S elf -M arketing P resentation

Post on 22-Jan-2016

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"Where you end up isn't the most important thing. It's the road you take to get there. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Self-Marketing Presentation

Bethany Wuestefeld

"Where you end up isn't the most important thing. It's the road you take to get there. The road you take is what you'll look back on and call your life."

- Tim Wiley


General Information Personal Mission Statement Education Assessments Work History Why you should hire me!

General Information

Bethany Wuestefeld

St. Leon, IN


Digital Portfolio www.blwuestefeld.weebly.com

Personal Mission Statement

My personal mission is to obtain a career where I add value and am a respectable figure in my community and to be a role model in my family's eyes. I will stick to my values when it comes to work, love, and life and vow to never stop learning.


Ball State UniversityMiller College of Business

Major: Accounting Major GPA 3.0/4.0

Graduate: December 15, 2012


Awards Dean’s List

2 Semesters

Organizations Accounting Club

Treasurer Indiana CPA Society


Myers-Briggs Type: ISFP

Introvert Sensing Feeling Perceiving


SIGI-3 Working with People - Coordinating work with

others Working with Hands/Equipment - Doing precision work Communicating - Following written/oral

instructions Organizing Information - Keeping records,

cataloguing Working with Math - Calculating, computing,

applying formulas Special Activities - Attention to detail


Strengths Finder 2.0 Belief Relator Significance Harmony Fairness

Work History

Remke bigg’s Cashier

June 2006-August 2011 Skills Learned on the Job

Patience Managing Money Handling Complaints Customer Service Accepting Responsibility

Why Me?

Goal-oriented Honest Passionate Willing to learn Responsible


Bethany WuestefeldContact Me:

Email: blwuestefeld@bsu.edu Phone: (513) 310-7013

Thank you for your time and undivided attention.Email or call anytime to set up an interview!