Rupture of chorda tendineae of the tricuspid valve in a ... · A case of ruptured chorda tendineae...

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Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine

IJVM (2013), 7(4):305-309 305

Rupture of chorda tendineae of the tricuspid valve in a horse: acase report Torki, E.1, Mokhber Dezfouli, M.R.1*, Rasekh, M.1, Abbasi, J.1, Mirshahi, A.2, Janitabar Darzi, S.1

1Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran2Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad,Iran

Case History

To control the blood flow, cardiac valves open andlet the blood rush to the ventricles, and they close toprevent the blood from flowing backward (Bonaguraand Reef, 2004; Sacs and Yaganathan, 2007).Involvement of the chorda tendineae of the atrio-ventricular valve apparatus can compromise properclosure of the entire valve (Kittleson and Kienle,1998; Sisson et al., 1999). Both of the Valvulardisorders, insufficiency and stenosis, can reducecardiac output and increase cardiac work load(Radostis, et al., 2007). The degenerative type ofvalve disease has been reported as the most commoncause of cardiac valves involvement in horses(Bonagura, 1995, Bonagura et al, 1985; Brown,1985; Dedrick et al., 1988; Reef, 1987 and Reef et al.,1998). Endocarditis and degenerative valve diseasesare the most common causes of tricuspid chordalrupture. In comparison with mitral condition, ruptureof the tricuspid valve chorda tendineae is rare in

horses (Bonagura and Reef, 2004; Else and Holmes,1972; Holms and Miller, 1984; Reef et al., 1991 andReimer and Reef, 1991). As far as literature shows,the present study is the first documented case ofrupture of the chorda tendineae of the tricuspid valvesecondary to chronic respiratory disease in horses.

Clinical Presentation

A 2-year-old cachectic crossbreed gelding withclinical signs of lassitude, movement disorder,respiratory distress, coughing, jugular vein disten-tion, and ventral edema was presented to VeterinaryTeaching Hospital, University of Tehran. Having nocardiovascular background, the veterinarian and theowner discussed the possibility of chronic respiratorydisease. The veterinarian used Pantrisole (20 mg/kg),Flunexin meglumine (1.1 mg/kg), and Forusemide (1mg/kg) to improve clinical sings. Body temperaturewas within the normal limit (37.9). On auscultation,the intensity of respiratory sounds was found to be

Key words:

Chorda tendineae, echocardiography,horse, pulmonary hypertension,pulmonary valve regurgitation


Mokhber Dezfouli, M.Department of Internal Medicine,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,University of Tehran, Tehran, IranTel: +98(21) 61117001Fax: +98(21) 66933222 Email:

Received: 3 June 2013Accepted: 19 August 2013


A 2-year-old cachectic cross-breed gelding was admitted toVeterinary Teaching Hospital of University of Tehran followingthe onset of a marked respiratory distress, coughing and ventraledema. Clinical examinations indicated harsh respiratory andexpiratory sounds as well as jugular vein distention. Therespiratory and heart rates were 35/min and 60 bpm, respectively.Agrade III/IVpansystolic murmur with the PMI on the tricuspidvalve, which could be heard on the left side, was detected. Sinustachycardia was revealed by electrocardiography. Rupture of thechorda tendineae of the tricuspid valve, pulmonary arteryregurgitation, pulmonary artery hypertension, tricuspid valveregurgitation, pulmonary artery, and right ventricular dilationwere also found in echocardiography. These findings wereconfirmed at post mortem examinations. On the basis of thefindings, chorda tendineae rapture of the tricuspid valve andright side heart failure due to primary pulmonary hypertensionwere diagnosed.

higher than normal. Also, respiratory movement wasdetected (35/min). The heart rate ranged from 50 to 60bpm, and auscultation showed a grade III/IVpansystolic murmur with the point of maximalintensity (PMI) on the tricuspid valve area. Thismurmur could also be heard on the left cardiac area.A base-apex electrocardiogram was recorded on asingle channel electrocardiogram machine (Fukuda501-b-III) with a calibration of 10 mm equal to 1millivolt and the paper speed of 25mm/sec. On thebasis of the animal's age, clinical examination, andsigns, ventricular septal defect (VSD), endocarditis,bronchopneumonia, and insufficiency of the rightside of the heart were taken into consideration fordifferential diagnosis. M- Mode, B-Mode, and colorDoppler echocardiograms were recorded on anechocardiograph machine (Micromax-Sonosit USA)using a phase array transducer with a frequency of 1to 5 MH. Medical treatment on the basis of clinicalsigns was carried out with Penicillin (20000 IU/kg),Gentamicin (4.4 mg/kg), and Furosemide (2 mg/kg)for two days. Hematological and histhopathologicalexaminations were also carried out.

