entitled cause , beatlnj date the fourth dat of February, 1800, notice is hereby fItett to all persons having any general lieu or incumbrance by Judgment or decree, or otherwise, on the undivided share or Interest of any of the owners in the premises herelnanerdeacrlbed, to produce to me, Ihe under-signed, a referee appointed by the court In this cause, ou or before the twenty-eighth day uf March ne i t , (March 48, 18K>,) at my offloe lu the village of Pough-aeepsie, in the county of Dutchess, proof ol their re specttve liens and Incumbrances, together with satis­factory evidence of the amount due thereon, and to specify the nature ol such incumbrances and the dates thereof respectively. The eald premises are described a s follows i All that certain farm of land situate, ly­ing aud being in the town of FHhUtll In the county of Dutchess and stale of New Vara, aud on which said Isaac Wright, deceased, resided at the time or his death, and which In bounded generally as follows .— On the north by lands owned or possessed by Benja­min Simmons, on the east by lauds owned or possessed by Sutton Simmons, and by l .ewls Simmons and by said Samuel Colwell, ou the south by lands owned or possei ?ed by James Seutt, Isaac Wright and Joseph Bowne, and on the west by laude owned or possessed by the widow Phebe UrlrBj, Henry White and Abbey L,ee, containing by estimation one hundred and seven­ty-five acres of land, more or less.

Also, a wood lot, situate in said town of Fishklll , and about one q u a i t e r o f a mile from the above des­cribed farm bounded generally on the north bv lands owned or possessed by the widow Hannah Robinson, on the east b , lands owned or possessed by Anei White, ou the south by lands owned or possessed by Mareus Mead and by Michael Rogers, and on the west by lands of said Samuel Colwell, containing by estl . (nation, thirty acres, more or less. Dated1 February » isao LB ORAND DODGE, Referee

Cole at Jewelt, Alt 'y. for PIB'e



" a a y M - A f * " v 1 S * ? b « 7 ^ . admrnlstrator of t h .

jpulled to our .mtogate 'e court of our county of Nl-•Stf ih toprovo t,< «MnjW« »1J»*«4,*<>Jtirn b,y ejW

mi-it kelbe. asaiust tha estate ol the said John '»"'• c a r d deVeile", aiilouutlng to the atlni uf two lulu-S » 3 . n d ™ S « ? ? o n T d o T l S . a i d t h l i r t y c e n t . , « k m £ S n o i you and e i e h o l yon ate heieby cited to Appeay S e f b H o n " » l d surrogate's court , to be held before our county Judgo of oui said county on the iBd day of Jul* MM, at three o'clock lu the afternoon at the of; n S . \ l sa l / ludgeVln the village ot Loolti.ort,to attend Ihe proof and al lowance of the said c laim.

In testimony wheieof we have caused the seal ot our said court to be hereon Impressed, and the

f t , 8.1 name of said judge to he hereto subscribed, this l « h day of January, IBM).

80F8m_ _ _ _ _ _ H _ g A B g S B B . County Judge. rTJ^iTpeopfe* of the state o f N e w Y o r l i , to all persons 1 interested in the estate of Betsey Hoaie, late of Williamson in the county of Wayne, deceased, send

"'"ou'and each of you are hereby cited and reoulred

11M0TICX ol »ttao^^!|ent!•J.a,ins^^Mi»epn*ll>| or oo»-

B fCbru^loV*Sn><H«itbe*Uconn>y Judge of Cayu

f-acounty ana counsellor o i t h e supreme coUrt.tiotice L hereby klveu, that au attachment has issued against

t h u e s m e o i A ^ l i K K T B, Al.i.KN, now or late or Ihe tiiwiiofriiiipioiii sa idoouoty , an absoondliig or con-MaWddebforiOudue proof made to the said county Judge. So»a*«Vl to tbe directions o f the statute con­cerning " •tligliteeBta against absconding, concealed •-' - • "• , TIC ^StrK* iii n , . . . . ! •!...< •!..> iiiimi mill lad


NOTIUK of an application for ihe discharge of MO-SES SEOER, an inaolvent. flrom hla debts, pureu-

ant to the provlelons of the third article of the first title of the fifth chapter of the eecond part of the re­vised statutes- „

Notice first published January 14, Iftfio. Creditors to appear before honorable Francis Seger. eountv lodge of the count* of Lewis, at his office in the town of Turin, on the sixth day of April, I860, at two o'­clock in the afternoon of that day.

WlMOw *• H. BARNES, Attorney.

npHK people of the state of New York, by the grace X Ood free and independent, to the heirs at law and nf it of kin of Lots Fosdick, late of the town of Web-sttir in the county of Moil roe, Oece^ised, greeting :

You »re hereby citeit to appear be lore our auirogneB • urroKSteot' our county of Monroe, in ou r am rogate court, on the -mi An y of April next, at ten o'clouk In th« forenoon ot that Ua y, at lt.e anrrugate odice MI RO-Chester, then and lhci« to slio-v cause,*! aity you have w:iy Iftiie's ul afjiniiit«,ratiun of the goods, chai.el* ai< credits oi stId Lois FusJick. tleceased should not be granted io George Warren ol said town of Webster

m testimony whereof, "we have caused tbct>c&lol oilier of our mill &urrcig;iie to bo hereunto af­fixed. Wiin*>ss, Moses hpeiry, esquire, surro*

1 L. S.J gate of the said county, at Rochester, the 4ih da* oi March, ,n ihe year ol our Lord one thousand eigiii Imodred and tHly.

?*Fd_# MO-KS sPKRRY, Suirogaie.

s :• Public notice is hereby ib intrrt-aiec in the eniate ot

lan B, Hkks. late oi -lie town ol •- Id well in the

' i i H E people of the stato of N e w \ o i k , by the grace X of i>od free and independent, to Susanna Good-

year, Richard N Atwator, Lewis Atwater, Samuel Atwater, John Atwater, Lucy D. Atwater, Ooodyear Atwater, Alonvo B. Atwater, John t*. Atwater, Emily atwater. Samuel Atwater, ol Genoa, Cayuga county, James Atwater, Laura McWhorter oi Ithaca, Tomp-kins county, Sarah Ward, Susan Oillett of the state of Wisconsin, Susan Homer of the state of New Jer­sey, heir* at l a v and next of kin of Sarah Atwater, late of (fenoa aioresaid, deceased, greeting :

You and each of yon are hereby cited aud required personally to be ana appear before oar surrogate of our county of Cayuga, at his office in Auburn in said county, on the twenty-sl i ih day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. lo attend the proof and probate of the last will and testament of the said deceased, which relates to both real aod per­sonal estate, and Is presented for proof aod probate by the first congregational church or society of tie* noa aforesaid, a legatee therein Darned, and hereof fail uot.

In testimony whereof, we hare caused the seal of office of our »aid surrogate to be hereunto af> Hied. Witness, Jacob R. How, surrogate of

(L. S.] said county, at Auburn, the seventh day of February, in the year of Lord one thousand eight hundred ami fifty.

tiM't.w JACOB R. HOW, Surrogate.

' and that the same will be sold fo t lhe » I»men i of hie debts, uuless he, the said Albert S. Allen nonear and discharge suehatlacumenl

or n*» resident debtors_ eotdfo- - ' ••' ar^*din'gTo1*wT w T h l V t l i r ^ the 8rst iiuhlloatlon o f this not i ce ! and that the pavment of an? d e b l f . a u * the delivers of anr propertg belonging J, - . - 1 S T . - . . . i.i... e.......... ...,r„..Me wltmtivci,

— w —

'Villi people of thu stttto ol New York, by tho grac« or " t.mt fled aUd iuiU'pcinK-ni, to nil porsons iaiorest-

ed in toe emote of Sarah Childa, decoaaed. treei lng t You are hereby cited to appear before our surrogate

o l o u r county of Oneida, in our eurrogate court, on the fourth day of June. i too. at ten o'clock la the forenoon of that day, a t the surrogate office i a the town of Rome, thou and there to attend the final set-thmuMit o f Jameg Halbert, administrator of Smnli Child*, deceased.

In testiiuony whereof, we have caused the seal of office of our said surrogate to be hereunto af-fixed. Witness, Otbuiel 8 Williams, surro-

r.U S.J gate of the said cowaty, at Rome, the fifth day of February, in the year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

66F»ra O. s . WlLLlAMrftHttrrogat«a

W AKR8N uOUN i'v, riven, that nil pars

of redo Yau, the Uth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty•

IbVtw A. OLIVER, Surrogate.

rlK paople of the state of New of Qod free an

York, by the grace 1 i and Independent, to alt to whom these

C resents shall come or may concern, and especially o Samuel Merrlhew, Josiah Merrihew, David Merri

hew, Beujamln Mernhew, Stephen Merrlhew, Lefcec-ca, wife Of s teehen Wlnchel, Nancy, wife of Peter fcCunbry, r'oUy, wile of Oeorge K. Carson, and Jane, wife ol Richard Oakley, all residing in the town of Olive, county of Ulster and state of New York, and Betsey, wile of Joseph HoUiner, residing in the state of Michigan, adult- , the brothers and sisters of John P, Merrihew, deceased, greeting:

You and each of you arc hereby cited, notified and required., personal); to be and a p i e a r a t a snrrogue court, to be held belore our surrogate of the county of UUter, at his office m the village of Kingston, in said county, on the sixth day of May next, at ten o'clock in

County of Wancn, deceased, are directed to appear Enoch H Rosekraus, nurrogate ol the tsaitl

county, at hU office ,u . 1..- v. ;,->(,.• .»i Qlea's l'--. lu in the county ol Wnrrtn, on (he i wenty nub day of April next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon ol that day, to show f*to&e why amiiority should not be given to Sves-tel W Hicks, administrator of the goods,chattels and ciedits ol the said deceased, to moi tgage, le;ise or sell so much ol the real e s i t t e oi the said deceased nn shall be necessary to pay h>» debts Dated thiH -joth day of February. MtO. K. H. BOSEKKANK,

t4Kgw Louuiy Judge of Warren County. npHK people of the state oiFlfew'V'o'rk. to Lucy Read", X fol ly Nichols , wite of John Nichols, and to John Nichols , Merrick itead, who reside lu SmithvillejChe­nango county, N. Y.; Silas Read, who resides In Trav> oiler's Resi, Uoole/y countj , Ueorgia; Harriet Chap-pel, wile ol Nil*1! O.Ch^ppel, a u d i o S i l a s O C h a p

1, who reside In Penfiuld, Monroe couuty, N. Y ;

'pflK people of the state of New York, to Caroline * Town, widow, residing in Riga, Mooroe county, N. Y., Rhoda Covltle and Rdward Coville, her hus­band, residing lu the town nf Of den. Monroe county, N. Y., Mary Goodwin aod Roderick Goodwin her bus* baud, residing in the town ol Sweden, Monroe county, N. Y , Thomas M. Town, residing In the town of Bane Washington county, Vermont, Seth Town, residing in the town of Elmore, Washington county, Vermont, Horatio Town, residing In the town ol Stow, slate of Vermont, Betsey Smith, widow of Smith, resi­ding m Bane, Washington county, state of Vermont, Warren C. Town, Lnur.es Towu, Joseph fi. Town aud Heury T-wu.- i l t supposed to reside in said towu ot Bane, si*ie ot Vermont, heirs and next of kin ol Hosea Town, late of the town of Riga In the county of Mon­roe, deceased:

Whereas, iiophar WUlard, the sole executor named in tne last wilt and testament of the said Hosea Town, deceased, has applied to Moses Sperry, surro­gate of the said county of Monroe, for the proof of the said will, which will relates to real and personal estate, you are therefore hereby cited to appear be­fore the said surrogate, at his office in Rochester in sai<\ county, oo the first day ol April next, at leu o'clock in the forenoon, to attend the probate of the sain will.

Cliveu under the hand and official seal ot the said (L. s . ] surrogate, in Rochester, lu said couuty, this

Uth day ol February, IWO. 68F6w MOSBB SPRRRY, Surrogate.

T'HH people of the state ol New York, by ihe irace of Ood free and independent, to Nancy Bowers ol

Kock county, Wisconsin, Newell Boufhtoh of the state of Connecticut, Adoniram Houghton of the state of In diana, James Houghton, Mary C. Houghton, Sally W. Houghton, Kuth Ann Bougbton ot the state of Michi gan, William Johnson, Delia Johnson, Mcrlbah J< tin-son, Abuer W. Johnson. Julius Johnson of the state of Ohio, beira at law and next of kin oi Abuer Wakel > late of Ledyard, Cayuga county, deceased, and K a v n H Man in of Auburn, Cayuga county, special guar Ian to Cordelia Houghton, a minor, heir at law oi the *aid deceased, gicettng :

You and each of you, are hereby cited and required inT*onalty to ho and appear before our surrogate of our eouniy ol Cayuga, at hia trace in Auburn, in said county, on the thirtieth day ol Match next, at leu o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend the proof and probate of the last will and testament of the sa id deceased, which relates to both renl and per­sonal estate, and is presented lor prool and probate by l-'nniuui Wakeiy, executor therein named, and hcreet fail not

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of 1 office of our said surrogate to be hereunto s i j (Ued. Witness, Jacob R. How, surrogate ol I [L. 8.1 said county, at Auburn, the eleventh day of

February, in the year of our Lord one thou-' sand eight hundred and fifty.

