SACRED HEART & OuR LADy’S COLLAbORATivE Sacred Heart and ... · Currently, we have a group of...

Post on 06-Sep-2019

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative



Newton, MA

~ All Are Welcome ~

June 23, 2019

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Chris t

Sacred Heart Church

1321 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02459


Our Lady Help of Christians Church

573 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02458


Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


New & Ongoing in Our Community

From Fr. Dan, Pastor

Dear Friends,

Jesus comforts us: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”

I am glad you came to join with us at Mass today. I hope you feel Jesus’ love for you in a new, refreshing way. You are so welcomed here. I hope you will come again.

Pope Francis on Life in Womb (May 25, 2019): “Abortion is never a solution even when the unborn child is suffering from pathological disorders, because children in the womb are ‘small patients’ and medicine knows how to provide patient care.” When prenatal testing shows there’s the possibility of the child having a pathology, Francis said, “on a social level, the fear and hostility towards disability often lead to the choice of abortion, configuring it as a practice of ‘prevention’. But the Church’s teaching on this point is clear: human life is sacred and inviolable and the use of prenatal diagnosis for selective purposes should be discouraged with strength, because it is the expression of an inhuman eugenics mentality, which takes away the possibility of families welcoming, embracing and loving their weakest children.”

Pope Francis on Climate Change (June 14, 2019): Speaking to oil company executives, Pope Francis said that climate change “threatens the very future” of humanity, adding that the “doomsday predictions” can no longer be met with disdain. “Time is running out!” Francis said. “Deliberations must go beyond mere exploration of what can be done, and concentrate on what needs to be done. We do not have the luxury of waiting for others to step forward, or of prioritizing short-term economic benefits. The climate crisis requires our decisive action, here and now.”

Fr. John and the “Communion of Saints.” The saints have changed history for the better. They have left us an inspiring example to follow. They care for us with their prayers. We will be with them face to face in Heaven. We can say all of this and more about Fr. John.

Sports: The Bruins gave every once of effort, even if they lost in game seven of the finals. The Sox are now a record (for this season) five games over 500. Are they catching momentum? The USA woman’s soccer team is so awesome! Who did the Celtics get in the draft? Will Kyrie Irving leave, and will that help or hurt?

Love and God bless you, Fr. Dan

Monthly Mass for the Sick The next Monthly Mass for the Sick, sponsored by the Mass for the Sick ministry of Sacred Heart & Our Lady Help of Christians Collaborative, will be this Monday, June 24, at 6:30pm at Our Lady’s. Fr. Dan Riley, Pastor of our collaborative, will celebrate the Mass and Anointing of the Sick. After refreshments, Gloria Rausa-Thompson, a talent-ed Sacred Heart parishioner with a passion for floral ar-ranging, will offer a demonstration. Gloria has used her talents on numerous occasions at Sacred Heart and many other venues.

The evening is designed to bring joy, hope, and peace to those who are affected by illness, including family and friends. The Mass and program will both be held down-stairs at Our Lady’s Church. For questions or more infor-

mation, please contact Pat Enright at 617-467-4482 or, Lorraine Higgins at 617-244-0267 or, or the parish offices. All are welcome!

Spam Email Warning As has happened several times in the past, this week sever-al staff members and parishioners received emails from someone impersonating Fr. Dan and requesting financial help. This was a spam email! The official email accounts of staff members are the “” addresses. Please disregard any other communication. You can always call the parish offices if you are not sure about the authen-ticity of certain emails.

Mary Ann McLaughlin’s Eulogy for Fr. John

The eulogy that Mary Ann McLaughlin gave at Fr. John’s Funeral Mass in Swampscott is now available online. Also online is the memorial booklet of photos and stories. Both can currently be found directly on the Collaborative home page at

Many people were glad to take a book or two from Fr. John’s personal collection after Masses at Our Lady’s in recent weeks. If you did not yet get a chance to browse, know there are still many books available and you are very welcome to take a look. Please contact Kate to set up a time.

Finally, please know that the Pastoral Council and the staff

Komi Family: Sacraments of Initiation Next Sunday, June 30

It is with great joy that the Sacred Heart & Our Lady’s POWR Ministry (Parishes Organized to Welcome Immi-grants and Refugees) invites you to come and rejoice with us, as the Komi family celebrates the Sacraments of Initiation into our Catholic Church. Fr. Dan will celebrate Mass at 2:00pm next Sunday, June 30, at Our Lady’s.

