Rudolf Hermes - BOBLME Presentation

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Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem

Rudolf HermesChief Technical Advisor, BOBLME

1st Asia Pacific Regional Targeted Workshop for GEF IW Projects

Bangkok, Thailand, 27-28 Sept. 2012

Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) Project

Some Facts

o 8 countries

o 6.2 million km2

o 450 million people affected

Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) Project

Transboundary issues

• over exploitation of fish stocks

• habitat degradation

• land based pollution

Started in April 2009 (5 year Project)RCU located in Phuket, Thailand31 Mill. USD (12.1 million USD GEF)

NEW “A healthy ecosystem and sustainable use of marine living resources for the benefit of the countries of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem “

OLD: “to formulate an agreed on Strategic Action Programme (SAP) whose implementation over time will lead to an environmentally healthy BOBLME”


Development of an Action Plan

Resources Management

Understanding the Environment

Ecosystem Health

Communications and M&E

(a total of 16 Sub-components)

The BOBLME Project has five Components

• TDA and SAP

• Integrated Coastal Management

• Policy Harmonization

• Fisheries Resources Assessment and Management

• Transboundary Critical Habitat Management

• Ocean Dynamics, Productivity and Climate Change

• Marine Protected Areas / Fish Refugia

• Ecosystem Health Indicators

• Land-Based Sources of Pollution

• Communications

10 Major Areas of Work in Environment and Fisheries

Two major outputs

1. Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA)

2. Strategic Action Programme (SAP)

Expected Outcomes of the BOBLME Project

• Healthier habitats and ecosystems, sustainable fisheries

• Capacity development

• Stronger governance and regional cooperation

• Increased understanding and better knowledge

• Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries

Management (EAFM)

Regional reviews on ICM, policy, fisheries management, MPAs, pollution

Bilateral consultative processes initiated in transboundary critical habitats

EAFM framework in place (regional assessments, advisories, WGs / RFMAC, EAFM Training

Most valuable results/innovations/lessons in the areas of process, stress reduction & environmental status

Ecosystem Approach (Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD)

Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries, EAF(Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO)

Integrated approach to fisheries to balance diverse societal objectives, within ecologically meaningful boundaries

A strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way



Monitoring & Evaluation

EAF: Integrated Management System

ForestryEcosystem level

Cross-sectoral, applying Eco-health Indicators

Ecosystem levelIntegrated, cross-sectoral




arine affairs

Environment protection and conservation agency





Project ownership

Selection of national implementing partners

Larger than expected capacity development needs

Major challenges and constraints

EAFM Framework

Stock assessment training

Science communication

Priority needs for capacity building

ASCLME: Large –scale processes / SAP

CCLME: MPA Guidelines

YSLME: Data visualization (oceanography), IMTA

“Indonesian Seas” LMEs:SCSLME, ATSEA, BOBLME

Opportunities for synergies or cooperation with other projects