68F6w JACOB R. HOW, Surrogate. 1 HpHE people ol the state of New York, to William I J. Cougdou and Thomas Congdon of Kendall. Or : le ias county, William Cougdon and Caleb Congdon of I Argyle, Waaliingioi. county, Amos Pickett andLuclna i lus wife, of Marlon, Wayne county, New York, Wil. I lUm Boyceand Nancy his wile, ot" Oregon City, Ogle

county, Illinois, and Kzekicl Congdon of California, but whose particular place ef residence there. Is un­known, heirs and next of kin of Stephen T. Congdon, lale of the town of Palmyra in the county of Wayne deceased: #

Whereas, Manchester Boyce, sole executor named iu the last will ind testament of the said deceased, has applied to the county nidge of the said county ol

wrsoually to be nud appear be*ore our couuty of our county of WaynOi a t bla office in Newark In said couuty, on the Uth day of May next. ** ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there tg » U e ] & t h e flnal £ttx? meat of the accounts of Joseph N. HlHnwa, as the ex­ecutor of the will and teitament ol the said deceased.

Given under my hand and the seal of the surrogate's court of the said county of Wayne, at Newark

6*T3m County Jud .e^ fltHK people o T i b e slalie of New York, by the grace X of Ood free and Independent, to all to whom these presents shall come or may concern, and especially to Benjamin Martin o( Troy. Delaware county, in the state o( Ohio, and Natnanlel Martin and Hannah Ha-gerly of the state of Kentucky, and others, whose names and places of residence are unknown, a l l ol full aae, the heirs and neat of kin of l-ydta bmun, de­ceased, (reeling : ^ .

y o u , anil each ol you, are hereby cited to appear at a surrogate court, to be held before our surrogate ol

ihe county of Ulsier, at his office In the village of tlngston, in said county, on the eighth day

of April nest , at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, 'hen and there to attend (II you see fit) the probate of the last will and testament of Lydla Smith, late of the town of Marlborough, Ulster county, deceased, presented to our surrogate to be proved and recorded an a will of real and personal estate . In pursuance of the statute, on the application of Wil­liam Martin, trie electitor uamed therein.

In testimony whereof we have caused the seal ol office oi our said surrogate to be hereunto affiled Witness, vVltliam Masten, surrogate

tL. 8 I of our said couuty ol Ulster, at Kingston, this Will day ol February, in tne year el our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nlty.

IITOw ^VlI.LlAM MASTKN, Surrogate^

fTTHB people of the Itate or New York, by the grace J . of Ood free and Independent, lo all whom these presents shall come or may concern, and especially to Rachel Molt, widow, Catharine Boiler, wife of Wil­liam Roller, Phebe Molt, Kllsabeth Duryea, wife of John Duryea. whose several places of residence are unknown, being heirs at law and nest o( kin of Jaruei Molt. Sen'r, late of the town of Hempstead in Queens county, deceased, greeting i

You and each of you are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear before our county Judge of our couuty of Queens, at his office, In the town ol Jamaica, in said county, on the lstti day of April ncrt, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to attend to the probate of a certain Instrument In writing, purporting to be the last will and testament ol ihe said James Molt, Sen'r, deceased, relating to real and i.er.oual proper­ty, on the application of John W. UeMott, one ol the executors Iheieln named.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ofor-Bee of our said c o u n y judge lo be hereunto al-Bied. Witness, Morris Fo.dick, comity Judge

S.l of our said countyol Queens, at Jamaica,t Is •Md day ol February, in the year ol our Lord

lal guar of kin Head, late of Sfhithville, Chenango county, N. Y , deceased:

Whereas, Jfiram Read and Prescott II. Read, exectt. Ihe forenoon of that day, then and there, (if you >ee i . named" In ihe i„. i win .„,i I . . , . . . . , Xt

It.) to snow cause why letters of administration ol ihe | u T l ^ ^ J ^ ^ J ^ ^ T ^ h t . l ^ ^ . ^ ^ l ^ ^ goods, chatte l , aud credits ol the said John D Mern- i c - e - a u . ' 0 decMSed h » n » n i u d T o ' . , ,?,.,?,\ ^,,', ° l a w , late of the town of Olive 1" ihe county of [Jlsicr, ! , „ t ^r1Si .urrn .» . - ni .»W SJSa . . n"r ChinLV !» a f o m a l d deceased, Intestate, should not be granted *"'' ap.""« V,?".'°A*,'• 0 ' Et*e2™V?!.2!%F'2&%!& ta AiitbtniM Clsw.on a cn-.iitu, oi ih^ v^iii d^T-*»« .i i i * v t me win or me SHid wi'tis ruad, deceased, which i « T K aSriieatlou ot' Ihe sal,1 Aathonv aw.on I " ' U ' e , l o t H H u r e * ' »» u Personal estate, proved and ^ . i S f i K S S y » \ 2 J e ^ 5 . W h a . « ^ , D J > e d a . " 0 . ' ! i . . oi ! K » l i ^ L ' » V'?**1*- . » • » » • * « ' » • ' »"«.«». ihere-

oihcc ot oui siiui surrogate to b« hereunto fixed. Witness, William Masten, »urr, gate ol

(l... K.) our said county of Ulster, at Kingston, this Uth day of March* in the yearol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty

laFlw WILLIAM MAH'tKN, Surrogate.

rlK people or the state of New Voric, to Harvey H. Davis of Otlsco, Jonathan K. Davis of apaiford,

JamesH. Uavls of Syracuse Onondaga county, Lyman M* Davis of Harford, Cortland county, Charles R Da­vis ot Chatham, Canada West, and Thomas N. Marrou of Syracuse, aforesaid, special guardian of John L , LoreasoO. , Orson K., and Henry c . Davis, minors. Mire and next of kin of Jonathan H. Davis, deceasedt

•TO area . , Lydla Ann Davis, a legatee n.med In a

E .iu lartruineni in writing, purporting to be the will and testament of Jonathan 9. Davis, late of

town of m i s ™ In the •ottnty of Onondaga, and state of New York, deceased, hath this day made ap-ptieattoa to the surrogate o four count* of Onondaga, Co have said instrument In writing proved and record­ed as a will ol real and personal estate; you are MMrefore hereby cited to appear belore the said surro-«ate, at his affice In the oily of Syracuse in the said seuoly of Onondaga, »« the -j-«a day of April neit , at lea o'clock m ihe rorenoon, then an J there to attend to the probate or said wi l l .

(riveu under the hand aud seal of office of our .aid surrogate, at Syracuse in said county of On-

LL. SL] ojtdaga, ibis uih day of March, In the year of o«r Lord one thousandeieht baudredand Ally,

T»r«w I S A A C T . MINAKD, Burrogate.

state of New York, to Chester Par r p U B people ot the sti , * l.h aud Juiiu L. Pai Jgvella la the county of

Pariah, residing in the town of Pa-mella Ui the county of Jefferson, and to Melissa Brooks aad her husband Thompson Brooks and Ellaabeth Swan • M M * btMbamd, Chester Swan, re.ldlng In Ihe town at Theresa la said couuty, and to Rice Parish, rest-diiig iii the town of Watertown I i said county, and t i

' W»,rt* . J \ Parl.h, residing in the towa of Mendon, county of Monroe, in the state aioresald,iand to Sarah Patten and her husband. La J Patten, residing at Vo­t e * l o t h * s iate ofWi.coBSio.aml to WiilUm H. Hodg-kins aud Henry Hodgkin' and Louisa Hodgkins, resi-d U a a t South drove in the eald state of Wisconsin, anil to Randolph Barnes, residing In Watertown

I, special guardian lor Martha Jane Hodgkins,

pel, wno reside in fenneld, Monroe county, N _ , . . . . . Clifton. K. Read, wbo resides In Miliou. McHcnry | Wayne, for the prooi of the said will, which will re-eun my, Jllinols; and to Shei wood S. Merrill, who re- kites lo personal estate alone ; you are therefore he re­sides in Norwich, Chenango county, N. Y , special , by cued to appear before the said county judge, at tiis fuardiao ot Silas R Howe, who resides In Chicago,! office in Newark in said county, on the 39th day of Itlnois, Klisha W Howe, Clifton K Howe, John P.] April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to attend

Howe and Mary Jane Howe, who reside In Milton,, the probate of the said will. McHenry county, Illinois, minors, who have no gene- (.liven under my hand and the seal of the surrogate's

' -uardian; bcit/g the widow, tjeire at law and next! 11 K.J court of the county of Wayne, at Newark in said county, this astir day ol February, lseo

OKOROK M. MIDDLKTON, T4T0w ^County Judge

riTHR people ol ihe stale ol New York, by ihe grace X of Cod l rec and in 'epeiuliMi'., to Elizabeth See, widow oi Abraham P. See, iateof the town of Mount Pleasant in the county of Westchester, deceased,VVil-liam See, James See, Edward Van Tassel , Finetha Vim Tassel , residing in the said town of Mount Plea-sani, John A. K. Van Tassel , residing iu the county of Richmond in the stale of New York, Henry S See,Ma ry Elizabeth See and Rebecca Ann See, residing at Mansfield, county ol Ricli land and state of Ohio, and lo Thomas H. Hay of the town of White Plains, coun­ty ol Westchester, guardian ad litem of Frances K S-e, Nancy M. Lee aud James Van Wart, minor heirs at law and next ol kin of tiie st ld Abraham P. I.ec, deceased, seud greeting :

Whereas, John R Stephens and Isaac Coulanl, ol the town of Mount Pleasant, has latuly applied to our surrogate ol the county of Westchester, lo have a cer­tain instrumeni In writing, beartug dale the third day of September, 1840, purporting to dispose of both real and persouul est..te,duly proved a . the last will and testament ol Abraham P. See, late of the town ol Meunt Pleasant, in said county, deceased, In pur­suance ol the etatute in such oaae made and pro­vided; you and each of you are cited and required personally to be and appear before our said surrogate, at his office in the town of While Plains, In the said county, on the elghlh day of April, IBM), at nine o'clock in the forenoon of that day, ihegvand there to attend to the probate of said last will aud testament.

In testimony whereof, we have canned the seal of office of our said surrogate of the county of Westchester, to be hereunto affixed. Witness.

(L rt, 1 Lewis c . Piatt, surrogate of s-ld county, at the town of White Plains, Ihe thirteenth day of February, in the year ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

6»T«w LEWIS C. PLATT, Surrogate.

f jresald, • p e s ! - . » — . - , — - — -.. . . , . „ , . . „ . , lenHod«l>in«,»aronH4dgkins,MelissaHodgkln»aod aurxet, Hodgkins, minor, under the age ot twenty,

on* year*, constituting all of the next of kin and heir.

K law ol John, Parish, lale ol Ihe town ol Theresa, Ihe cblinly of Jefferson aud stale of New Vork, de­

ceased, send gi toting"! Whereas, CiS*rl«* Parish and nice Parish, two of th*

trae-utor. named in the la-1 will and testament of th* said JohaPtrith, deceased, have lat*ly applltd l o o a r surrogate of our county Of Jefferson, lo have th* said wlUrSoMd.asa will of real and personal property, in

HIP tne* of the statute In such case made and provl-i ton and each of you are therefore cited add re->-dper i,.n til , ui i„- n„i appear before our satdsur-

f o i a l f , at his office In the village of W a f r t o v n in tha county of Jeter ton, on the j « l day of April next, at teo o'cloc k la th* forenoon, then and there to at tend lite probata oft b* said last Win and testament. ' J T

In testimony whdreof. we have can.ed ih« sea l of __ J o « c » of our said aurrogaUi lo be hereunto af tL. * - l hind, Witness, Lysauder H. Brown, «orrd

»te ol the- said county of Jegeison, at Water wu, the *d day of March, IDto.

tYSANDKR H. HiitiWN, snrrogate . .

'[*' R pc-ple .d ilio state of New Vork, l.y ibe grao* •f d o t tree and independent, to ibe heirs at law

a ad next oi kin, and to all persons interested In the ile ol lira, a ll IIIllcil, late ol Hi* city «l Roches in in* eoanty of Monroe and slate of New York, WKM,lat*.tate, greeting:

Von are heieby eit«d and reaulred personally i„ ap-MMat o»r*re our «urrogate of our coi nty of Wolto*, If.0?,* »«rroaaie court, on the iwentv nihili day »i A H *'"> V l t u S,«.'o«« in ' he lorenoou of Hint day, S a l » » , ' * l * l « l * ' : « i In P.ot-h*.t*r, then and there "A*?i". f,","*". '" '"J1"™ "' *dmiul»«i«tlun of all

H t t s . ' . , h f »oods ,e l .an«i . and eMjIlia of Ihe W W I I f , should uoi l i granted aha' issued to m Wnght a . creditor of xald m t e s i a e .

