S Subramanian-Adsorption of Chloroplatinic Acid and Chloroiridic Acid on Composite Oxides

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  • 8/13/2019 S Subramanian-Adsorption of Chloroplatinic Acid and Chloroiridic Acid on Composite Oxides


    1436 Langmuir 1991, 7,1436-1440

    Adsorption of Chloroplatinic Acid and Chloroiridic Acid onComposite OxidesS. Subrammiant and J. A. Schwarz'

    D epar tmen t o Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Syracuse University,Syracuse, New York 13244Received October 1, 1990. I n F inal Form: December 19, 1990

    Th e objective of the present s tudy is to investigate he adsorption of chloroplatinicacid and chloroiridicacid on alumina , titania, and com posite oxides formed from alumina and titania. The adsorption resultswere analyzed by using the L angmuir equation. Th e adsorption kinetics and adso rption equilibriumamounts indicate tha t the metal ions have a higher affinity for alumina comparedto titania; the differenceis more s ignificant in th e case of Ir. It was also observed th at the presence of titania inhibits aluminumdissolution when the TiOzAl2Oa supports are broug ht in contact with acidic impreg nation solutions. Theadsorption results suggest that the metal ion can be selectively partitioned to alum ina present in a & Os--Ti02 com posite oxide. This selective adsorption process was explored by using tempe rature-pro gram medreduction. Our results suggest th at th e me tal weight loading determ ines the selectivity of this pa rtitioning.Introduction

    Supp orted platinum and iridium catalysts are used insystems of ind ustrial intere st such as, automobile catalyticconverters an d reformers.lP2 A critical step in th e prep-aration of supported catalysts is th e impregnation of th eactive ingredient onto th e support. Scientific inter est inthe impregnation step developedafter itwa s demonstratedthat certain acids and saltscontributed to the distributionof the active ingred ient within a porou s catalyst pelletS3p4Th e investigation of th e adsorption process during thewet impreg nation of H2PtCLJA1203 becam e the subjec tof interest in sub sequ ent studies.b** T he im pregnationste p for several other precursor/support systems has beenstudieda7-l2 Bu t no information is reported on th eadsor ption of HzIrCh. Also, th e adsorption of catalyticprecursors on more complex suppor ts such as compositeoxides has not been studied t o date.Composite oxides form a class of supports for thepotentia l design of supp orted m etal catalysts with uniqueproperties.13-18 The strength, number, and type of acid

    * To whom correspondence should be addressed.'Present address: Ford Motor Co., P.O. Box 2053, 2162 SRL,(1) Kummer, J. T. h o g . Energy Combust. Sci . 1980,6, 177.(2).Sinfelt, J. H. Bimetallic C atalysts: Discoveries, Conce pts, and(3) Maatman, R. W.; Prater, C. D. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1957,49, 253.(4) Maatman, R. W. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1969,51,913.5 )Santacasaria, E.; Canna, S.;Adami, I. Ind. Eng. Chem. Ro d. Res.(6) Santacesaria, E.; Ga lli, C.; Canna,F.React. Kinet. Catal . Lett .(7) Chen, H. C.; Anderson,R.B. In d . Eng. Chem. Rod .Res. Deu. 1973,12, 122.(8) Chen, H . C.; Anderson, R. B. J. Catal . 1976,43,200.(9) Cervello, J.; Garcia dela Banda , J. F.;Hermana, E .; Jimenez, J. F.Chem. Eng. Technol. 1967,48,520.(10) Cervello, J.; Chou, T. S.; Summers, J. C.; Potter, N . M. InPreparation of Catalysts I . Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis;Delmon, B., Grange, P., Jacobs, P ., Po ncelet, G., Ed.; E lsevier: Amstar-dam, 1976; Vol. 2, p 251.11)Hegedus, L. L.; Chou, T. S ;Summers, J. C.; Potter, N. M. InPrepar ation of Catalys ts II . Studies i n Surface Science and Ca talysis;Delmon, B., Grange, P., Jacobs, P ., Poncelet, G., E&.; Elsevier: Am-sterdam, 1979; Vol. 3, p 171.(12) Komiyama, M.; Merrill,R. P.; Harnsberger, H. F. J. Catal. 1980,63, 35.(13) Jin, T.; Hattori, H.; Tanabe, K. Bull. Chem. Soe. Jpn. 1982,55,2279.