Diagnostic Testing

Electrocardiography revealed sinus tachycardia(Figure 1). Hematological examinations showedleukocytosis (15300 per/µL), hyperfibrinogenemia(5.3 g/L), hypoalbominemia (21g/L), and hyper-globulinemia (45.4 g/L). The left ventricular internaldiameters at the end of systole and at the end ofdiastole in M mode were 7.5 Cm and 9.3 Cm,respectively. Also, M mode echocardiographyshowed right ventricular internal diameter at the endof systole and at the end of diastole 3.8 Cm and 8.7Cm, respectively. The prolapse and asynchronousmovements of the chorda tendineae of the tricuspidvalve at all phases of cardiac cycle were also found(Figure 2A). In B mode echocardiography, thediameter of the pulmonary artery at the pulmonicvalve and aortic root diameter at the sinus of valsalvawere 6.83 Cm and 4.75 Cm, respectively. ColorDoppler echocardiography revealed pulmonary andtricuspid valves regurgitation (Figures 2B). Thehorse showed no improvement and was euthanized.Rupture of the septal cusp of the chorda tendineae ofthe tricuspid valve (Figure 3), bronchitis, broncho-

pneumonia, hepatic congestion, right ventricular,and right atrial dilation were confirmed at necropsy.Histopathological finding of the tricuspid valve wasnot remarkable. Neither echocardiography nor post-mortem examination showed mitral insufficiency orleft side heart failure. On the basis of the findings,chorda tendineae rapture of the tricuspid valve andright side heart failure, due to primary pulmonaryhypertension, were diagnosed.


A case of ruptured chorda tendineae of thetricuspid valve in a horse is reported in the presentstudy. Pulmonary regurgitation can be found inhorses with congestive heart failure and pulmonaryhypertension. Pulmonary artery dilation and rightventricular dilation are the echocardiographic find-ings in horses with moderate to severe pulmonicregurgitation (Bonagura and Reef, 2004; Reef, 1995and Reimer and Reef, 1991). In this case, similarechocardiographic findings were diagnosed. Rightside heart failure in horses has mostly been caused bypulmonary hypertension secondary to left side heartfailure (Brown et al., 1983; Holms and Miller, 1984and Miller and Holmes, 1985). Respiratory diseasesare an uncommon cause of right side heart failure inhorses (Dixon, 1978; Reimer and Reef, 1991).Increasing right ventricular pressure and tricuspidregurgitation has been reported in newborn infantswith respiratory distress (Reller et al., 1987). Rightside heart failure and pulmonary hypertension, due topulmonic valve rapture, have also been reported in ahorse (Reimer and Reef, 1991). Accordingly,pulmonary hypertension can result from a variety ofcauses such as left side heart failure, chronicpneumonia, or pulmonic valve rupture, which in turnovertaxes the right ventricle, and consequentlyresults in right ventricle volume overload (Detweiler,1996; Reimer and Reef, 1991). Dilation of thepulmonary artery, as well as the comparison of thediameter of the aortic root and the pulmonary artery,is used clinically as a noninvasive indicator ofpulmonary hypertension in horses (Bonagura andReef, 2004; Bonagura et al, 1985; Dedrick et al.,1988; Reef, 1987; Reef, 1995; Reef, 1998; Reef et al.,1998 and Reimer and Reef, 1991). Althoughpulmonary artery pressure was not accurately

Rupture of chorda tendineae of the tricuspid valve in... Mokhber Dezfouli, M.