1»T«w th»tia»Bd«it^,'hu"aifed'a"nd i & j r * * * "* '

ajafecR-Apiiirc* i»I I t i i so l tma State

Hod will he made (7, thVlfejisfa

l u h l y

i t s present ****lg*)*|S \Se ol .», act to amend th» eoarter or the site <v

'*. ' 1 . « » « < • ' • • «*• maoner of atseesine, lev , ; adcot lecHrgrh* corporation taxes of .aid etw

7h i*i l*ao lePaw

P O T "PATTERNS 0F>ipi» > « i d > « f d e r » y / W a ' e h u . , ' i , r t » V . t i e i r V - ' Irrh*. »t w,\t iui' iMKosnrj' ,4, Itupoiter and Wholesale ,11,1 Retail Healer,

V, MiUlll Pearl tl , corner l l . ,nl . i„, i f

iieiebr cited and requited to appear before the s**,d couuty Judge, at his office, lu the village of Nor­wich, in saldootiuty, on the ?ih day of May, 1850, at leu o'clock ia the loieuoon of thai day, to attend the prool and probate of said will.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of lire surrogate's court ol said county of I'lie-nargo to be hereanto affixed Witness, Smiih

[I.. S.J M. purdy, county judge of our said county, at the village ol Norwich, the 4tli day of March, A. D. 1840 SMITH M. PURDY,

/ftltiw Couut, Judge anil Acting Surrogate. ^ H K people of liic stale o New Yora, to Maty'Wi" * ley, widow; Joshua Wilor, Alvtn Wiley, and De­

borah Putnjy and her husband Jacob Pulue7, resid­ing In the town of Orleans, in the. county of Jefferson, and to Susan Ballard and her husband Hiram Hallard, residing in the town ot Pamelta, in said county, and to Watson Wiley, residing in the c i t , and county of Oswego, and lo Adeline lledeli, residing in ihe city oi Utlea, in the county ol Oneida, and to Charles Wiley, re.ldlng In the town of Polkton, in Hie county ol Oi-toway in ihe state ol .Michigan, and lo Phebe Miller and her husband Ktexur Miller, residing In the town and county of Saginaw, In the said state of Michigan, and lo John Wiley, obadlah Wiley and Lawrence Wt-ley, whose place or place, of tesldence, it tbey are Using, cannot upon diligent iuqutty be ascertalu.d, constituting all of the next ol kin and heirs at law of Obadiah Wilde, or Wiley, lat* of lb* town of Orleans, in the county of Jefferson and slate of New York, de­ceased, seud greeting!

Where*., Hiram Ballard, one of the exexentors named lu the last will and testament of the said Oba­dlah Wilde, or Wiley, deceased, has lately applied to our surrogate of our county of Jefferson, to have the said wi l l proved, as a w l l l o f real aud personal pro­perty, 111 pursuance of the statute In stioh case made and provided: you and each of you are therefoie d i e d and required personally to be aod appear before our said surrogate, at his office fn the village ot Water-town, l a t h e county of Jefferson, on the 3Dlh day of April next, at lo o'clock in the foreuoon, then and there to attend the probate of the said last will and icstacnsnt.

tn testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of office ofour said surrogate to be hereunto af

fL. S.I fixed. Witness, Lysauder H Browu. surro­gate of the said couniy of Jefferson, at Water-town, the seventh day of March, 1830.

*'<•»*__ _ LYSANDER H. BROWN, Surrogate. rkaHK paigpteWine slate of New York, to the credi X tor*, heirs, at !aw and next of kin of Hannah w right, late of the town of Somers, county ol West-Chester and state aloresald, deceased. inte.tate, but iu ire particularly to Joseph Wright, or the said town oi Somen,; Lovlna White, of Venice, Oasuga couniy; S « u » W t i l h i . o M » * city of New Yoiki William ton* and P h e b e t j . wife, of Kay WtVl. in In* state ol Kl» rlJa; Jacob Wright, Knos Wright, Andrew P. Sutton and Kllxa hi* wif«, Adalln* Wright, of the town ol Uorilandt m th* said couoiy af We.teliester; Horace

M'J^KJ^^MW^^J^ »M R*b«eca P * w i ' * L B e ^ , l l l i 1 f l * i l * l *<,° CalUta b i t win*/ Wil. Ham Rareinoie and atari V * wife. Nathaniel Hnisted, ii.ipbe. Joues, A o c „ w rlatley anil flatf M. Wife, * n j James Join:., seud gieetiugt ™ r «•• w.™, aBJ

Wher«a», Mary Beadle, th* administratrix of th* goods, chatwl . and credits of t h . j £ f f i i M K & w r i i h t . rut. p r w a t e d lo our .urrogateof ihe couuiy *rWn»t-Chester, her pelttioa, setting forth ampng bther thlna, a demand in ht r behalf against the said deceased amounting to ihe s u m ol eleven hhndrei and ren dol far* and sl .teeii cents, and praying that the same may be proved and al lowed by om said surrogate; you and euchof yon are therefor* hereby clteo and reaHirrd to appear belore out s t l d tnricfjate, at his office lu the town of White Plains, in the Mid couniy of West cheater, an Ihe »ih day of April, I**", at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, to attend, the proof *qu al lowutice of the said claim,

lu testimony whereof we has* caused the aaal of office of our said surrogate to.bs hereanto af

• fixed. Wimea* Lewis C. Plan, amru«ate oi (L. 8.) said county, (A (}>*' aurrotal*'. otllce fB tju.

. town of Whit* Plain*, on Ihe *l»l d*y of De climber, one iltoiisaudeight hnndtad aud, forty olue*

- • E 2 S L : . - ; L ' ^ ^ j f l j r , la*Tt , Sutroiai*.

N tl'I'ICK ID Cli EulTtiKS PuiMianl I., itu ui.l.n- • i lion, Orla fl. Whitney, county jhrtge of the coun­

ty'of t)aweiiOi n* tioe i . hereby, alveu to at persoiis who h i.vt ctuiHia aaain. l John B. Park, WW br the city ol 0*W*go, 10 said i-oiiutv, deceased, to exhibit tne same v»,tit, the »o(cl|e.rs thereol, lo Henry Raul*, Jriel

t t l d a a d JaniesM. ,Har(, hise«e,-.ii„i-.

I iHK people of the . ta le of New York, to Timothy . Hicks and Rachael his wife, of Detroit Michigan,

Joshua Sayer of Canada West, Rebecca d. sayer of tiravesend, King, couuty, Sylvester H. Dailey and Ju­lia A. Ills wile, Electa A. Saver, Abigail V. Sayer and Chauncey Brace of Wll.on, Abram Sni ih of Newfane, Ja:ob Dixon of Hartland, ttandalph Phelps of Lock-port, Niagara county, and James B. Oicoll of Parma, Monroe county, ana all other pex .or . interested in the estate of Jonathan Sayer, late of the town of Wil­son in the couniy of Niagara, deceased.

Whereas, Abigail Sayer,administratrix of the goods, &c of the said deceased, has applied to our surro­gate's court of our county of Niagara, lor a final sei-tlemeut of her accounts, and more than eighteen months having elapsed since the issuing to her of let­ter, of administration, therefore, you audeaoh of you aie hereby cited to appear in our said surrogate'. court, befoie our county Judge of the said county of Niagara, ai ins office in the village of Lockport, in said county, ou the twenty-seventh day of May next. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to attend the final settlement or the account* of th* .aid administratrix.

In testimony whereof, we have caused th* **al of our .aid surrogate's court to be h*r*oa Im-

II,. S.J pressed. Witness, Hiram darduer, our said county Judge, this Wth day of February, A. D. 18*0

n lam H. GARDNER. County Judge

' 1 M B people ol the state of New York, to Kll.ha J. Warner, re.ldlng in Pltrsburgh, P«nn*ylv*nia, Si-1*» Warnei, residing lu JeHcixon county, N. Y , or la Canada West, Lydla Baldwin and,John 0 Baldwin, her husband, re.ldlng in wtiitiug, Vermont, Po l l ! Mi­ll* aod her husband, Al.ljah Little, residing In Middle-bury, VBimont, Sally Angell and her husband Beuoiil Anxell. residing In Motver*. N. * . , and to Samuel 11 M Beck with, esq., counsellor at law, ol Platiaburah. N. Y'., the special guardian for Leonard at. Waru.r "l Chaxy, N. Y., Jo-epli Warner, residing near Burling. ton, Vermont, and Jan* smii i , , Charles smith, Julia Smith and Frederick smith, oilier minors, leaidlns la Sndbury, Vermjut, greeting i W " M *

Whereas, Wlllaul W. I.lllle ol Chasy. has applied to our county Judge for the county or Clinton, for the proof of the will or Betsey Kimball, late ol c h a f e , de­ceased, which u l d w.ll relet*, to both real,and tier-»nn* I estate; thereior* you and each of you are cited and required to app-nr at the office of tha said Daunts judge in lies court house in Plan.hnrgh in the said couniy, on the fifteenth day of April next.at lOo'olock n tlte loreiipon of that day, and attend the probate oi

In te.tlrnony whereof, w* ha»e cau.ed the seal ol . . - , IS". oa,!r. "I •arrogate to h* heiwto affixed. (L. » . ) Witnes. , Lemuel s te i soa , county judge, athls

office in Platt.burgh; the Wth day o r i . * I l l l iw ' I'.KMIIKI, M'l'K'l'SON, C.linily Judge.



res at Kaaln ft sionc lu the cliy of O.Wego, . eounty, onor before the S»thd*y or September Dated Oswego, M„,. I, l» , te»o. •,"':'., * '*•• • I--. <»•<< . u > n i r « ,i

at th< In k£« i- n e x t

I 7*Fld

rOKl; B. PIMJil }*««*< M HAK i',

hxecutoi . , he, ol Johu U. Patk, dec. a>e

CIlPitKMK oOUMT-eeoraja Kl**elbrach, nlalati O aga u.i e'atlitiiiei ti. H*tha<vav and {c.iH.e i 9\ff, and William © x ^ M S K ^

To Nathaniel p . Hathaway a,id K. ih ,r H a S a w a t , h i . wile, and wtiiiaitiPoiiocir, defendant* V-'voftaJ*

piaiptx* atoresain, trje hiaibtiH will ai.i.W -oon for the relief demanded lu t lwcompt iW, fueuary s. Ist O-. • - j

J C. NBWKlBK.Pl'trsAti ' , ! 7JKii«

(1-one thousand eight hundred and ttlty.

11T6W MORRIS POSD1CK, County Judge.__ HE people of the state of New York, by ibe grace or Ood free and Independent, to Phebe Woolsey,

widow of KHJah Woolsey, late of the town of Rye, county of Westchester and state of New York, decea­sed David Woolsey, residing »l Jordan, Cayuga coun-. — . — Woolsey and Cliloe his wife, residing at

Milieu, county of Ulster, Elijah Woolsey. residing at Middle Hope, county oi Orange, John Wool .ey, resi­ding at Maiden, county of Orange, Kpcuelus Woolsey, Joseph Deyo, John Deyo, Thomas Deyo, Daniel Wool­sey aud Klixabeth his wife, Luther Deyo. Alvah Deyo, — Lefever aud Alrnira his wife, Andrle* Lefever and Delia his wife, residing at Loyd, couniy of Ulsier, Harvey Mygant and Krneline his wife,residing al Marl, boro, Ul.ler county. Theron Deyo, Henry Deyo, reel-ding at Plaltexll l , Ulster county, Thomas W. Thorn, Phebe Thorn, Charity Thorn, residing in the city of New York, Charles Wool.ey, Sarah R. Woolsey, resi­ding at Newburgh. county of Orange, Kliada Walker and l.'hloe his wife, residing iu the slate ol Virginia, and the heirs al law and next ot kin of Asbury Wool­sey , whose names and places ol residence are un­known, and John Woolsey, whose place ol residence is unknown, and alter diligent onquiiy cannot be as­certained, Sarah Wool .ey, Clementine Woolsey, Tho­mas Woolsey, Phebe Woolsev, residing in the . late ol Ohio or Illinois, and io Thomas H. Hay of the lown of While Plains, county of Westchesle i , guardian ad li tern of Klixabeth Deyo, Alxamara Woolsey, and Mary Emma Woolsey, minors, send greeting .

Whereas, Underhill Halstead, of the town ol Rye. has lately applied lo our surrogate ol the county ol Westchester, to have a certain instrumeni in writing, bearing date the niueteentli day ol July,1848, purport log to dispose of both real and pergonal esiuie, duly proved a* the last will aud testament of Elijah Woolsey, late of the lown of Rye, in said couniy, deceased, In pursuance ol ihe statute iu such case made ana provided; you aud each of you are ciied and required personally to be amtappear before our said surrogate, at ins office iu ihe tewn ot While Plains, in the said county, on the 3Wd day of April I860, at nine o'clock in die forenoon ol lliat day, then and there to attend lo lite probate of said last will ami testament.

In testimony whereof, we have cau .ed Ihe seal ol office of our Bald .urrogale of the couuiy of Westchester, to be hereunto affixed. Witness,

[L. S. i Lewis C Plait, surrogate of said county, al the town of wlil ie Plains, die a m day ol Feb­ruary, in ihe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty

• e s i £ p. 71 Tow LEWIS C. PLATT, Surrogate.