    Dearborn, MI 48121.Apphcationu; John Wiley: New York, 1983.

    Dev. 1977, 16, 41.1977,6, 301.

    sites in a com posite oxide can be controlled by varyingcomposition.13-ls Dum esic an d co-w orkers have reponon t h e acidic DroDerties of a se ries of mod el bina ry oxic

    tad?Sformed by m ou&ing a m etal oxide at low concentrationsonto the surface of a second metal oxide. Since the physicalproperties of th e newly formed adso rbent ar e differentfrom either of the pure components, we would expect tha ttheir adsorption properties during impregnation wouldalso be different from tha t of the pur e phases. Inparticular, the partitioning of th e supported metal betweenth e two phases of a com posite oxide would be controlledby th e adsorption kinetics on each phase.

    Th e objective of the p resent s tudy is to investigate theadsorption of chloroplatinic an d chloroiridic acid on purean d composite oxides formed from alumina and titania.Tita nia is of the strong metal-support interaction (SM SI)type and thus provides a unique anchor for catalyticHowever, pure titania is a low surface areasup por t and alumina-titania composite oxides provide aconvenient method for increasing the surface area of thesupported titania phase.23Th e rate of adsorption of the hexachlorinate Pt and Irions (MCh2-, where M = Pt or Ir) on AlzOs, TiO2, andTiOz/Al203 composite oxides was measured andt he resultswere analyzed by using the Langm uir equation.s Tem -perature-programmed reduction ( TP Rd ) was used toassess the distribution of the m etal species in th e compositeoxide supported precursors. Th e trans ient an d equilib-rium adsorption da ta and T PR d results suggest that , atrelatively low metal weight loadings, the selective ad-sorption of th e hexachlorinate ion on alum ina in a TiO2-A1203composite oxide is achieved.

    (14) Tanabe, K.; Itoh, M.; Morahige, K.; Hattor i, H. InPreparationof Catalysts; Delmon, B., Jacobs, P. A., Po ncelet, G.,Ede.;Elsevier:Amsterdam, 1976; p 65.(15) Shiba ta, K.; Koyoura, K.; Kitagawa, J.; Samiyoahi, T.; Tanabe ,K. Bull. Chem. SOC. pn. 1973,46, 2986.(16) Connell, G.; Dumesic, J. A. J. Catal. 1986, 101, 103.(17) Connell, G.; Dumesic, J. A. J. Catal. 1986, 102, 216.(18) Connell, G.; Dumesic, J. A. J. Catal. 1987, 105, 285.(19) Tauster, S. J.; Fung,S. C. J. Catal. 1978, 55, 29.(20) Tauster,S. J.;Fung, . .; arten, R. L. . Am. Chem. Soc. 1978,(21) Vannice, M. A.; Garten, R. L. J. Catal. 1979,56, 236.(22) Vannice, M. A,;Twu, C. C.; Moon, S. H. J. Catal. 1983, 79, 70.(23) McVicker, G.B.; Ziemiak, J. J. J. Catal. 1985,95,473.

    105, 170

    0743-7463/91/2407-1436 02.50/0 1991 American Chemical Society

  • 8/13/2019 S Subramanian-Adsorption of Chloroplatinic Acid and Chloroiridic Acid on Composite Oxides


    Adsorption of Acids on Com posite OxidesTheoretical Section

    Th e adsorption of a charged species onto a charged site(1)

    Santacesaria et al.s have used the Langm uir equationto st udy th e adsorption of chloroplatinic acid on alumina.In the present s tudy , he adsorption of chloroplatinic an dchloroiridic acid on A1203, TiO2, and TiOz/AlzOs wasanalyzed by using th e Langmuir equation. According tothe Langmuir equation, a t short adsorption t imes ( t

  • 8/13/2019 S Subramanian-Adsorption of Chloroplatinic Acid and Chloroiridic Acid on Composite Oxides


    1438 Langmuir, Vol. 7, No. 7, 1991Table I. Equilibrium Metal Adsorption Data

    amt of amt ofmetal adsorbed, metal mounted,g.mol/g of gmol /g ofsystem support ( X W ) support (Xlor)Pt/Al20s 2.9 3.0Pt/A120a-Ti02 0.3 0.3Pt/TiOz 0.3 0.3P t/ TiOrAl20a 1.8 1.9

