Rural & Small Web 2 Arsl 2009

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Draft presentation ppt. for Rural & Small Library Conference in Gatlinburg, TN 2009


Rural & Small Web 2.0 Tools

How to find Immense Collaboration with Miniscule Library Resources

Prepared for the Association for Rural & Small Libraries Annual Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, 2009 by Sonja Plummer-Morgan

What we hope to accomplish…

• Introduce social networks

• Explore time saving social network tools

• Connect traditional and modern library precepts

But I’m already exhausted!

Why Social Networks?

• Keeps you connected with other professionals• Social networking tools can be used to share

information, advertise events, and connect with local and distance readers.

• Librarians often underestimate the impact they can make in any online or local community.

What Happens Online?

• E-learning• Photographs and other documents digitized• Rural isolation partially mitigated • Answers found to questions for our patrons• Library associations share news• Books recommended, downloaded, discussed• Emerging trends discussed • Libraries marketed and promoted• Creative spirits expressed (art)


Project Gutenburg

Largest and first producer of free online

books 30,000 free books.


“Built on the power of collaborative thinking. Create websites that mix best features of wikis, blogs, forums and social networks into a community.”

“We may sit in our library and yet be in all quarters of the earth.” 

John Lubbock 1834-1913

The idea of libraries reaching beyond the boundaries of our buildings or

communities is expanded with online social networking and communication.

Web 2.0 and You…

Blogging events and writing articles gives patrons an opportunity to contribute

Let your patrons’ “voice” be heard Showcase library events Blogs are easier to maintain than a website Volunteers or staff can “blog” together Contribute to the degree that your time allows Resource share

Collection Development—Social Networks as Database

It’s Not Just the Big Guys…

In a library district of 4,500…

• Created a blog for book reviews and library events

• Used 42 things for web 2.0

• Uses Facebook, LibraryThing, podcasts, Snapfish & Flickr

  • Felt pleased to see patrons over

60 adapting to new technology

Joy Neal, Library DirectorLa Conner Regional LibraryLa Conner, WA

Taylor County Library, FL

“We have included a blog as part

of our library website. We are

using Word Press for the web site

and the blog. You can check us

out @” 

Pamela S. Grigg, Director

Taylor County Public Library

Perry, FL

Social Networking Practices…

Make your Mission the foundation Add disclaimers—views expressed are the

author’s and not the library’s Honor confidentiality of patrons Show respect to everyone Remember your online presence reflects library Carefully observe copyright laws Create or imagine no expectation of privacy

Sample Disclaimer

“This blog does not represent official Library of Congress communications.

Links to external Internet sites on Library of Congress Web pages do not constitute the

Library's endorsement of the content of their Web sites or of their policies or products. Please read

our Standard Disclaimer.”

~Library of Congress

Making it Happen…

Set aside time every day Utilize volunteers

Time is money & money is tight…

Instant chat……...fewer long distance phone calls Post events……...reduce costs for paper ads Digitize photos.....archival and storage cost down Social sites………find solutions to problems E-learning……… costs Online flyers……..postage costs Collections……….grant access not acquisition Notices or signs…less paper and ink used Colleagues………reduce burnout with support Prof Dev………….find grants & fundraising

Reader’s Advisory

**Also try Shelfari, LibraryThing, LivingSocial

Sharing Photos

Reference Questions

Online Communities

A few of my favorite tools… Technorati (search engine blog) Skype (free phone calls) Collaborative Thinking Blog Work Literacy Blog Passion for ‘Puters E-Learning Technology

Jane’s E-learning Pick Day Ning DimDim

For Further Reading/References

Minnesota State University. John Lubbock.

Keeping Rural Libraries Linked and Rural

The Rural Blog

The Latino American Experience

American Indian Library Association

Rural Library Initiative