IjUPRRMbl COURT—Cayuga County—To Rome O Orelger and Barbary Anu Oreiger his wife, Isaac Middletou, William Mlddlelon, Eliza Mlddleton, Seorge Middletou, Whiting Squires and Sal ly Jane Squires, his wife, Thomas IL Toan, Lewis Toau, Ma ry A. Toan, and Frances E Toan:

You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of Ebeuczer W. Arms, administrator, and Olive font, administratrix of all and lingular the goods, chattels, rights and credits which were of Lewis Toan, decea­sed, aud to serve your answer on me at Aurora in the county of Cayuga within twenty days after the ser­vice hereof, exclusive uf the day of service, or the plaintiff, will apply to the supreme court for the relief demanded in the said complaint; and you are hereby notified, that the said complaint w a . filed In the office of the clerk ol the couuiy of Cayuga, ou the sixteenth day of February, A. D. 18*0. Dated Aurora, Cayuga Co., FobruaryMd, 1860. Us W. ARMS, ol

IITOw Aurora, Cayuga Co , N^Y., Pl'ITs Ad'y.

THE people of the state of Sew Yor'lt~*ti)~Vhebe Bronaon and Marlha, wife of Che.ler Fel low. , ol

the town and county af Onondaga, Stephen Brouson of Georgetown, Brown ootiuty, Ohio, and the said Ches­ter Fel lows, aw general guardian of Ktiza, nul lum and Samu«l Uronson, minors, the widow, heirs and next of kin of Samuel Bron.ou, deceased, greeting :

Whereas, Melvln Bionson, a devisee named In a certain Instrument In writing, purporting to be the last wil l and testament of Samuel Bron.on, late ef the towu of Onondaga, In the county of Onondaga and state of New York, deceased, hath this day made ap plication to the surrogate ofour county of Onondaga, to have said instrument in writing provedand lecoru-ed as a will ol leal and personal estate; you are therefore hereby cited to appear belore the said surro-gate, at his office in the city of Syracuse, in the said county of Onondaga, on the litis day of April next, at ten o'clock In the foreneon, theu and there to attend to the probate of said will

Given under the hand and seal of office of our said surrogate, at Syracuse in said couuty ol du­

ll, . S.J ondaga, this'Milt day of February lu the year ofour Loid one thousand eight hundred and lllty.

71T6iv ISAAC T. MINAKD, Surrogate.

Tile people ot'ttie state of New York, to Susan Per. rls, residing io Mexico, Oswego county, N. Y.,

Elizabeth Ferris, Job K. Belding and Rebecca Balding hie wile, residing In Richlaud, Oswego county, N. Y., Marllda Congden, residing in scribe, Oswego county, N. V., Jo'l W. Ney and Nancy M. Ney, his wife, resi­ding in Stockbridge, Madison county, N. Y., Sylvester Ferris, re.ldlng iu Delaware, Ripley county, Indiana, Comfort Sibley and Kuth Sibley, his wife, residing In Palermo, Oswego county, N. Y , Samuel Ingham, resi­ding In the city of Oswego, N Y., heirs and next of kin of Ebenezer Ferris, late of the town ot Mexico, in the couniy of Oswego, deceased, seud greeting!

Wheieas, Enoch M. Ferris, of the town o( Mexico, In the county of Oswego, has lately made application to our county judge ol the county of Oswego, lo have a certain instrument In writing, relating to per­sonal estate, duly pioved as the last will and tes­tament of said Kbepexer Ferris, deceased; you and each of you are hereby cited and required person­ally to be and appear before our said Judge, at his of­fice In the towa of Mexico, iu said couuty of Oswego, on the lath day of April, laoo, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, theu aud there lo attend lo the probat* of said loatrutneut as the last will and testa­ment of aaid deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of office of our said surrogate's court of the county of Oswego, to be hereunto affixed.

(L. a | Witnei*. OrlaH. Whitney, county judge of ihe said county, al Mexico, In said county, the 18th day of February, A. D. "WO.

O. H WHITNEY, 70f sw C*ttntyJiHtge of 0*wego Couniy.

rTfaHK people o?the eVaus of New Yxrra. toOTe heirs at I. law,legatees, next of kin and ciedltors ol Reuben

Nichols, late ol the town ol Sardinia in the couuty of Erie and state of New York, deceased.

You and each or you are hereby cited, uotlfied and required, to be and appear before a surrogate's court lo be held at the surrogate's office in the city of Buffa­lo, In Eric county, on the 10th day of April next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, lo attend the final settlement of the accounts of Clark Nichols and KIilixi Rice, executor, of the last will and testament of th* said Reuben Nichols, deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ol of­fice of our Mid surrogate to be hereunto affix­ed. Witness, Peter M. Vo.burgh, .urrogateiof

[L. S ) our said county, al hi . office, the sd day ol January,18*0

t y m m _ P M VOSBUROH.Surrcgaje.

QUPREMK coi lHT--CoriIand CoTinly— xViTiTain P. O Kendall against William Bartlit.

To vVlliiaui Bartlit, defendant!—You are hereby •ummoned to answer the complaint of William P. Kendall, which w a . hied la ihe office of the clerk of Cortland couniy, on ihe sd day of February: I8«0; and to serve a Copy of your answer oa us at our office lu

'liege 'fieVlh.

the county ol .Cortland, within Coitland T i l l . , . ... . . . . . „ . . . . . , , ., ......... twenty day* after tne service hereof, exclii.lve of the day of . erv l i e , or the plaintiff wi l l take judgment against you for the sum of fjM.la with Interest there-oijVVm , h . I M da , of J . W y i | ^ ^ t e d R r e b r u a . r«°' PUlmiffs Attorney* m H B people of the »t«t« of New Y o r k e r the «rac« X oT Q«d free and lndof>endept, to a l l persons inter-

sated In the estate of Spencer Brifga, deceased, nr«,<;•<-

Yen are hereby clted to aopear before our mirrogate 'our eounty of Oneida; In our surrogate court, oft « tftth day ol May, ififtu, nt ten o'clock in the fore*

noon »f ll»«t d»y. at. the eurroeate office, in Uticn, thenuud there to attend the final accounting of David M. Wrings, CfcorgeBrlgga, Jerueha Brl|g«, iidmiiiin-iratore of the evtate of «atd deceased < - ' • •

In twutliminy whereof, we have caused the seat of Oftto* of our stttd surrogate, to be tiereuuto attxud WUnea**. Othnielrf William*, esq t

I t . M,| surrogate o l t h e suld county, wt tJiu.i, the w t h d>» of JanM»i-y, in tlie year of oui l*w#

, one thousand eight hundred and lilty, eiPam o f fc*. W I L L U M S , Burrogate.

lff^ol'iuR"f^yVt.e»r u>- '\vtm»io M K3 r u n urn nnMinsi. VCIMJU rsttereott-

TtiCaHMA Fatteiiwn, defend act t—'You are Herebt summoned and tetinlrei io auaweribe conjnulut of w i m a n i M . Patches* pla1at|.r, whinh complalot was filed In the oHlce of tin* clo.k ul the county of y » t « s . on the loth day orFebruaryi <\. M liifio, nud to serve a e«P» Otlpwr anewei on n*e» at my otfltp In the village 6 f f e n i , y a n In said cotittty, WUh.tifwv-nt'y days altfer the s«mc«hereof , exchVs iveor theday of ^ueh ser S B * ttld i* y o u j * 1 * ^ « » » » « ' t h a coinplaint^safoi-e' «ald, thaplauitiiT w i n apply to ihe <-....> i». tu« rei^r 'ernande*! In die said t-on.idi.ii.it. I>*f*-,l IVnu Ya'u, ebfjuary Iff, ittJO. ; ; - f f l i f s VAN-BUAIcWin TTlTflw Platntlll'a Attoiney, Peitu Y*u> N. V |

THR peoplaof the state of New York, by the grace of God free aod Independent, to all to whom theae

presents an all come, or may concern, and^specially to the credUo*Si legatees and next of kin of Cornelius Undermau, late of the town of Ithaca, Tompkins county, deceased :

You and each of vou are her«by cited personally to be and appear at a surrogate's court to bo held belore our county Juage of the county of Tompkins, at his of­fice in Ithaca, in said county, on the aad da* of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the final settlement of the ac­counts of Isaac Lindermanand Jacob Llndermaa, as cxecntorsof the last wil l and testament ol said Cor­nelius Wnderoran. deceased, and hereof fail not.

lu testimony whereol, we have caused the seal ol the Said surrogate's court to be heiouuio af­fixed. Witness, Alfred Wells , couniy iudge of

fl* 8 1 our said county of Tompkins, this lath day of January, In the year of our Lord one thousand eig.,t hundred and fifty.

SlTSm _ A^FRKl) WKU.S, County Judge.

-TH1B peoplaof the slate of New York, by the grace of * Qod free and independent, to all to whom these

presents shall come or may concern, and especially to the widow, legatees, next ol kin aud creditors of Nathan Starkweather, deceased, late of Warren Intra county ol Herkimer

Yon are hereby cited and requtretl iieisonally to be and appear before our surrogate of our county of Herk i* mer, at the surrogate's office in the village ol lleiki-mer, in said couniy, on the 93d day of A prll, 19*0. at 10 o'clock A. M , to attend and be present, if you see til, at the settlement of the accounts of the executor of the said deceased.

Given under the hand and seal ot office ot our said surrogate, at Herkimer, this ltnh it,iy of Junu-

[L S.J ary, In the year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

6JTSm EZRA GRAVES, Surrogate.

NOTICE Ol au application for tht* discharge of an Insolvent from his debts, pursuant to the provi­

sions of the third article of the first title of the filth chapter of the second part of the Revised Statutes.

MARTIN LOUGHMAN, of the city ol Brooklyn, in solvent. Notice first published the 'lui day of Fcbrua ry 18W. Creditors to appear befoie the bon Samuel K Johnaou. judge of the couniy court ol Kings coun ty, at the chambers of the judge of said court, at the city hall in the city of Brooklyn, on ihe sixth day of May, IBoO. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ol that day, to show cause, If any they have, why au assignment of the insolvent's estate should not be made and he dis­charged fiom his debts. U GOULD,

IOFIOW Attoraey lor Insolvent.

1*HK people"of thei'state of New York, to Gertrude Bradshaw and Johu Barlow, of Florida, Montgom­

ery county* James Bradshaw, Benjamin Brad*haw, James H. Bradshaw, Mary Ann Bradshaw, John L. Bradshaw, Frederick Bradshaw. George Wesson,Join. L. Teller and Bllen his wife, Nathan Bradshaw and Joseph Bradshaw, of Pilncetown, Schenectady coun­ty, Robert Bradshaw, John T. Wasson, James T. Was-son, Andrew Gregg and Dolly hla wife, Thomas Was-son, Richard D, Bond aud Nancy his wife, and John Btadshaw Ht Rotterdam, Schenectady county,Charles Tutlock apd Mary his wile , John Combs and Susanna his wife, Joseph Watson and Sally Jane his wile, James Bradshaw and Thomas Hradahaw, of Dunne* burgh, in said county of Schenectady, Lydia Bond. James Bradshaw and George Brai'shaw, *>l the city and couniy el Schenectady John D. Wasson and KHz abeth his wife, ol Sterling, Cayug.\ county, Kelly Ste^ veus and Catharine his wile, ol Ulenville in the coun­ty of Schenectady, Clark C. Ager aud Elizabetr. his wile, Hiram Rockwell and Nancy bis wife, Deiancy Brads haw, George Bradshaw, James Pari ioand Kliza his wile, of Ksperance, Schoharie county. William Wasson, of Lockport, Niagara county, Thomas Was son, Mr. Wentworth and Ellen his wife, and James Wt\i>son oftfiewlaoo, Margaret Wesson, whose place oi residence Is unknown, and diniiot be ascertained upon enquiry, Klixabeth Barlow of Ulica, Oneida couniy, William Coppiek and Mary his wife, ol Bulla-lo, Erie county. Isaac Hartly and Sarah his wife, of Btoadalbin* Fulton couniy, William Phillips ot Am­sterdam, Montgomery county, and v Pulver Heatli, attorney at law, of Amsterdam, aforesaid, special guardian of Ann Klixabeth Bradshaw, of Scheneda ay, Robert Bradshaw, Thomas Wasson. Joseph Was­son, George Wasson, Mar ha WUBBOII, Andrew Was-sou. Wilbur Wasson, Zecbartah Rk hard son, ail ol 1'riHceiown,aforesaid, audol Thomas Kichardsouand Morgan L. Richardson, of Glenv,l le, Schenectady

• ouuly, andoi Nancy Rlcharkson, of Rotterdam,afore­said, aad oi Jasper Richardson, all minors, having no geueial guardian, being the widow, heirs aud next ol kin ol Geurge Bradshaw, late ot Florida aforesaid, d c

You and each of you are hereby cited and je^uired personally to be and appear before our county judge of our county of Montgomery, as surtogaie, at his of­fice in the village of Amsterdam, in said countv, on the blh day of April next, al one o'clock in ihe after­noon ol that dav, theu and there to attend the probate ol the last will and testament, and codicil thereto, ol George Bradshaw, Lite ol Florida, Montgomery coun* ty, deceased, upon the application ul (Voiee Biad-sha w, one of the e x e c u t e s n imed in said will, winch will relates to both real aod personal eutate.