    Ir/AlZOa 2.2 2.2Ir /Ti02-A1203 2.1 2.2Ir/AlZOa-TiOz 0.7 0.7Ir/TiOz 0.4 0.4Table 11. Equilibrium Solution pH and Dissolved A1Concentration (Bash: 2 g of oxide)

    amt of Ala+ amt of Ala 7 availableequil dissolved, available, aluminumsystem pH pm ol ( X W ) g-mol (NOS) dissolved

    Subram anian and Schwarz

    Pt/A1203 3.4 2.0Pt/TiOz-A120~ 1.9 1.1Pt/AlzOa-Ti02 0.7 0.1Pt/TiOz 0.6 0.0Ir/AlaOs 3.6 3.9Ir/Al2OrTiOz 0.7 0.2Ir/TiOz 0.7 0.0Ir/TiOrAlgOs 3.2 2.3

    39.2 5.134.9 3.10.3 10.034.9 6.60.3 44.10.0

    T h e transient da ta, amou nt of metal adsorbed a ) as afunction of time, for pure as well as composite oxides areshown in Figures 1 nd 2. In these figures, the ord inateswere obtained by subtracting the pore filling componentfrom the total am ount of metal mounted on the su pportor composite oxide. T he pore fiiin g component (calculatedfrom the pore volume and concentration of the metalsolution inside the p ores) is zero in the case of nonpo roussup por ts and composite oxides. At t

  • 8/13/2019 S Subramanian-Adsorption of Chloroplatinic Acid and Chloroiridic Acid on Composite Oxides


    Adsorption of Acids on Composite Oxides Langmuir, Vol 7 , No. 7,1991 1439-I

    m 4 6 800Tempemlua(I0Figure 3. Temperature-programm ed eduction profile for 0.7Ir/&03, 0 .7 Ir/TiOz, and 0.7 Ir/0.87 A120s-Ti02 pre-cursors.

    Table IV. TPRd Peak Temperature and HydrogenConsumption ValuesMetal Loading: 0.7

    hydrogenconsumed,system peak temp, K rcmol/a of precursorIr/Al*Os 352,479,600-800 118.2Ir/A1203-Ti02 355, 375,4 93,60 0-800 122.4Ir/TiOz 379,484,600-800 129.9

    Metal Loading: 3.0hydrogenconsumed,system peak temp, K pmollg of precursor

    Ir/A120s 379,495,600-800 349.6Ir/ALOs-TiOz 340-380,477,600-800 356.4Ir/TiOz 353, 462,600-800 348.9tion on titania. T he aforementioned considerations sug-gest that the metal component may be directed toselectively adsorb on t he alumina present in th e compositeoxide.T h e 0.87% A1203-Ti02 com posite is of par ticu larinteres t. Her e Al2O3, th e compon ent on which adsorptionis favored, is present as the secondary phase. One mayconsider th e following "idealized" scenario assuming th atmetal will be d irected toward Ti 02 only after A1203 reachesadsorption equilibrium with th e metal. At extremely lowme tal loadings, th e m etal ions' prefere nce for A1203 willdirect t he metal exclusively toward A1203. For example,a t a 0.05 ota l m etal loading, th e weight loading on A1203will be only 5.75% , if all the available metal is pres ent onA1203. At relatively high metal loadings, A1203 will be"saturated" w ith the m etal and th e remaining availablemetal will be present on TiOz. For example, a t a 3 totalme tal loa ding, th e weigh t loading on A1203wll be 344.82if all the available metal is present on A1203. A metalloading of 344.85 is unrealistic. In this case, th e metalwill be distributed on T i02 once A1203 tta ins adsorptionequilibrium with th e metal. It appears th at selective metalexchange on alum ina may be achieved a t reasonably lowme tal loadings. For com pleteness, in the 11.4% TiOz-A1203 omposite, A1203 is th e primary component. Sincethe adsorption on th e primary component is favored, it isnot possible to direct the metal component toward Ti 02a t reasonable metal loadings.Th e ratio of the forward adsorption r ate constants onalumina a nd titania is higher in th e case of iridium (5.96X 1Om3/O.36X 10-3 = 16.56) comp ared t o platinum (4.17X 10-3/1.03X 10-3 = 4.05). The se kinetic considerationsfavor the selective adsorption process in the case of iri-dium compared to platinum. Therefore Ir precursors werechosen for further study. In order to investigate the

