Rust's ownership and move semantics

Post on 24-May-2015

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Rust Samurai 4の資料


Rust’s “Ownership” & Move Semantics

on Rust v.0.12-pre, 2014. Sep. 24.presentation in Rust Samurai 4

Rust has rules:

• lifetime • ownership • borrowing

Lifetime“Lifetime” concept is a time span which a resource

(variable) life is valid in.

Lifetime (we have seen this graph in Rust guide, tutorial, or somewhere…)

{ let a = 1; { let b = 1; … … … }}


• You can think “Lifetime” is like a scope.

• On the end of the lifetime, the resource will be destructed (freed).

OwnershipWe can attempt that:

all allocated memory is “owned” by a unique someone.


x vowning

let x = v;


• The “owner” can change the owning value according to mutability.

• Ownership can transfer to an other variable.

• This is just move semantics in Rust.

• Ownership model guarantees the safeness in parallel.

BorrowingWe can “borrow” the resource which is owned by the other.


x vowning


Borrowing is similar to “reference”.


• “Borrowing” is similar to “reference”of other language.

• “Borrowing” is just only “borrowing” the resource which is owned by the other.

• “Borrowing” is under some restrictions in ownership concept.

Some restrictions about Ownership/Borrowing

Fundamental principals

• The borrowed value must not change without explicitly.

• If it changes arbitrarily, it is unclear and violates a safety of program.

Why we need a restriction?

• For safety.

• The arbitrary (non-explicit) change causes some serious safety issues.

• e.g. If the pointer is changed to the other location or `null` without explicitly while it is borrowed (referenced) from other?

Borrowing restrictions• Borrowing cannot change the borrowed one

without mutable permission by owner.

• Likewise, the original owner cannot change the owning value if it’s borrowed from others.

• We cannot borrow the same value as mutable more than once time.

let mut x: int = 1;


let y = &x;

*y = 10;// error: cannot assign


x = 2;// this is valid

Cannot assign to immutable dereference

let mut x: int = 1;


let y = &x;

*y = 10;// error: cannot assign


x = 2;// this is valid

Cannot assign to immutable dereference

if you wanna change `y`, `y` must be `&mut int`

let mut x: int = 1;


let y = &x;

let z = &mut x; // error!


Cannot mutable borrow, if the target has already been borrowed

(and vise versa)

let mut x: int = 1;


let y = &x;

let z = &mut x; // error!


Cannot mutable borrow, if the target has already been borrowed

(and vise versa)

This cannot ensure that the borrowed value by `y` is expected one.

let mut x: int = 1;


let y = &mut x;

let z = &mut x; // error!


Cannot mutable borrow, more than once time

let mut x: int = 1;


let y = &mut x;

let z = &mut x; // error!


Cannot mutable borrow, more than once time

This cannot ensure that the borrowed value by `y` is expected one.

let mut x: int = 1;

let y = &x; // after this, cannot change `x`

x = 10; // compile error!

Cannot change the value during it’s borrowed

let mut x: int = 1;

let y = &x; // after this, cannot change `x`

x = 10; // compile error!

Cannot change the value during it’s borrowed(sometimes called “freeze”)

This cannot ensure that the borrowed value by `y` is expected one.

Move semanticsIn Rust,

“move semantics” is transferring an ownership.

Move semantics• Transfer the ownership to the other.

• If we can move the ownership, as the result, we can assign the value with zero-copy like C++.

• Because Ownership concept ensures:

• Type system invalidates the old value.

• Then, there is no some owners, just only 1 owner!

How transfer the ownership?

• The typical case is copying Owned Box (std::owned::Box<T>).

• This copy is a shallow copy (Owned box is just like pointer), but Rust compiler consider to move ownership of the boxed value.


let x: Box<int> = box 1;

let y = x; // `x` is moved here! (`x` will dead)

println!(“{}”, x); // compile error. `x` has been moved


• What will it happen if we don’t move ownership hold by Owned Box?

• Then, there will be some inconsistency.

• If we do shallow-copy the value of Owned Box, there will be some objects that has the ownership of same location. This is against the rule.

• If we do deep-copy the value of it, we don’t have to use Owned box!

What type is a target of move?

• Almost, non-Copy kind, or ‘static kind.

• Move semantics is closely related to Rust’s type system.

• the value returning by function, or block.

• Send the value to other tasks (We can send only Send kinds).

Type kinds• Send

• All Send are ‘static kind.

• All types contains owning types, they must be Send.

• Copy

• Plain Old Data.

• ‘static

• Drop

• Send only can implement Drop.

• Default

Move: type need to move.

• `Send` kind

• Contains owning pointers.

• `Drop` kind (Implements `Drop` trait).

• procedure's environment

• non first-class types (but no details in rust doc…)

Move: the return value.

• The value returned by `return`, it’s would be moved from function/block. (This behavior is explained as “set to output slot”.)

Move: parameter type is opaque

• when `fn bar<T>(a: T) {…}`, we cannot specify the expected behavior.

• In this case, this parameter type can be only move. We must move it because we must ensure that it moves all ownerships of contained fields.

• If we specified the trait bound like `T: Copy`, this parameter will be copy.

Move: transfer a data from the task to other tasks

• In this case, the sent data must be `Send` kinds.

Move: procedure’s env.

• procedures may only be invoked once.

• After call them once, they are moved out.



• Rust has “ownership” concept to ensure the memory safety.

• “Ownership” consists of lifetime.

• Some types transfer their ownership if they’re re-assigned to other variables by following move semantics.