In testimony whereof, v,e have caused the seal of surrogate'*! court of said county to be bereun to ain*f d Wiine^t, Samuel Bel ling, Jr.,

[t. S | county indyt- of our county ol Montgomery, al the Village ol Amsterdam, in *>a id couuiy, tht 9th day of February, in tne year of our Lord oue thousand eight huudred and lllty.

70P6w S. BEDDING, Jr., County Judge.

npHK people of the ..late ol New York, lo Amy Be-X deil. Dnv.it Cou.hu aud Susan his wife, Mary Jane Bedell, a l l o t the city of Brooklyn, Kings county,Smith Tan Horn hud Surah his wife, Townsend Smith and Su*an Ami bis wile, Hannah Jane Plumpstcad, *tll ol the city ol Now York, Rebecca Bobbins, maincd to some perspn unknown, whose present name and place of residence cannot on diligent enquiry be ascertained, William Bobbins and Geoice Robbing oi New York city, Norman Humphiey and Susan his wile, George Baldwin and Elisa his wile, all of New York cny,send greeting i

Whereas, John Siinouson of Jamaica, Queens coun­ty, has lately applied to our sunogate oi the couniy ot Kings* to have a certain instrument in writing, bearing date the m h day ol February, liyiO, purporung to dispose pi personal estate, duly proved as the last will and testament of Daniel Bedell, lute oi the oily of Brooklyn, deceased , wherefore, you and each of you are cited and iequlred, personally to be and appear before our said surrogate, at his office in the city ol Brooklyn, on t h e S t h d a y o f April next, ar 10 o 'cock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend to the probate of the said last will and tesr-uiient.

In wltnffs whereol, the bu.nog.iie ol our said coun­ty has hereunto a llixed his seal of office, the

(L. S.J 16th day of Febru try one thousand eight hun­dred and lilty, i:nl of our Independence the seventy-fourth

70F6w J. C. SMITH, Suirogate.

, by the g iace to whom these

presents shall come or may concern, and especially io all peisoOS Interested In the estate ol Wilhelinus Du­bois, late pf the town of New Palls in the county ol Ulster, deceased, greeting:

You anil each ol you, are hereby cited, notified and required, personally to appear at a bunogate court, to be held before our surrogate of ihe county ol Ul­ster, at his office in the village oi Kingston, in said county, on the loih day ot June next, at ten o 'cock in the lorenoou of that day, rhun and there, if you see fit, to attena the final settlement ol the accounts of Daniel Soboonmakcr and Peter Deyo, the executors ol ihe last Will of the said deceased, on the application of the said executors.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of Office of our Bam surrogate to be hereunto af. Axed. Witness, William Musicn, sin rogate

[L. S.] of our said county ol Ulster, o.i Kingston, this 3d day o f March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

74F8m WILLIAM MASTK^ Sjlrrogjite^

npHK people of the statejof New York, by the graee X of God, free aud inuependent, to all persons inte­rested in the estate of Levi Thomas, deceased, greet-Ing :

You lire hereby cited to appear before our surrogate of our eounty of Oneida in our surrogate court, on the loth day of June, 1800, at ten o clock in the foreuoon of that day, at the surrogate office in Clinton, then and there to attend the final settlement of the accounts ol Amos IL Thomas, administrator ol the estat« of the said deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of office of our said surrogate to be hereunto af­fixed Witness, Othniel S. Williams, esquire,

[[.. S.J surrogate of the said county, at Clinton, the •id day of March, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

13 Vain O. 8. WILLIAMS, Surrogate.

THK people of the s late of New York, ta Nathaniel H. Eastman of Wyoming, Wyoming county, Maha-

la Phlnney, wife of Lewie w . Phinney, Mary A Wtl-cox, wife of Charles G. Wilcox of Marshall, Oneida county, N . Y . , William Eastman ol the Province ol Canada (If l iving), the heirs at law and next of kin of the said William Eastman (If dead), and of Joseph Bast man, deceased, of the Province o w a n a o a , but whose names and particular places of Astdence are unknown, belrs at law aud next of kin ot^Abrahsm P. Eastman, deceased:

Whereas.llorace H Eastman has this day offered the last wi l l aud testament of the said Abraham D Eastman late of the town of Marshall in the countyol Oneida, deceased.for probate us a will of real aud personal es­tate, before Othniel S. Williams, surrogate oi the county ofOn*lda; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before the aaid surrogate, at his office in Clin* lou In the couuty of Oneida, on the ylith day of April, la&O, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend to the probate of said will.

Given under the hand and official seal of the said [L S.l burrogate, at Clinton in said county, this 1st

day ol March, A D I860.. . y«F6w O S. WILLIAMS, Surrogate.

riM!K people of the state of New York, X of God Iree and Independent, to all

NOTICE of application lor the discharge 01 CORO. DEN HUBBARD, an insolvent, from his debts,

Surusant to the provisions of ine third article ol the rst t i t le of the filth chapter of the secondparl of the

revised atatules. Notice first published March 7th, td&o. Creditors

to appear before hon. Fr. Seger, eounty judge of the county of Lewis , at his office in the town of Turin, on the first day of May.ltttO.ai il o'clock P. M. of that day.

74Few A. H. BARNES, Attorney

rpHK people of the state ol New York, by the grace ' *?pa free and Independent, to Fied~-' ' '*:'

»fHc p Pi

I i 1 h people 01 tne state 01 new \ of God free and Independent, to Fie'derlck Giltler-

lece** of Hclplo, Cayuga eoanty, L- ' . ., ... ity, Lydla Paddock wife of Philip Paddock of Italy, Yates county, Thomas Glldi islceve ol the city of New York, WDliam A. Smith of Waterloo, Seneca count*, Drurilla Wheeler wife of Sylvester Wheeler of Bethel, Mary Benedict wife of Giles M. Benedict of Moiitecello, and Caroline Wicks wile of Brooks Wicks ol Bethel, feulllvan coun.

Blng w iun.fi win! 01 IIIOIIMH wicaso i ueinei, Sullivan coum ty, HenriettaQuUlan wife of Alfred Quliium of hamtoo, proouif county, state of New York, Benja­min Olldetsleeve ol Richmond, Virginia, James H. Gildersleeve ol Colurnbut, and Enl iy McAUster wife of Jesse McAtistcr of Berkshire, Delaware couuty, Ohio, Joseph G. Huutlngtot of Rio Janeiro, Soiiih America and John Sibley of Canandutgua, N. V., the specivtlgtiaitGan of Francis, Kllxa, Charles T , Han nab, and George W. Gildersleeve of Timburv, Dela­ware congty aforesaid, and Emma L. aud Henry L, Huntington, of Waterloo aforesaid, being tbe heirs and next ot kin uf Polly Gildersleeve, late of the town ol CananHaigua, iu the county of Ontario, deceased, send greeting:

VOxi art hereby cited 10 appear before MntfcH 8d> ley, county Judge ol the county of Ontario, iivrforn. ink the d l W s of the qlfice of surrogate therein, Tt the surrogatti s office In the vjll >$% of Oanandaigua, in said county ol Onl"no. on the 9th day of Aim next.at la o'clock M , to attend the proof ol a certain histmincut routing lo personal est »te, Hud purporting tube the laai will and testament of .be said deceasacT, iu which Jstid will Oliver Phelps of Cananda.gua and the said riederlck Gildersleeve ate named executors rhwt/of, ttpan th« spplicatlow ol the eg|ti Oliver PliClps. (* at.

Witness the seat of the said office, and the sie>.a> tore of the said county judge, at Canandaiaua

{!/. 8.) i f s a l d county of Ontario, t S a l S f f w % Psbiuaiy , 1840. >' Wl

•. ^ y * * ^ - " - - ,.'•..,, MAHK H. WBtBVa l ^ S J ^ J * ^ ^ V , " ! . * * e °'™N«w V o ^ ? b " ^ c ^ r i T c e X ofGiriCfrae ann independent, to the next ol t i n of Koyal o B y f late o l Ntlas, Cayuga county, d i o « a « 3 .

IN pur»UAuce ol an order made uy the surrogate of the county ol Cortland, notice is hereby given to

all persons having claims against William Gray, late of the town of Virgil, county of Cortland,state of New York, merchant, deceased, that they a ie required to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, to Dann C. Squires, one of the administrators of the estate and property ot said deceased, al the residence of said Danu C. Squires, in the town of Lapeer io said county ol Cortland, on or before the 88th day of June neit Dated December » t l i , 1849,

F..MLLY GRAY, Administratrix, DANN C SQUIRES,

6jjF6m H- C OKAY, Administrators.

THE people ol Hi.1 siat« of New York, by the grace ol God free anu independent, to the widow, heirs,

next of kin and creditors of Abraham Tice, late of tbe town of .Sweden in the county of Monroe, deceased, greeting :

You ure heieby cited to appear before our surrogate of on r county of Monroe, In our surrogate court, on the 391 h day 01 April neat, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ol that day, al iho surrogate office in Rochester, then and there to attend Hie final sritiement of the ac­c o u n t of Stephen S. Mieldon and Daniel Belden, exe-earor* of the last will and testament of said Abraham Tice, deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused ihe seal ol office ofour said surrogate to he hereunto af-faxed. Witness, Moses Sperry ,esq. surrogate of

[L. S ) the said county, at Rochester, the 9ist day ol January, in the year of our Lord one thou­sand eight hundred and fifty-

6SFam MOSES SPERRY, Surrogate.

rsMlii people of ihe mate of New X Chun

BY or4er ot Hon. H« P. Bdwarts , a Justice of the supreme court, notice Is hereby given, pursuant

to the provision** of the statute authorising attack-m e n u against absconding, concealed andnonre*.ident deblois, that an attachment U S Issued against the es­tate of JOHN Mel) BOYLE, a nonres ident of the unite of New-York, and a resident of the town of Ply. mouth, In the state of North Carolina, and that the sain* will be sold for the payment of his debts, oules* he appear and discharge such attachment, according to law, within nine months from the first publication ol ibis notice; ana that tbe payment of nay debts due to him by residents of this e late , and (he delivery to hira or for his use, of any property within this state, belonging to him, and the transfer of any tucb proper­ty by him, a i e forbidden by lew aud are void. Dated the S6th day of August, 1649.

GEO. STEVENSON, Attorney tor Attach-eQjnppu log Creditor, No. 44 Nassau tt . , N-Y.

M . "im£ " ." '« u f N e w ftr«li»'S 'ii*1 "h, .V'•'"•


Hoceboon-, esquire, county of Columbia, no tic:-;: is hare*

York, to Elisabeth mbers, Sarah Coveny of the town of Mine,

county or Chauianque and state ol New York, Alexan­der Duncan and his wifs Blizabeih Duncan, William Coveny and his wife Mary Coveny of Greenfield, Erie county, Beitiisylvauia, Frederics: Cnambers of Savan nah, I 'unoil couniy, Illinois, Samuel Brought and his wile, Ann Brought of Patch Grove, Grant county, Wis­consin, and Emory F. Warren, special guardian of Charlotte Chambers, Alice Chambers and William H. Chambers, heirs and next of kin of Edward Chambers, lale of the town ol Muia in the county of Ohautauque, and stale of New York, deceased :

Whereas, Joseph Chambers, executor named lu the laM will and testament of the said Edward Chamfers, deceased, has this day offered the said will for pro-bite, before Orion Clark, surrogate of the couoiy ol Chautauque, which said will relates to both leal and personal property ; you are theretore hereby cited to aprear belore the said surrogate, at ltu office in Sin-clairville in said eounty of chautauque, on the loth day ol April next, al ten o'clock in the lor moon, to attend the probate of said wilt

Given under my hand and official %eal of the said surrogate, itt ainclai ivi l le in said county, this

Jt. S.J 19th day of Fehruar?, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

T3T6w ORTON LJ-ARK, Surrogate. n^Silfc. pe"ople~oi \ne"sttvc ol New Yorg, by the trace X of God Iree and independent, to Hiram Ratbbone,

executor of the last will and testament ol Valentine Raihbone, deceased, greeting ;

You are herehv cited and required personally to be and appear before our sunonaie of the county of Sar­atoga, at Ins office in the village of Saratoga Springs, ou the 17th day ol June neit, at 10 o'clock A, M , ol that day, and then and there lo render an account ol your proceedings as such executor, or show cause why an Mtachment should not issue against you.

In testimony whereol, we have caused the seal ot office of said surrogate lo be hereunto affixed.

(I. S J Witness, John C Hulhert, surrogate of our said couuty. at the village of Saratoga Springs, the Hh day of February, I860

laTSm JNO. C, Hl/l BERT, Surrogate. •npRK people of ihe state of New York, by the grace X ol t>od free and independent, to Hannah Sanders,

K0111. y and Olive his wile, and Kft.ily his wile of the stale of Connecticut, Mail hew Smith aud Clarissa his wife of the state of Massachusetts, Wil­liam Consol and Hanna>> M. his wile, and Charles G. Kverts of the state of Wl-consin, Joel Rignell, •—— Chalker and Mi* iliei.li hits witc, Kinma BtKncll, James, BigiU'U, Roger HIKHCII, Orvllle Bignell, Julia A. Uig-nell, Amos More and Rmaldo Kverts, residing in parts unknown, Samuel Lyman and Clementina his wife, of Kose, Wayue couoiy, and others, whose names and places o( renidence ate unknown, next of kin of Ace-nlih Bignell, deceased, greeting .