No RSVP is necessary—all are welcome! Please come and add to the joy of this occasion as Mujahid, Huda, Paul, Mansy, Nofak, and Ann take these important steps on their journey of faith.

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


are having conversations about how best to honor Fr. John with permanent memorials at both parishes. The current plan is to let ideas percolate for a few months. If you would like to share an idea, please be in touch with a Councilmember or staff member. Thank you!

June 23 ~ Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood (Corpus Christi)

Today we celebrate this great gift that Jesus gave us. He promised that He would be with us always, and He left us the sacrament of His Body and Blood. Do I stop and think how great this gift is? Do I consider Who I am receiving in this sacrament? Do I believe that each time I receive Communion I am given what I need to be and to become the “body of Christ?” As you leave Mass today, take Jesus with you and bring Him to everyone we meet.

Coming Soon: Summer Daily Mass Schedule

We will again be moving to a revised summer daily Mass schedule in the coming weeks:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00am at Our Lady’s

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 9:00am at Sacred Heart in the Lower Church

The revised schedule will run from Monday, July 1, to Monday, September 2 (Labor Day). Contact the parish offices with any questions.

Marriage Banns Sacred Heart & Our Lady’s Collaborative is pleased to

announce the following upcoming marriage:

Kerry Gould and Niccolo Seretto

Collaborative Pastoral Council New Members Announced

We are happy to announce the following new members of the Collaborative Pastoral Council:

Terms Ending June 2022 from Sacred Heart from Our Lady’s Peg Miller Jim Allaire Tom Morrison Monica Pacheco-Tougas

Term Ending June 2021 from Our Lady’s

Tammy Sakala Stossel replacing a member who could not complete the term

Thank you to all who nominated themselves or fellow parishioners to the CPC. Please pray that the Holy Spirit guides our conversations and our work in the year ahead.

Invitation to All Senior Parishioners Next Saturday, June 29, 12pm-2pm, our Collaborative will celebrate our Senior Citizens and those involved in the Ministry of Care. Join us at Our Lady’s—St. Jean’s Hall (Lower Church) for the opportunity to share a meal with fellow parishioners and to receive the Anointing of the Sick*. It will be a gathering of faith and friendship. We look forward to seeing you!

In order to ensure enough seating, please RSVP by this Wednesday, June 26, to Sr. Mary Farren at 617-924-2240 or to Ginny Arpino at or 617-527-7560 ext. 221.

*The primary effect of the Sacrament is a spiritual healing by which the sick person receives the Holy Spirit’s gift of peace and courage to deal with the difficulties that accom-pany serious illness or the challenges of old age.

-from the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults

Next Weekend: Annual Missionary Appeal at All Masses The Missionary Society of St. James the Apostle was founded in 1958 by Richard Cardinal Cushing to minister to the needs of the people in South America. The Cardinal, in response to a request made by Pius XII, marshaled a force of diocesan priests to go there and establish the missions in Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. We are an international missionary society whose

members are diocesan priests who devote at least 5 years of their priesthood to the service of “the poorest of the poor” in South America. Currently, we have a group of diocesan priests serving in South America, dealing with the spiritual and material needs of the poor in urban shanti towns and rural villages of Peru.

Our work centers on parishes and foundations in poorer urban neighborhoods or rural districts. The cultures consist of Spanish, Indian and of mixed racial origin. The Society’s approach to ministry following the teaching of Vatican II provided us with a transition from uncritical administration of the sacraments to an integral pastoral approach. Our priests have been involved in traditional priestly work of evangelization such as building churches, catechetical programs, training of catechists, parish renewal following the new image of parish, bible programs, marriage preparation, Christian family movement, mass media apostolate, the Cursillo movement, parish councils, Justice and Peace groups, and charismatic prayer groups.

Priests also work on social projects and programs (maternity clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, nutritional centers, schools, and soup kitchens); community development projects (agriculture cooperatives, credit unions, and community banking); development projects (silk and chocolate); and infrastructure (building of roads, urban water scheme, and bridges).

In the Latin American Church, we find a sense of vitality and growth of a young church in the making!

Next weekend at all Masses, we look forward to being joined by lay missionary Jerome Kiley and mission priest Fr. Isaias Gerali.

