s’ 12th September 2016...Eid al-Adha Happy Eid ul-Adha to all our Muslim families at rookfield....

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12th September 2016

A message from Carla, our Science leader As Subject leader for Science, I am delighted to inform you all that we were awarded Silver in last year's Primary Science Quality Mark scheme. The Primary Science Quality Mark is an award scheme to enable primary schools across the UK to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their science provision. I would like to thank everyone who helped to achieve this status, including parents who showed their support and attendance during the Healthy Science Week. Our aims and expectations are equally high this year - we want to ensure science maintains its status and importance across the school.

This Friday we are delighted to welcome The Geo Bus which will be providing some interactive Earth science workshops in the top hall for Y6. This Year’s BLP Focus - Collaboration

Today in assembly, Katie (Y6 teacher and BLP leader) introduced this term’s focus for ‘Building Learning Power’ which is collaboration. Linked to this, teachers will be pulling names out of a hat each Monday to assign learning partners for the


‘Positive and




‘Confident and Independent



Eid al-Adha Happy Eid ul-Adha to all our Muslim families at Brookfield.

This Week’s Events Monday - Y4 curriculum meeting Tuesday - CSSA netball league starts Wednesday - Rock Steady assembly 10.25am IC to Keats House Thursday - Y2 curriculum meeting 1L to Keats House Friday - Y6 curriculum meeting Y6 Earth Science workshops

Curriculum News Curriculum Meetings

Linked to our core value - positive and supportive

relationships, during the course of the next few weeks

we are going to be holding the following curriculum

meetings which will take place in the lower hall at

9.00am with teachers and phase leaders:

YR - Tuesday 27th Sep, Y1 - Monday Sep 19th,

Y2 Thursday Sep 15th, Y3 - Tuesday Sep 20th,

Y4 - Monday Sep 12th, Y5 - Wednesday Sep 21st and

Y6 - Friday Sep 23rd Do come along if you can!

Trips Letters

This Friday, children in years R - 6 will be receiving a

letter detailing all the trips and workshops for this

academic year. Letters for nursery and YR will be sent

out at a later point. Similar to last year, we are going

to be streamlining our approach in order to make the

administration and payment of voluntary

contributions this year much easier. It also allows

parents and carers to see at a glance an overview of

some of the exciting extra - curricular activities which

have been planned and to grant permission for all

trips and workshops at the start of the year.

Please make sure that all permission slips and where

appropriate voluntary contributions are returned to

us by Monday September 26th

Week. We are very excited about this new development as this will provide invaluable opportunities for children to develop their skills of speaking and listening and to improve their social skills and friendships. Other News Tickets for next year’s World IAAF Paralympic Championships in London

I trust you have been enjoying the Paralympics on the TV this last week. For your information, tickets are currently on sale for next year’s World IAAF Paralympic Championships in London via the following link. http://www.london2017athletics.com/tickets Fun Run Next Saturday September 24th, we will be holding our annual Fun Run on Hampstead Heath starting near the bandstand.

The run is a sponsored event and this year we will be raising money towards our outdoor activities at Brookfield. If you are interested in taking part, forms will be going home this week. There will be medals for all children who take part and prizes for the teams with the best fancy dress and who raise the most sponsorship money. The run isn’t too strenuous and will prepare some of the KS2 children nicely ahead of the CSSA cross country competition which will be taking place on Friday September 30th . Do put the date in your diary and consider coming along, particularly if you are new to the school.

It is a great community event and a fun and healthy way to get to know each other and to raise some money for a worthwhile cause! Sport KS2 cross country continues. Please send water with your child as this week, it is predicted to be very hot. We have just been informed that Y5 and Y6 netball team have friendlies tomorrow at La Santa Union School. News from the office School Lunches This half term, lunches will cost £80.50 You are welcome to pay for lunches either weekly, monthly or half termly. But all monies must definitely be settled by the end of each half term. Absences Can we remind you that if your child is absent from school it is your responsibility to contact us on the same day and leave a message on the answer machine regarding the reason for this. All Y5 and Y6 Parents - Moving On event 15th September 3.30pm to 6.30pm at The Camden Centre, Bidborough Street, WC1H 9AU During September and October, all secondary schools open their doors for prospective parents and children to look round and meet staff and pupils. Year 6 parents and children in particular will need to look round, but the invitation is also open to Y5s as well. To help decide on which school to choose for your child, Camden host a Moving On event where representatives from each school come together in one venue to answer questions and help parents with their decision making. According to parents, this regular event has proved very valuable. Please note that this event is aimed at adults. To register your interest in attending please visit Eventbrite.co.uk The Big Friendly Read Please hand in your summer reading challenge certificates to the office as soon as possible. We are arranging vouchers for the prizewinners this week and will not be able to accept any late entries after Friday.

‘Lark in the Park’ Printed below is a poster advertising Waterlow Park’s 125th anniversary event this Saturday 17th September between 12.00 - 4.30pm. Brookfield and Waterlow Park have held a long and fruitful association over the years and in recent times Waterlow Park have allowed us to use one of their beds in the kitchen garden for Year 2s to grow vegetables, organised several workshops and activities linked to growing sunflowers, learning about bees and the Park’s history and allowed us to use the space by the tennis courts to stage a whole school picnic and host Haseeb’s ‘Mud Run’. It would be great if lots of families could attend this significant event. It promises to be a fantastic day out with lots of great activities, performances and food to enjoy. Do get along!

Meet the Parents Event’ - September 22nd We will be holding another ‘Meet the Parents’ event in September, inviting families from local secondary schools to come and talk frankly about their experiences there. It will be on September 22nd from 6.30pm - 7.45pm in the lower hall. Our parents have reported that they found the event very useful in previous years. The event is open to ALL parents, whatever year your children are in. You can ask the families whatever you want, then go up to them afterwards for a more private chat over refreshments. Reporting Concerns From time to time, parents/carers may have concerns to report. Please can I remind everybody that this needs to be done in a calm, sensitive and appropriate manner. Our vision and values emphasises the need for positive and supportive relationships and all interactions between parents and parents and staff need to reflect this priority.

Paws at the ready! Brookfield 8th Annual Family Fun Run Saturday 24th September ‘WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE’ DRESS WILD & RUN WILD!!!!!!

The Brookfield Family Fun Run takes place on Saturday 24th September on Hampstead Heath (by the band stand). This year the fancy dress theme is ‘WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE’. A great opportunity for all involved to RUN WILD & DRESS WILD!!!! Get your team together and think of a great name and costume if you'd like. Each team must have at least one Brookfield student and one adult, up to six members in total. Registration from 9.45am, fancy dress judging at 10.15am. Race starts at 10.30am. It’s only 2k and you can walk, run or jog your way around. Buggies welcome. Team registration forms will be available this week and further info will be going home in book bags. Start collecting your sponsorship. There are lots of prizes to be won – winning team, best fancy dress, most sponsorship money. Medals for all children who take part!!!! ……a great chance for everybody to run and have fun!!! The money we raise will go towards sports equipment and outdoor activities for the entire


Class Reps The back-bone of the PTA is the network of heroic class reps. They are elected informally at the start of the school year so now’s the time to put your name forward if you fancy becoming a school superhero! We want to hear from volunteers in Nursery and Reception especially. Email us on brookfieldschoolpta@gmail.com if you need to know who your outgoing rep is or want to put yourself forward.

Sonia and Charlie, PTA joint-chairs brookfieldschoolpta@gmail.com

Brookfield PTA News September 12-18th 2016