Whereas, Acenith Bignell, late of Hie town of Pough keeps'e, in the county of Dutchess, deceased, as is al-leged.has lately died,leaving a last will and testament relating 10 personal estate, ;tiu, Leonora Osbom, ex. ecutrix therein named, has applied to the surrogate ol said county for the prool thereof; yob are hereby cited to appear at a surrogate's court to be held before our surrogate of said county, at his office in Bough* keepsie, on the 30th day of April next, at ten o'­clock in ihe forenoon of that diy, then and there to -..item! the probate ot the said last will and testament of the said deceased.

In testimony whereol, we have caused the seal of 01ti.ee of our said surrogate to be hereunto af. fixed. WPness, Joi.u V. H. Tallrnan, esquire,

[L. S ] surrogate ol said couniy,this27th day of Febru­ary, tn the year 01 our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty

78TCW JNO P. II. TALLMAN, Surrogate.

THK people ol the slate ol New York*, to the credit­ors, legatees, and next of kin of Daniel Arnold,

lute of Amiable in the county ol Clinton, deceased : You and each of you, are hereby cued and required

personally to he and appear before our county judge f.M the county ol Clinton, at his ollice iu the village of PlatisbinSfli, ou the fiftee th day of April next, at ten 0 clock iu the luienoou of that day, then and there to attend the eettlement of the account of Alvah A mold and Isaac s . Oshoin, executors of the will of the de-ceased.

In test imiM,y wbeieoi, we have caused the seal of the office of surrogate of the said county of

[L. S.J Clinton lobe hereunto affixed. Witness, Lem­uel Metson, judge, at riattsburgh, this 19th day ol December, A I). IH40.

67T8m L^STKTSON, Couniy Juc'g.v

fliHIJ neople ol the state of New York, bv the grace of 1 God free and independent, to clarinda l l emck ol

BY order ol Patrick G. Buehan, esquire. Monroe county ludge, notice is hereby published of an or­

der requiring all the creditor" of THoMAH *•:. HAW TINGS, of the city of Kochestei, in the said couniy of Monroe, an insolvent debtor, to sbow cautse, if any they have, before ihe said county judge, at his office in the said city of Rochester, on the m h d a y «•: April next, at nine o'clock In the fcrenoou 01 that day. why no assignment of tbe said insolvent's estate should not be made, aud he be discharged Irom his debts, ac­cording to tne provisions of the statute concemiuK " voluntary assignments made pursuant t o i h e a p p i f cation of au insolvent and his creditors.'' Dated Roch­ester, December SI, 184ft. M. S. NEWTON,

u-Jl''li)w Attoraey for Insolvent V an order of 'aoa fl?.lo Grltiiey, one ot thie itwimes of the sapieme court of the liftb judicial district,

notice is hereby given, that an attachment has issue*? against the estate of ALONZO NKL8ON, as tt nonre­sident debior, and that the same will be sold ion the payment of bis debits, uuless be appear and discbaige such attachment according to law, within nine mostlis from the first publication of this notice; and that the payment of any debts due to him by residents of this state, and the delivety to him or for his iifc.e,oran« property within ilii* *»tte, belonging to him, and thy transferor any such property by him, a ie forbidden by law and art void. Dated Vernon. N. Y. , Dec Uth, 1*49. J WHIPPLE JENKINS,

M)"«m Attorney for Attaching C r e d l t o i ^

BY order 01 John T judge for the comity of Columbia, nolle

by published of au order requiring all the creditors of AMBROSE S. ftUSSELL, of Ihe town of Claverack, couuty of Columbia and state of New York, an msol vent debtor, to show cause, II any they have, before the said county Judge for the county of Columbia, at his office in the city of Hut.sou in eald county, on the 36th dav of April next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, why an assignment of the said Insolvent's estate should not be made, and he be discharged from his debtB, according to the proviiions of the statute concerning •'voluntary assignments, made pursuant to the application of an insolvent and his creditors " Notice first published Feb. i«3th, lHftu. Dated this i n h day of February, i860. fisFlow

BY order of Daniel P. Ingrabam, esquire, ona of the judges of the court of common pleas for the city

and county of New York, notice is hereby published of an order requiring all the creditors ol JOHN L. NORWOOD, of the city and couuty of New York, an insolvent debtor, to show cause, if any they have, be­fore said judge, at the chambers of the court of com­mon pleas for the city and county of New York,at the city hall in ihe city of New Yoik, on the first day 01 April, 16A0, al 11 o'clock A. M , why an assignment of the said Insolvent's estate should not be made,and he be discharged from his debts, pursuant to tbe provis­ions of the statute for the discharge of au insolvent debtor from his debts. Dated February 7, 1860.

fei8 6w H. D. TOWNKKND, Attorney,

rsiHK people of the state ol New York, to the cred-X itors, legatees and next of kin of William II Sin-bin, deceased, tend greeting 1

You and each 01 you are hereby cited to appear be­lore Isaac T. Minard, surrogate of ihe county of On­ondaga, at his office, in the city of Syracuse, on the third day of May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to aiteud the final settlement of ihe accounts of William Sabine and Joseph P. Sabine, executor* 01 the last will and testament of William H Sabin, deceased.

Given under the hand snd seal of office of taid sui-11 e 1 rogate, at Syracuse, In said county, this 98lh I1" > day of January, A. D. I860,

S3 Tarn ISAAC T. MINARD, Surrogate. ] rpi l l c people of the btate ol New York, to all per-X sons mterested in the estate of John Rose, la ieo j the town of Victor, in the eounty ul Ontario, de­ceased, intestate, send greeting :

You aud each of you are hereby cited personally lo be and appear oefoie ourcountr Judge of our county !

ol Ontario, performing the duties of the office of s tu - ; rogate therein, at the surrogate's office in the Village of Canandaigtia, in seid county of Ontstlo. on ihe : siitb day of May, A 1). loto, at 13 o'clock M . then and theie 10 attend the final settlement of the accounts of Levi C. Ay Is worth, as the administrator of the said j estate.

Witness the seal of the said office and ihe signature ' of the said couniy judge, at Canandaigua, In ,

IL. S.] said county of Ontario, this V8lh day ol Janu-aiy, A. I), le&u


N OTICE- A general meeting oi ihe creditors ol CY- i BUS HORTON, an ahscosdlnger concealed debt- |

or, is hereby called, to lake place at the office of Hen- , ry Van Dei Lyn, esq., in the village of Oiford in Che-uango county, mi the -.n) day ol Maich next, at ten , o'clock In th« lorenoou, pursuant lo the Revised Slat-


O Y order of the Hon, H. F k d w . r d . ~ P justices of the supreme court of tfc 1 . 2 ? w '• Yorg, notice I, hereby given, pursuant , « ( V , T N t * i o s s o f (he statute aoCbortsint s t U c h m - i . pr**'» abscondlog, concealed, «„,! nou-.ei dent j j l 1 ' *W'-4,

est*,,.? au attachmeot has issued agaim •, ••, LIAM SCHROKDKK Hlld K I . W A B D dents of Ihe Uland of Puerto ftico u and that the same wit) be sold lor th* « their debts, unlefs Iheyappear snd diseh«. tachmeni. according iu IHW , wuhio nib*- ,, s l<tL

the first publication of this notice ai,,j ,, "lU"1' ocenl of any debts due to them ur'ei h«r r I ^ residents of the state of New Yoik, and n ' to them or either oi them, 01 loi ki> 0 , [J* ''" • any property in this stale, btlomjirik u, (i » U u

of t h e m , a n d the i r a n s f e i o l any sui-h v "' " them or either of them, are forbidden by 1 ^ ' ' " '

field 6m

roid. Dated ihe 14ih day of : J N BALEM'I ' IS

.^!•*!•?? !°A *^xeb>0g (.1, • ,

B Y an order ol ),i I i. Sciden, o.,e ", ccs of the supreme court oj ij,fc %i , , t h e

' * *» fc .a in (

district, notice is hereby given that M. ,.. • , * Itsued against tbe estate ol JOHN w vr,i.."o noh-resu:ei.i d* btor. ai d that the i*ne tTi, for the psyniftjuf .,. his debts unlet* b« a- u ' * cl.arge such a ivtcha.eut accord ,^ momhs from the first pubjication 01 th thai the pay mem ol any deb's due i' I -ra ., of this state, and the delivery , 0 him or in. any property within this state b*loi»«,tiP , the tiansler 01 any such proptur. by bin *, by law ind an- iiunl D.led Roche, * |,,

BO W.N K 49T9.il At.'ys for Atl

B V o rd - 1 of John Hue) oi the c i ty o f N e w


a i r - X H , t l ' i ' i t t r*(

ce of it,*- s,, . , , . . 1 '

\ ork not ice i> t,.' p u r s u a n t to the p r o v i s i o n s ol lb* stai<u« t . ,,

• a o s c o n d i n i c o o c - . J " ,"^ '^>

by »,. lf.l>. ai l ichnit nt« jij',,'11-

resident debtois.thht an sttavbri the estate of WlLLUM BROWN, a resi state of N e w J e i s e , , and that the MDIC for the pa v me in of his drbu, unless i,. discharge such atia»Jhineni according i„ nine months from the first publication 01 and that the payment ol any debts due u, person, and the delivery to bin* or for u*. perty or lights in action belonging to b transfer of any such pi-oj>ei ;y by him art iort d 1 ' ' : ' Dated the w h da • el \ , \ / ,

BARNARD A PARSON* Attorneys lor Atiacmnt; t n-o ,

t« * ,

hiir. U i 0 )

"t *"i 1*1,

l a w , and are void 1849

deil dm

> » M i n >

and (j,. dC-T. ' , t> D Ov;

BV o n ihe . cog 1

u t e s , 3d v o l u m e , p a g e 10th J a n u a r y , 1W0.


, section 8T D»n d On ford, OTIS J. TRACY, DAN H ROBINSON, WHEATON BACK,

Trustees, Ac.

r p H E people of the state of New Vork, by the grace X of Ood fiee aud independent, to the next cf kin, creditors, and all other persons iiiteicsled iu tve es­tate of JosephSt John late of thetown of Poundridge, countv of Westchester and stale 01 New York, decea sed, intestate, send greeting :

You aud each of you are hereby cited and required personally to bt an'i appear belore our suriogaie ' ihe county of Westchester, at his office in ihetow White Plains, on ibe sixth day of May, i»60 nine o'clock in the lorenoou ol that day. then ..,••.-there to attend the final settlement oi ihe accounts of Ezra Lockwood, the administrator de bonis non of thw s i id deceased.

In testimony whereof*, we h a v e c e n i e d the seal of office of the said surrogate to be hereunto af­fixed Witness, Lewis C Piatt, surrogate ol

[L, S.J said county, at the town of White Plains, the Wil day ot January, in ihe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aod tWty.

«sFvm LEWIS C. PLATT, Surrogate.

BY order o! the honorable Hrury I' the justices of the supreme com

New York, notice is hereby g'ven, pun-visions of the statute authoriziug attachtiT. absconding, concealed and non resident de an attachment has issued against the esiateOr MAV' ANO MARTINEZ, a resident of Sosyaqoii -() * * { " public ol Ecuador in South Amerlra, anr, Ul'H n same will be sold foi Hi payment ol in* debt- uL w . he appear and discharge such attachmeoi a, cord.of r law, with in nine months from the firM [ut bcaMoo thii notice ; and that the payment ol any dibtt du» " hun by residents ol the »tat« of New y 0 j , <&d ,1, delivery 10 hun or for his Jse, ol an> prone Hi tvUhi-the stale of New York, belonging lo hjm a iransfei of any such property by him, *tf in" law, and au- void Dated the 10th day ul l>. 1M9. ALFRKD WAIT Attoibc

del* »m Mlactiing Creditor, Ne« 'lie bon David W. Hate, couniy < ul Orsnee nonce is hereby «.-..M

ao at tachmeni has issued a«ainsl the estate ol RSAAL POUND, now or Utc oi the county of l.icLu.a .1. , , t slate of Onto, as a non resident drbtor, and iii^i it,* lame will b.- bold lor the paymeni ol his debts, unle.i hf appearand dischaige such attachment sccordtnt to law within nine months (mm thu first publicaiu. oi this notice, and that the payment of any debt dui . him by imy resident!. 01 th s *trtie, 01 the deliver) iu In in or loi ltu u«-e of «nr property with in ili.s staie U oi«if,i: to him, sod the irsnsfei ul any such piopsi :i

by him aie lorbtddeoby law st d &re void Hated !>/ comber «8ih, 1S*V MONKIL A DUNNING