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


I was traveling in Germany several years ago, driving through the countryside. We

came to a little town near Munich and a procession with the Eucharist. The

townspeople and the priests were blessing the fields, asking the Lord to bless the

harvest – for the town and for the poor. I found it all very touching and learned that it

was a very long tradition in this town.

I thought of that story in relation to this feast today and this Gospel. There was the

crowd of people: listening, walking, sitting, listening some more, and walking some

more. Jesus had no home to go to, but they did. The disciples noticed the mesmerized

crowed and told Jesus to send them home. One of the things that I think is true is that

the disciples were experiencing food insecurity. They were getting hungry, and

resources were very thin: they only had five loaves and two fish – and there was a

crowd of 5000 men around! But Jesus makes the far-too-little become more-than-


A generation later, St. Paul is talking to the Corinthians about the Holy Eucharist, as we

heard proclaimed today. St. Paul speaks purposefully. The Corinthians were intrigued

by the esoteric. They wanted to be spiritual, but they struggled to overcome social

divisions. Their church was divided practically: the rich and the poor. Their Eucharist

happened during a potluck supper, and there was no sharing with those who had

nothing to bring. So St. Paul chides them and teaches them the contrary: Christ and His

Body are in the business of taking what is far too little and making more than enough.

Fittingly, the Newton Food Pantry is giving us that opportunity this weekend, to stock

the shelves for the summer. All the faith communities of Newton are participating. For

us as Catholic sisters and brothers, this isn’t just a gesture of human solidarity. It is our

vocation as the Body of Christ. You can bring food next week or any time that the

pantry is open.

As we feel the long-term effects of the recession, there are many who struggle with

food insecurity. Our vocation is to multiply bread for the hungry. It is an instinct,

sustained and deepened by the Eucharist, which we celebrate over and over again. As

we come to the Eucharist today and are fed by the very Body and Blood of Jesus our

Lord, let us work together to meet the needs of those who are hungry, as we prepare

for the coming of the Kingdom.

Fr. John Sassani Homily Given on June 6, 2010

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Liturgical Year C

Looking for Msgr. Dennis’s homily reflection? We are taking a break from printing them, after having run them from the Feast of Christ the King in November through Pentecost last weekend. In the weeks and months ahead, we hope to bring you some of Fr. John Sassani’s homilies from the last decade. A reminder that these bulletin homilies will be available each week at

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Beyond Our Walls

Psalm: Trace the words and

learn to pray like Jesus!

Learn at Mass Watch at Mass.

What does the priest do as he says,

“This is my body”?

©2019 TJB

Ministers of Care Needed at St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center

Would you be willing to visit St. Elizabeth Medical Center once a week only? You will be easily trained to offer Holy Communion to our patients! If interested, please call Fr. Salamone at 617-789-2609 or Elli Goeke at 617-789-2093. Thank you!

Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) New England

Ignatian Volunteer Corps (IVC) New England, a yearlong volunteer opportunity for women and men 50 years of age and better, is recruiting volunteers for the upcoming (September to June) year. Volunteers give two full days/week of service and commit to a monthly spiritual reflection program in the Jesuit tradition. IVC works with nonprofits in the Boston/Worcester/Providence areas that address problems of homelessness, education, immigration and more. Get info and application by contacting regional director Dave Hinchen at or check out the IVC New England website

CURSILLO: An Opportunity to Deepen Your Faith

Cursillo is a short course in Christianity. It is an encounter with Jesus Christ in a small community of the Church, in order to deepen your own faith and to strengthen your ability to be a witness of Christ in the world. The weekends run from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon and are held at the Campion Center in Weston.

For info or to register, visit or contact Chris Graf at 617-332-5548 or

The next weekends upcoming are: Women's Weekend: October 24-27, 2019 Men's Weekend: December 5-8, 2019

Care for Creation: An Emergency Response to Climate Crisis

Faced with a climate emergency, the world must act immediately to mitigate global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoid committing “a brutal act of injustice” on the poor and future generations, Pope Francis told a group of energy and oil executives and global investors, who in their own statement offered support for a price on carbon emissions.

“Time is running out! Deliberations must go beyond mere exploration of what can be done and concentrate on what needs to be done from today onward,” he said.

“We do not have the luxury of waiting for others to step forward or of prioritizing short-term economic benefits. The climate crisis requires our decisive action, here and now,” he said June 14 at the Vatican. -Catholic News Service

Let's do our part. If you live in Newton, please consider OPTING UP to 100% renewable sources of electricity through Newton Power Choice. You can call Direct Energy at 866-968-8065 with your Eversource account number, to indicate that you want to opt up.

