RuralSchoolCloud Project Presentation

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Cloud Computing for Learning and Networking

Maria R. Malmierca CESGA

Project Goal To improve the quality of learning and teaching in small rural / dispersed schools in Europe, by exploring, adapting and improving innovative European ICT based methodologies, to respond to the different needs that teachers face when designing their classes, as well as in improving their professional competences.

!  Galicia Supercomputing Centre (ES)

!  University of Santiago de Compostela (ES)

!  Devon Local Authority (UK)

!  AKETH, Developmental Centre Of Thessaly (EL)

!  VIA University (DK)

!  Provincia di Parma (IT)

!  Macedonia Institute for Integration (FYR)


Associated partners

!   Galician Educational Ministry

!   Galician ICT modernisation office

!   Balidea Computing & Programming

!   Hewlett Packard

!   2 rural / dispersed schools from ES, UK, DK, IT, EL, FYR


Methodology Analyse the school contexts and experiences in participant regions

Experiment with Open Source & free cloud based tools

Experiment with ICT enhanced

educational possibilities

Develop a ICT cloud based solution (rich, flexible, cost effective)

Methodology (2) Train teachers from these communities

Experience and evaluate our solution in at least 10 schools

in 6 countries Promote an UE community of practice of rural / dispersed school teachers

Work Plan Cloud Computing for School Networking / RuralSchoolCloud Comenius Proposal

2013 2014 2015 Dec Jan Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Marc April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov

WP Name Leader 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WP1 Management CESGA WP2 Needs analysis PARMA WP3 Solution design CESGA WP4 Content integration USC WP5 Piloting in Schools VIA WP6 Improvement of Solution AKETH WP7 User Training DEVON WP8 Evaluation USC WP9 Dissemination MII WP10 Exploitation AKETH


Description of WPs

RuralSchoolCloud Project

WP1 Management

!   Coordination of the project tasks and goals

!   Financial balance

!   Communication with EACEA

!   Project meetings

Leader: CESGA (ES)

WP2 Needs Analysis

!   2 Main tasks:

!   Analysis of Galician Cloud Computing for rural schools initiative (Task leader, CESGA)

!   Analysis of schools in participant regions (task leader : PARMA)

Leader: PARMA (IT)

WP3 Solution Design

!   2 Main tasks:

!   Define an adapted methodology to suit all learning levels (Task leader, PARMA)

!   Adapt the cloud-computing technical solution to suit needs. Task leader: CESGA

Leader: CESGA (ES)

WP4 Content integration

!   Provide learning resources & contents for the pilot experiences

!   Created by teachers, web 2.0, Open, flexible, collaborative, adaptable...

!   ALL partners need to contribute

Leader: USC (ES)

WP5 Piloting in Schools

!   Design and carry out 2 sets of pilot experiences in 2 rural / dispersed schools per country

!   ALL partners need to organise a pilot experience

Leader: VIA (DK)

WP6 Improvement of solution

!   Two tasks:

!   Revise and improve the methodologies applied (Leader AKETH)

!   Revise and improve the technical solution designed (Leader Cesga)

Leader: AKETH (EL)

WP7 User training

!   Design training for target users (teachers, students, families)

!   Produce training content

!   Carry out training activities

!   ALL partners will carry out these activities in their countries

Leader: DEVON (UK)

WP8 Evaluation

!   Design an evaluation plan for the project:

!   Activities (meetings, products, etc)

!   Pilot experiences in schools

!   Technological solution

Leader: USC (ES)

WP9 Dissemination

!   To provide visibility to the project and its results at national and European levels

!   Design a global dissemination plan for the project

!   Implement awareness-raising resources and materials for target users (web, logo, leaflet, poster, social media presence, newsletters etc.)

!   ALL partners need to contribute with activities

Leader: MII (FYRM)

WP10 Exploitation

!   Design a global exploitation plan to assure future sustainability to the project initiative and products

!   ALL partners need to contribute to national exploitation plan

Leader: AKETH (EL)

Partners involvement WP Name Leader CESGA USC DEVON AKETH VIA PARMA MII WP1 Management CESGA WP2 Needs analysis PARMA WP3 Solution design CESGA WP4 Content integration USC WP5 Piloting in Schools VIA WP6 Model adaptations AKETH WP7 User Training DEV WP8 Evaluation USC WP9 Dissemination MII WP10 Exploitation AKETH

WP leader, high involvement Task leader, significant involvement

Minor involvement