*flH*in Attorneys 101 A ttachin« Ciecuo , , Y ordei ol bon John Mayi,«rd, fttstice oT the n, preroe court, nonce is hereby given, pursuabi L„

the provisions 01 the statute aoti.ormng atiachmeun against absconding, concealed and non-retideu; dtV ors, that an attacbrueai has issued against tbe esuo of DAVID BALDWIN, a noo-residenl of the »uu• A N e w York , and a r e s i d e n i of tbt s t a ' e ol 1111 n o n , a > that the s a m e w i l l be s o l d lo i the payment ^i bisdroti u n l e s s he a p p e a l am! d i s c b a r g e s u c h BJ I«< hm*-nt, »,. e o r d i u g to l a w , w it Inn m u e mouLbs from 1 In f in . | ,.1 I lea l 100 ol t in s n o t i c e , a n d that ihe p j j m* 1,; y, h l l | debt s due i o h im by r e s i d e n t s of t h i s siatt•, and it•• :., l i v e r y to h i m or for h i s u s e , of a n y propeny »m.u.-th is n i a i e b e l o n g i n g to h u n , a n d t h e i r a u s i e i 1.1 nU) s u c h propei ty by h u n , are f o r b i d d e n by u » , t , j k f t vo id . D a t e d the » 0 t h d a y of J u l y , luitf

S O L O M O N (1ILKS, A t ' o r u t j .or laFflm A t i a c l i l o g C r e d i t o r , w e e d ^ p o ^ , N ^

BY o i d o r of O J. H a r m o n , r e c o r d e r of Hit? city u O s w e g o , u o t l c e 1, hereby g i v e n , purbusti' m i h i

p r o v i s i o n s of the s t a i u i e a u t n e n z i o g aii«ebn.ffui, a g a i n s t a b s c o n d i n g , c o n c e a l e d , and nonresid>-tai otbi o r s , that i n at t a c h m e n i h a s i-« nrd a pa insi ;i,e < »ut< of J O H N F O R E M A N , a n o i i - r c s i o e n t 01 ih, i m , (i, N e w Y o r k , and that Ihe tsarne w i l l be so ld for the ji. 1 inent ol his debts, unless be appear and 0 .tUan. such aitachmeoi accoi i'me to law, within Dii.emot,a. I^)in the hrsi pub! it at ion of thi^ notice : ar-o ihsj w,

;ntut of Hitv drhta due to hi ID b? reside o u ul u . and (he delivoiy to mm or lor hit nM1,,.;**,.

•o{>erty win,,,, tin s.aie heiongii:g 10 torn, aim n,c sfer of ar.y *».< h r-r.,| < rty by him, are f.-rbuCfi t-i , aud ait v ,1] Dated the iSth day ol Nov. n.ui.


1849 CHARI KS liHODRh, of Oswego, OaFJm Aiiotnef (or Attaching Crec io

the bon Joliu T

H, T B l | . , g> ine Derrick, and Eunice Herrich

esq., gnaidl.in ad inlc

Herrick, deceisetl ,

dene 11 inciunaiti, Ohio, J. VTWweningj

litem of Joseph nors, heirs al law of William P greeting i

Yon ire hereby cited to appear before our surrogate oi our county ol Ortc.da, In our surrogate court, ou the 8th day ol April, 1660, at ten o'clock In the fore­noon of that liny, nt the surrogate office in Clinton, then and there to show cause why lettetts of adminis­tration on the estate ot the said deceased should not be granted to Kunlet llalsey.

In testimony whereol, w« have caused the seal Ol odlce of our said sui rogate lo be hereunto af-hx'd. Witne.s , Othniel S. Williams, esquire,

(L. t*.J Hiinoi'iui! ol the said county, at Clinton, the Uth day of February, in the yeai ofour Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

6»TBw (L S. WU LlAMS, Su5rognte_

rpHK people of the state of New York, to Mary .1. Klixabeth Person, John Person, Peter Fries and

Magdalina his wife, PhilipKnochen and Catharine his wile, Christina Wenkle of Tonewanda in tbe couuiy of Kite, Peter Oreiner and Sophia his wife of Wheat-field In thu* county of Niagara, stale of New York, and Peter Person. Adam Person, and Nicholas Schel-t hour and Mary K his wile of Prance, heirs and next of kin ot Adam Person, late of the town of Tonewanda, In the couuty ol Erie, deceased :

Whereas, John Person, sole executor uamed in the last will and testament of the said Adam Person, de­ceased, has applied to the surrogate of the said county of Erie, for the proof ol the said wi l l , which will re­lates to real and personal estate , you are therefoie hereby cited to appear before ihe said surrogate, at his office in the city of Buffalo, In said county, on the 4th day of April next, at ten o'clock in the loie­uoon, 10 attend the probate of the said will.

Given under the band and official seal of the aaid [L. S ] suriogaie , at his office in said county, this

Uth day of February, mf.O C9T6w P. M, VOSIIURQH, Surrogate.

oi administration on the 'estate ot the?" «iul d l c S S S should not be granted to William w " V f a Vr^edUor of ajalddec^«<4, and hereof tall not creouor o r

1 0 t e , i e W Z h e r e o f , we hay«aaiiit*3 the eealot • • H C T 0 | t 8 u i r M l d !»"'">•*»• to hereunto• af

n t / i i ' A Witness. Jaoob k How, smroraie of

' ftWiVi^lonB

lifE&lil.uni JtA,RKK«, Insolveoi, Not ce hrsi puh, Lo*5f S « T n ^ : i . i T i » V r c ( l l t ? / $ L? * P & « «»foi« tbe non, fi.ijf. inK1-ii1a.11, judge. 0 the New Vork common pleas a l t h e chambers o . t h e indge* ol that 2 \ltit the i - . tyaalUu the city ul'New Voik oil U.e iimVAaw ofJiiMf next, at lUofeU^ii.-A.M^, 7 " . " f T

« « a « l i w Q. We'ADAM, Attbrhayi

AT a suriogitte'si court held at the office oi the suf-rogate In the city of Buffalo, In and loi the coun­

ty uf Erie, on 1 Ue Uth day of February, 1BS0. Pies-tut, Peter M Vosburgh, surrogate. In the matter of the application of Koberi Mllnoi, administrator, Ac , of James Milnor, deceased, intestate, for authority 10 mortgage, lease, or sell, the real estate of tbe aaid intestate, for the payment of his debts.

On reading and filing the application of Robert Mil­nor, the administrator ol all anil singular, the goods, chattel* and credits ot James Milnor, late of the city of Buffalo, deceased. Intestate, loi authority to mort-

?,ege, ln;n e or sell the real estate of the said intestate or the payment of his debts. It Is ordered that all I

persons Interest d hi the estate of the said James MIL j nor, deceased, appear before the surrogate of the county of Erie, at hie oflice In the city ol Buffalo, on 1 the vd day of April ne i t , at ten o'clock in the fore- 1 noon of that day, then and there to show cause why { authority should not be given to Hie «aid adminletra I tor to mortgage, lease or sell so much of the real es- j late ol the said lit met* Milnor, deceased, as shall be necessary to pay his debts

6 f t T < S w __P M' v o sBt'RG>Hi Surrogate.

THE people of the state" of New York, to Arm ind* ispser, widow of Alvah Rood, late of the town of

Byron, Ogle couuty, Illinois, and Lucius ispoer, her huso-md, residing ip said town or Byron, and Alvah Rood, a minor, son of the mid deceased, lesiding in

ISO C 01 Kfuys,

dag, the

You are hereby cited to appeal before _ Smith, enquire, our surrogate ofour county 01 at hU office In the city of Brooklynfon Mali Wd d.y of Ap»U nest , fit nine o'clock *n l ^ f e . , - . , , . . . , and ghosr cause why adinlulbiration ol the gooda.irhM-teU and, credits of Alvah rtqtid. la'e of the town of By >Mhi ogle county, state of Illinois, aloresald, decsas cd, should not be granted to Wytly* Ames, a creditor ol said deceased, who hue made application for the • • # # • • ' f ^ V T •'-'••' •

dlvenundcr my hand amj seal ololfiee. st Brooklyn, t t . 8 I t h e ' i m day of March, A . v, i9i0* •rSfffrLi. . . . . . r/'..:.\?"-'?'---9mTH! ^rr°jla;»: r 'PH K people o P t h e slabs 'of" New" YorM, by itMara.c« 1 or Qod Iree and Independent, to tbe creditors,

legaisoM, nest of am, aud all other personal interested in the estate ot iabish Aber, lale 01 the town of Yates •u the oounry ol Orleans, deceased, greeting*

You are be rent cited to appear before our smrogate ol our eounty ef Orleans, in our surrogate court, on tt e 10th day ol April next, at ten o'clnck In the (ore-noon o i that day, at tbe btirrogata t lllce in Albion, theu and Ihere to attend the final settlement of the accounts of Asahel Johnson and Barucb H Chlbeit e iecutdranf the last wil l end testament of the taid i sb lsh Ah«r. deceased*

Witness the hand and ..hieia* seal of the aurrogHte o f the KM id county, al'AlMnn. the y I day ol

(L. M.| January, in the yearul oui Lord oue thousand eight hundred andf lny .

MVSm ^ H R OUaTIH,JJOUttty Jodga !

i v o t it;f: i.y oidev of wii imm !•'. (frasev,K«q ,couh 1* ty judge ol Rocklahd county, notice i s he,eby gilv* en, tht t an attachment has issued against thscKiaie ot lU't iAKU A M O S , a non-iusldsm debtor, and thai in. ftttme will be sold, for the payiueul of hla debt* uii> h s » h e appear aud diacUaige such attachment «<.. enrdinff to taw, wlMHu mine months from the first nub. Iicattonoi UiksnoUcet and thai the payment, of Vnv debis'dwe to him by resident* ol this state, andiht- . «• livery to. him or .for b i s jisft^of u0y pjropetty w m i m this state b f o n g t n g t o hirmand the transfer of any such lAopfertvhy a i M v i r a r o r b i d d a n b y l a W . a n d t v i v*)»d Dated July v||l,;HMn;/ .,,,. ' *"*•*» T *

tPam Aitacblug Cieduo i , Piermoni, Roi-kl indcoa

r p H E people of the tvtaie of New York, to Joseph A, X Carman and Silas K. Carman of Mai queue conn-

ty, Wisconsin, and Koberi C Carman, in Clinton,Lou- I isiana :

You are hereby cited and required personaljy to be I fharfc and appear before our surrogate ol our county of ' v-' Delaware, at his office in the village ol Delhi, 111 said county, on the loth day of April next, at 10 o'clock Hi the lorenoou, to attend the probate of the last will and testament of the real and personal estate of •;.id Oabriel Carman, deceased, which will then aud there be offered for that purpose, on ihe application of Wm. T. Cfirir-ini, an exe ntor uamed <n said will

(liven Under the h«nd and seal of office ol out said IL S ] surrogate, at t ie village of Delhi aforesaid,

the 16th day of February, I8&0. 1 70F6w K MOKE, Surrogate

I rpHK people ot the statv of New York, to Daniel P. JL Wandtill, residing in Ihe town oi Haversiraw,

I Rockland couuty, the special guarmau of J«met, Pc-1 tei a.ml Minna Wcu.ni, children of Vincent Weiant, [ tlecen&ed, and special guardian loi John. Oeoige and j William Weiant, children of Tobias Weiant, deceae I ed, minors, under the age of twenty-one years, and to I Prancis Weiant, residing in tha town of New Windsor

in Orange county, stale of New York, James Weiant residing in the town ot Haverstraw in the county of

I Koekland, Altxandei Weiant. residing In the lown ol 1 Tompkiiu in Tompkins county and state of New Yoik, I Margaret Potter and Thomas Potter, her husband, re-t siding in the towuol Cornwall in the county of Orange, I Mate of New York, aud Rachel Weiant, Alrnira Wet-] ant and Matilda Weiant, residing in the city ol New

York, John Weiant, Janette Drill and Brill, her husband, children oi Vincent Weiant, deceased, re»L ding lu the towu of Haverstraw, Kockhind countv, state of New York, Charlotte Rose aod Reuben Ko:e,

I her husband, residing iu the town of Cornwall In the j county of Orange, Rachel Rose and William Rose,her j husband, residing In the town of Cornwall In the coun-I l? ol Orange. Jane Weiant, residing in the town of

Haverstraw, Rockland county, and Kliza Sheffield sud i William Sheffield, her husband, residing an is belie

ved, in tbe state of Wisconsin, town and county un­known, send greeting:

Whereas, Catharine Wnia.nt, of the town ol Haver­straw, Rockland county, has lately applied to our county judge and am rogate of the county of Rockland, to have a certain instrument In writing, bearing date Lheaist day ol September. 1848, purporting to dispose

j of both real and personal estate, duly proved as the last will and testament of Tobias Weiant, late of the town of Haverstraw, Rocklmd county; therefore you and each ol you are cited and required personally to be and appear before our un-ia county judge and surrogate, at his office ID the New City, town of CUrks-town, on the thirteenth day of May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there 10 attend to the probate of the said last will and icstament-

lu witness whereof, the county judge and surrogate of our said eounty, has Hereunto affixed his

[L. tt J sea) of office, the 36th day of February, one thousand eight hundred and filly.