Annual Golden & Silver Anniversary Mass If you are celebrating your 25th or 50th wedding anniversary this year, please join Cardinal Seán O'Malley on Sunday, October 6, at 3:00pm for the annual Anniversary Mass with renewal of vows at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. Couples can register for the event at For more info, contact Emily Elliott at

Gospel: Jesus sat with his disciples to eat a special meal.

He surprised them by taking the bread and wine and saying to them, “This is my body. This is my blood.”

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Sacred Heart News

Plants for Adoption The yellow dwarf bearded irises in Our Lady’s Grotto at Sacred Heart are badly in need of dividing. If you would like a few for your own garden, please contact Cathy Schneider at

Coffee Hour Ends Sunday Coffee Hour has ended until September. Thank you to all who volunteered their time. Enjoy the summer!

Summer Community Choir at the 9 AM Mass

The Sacred Heart Liturgical Choir will take a much-deserved break for the summer months, but, of course, we all still enjoy singing our faith!

We warmly welcome ALL parishioners who enjoy singing to join our Summer Community Choir at Sacred Heart. This choir will sing for the 9:00am Mass through Labor Day weekend. Please come forward to the choir chairs when you arrive for Mass, and we will make sure you have what you need. No prior choral experience is necessary and there will be no rehearsal - just come as you are and enjoy singing in your parish community.

This is also a great way for parents to share the joy of music and faith together with their children while at

Mass. Young adults, young families with children, and seasoned parishioners - all are welcome! Please contact Erica for more information at

Keep Your Loved Ones Connected!

The Ministry of Care members gathered during the week and would like to remind parishioners that we can visit, bring Communion to, and send cards and the weekly bulletin to homebound parishioners, keeping them in our prayers and keeping them lovingly connected to the parish. Monthly greeting cards are sent. If you think you or someone else would enjoy receiving a card from the parish, please contact the parish office and let us know!

Join the Guild of St. Francis! If you are interested in joining the Guild, please look for our membership fliers at the doors of the church at Sacred Heart or send a check for $20 membership dues to Olimpia Estela Caceres-Brown, 7 Hereward Rd #228, Newton, MA 02459.

Religious Education News Please pick up your child’s First Communion photos at the Rectory before you leave for sum-mer vacation! Business hours are 9:30-2:30, Monday-Friday.

Registration forms for returning CCD families will be sent out in early July. If you are a new family joining us, new registration forms will be available for download from the Sacred Heart website also by early July.

If you are interested in Sacramental Preparation, please remember that Religious Education in Grades 1 and 2 needs to be completed in order to receive First Communion in May at the end of Grade 2. Early registration is encouraged!

I will be out of the office through the remaining weeks of June but will be responding via email and taking care of business from home. Please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance regarding the religious education of your child.

Have a restful and blessed summer!

Michelle Solomon, Director of RE 617-969-4031

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Our Lady’s News

Workcamp...and We’re Off! Our Workcampers depart this Sunday morning for their week of service in Saranac Lake, NY, with Catholic Heart Workcamp (CHWC). Please pray for us as we travel and serve in the week ahead. When we return, there will be photos to share and stories to tell! Look for those in future bulletins. You can also follow along on Instagram during the week @sholnewton

Included here is a photo of our camp t-shirts for this year. They read: “Illuminate the World—CHWC 2019”.

Our camp theme this summer is RADIANT, and we will spend the week exploring our call to live as radiant followers of Christ: to love as He loved, serve as He served, and boldly put our faith into action. By letting our light shine bright and being witnesses for Christ, we recognize that we are designed in His image and, as a result, we are equipped for greatness. Each of us can be a source of light to a darkened world when we lead with love and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, for He assured us in John 8:12 when He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

THANK YOU to all our fellow parishioners who have supported us and helped us get to this point, by your financial help and by your prayers. We are so thankful!

Did You Lose A Family Photo? Last Sunday, June 16, one of our Mass volunteers found a small (about 2”x3”) black and white family photo in the church. It was found in a pew in the back section on the Adams Street side. It is dated May 19, 1968, and is a photo of four people on a couch. If this sounds like it could belong to you or to a family member, please call Ed in the Parish Office.