IJVM (2013), 7(4):305-309306

determined in this report, comparing the largediameter of the pulmonary artery with the aortic root,which was detected in this report, supports theassumption of pulmonary hypertension. This may bedue to chronic respiratory disease. In line with ourstudy, pulmonary hypertension was diagnosed inhorses with chronic respiratory disease (Dixon, 1978;Johansson et al., 2007). Ruptured chorda tendineaeand flail tricuspid valve leaflet are rare in horses (Elseand Holmes, 1972; Reef, 1995 and Reef et al., 1991).Conversely, chorda tendineae rupture of the mitralvalve has been described in horses by several reports(Brown et al., 1983; Holms and Miller, 1984 andReef, 1987). Endocarditis and degenerative diseasesof the tricuspid valve are less common causes of theright side heart failure; however, they are consideredto be common causes of tricuspid chordal rupture inhorses (Bonagura et al, 1985; Else and Holmes, 1972;Reef, 1995 and Reef et al., 1991). Ruptured tricuspidchorda tendineae can be diagnosed in echocardio-graphy by asynchronous or chaotic movement of thetricuspid leaflet from the right atrium to the rightventricle during all phases of the cardiac cycle(Bonagura et al, 1985; Reef, 1995 and Reef, 1998).Rupture of the chorda tendineae in human occursspontaneously or due to congenital defects. Papillarymuscle fibrosis is commonly considered as a cause ofspontaneous rupture of the chorda tendineae(Braunwald, 1988). Tricuspid insufficiency andrupture of the chorda tendineae of the tricuspid valvehave been previously reported in human (José dosSantos et al., 2001). In the present report, thehistopathological results of the tricuspid valve werenot remarkable; medical history, clinical sings,

Iranian Journal of Veterinary MedicineMokhber Dezfouli, M.

IJVM (2013), 7(4):305-309 307

Figure 1. Base-apex electerocardiogram in the horse shows sinus tachycardia.

Figure 2(A). long-axis echocardiogram of the right ventricularinflow and outflow tracts from the right cardiac window showsright ventricular dilation and chorda tendineae rapture. Theleaflet of the tricuspid valve (TV) prolapses (arrow) into the rightatrium (RA). RV: right ventricle; AO: aorta, PA: pulmonaryartery, RV: right ventricle. (B) Long-axis color-flowechocardiogram (right parasternal angled view). The yellow tored jet is deflected into the right ventricle (RV) outflow tract andshows pulmonary insufficiency and dilation (double arrow). PV:pulmonary valve.

echocardiographic, and necropsy findings stronglyindicated that this might have occurred due to aprimary pulmonary hypertension, secondary tochronic respiratory involvement. It is believed thatthis phenomenon might lead to right ventricularvolume overload and increased right atrial pressure.These caused dilation of the tricuspid annulus, as wellas altered papillary muscle support, and finallyrupture of the chorda tendineae of the tricuspid valve.In this situation, the blood pressure of the right atriumincreases suddenly, but there is not enough time forcompensation. Therefore, ventral edema, hepaticcongestion, and other clinical signs can occur. In thisrespect, in a study of 28 dogs with spontaneouschorda tendineae rupture, the authors described thatone- third of the dogs had a history of acutepulmonary edema without any known pre-existingheart disease (Ettingerand and Buergelt, 1969).Pulmonary hypertension, cardiomyopathy, andmyocarditis can also lead to the secondary dilation oftricuspid annulus or alteration of papillary musclesupport (Bonagura and Reef, 2004). The effects ofpulmonary hypertension on the left and rightventricles have been properly described (Chin et al.,2005; Juang et al., 2009, and Marcus et al., 2000).

In conclusion, Chorda tendineae rupture of thetricuspid valve is an uncommon cause of heart failurein horses, which might be mistaken with othercardiovascular disorders based on the age, medicalhistory, and clinical sings. Therefore, echocardio-graphy may be useful as a noninvasive method fordifferential diagnosis. In a horse with severepulmonic regurgitation and right ventricle dilation_

and with no evidence of left side heart failure_addition of pulmonic valve rupture and chordatendineae rupture of tricuspid valve should also beconsidered in echocardiography. Based on literaturereview, the present study could be the first publishedcase of rupture of the chorda tendineae caused byprimary pulmonary hypertension, secondary tochronic respiratory disease in a horse.

Rupture of chorda tendineae of the tricuspid valve in... Mokhber Dezfouli, M.

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