WM. F. FRA8KR, Couniy Judge, 7sTdw acting as Surrogate.

rpi-IK people of the slate 01 New York, to Clinton D. X Whitman, uf the town of La Fayette, Sarah, wile

of Oliver O. Gllsonof the town of Onondaga. In the couuty of Onondaga, New York, d u t i e s £- Whitman of ihe towu ol Mctammon, Fond du lac county, Wis cousin, and Thomas N. Marron of Syracuse, in said couniy of Onondaga, special guardian of Julia Anu and Phebe Jane Palmertou. minors, the next of km of Electa Whitman, deceased, greeting 1

Whereas, Oerge W. Whitman, sole executor uamed in a certain Instrument in writing, purporting 10be the last will and testament of Rlecta whitman, late 01 the town of La Fayette in tbe county of Ononda­ga and state of New York, deceased, bath this day made application to the surrogate of oui county of OnondagaI to have said instrument lu writing proved and recorded as a wil l of real and personal estate ; you are therefore hereby cited to appear before ibe said surrogate, at his office in the city of Syracuse, In the said county of Onondaga, on tbe tad day ofMarch next, at ten o clock in the forenoon, iben and there to attend 10 tbe probate of said will

OUven under the hand and seal of office of our said surrogate at SyracusOi in said county of On*

IL. S.] ondaga, this dlh day of February, In the year af our Lurd oue thousand eight hundved and ttfty. I8AAC i \ MlVAHit,

eeF8w_ _ * _ w _ . _ ^ „ Surrogate. ri i l lK ii ople of Hie state of New York, to bclinda X Perkins, w ife ol Peter Parkins, and to Peter f e e kins, who reside in smiths tlte, Chenango countv, N. Y., Calvin Wtmmarsh, who resides in Lindiey,Rteu bsn county, N. V ., La vice Allen, wife ot James Allen, and to James Allan, who reside la the county of War* ren, Pennsvlvauia, Zeura Rogers, wit.- of Barlman

?oxer*, who reside In Triangle, Broome county, N. ., ILiimah Whit marsh, who resides In Greene, Che­

nango county, N. Y., fielng (he heirs at law of aod next of kin to /aohariab Whttinarsh. late of Greene, Chenango county, N. Y , deceased. "

Whereas, Kanman Rogers, executor uamed in the last will and testttmont of Zaehariah Whitmarsh, laie pf the tow-n of Green*, in tha county of Chenango, de ceased, has applied to our county judge and acting surrogate of said count; of Cheuango. to have the wil l ol thesaol Zaehanah Whlimarsh, deteuMti, which re-lates U both teal aud personal estate, proved and ad­mitted to probate: you and each of you are the- i iore nsreby cited and required to appear before the said coun y judge, at his office'ln the village of Norwich, in said county, on the aist day of May, KWO. a« ten o'. clock In the forenoon of that day, to attend the proof and probate of said w.H. *

In testimony whereol, w e have caused the seal of .» - a t u e surrogate's court of satd county of Che-| L . h\ nnnao, t o t e hereunto affixed Witness .smith

M. Purdy, county judge of our said eounty, at » w , urn village of Norwich, tbe Asd dai oi Febiua-mmmm ary, A 0 . 16S0. SMITH M PURDY,

. . T ' M ^ - ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ V u i ' Judge and Acting surrogate • p M h people 01 the state of New 'VoiTi ton I i nersoa JL Intereaied iu the estate ol Curtis* R. Cable, laie

of the town of Oonstanila i n t o * county of Oswego, deceased, at, c r e d ' i o n , neat of Minor oth«rwls«,st*nd

You and each of Yob are hereby notified, cited aud required, personally to be and appear belore ou< county judge of the county of Oswego, at tha t on t ... H. C Cmnoplm in Oenatantla, o n the third day of May next; nt ten o'clock it. tht foisnoon ol iliat day, ilieuititd ihere to attend the final s n t U m e n i of the a c c o u n u o | Kdyurd B Judsonj a» tbe admiuietri>tor dfihe es tate of the said Curtis H. Cable, deceased.

In testimony whereol, we have caused ihe seal 01 the .surrogate's court of Oswego coum* 10 b* hereuntosffised. Witness, Orta II Whiluey,

IG tt.J countv .judge ol Oswego countv, at Mexico - ; |b i» ld lh .day of lanuaiy. A. D WW.

**' ' W O . H . W l i n , N E V , C l o u . . . y lodge j l l T l m ui Oswego County.*

BY oidei ol the bon. Joliu T Hogeu«om jud|t Columbia county court, couatelloi In tht- »upreij.

court, notice Is hereby glwen, put sun nt to the pro.'i '•luiiT ol the statute authorizing an^ohinents axilun nb»condmg, coocealed, and non-renideni debtors th*. so attachment has issued against the estate of DA Vio c . McKINSTRY, of Yypsilann, tn the stale 01 Michigan, en due proof mide to haul mate «»., LOI. resident debtor, and that the same will be sold lor tii. paymeut of his debt*, uulena be *\)f,rd< ,i;id <i .

tiachrnent, Recording to U'*, wifc.i, ne montltt. i iom the hr;t pnblieation ot tin- not;if

j Hud that tbe payment ol any d«b(& due to • <n u\ r. : ideuu ot tins ats: e, hud :h« delivery 10 him or lot r.i-t use, of any pioi-* ny wnbiu this state, bcb.i fii,,

him, and the transfer of any such proper', li> b u Hie forbidden by law, and a « *oid Daltn the uu.

1 day of Noveoibfi, l«4» :* L. MAOtfO.s 4lj9.il Ait'/ for Attaching Crediur, Hnd-on, S, \

B V oroer ol the hou »ob h. OlinT recoTdeV oi 1' i, notice it, hereby givtn that an attach roe »i lui i>

I sued against ihe estate ol CHARI KS K NOYESS. !-•-•• ur (Hie of Pennington in the ethic ol Vermont, a DU .evident debtor, pursuant to the t iatui* toocenmi aitaehmenis acuinci absconding, concealed -.nd uoi.

1 resident debtors, and that ihe same will be >.oia iu. the-payment of Ins debts, unless he appe«' HI., J.. chaig< such suachmeni , according to l*.**, unb-i,

; nine months from the iii st r ublication o' th;* nonet 1 and that the payment ol any debts due to hur, b? rfti

dents ot the state of New York and tht ucivtryf* bun *>r lt*r hu me of any properly within th.* tu.<

: beiongm* it. nn.i, tmd the transfer of HI.) ench pi-petty by hiMi, are Lrbidder. by law, md a f rc-a

I Dated Troy, July 16, 1B49. A I" W|iKIIH( I J* 16 tni-i Attorney lor attach.1,8 c -i-duoi.

btevvoit, )\i<i#e 01 fi , ' , ^.vfii.thiti iuiai iacl.il -.

has issue i again*t the es'ate of CHAMPION J Ht'l ' CH1N6ON, a* .1 non jrhidcnt debtor, pursusui 10 u.t 1 directions ol me statute concerning u t n ninjn.. cofi

tealcd and non-resident dtbiois , and tL, ibe *an.e will bet-old foi the payment of his debts, nnieti ih* isaid Champion J. Hutchinson appesi a*.J .'uchr-rfc saidaitacvirnent according in law, win, 1. ii,n« momhi from the first pub.ication of this, notice , HIH: hat tot payment of any debt*, due 10 him bv ie«tdf>r> * rt tf?ti state Brd the delivery to bUrVrr ior bit use, 01 »BJ property within this s te '* belonging 10 titm.ane tin transfer of any such pJop«ii | by him. ai" lorbidOti. 'oy l a w , a n d * i e void. Dated January aid, IWO

H S (M TTINO asPOrn Aitoroey for Attachiag cisuitor

B Y oroer of Hon Preornck I*, couuty, notice is hereby gi*

.G HuchaOj e*f|., rVlorro 1 judge, notice |» hereby published of an ordti rt

i> y oroer 01 Pi I > ty judge, notice i» hereby pub,uhed of an (

tiuiriiigafi ibe creditors of OTla i<- ( HAPMA.S of .ne city of Rochester, In the said count 1 ot Mot.tot, sn in­solvent debior, to Show fat.te, 11 any tin y hat*«, bt lore the said couniy judge, at his oii!i< in the '••-••<' rnf of Rochester, on die second day or May nest, at v o'­clock in the forenoon o> ih.< 1 day, why ao assigmt'Ci'i of the • .«nl insolvent's eistaie should not be made, «i '-be be discharged ironi I1I1 dt-bis, ''according 10 tl. provision* of the s'stute" concerning voluntary a> signments made puisunct 10 tbe application of an in­solvent and his t •( uiiot (•:. Hated Rochester. l'i \>i< •-. ry isth. I810. M NEWTON,

70F10W Attornry for Insolvent

lyjOTICK — Application w.ll bf oiade 10 the lens.* i,V lure at its present uet».iou, to •fiitud th*? th«rt« of ibe Greenwood Cemetery, b? r e m U t i n i ih« iw* ner tn which burial lots may be held and dtvi««d ti proprietors. A Iso, foT power 10 sell certain drucl.*-

Saicels of land now owned hy 6.ild corporst.oa rooklm, Feb. 31, ibw MTa

»"TIHR i»eople of the state ol N e * V<.k o i r . i i , " J. Kcnd» 11, residing In California, )<>ho Kee*i»j

whose pltee of r«t>ideac«i t% unknown, si J •».«•' Qooch th/1 wiie ol John Oooch, residitid *' ^ ••• Creek iu tju state 01 HJinoii., th< chi'dn-u »..ci.'..-i at law of 1 tiuiiuf Ketylall, late ol the lowr. of firo<-• haven in the county ot ttoaolk, deaevbei eena ttrsri-ing:

Whereas, Eleanor Kendall, 01 the s-iJ m***. -llrookhaven, has lately applied 10 oui * r M ng snif fcate of the couuty of SUA oik, lor do- prool ol the will of the said Thomas Kendall, dtceaoed, wtucli Mid wt.. relates to both rea iand perwaua. e**.' (ii<*reioff. you and each of yon are cited and n .|j..t. •• '« *yv**-belore oar said acting (-urroeate, at the sou<e of K-h • Smith, at Medford fetation, ou the Long Island gab Road, On the leih day of April nest, at 11 o'clock u-the forenoon, and attend the probate 01 the said *m

tn testimony whereof, we have caused the sent w oflice of our said surrogate to be hereunto •' fixed. Witness, Abraham T. Rose, cons"

[L. S.) fudge, acting s s surrogstc of the county 0. fcnlfolk, at bisofrice in Bridgehsmpton lo M>e

county the «th day of Mtrch, HWO, A. T. BOSS, County lodge,

74Fdw Acting « SojrrogiW w»uPtihMh oiiiiH Is—Psu«ue« V>0Odard sgalnsl *• 0 liam Woodard. Action lor divorce-

To William Woodard. d«i*nd*ni -Vou are hj«M summoned to answer the complaint ot r*a(ience WIK.-.. ard, the plaintiff in ihls aci lon, which was died h. i*> oflice ot the couuty clerk of the county of One'<fa, •• the Atb day of Morcb, ISoO, and serve a cop; of yo»' answer on us at Rome, Oneida county, within tw«»'> days after the service ol this snutmons on you, e»e» slve ot the day of «eivice i andlf yon fail to as f"! Ihe complaint within the lime aim. *m, ibepiaimw will apply to the supisme court tor the relief demss^ ed In tne complaint. Dated Rums March t 'aw.

FOSTER, HKNNKTP * BOARHMA.N, 7<Ffiw Plaintiff AUornsti

nFSS people o f i b e s i a w of New York," to a H psrW1

* interested in the estate of Jesse C Boardman, i»» of the town ol Oorham, In the county of Ontario, w ceased. Intestate, send greeti g:

You and each of you, are hereby cited perionsllr *• be and appear before our couniy judge of our touotT of Ontario, performing the duties of tbe office « ***" rogate tberetu, at the surrogate's oflice In tli« ™l**« 01 Canandaigua in said county, on Che eighth osy *' April, 1660, at IS o'clock M , then aud mere t<- «»"-,-the final •.ettleoient of the atcouuts of Beisey Hoaro-man sod Hlrem Millard, as the admtnutrstot* «' >b* ea ldes tat i . / _r-

Witness the seal of the said ofBca, aim Hit *I*(1*'!J.

I t . »

m m ""' eSoaaty 1««1*.,

of the said couat i judge, at Caosodstgu*' J atoreeatd,, this will day ol December, A. v


SurURMR COURT-Oaelda Conulv-Mils *t*° against l a m e s M. Warner, fc ,fr,

To l a m e s M. Warnera dvlepdaut -.-You ar* *•*•£ KUmmoned aud required to answer the eemp'f1*1 , this action, which Is filed In the . "i" ol the clerk >' ibe couuty of Oneida, afld s c t v e s c o o r oiyoin , n * ,rr on us at the city of Utlea, wiihln iweotv ds»* «' ; he service of this summons ou yos, awswieaaj j^;

day of service; and if you fail to answer * W * . I I . . .« plaint within thetlroealoiesatd, tbepUiutlff witi » » udgmeot against you for the sum ol #*• •* ana m*

. e s i f i o m Kebiuaty l*th.g«a», and 1* cents tr |*n* *" probat, U s l d t s costs. <»au<l ffihaj^ *£&!*< H,

to)M» »•* MstotMh Altorne»«, UH«*

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