SVDP Thank You Thanks to all who donated to our clothing drive on June 8-9 and to our food drive last weekend. The clothing has headed to the SVDP thrift stores to help support their mission of service to the poor, while the food donations were toted to Newton Food Pantry this past Wednesday to help feed hungry people in our community.

So...thank you all!

Happy 99th Birthday, Annie Gaudet! Please join us in wishing a very happy 99th birthday to Annie Gaudet. Annie faithfully served as Eucharistic Minister and Altar Server at both weekday and weekend Masses for many, many years. We were happy to celebrate with her and her family this Saturday afternoon. Happy birthday, Annie! May God continue to bless you!

Religious Education Registration Registration for the 2018-2019 Religious Education Programs will begin in early July. Registration forms will be mailed home to all returning students. New students will be able to download a registration form from our website:

Please note for First Penance and First Holy Communion: Preparation for these Sacraments is a two-year program. Although Religious Education begins in Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 are required before First Communion.

Please note for Confirmation: Preparation is a two-year program! High school students who wish to celebrate Confirmation must enroll in the preparation program for two consecutive years, typically - but not always - Grades 9 and 10. In addition, all rising 9th graders and any new 10th graders (typically Catholic school students) must contact Kristina over the summer to schedule a one-on-one introductory meeting that includes at least one parent.

Please spread the word about our programs to family, friends, and neighbors. Thank you!

Rosemary Seibold (Grades K-5) Kristina Preman (Grades 6-10) 617-527-7560 ext.213 617-527-7560 x216

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Our Collaborative

Sacred Heart 1321 Centre Street

Newton Centre 02459


Fax: 617-965-7515

Office: Mon-Fri 9:30am-2:30pm

Our Lady Help of Christians

573 Washington Street

Newton 02458


Fax: 617-527-1338

Office: Mon-Fri 8:00am-3:30pm



Fr. Dan Riley, Pastor, ext. 229

Msgr. Dennis Sheehan, Senior Priest in Res., ext. 239

Fr. Michael Hahn, O.S.B., Priest in Res.

Fr. Bart Geger, S.J., Assisting Priest

Deacon Bill Koffel, Deacon

Deacon Ramesh Richards, S.J., Deacon


Anne Marie David, Music Director (OL), ext. 227

Erica Johnson, Liturgy & Music Dir. (SH), ext. 120

Kate Neal, Pastoral Associate, ext. 219

Kristina Preman, Youth Min./Rel. Ed. Gr 6-10 (OL), ext. 216

Rosemary Seibold, Past.Assoc./Rel.Ed. Gr K-5 (OL), ext. 213

Michelle Solomon, Rel. Ed. (SH), 617-969-4031


Ginny Arpino, Asst. to Rel Ed (OL) & Pastoral Team, ext.221

Michael Bliss, Finance & Operations, ext. 226

Ed Desmond, Admin. Assistant (OL), ext. 250

Gerry McGrath, Facilities (OL)

Sioux Mont, Admin. Assistant (SH), ext.110

David Nahabedian, Facilities (SH), ext. 127


Saturday Vigil 4:00pm Our Lady’s 4:00pm Sacred Heart

Sunday 8:00am Our Lady’s 9:00am Sacred Heart 10:00am Our Lady’s 11:00am Sacred Heart (ASL) 12:00pm Sacred Heart Lower Church 6:00pm Our Lady’s

Weekdays including Legal Holidays Mon-Fri: 7:00am Our Lady’s Mon-Sat: 9:00am Sacred Heart Lower Church

Holy Days of Obligation

7:00am Our Lady’s 9:00am Sacred Heart 12:00pm Our Lady’s 7:30pm Sacred Heart


Every Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm, at both churches on the lower level, or by appointment.

New to our Collaborative? Welcome! Please introduce yourself after Mass or at the parish offices. We want to know and serve you! We hope you will participate in our parishes with your prayers, presence, talents, and steward-ship according to your means.

Sacraments of Initiation: For adults interested in Bap-tism, Confirmation, or joining the Catholic Church, please contact Kate Neal; for high school Confirmation, contact Michelle Solomon at Sacred Heart or Kristina Preman at Our Lady's; for older children to be baptized or to receive Holy Communion, contact Michelle Solomon at Sacred Heart or Rosemary Seibold at Our Lady's.

Infant Baptisms: Infant Baptisms are celebrated at Mass or on special Sundays throughout the year. Parents are asked to call the parish offices to begin the process. A

program of preparation is offered to all parents. For more information, please visit our website.