    2 403 6 COTemperature ( K )

    Figure 4. Temperature-programmed eduction profile for 3Ir/A1203,3 Ir/TiO2, and 3 Ir/0.87 AlzOs-Ti02 precursors.selective exchange process, iridium precursors were char-acterized by TPR d. It is important to note that theprecursors were no t calcined; th e changes occurring duringthis high temperature treatmen t are dependent on thenatu re of the s upp ort and the T PR d profiles of calcinedprecursors canno t be interpre ted easi1y.m In this study,the peak temperature obtained during the TP Rd of driedprecursors was used as a "fingerprint" to identify the iri-dium distribution in a composite oxide supported pre-cursor.

    Figure 3 show s th e T P R d s pectra of th e Al2O3, TiOz,and0.87 A1203-Ti02 supp orted Ir precursors. T he peaktemperatures and hydrogen consumption values are re-ported in Tab le IV. In these cases th e metal weight loadingwas adjusted to 0.7 5 . At metal weight loadings signif-icantly lower than 0.7 (i.e., 0.05 ), the T PR d s ignalwas insignificant. It is interesting t o note th at a t the 0.7level weight loading, the TPRd spectrum for the 0.7%Ir/0.87 A1203-Ti02 prec urso r qualita tively resem blesthe T PR d spectrum of the 0.7 9 Ir/A1203precursor. Thepeak temperatures for these spectra are similar. Com-parison of th e reduction spectra for Ir/TiOz an d Ir/0.87Ti02-Al203 precursors suggests tha t th e peak a t 355 K inthe case of th e 0.87 A1203-Ti02 supp orted Ir precurso roriginates from the fraction of Ir distributed on TiOz.Figure 4 shows th e T P R d s pectra of t he TiOz, A1203,an d 0.87% A1203-Ti02 supp orted Ir precursors with ame tal weigh t loading of 3 . The peak temperatures andhydrogen consum ption values are reported in Ta ble IV.It is interesting to note that th e TP Rd spectrum of thecomposite oxide supported precursors is qualitativelysimilar to th at obtained for th e T i02 supported precursors.Th e similarity in peak temperatures is striking. Th eam ount of m etal d istributed on A1203 is negligible incomparison to th e am oun t of m etal distributed on TiOz.Th is confirms the assertion tha t, a t relatively high metalweight loadings, the metal is essentially distributed onTi 02 in th e 0.87% A1203-T i02 composite oxide.These studies illustrate t ha t selective partitioning ofthe metal species can be achieved if the ion underconsideration h as a significant affinity for one of th e oxides.The variable that determines the selectivity of theexchange process is th e metal weight loading. T he conceptof selectively adsorbing metal ions on one of the com-poents of a composite oxide can be extende d t o cations aswell as anions. T he selective adsorption process is ofparticular interest in low metal weight loading systemswhere the metal may be selectively distributed on thesecondary phase (th e minor com ponent on a weight basis)of th e com posite oxide.

    (30) ubramanian,S.PbD.Dissertation,SyracuseUniversity,SyracueeNY, 989.

  • 8/13/2019 S Subramanian-Adsorption of Chloroplatinic Acid and Chloroiridic Acid on Composite Oxides


    1440 Langmuir, Vol. 7 , No. 7, 1991Conclusions

    Th e findings of th e study m ay be summarized as ollows:(1) T he adsorption kinetics observed for the compositeoxide systems can be described in term s of th e Langmuirequation. Th e model parameters, kl and k-1, have beenestimated by using the simplex optimization procedure.(2) T he adsorption kinetics and adsorption equilibriumindicate that th e metal ion has a preference for adsorptionon alumina compared to adsorption on titania. Tita niain the Ti02-Al203 co mpo site oxide appe ars to provide aprotective coating and inhibit the amoun t of A13+ dis so lvin ginto acidic impregnation solutions.

    Subramanian and Schwarz(3)Th e selective adsor ption process has been exploredby using TP Rd and th e results suggest that the m etal maybe selectively dispersed o n one of th e comp onents of t hecomposite oxide, if th e m etal ion has a higher affinity fortha t component. Th e metal weight loading determinesth e selectivity of t he exchange process.Acknowledgment Portions of this work were sup-ported under Department of Energy Grant DE-FGOB-

    87ER-13650and National Science Foundation Gr ant CT S8900514.