Sacrament of Marriage: Please contact the parish offic-es at least 6 months in advance. A preparation program is offered to all couples. For more information, please visit our website.

Pastoral Care of the Sick: We are most eager to help anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in church. If you wish to receive the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick, Eucharist, or Reconciliation, please call the par-ish offices. Please also notify us of hospitalizations, so that we may be of help.

Saint Vincent de Paul Society: For more information, email or call 617-527-7560 x255.

Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Mass Schedule and Intentions Priests’ schedule is subject to change

In your prayers, please remember

Anita C. DiFelice

John A. Tedesco

Anna M. Taranto

John T. Greeley

and all who have died.

May they experience the new life

promised by Christ’s Paschal victory.

Scripture Readings for the Week (also found at

23 SUN Gn 14:18-20/1 Cor 11:23-26/Lk 9:11b-17 24 Mon Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 25 Tue Gn 13:2, 5-18/Mt 7:6, 12-14 26 Wed Gn 15:1-12, 17-18/Mt 7:15-20 27 Thu Gn 16:1-12, 15-16 or 16:6b-12, 15-16/Mt 7:21-29 28 Fri Ez 34:11-16/Rom 5:5b-11/Lk 15:3-7 29 Sat Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Gal 1:11-20/Jn 21:15-1 Day: Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 30 SUN 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21/Gal 5:1, 13-18/Lk 9:51-62

Saturday, June 22

9:00am - Sacred Heart - Deceased Members of the Parish Immediately following Mass: Rosary, Exposition, Adoration & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, ending at 10:00am.

4:00pm - Our Lady’s (Msgr. Dennis Sheehan)

Anthony “Smiley” Colella Joseph & Maria D’Agostino Antonio & Amalia Barreto 4:00pm - Sacred Heart (Fr. Dan Riley)

Gerald Finlayson

Sunday, June 23 - The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

8:00am - Our Lady’s (Fr. Dan Riley)

Immaculata Lacerra Josephine Jasset Marguerite Meskimen Best—20th Anniversary 9:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Michael Hahn)

Deceased Members of St. Francis Guild 10:00am - Our Lady’s (Fr. Dan Riley)

Dr. Lawrence DiBona Antonio Caruso—2nd Anniversary Thomas Cellucci Jesus Sosa 11:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Shawn Carey)

Deceased Members of the Parish 12:00pm - Sacred Heart (Fr. Dan Riley)

David Regan & Jennifer Regan 6:00pm - Our Lady’s (Msgr. Dennis Sheehan)

Joseph Proia Alba & Antonio Salvucci

Monday, June 24 7:00am - Our Lady’s - For All Military Personnel 9:00am - Sacred Heart - For All Military Personnel

Tuesday, June 25

7:00am - Our Lady’s - For All Emergency Workers 9:00am - Sacred Heart - For All Emergency Workers

Wednesday, June 26

7:00am - Our Lady’s - For the Poor of the Parish 9:00am - Sacred Heart - Ian Luebbers

Thursday, June 27

7:00am - Our Lady’s - For All Victims of Abuse

9:00am - Sacred Heart - For All Victims of Abuse

Friday, June 28

7:00am - Our Lady’s - For the Sick of the Parish 9:00am - Sacred Heart - For the Sick of the Parish

Saturday, June 29

9:00am - Sacred Heart - Deceased Members of the Parish Immediately following Mass: Rosary, Exposition, Adoration & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, ending at 10:00am.

4:00pm - Our Lady’s (Missionary Priest)

Joseph & Margaret Farina Mary & Edmund Nardone James & Angelina Farina Anna & George Hawkins Skip Hill Norman Cleveland 4:00pm - Sacred Heart (Fr. Dan Riley)

Doris McParland

Sunday, June 30 - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am - Our Lady’s (Missionary Priest)

Caroline Walsh 9:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Dan Riley)

For Barbara Nyhen (Living) 10:00am - Our Lady’s (Missionary Priest)

Nancy Giordano Giuseppe Russo 11:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Shawn Carey)

Deceased Members of the Parish 12:00pm - Sacred Heart (Missionary Priest)

In Thanksgiving for Mary Tornabene 6:00pm - Our Lady’s (Fr. Dan Riley)

Juan Bermudez Ernesto Garcia Manuel Pulido Sister Nidia Gutierrez Maritza Matamoros