Post on 21-Apr-2015

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NAVGRAH BADHA NIVARAK SHRI MAT HANUMANT PRAYOG Mantra : om hraam sarv dusht grah nivaarnaay swahaa ||Whole universe is in control of nine planet that means whatever good or bad , happiness or sorrow , life and death comes all around us are because of nav grah . and no one can denied their role in up bring thses events in our life. And this is the well known facts that when solar spots comes on the sun’s surface than various major event happens in our earth history and last several hundred year history is a proof of that.That means its the planet who responsible for rise or fall or any empire any more things.In reality , the planet acts as catalyst and as the person karm happens so their rays are act to bring the result in front of them. In astrology nav grah and kundali (nine planet and horoscope) has a major role to play. And an expert astrologer through his personal experience and accurate analysis he is able to reveals the past and coming future event accurately.And we can not underestimate the power behind thses planet , and when no other remedial measure works and if the problem related to sadhana success or related to material world continues , than we have to think that how the karmafal stored from past can be minimized through this nav grah shanti.The power of Bhagvaan hanuman every body knows. And through his blessing every problem can be removed. Mantra : om hraam sarv dusht grah nivaarnaay swahaa ||The general rules:Wear red color clothes and also us e red color aasan.Direction may be of east or north. Morning hours will be much effective for jap.Do jap with mounga mala , and in front of you , place photograph of Sadgurudev and Bhagvaan hanuman.Do Sadgurudev poojan with full heart and devotion and ask his permission mentally and start this prayog on any Tuesday or from Saturday .You have to chant 1,25000 mantra jap either in 11 or in 21days , and then do havan of tenth part of the mantra jap you did, if not possible arranging havan of this quantity than do extra jap of one fourth of total mantra jap you did .During sadhana kaal follow bramhchary or celibacy .

AAVAHAN-25(CHAKRA BHEDAN) When these rare practices were applied in routine at that time I understood that in real this very general looking processes of yogatantra are highly effective and if sadhak continues the practice daily; in very short span of time one can achieve desired results. We understood about the special processes related to anulom vilom pranayam. In fact one should not get confused directly in applying. One should practice it to particular time period and gradually the practice should be increased. While applying these processes one should never apply forceful efforts in practice or one should

never even try to modify the processes. These processes are directly in relation with chakras and kundalini. One small mistake can even change the way of kundalini and can cause heavy damage to sadhak. It is always better to do practice with cautions. It is also better for sadhak to practice process of kundalini activation for some days thus to prevent oneself from the negative effect of energy produced which may take place on unexpected kundalini activation. For kundalini activation one should first perform 5 types of anulom vilom pranayam with soham beeja the method of the same have been described in previous posts which is very important for energy generation and body cleansing. After that sadhak should practice Bhastrika Pranayaam. While performing bhastrika often one of the reasons not getting the desired benefit is that when one breathes-in, air comes back from stomach only. But the in right method air inhaled in bhastrika should reach till muladhar chakra or in other words till anus. While coming on the force of the air, one should apply as much as force as they can while breathing-in and with the same force the breathing out should also be done. By sitting with a straight spinal and practicing it for few day sadhak will be able to pass the air breathed in during bhastrika to muladhar chakra. In beginning sadhak should take care that this process should not be done more than 15-20 times or else it may cause bleeding from nose. This way one should slowly take this practice till 60 times. At that time impurities like yellow cough, solid blood particles aur black colored impurities may come from nose. These all are internal impurities which are stuck in veins. One should clean these. Now the force of the practice could be increased. In one minute 6 times bhastrika should be done that means one time in one second. In one second the full process of breathing in with force to make the air reach to muladhar and finally breathing out with force should be done. If sadhak have practiced previous mentioned practices, this will act very easy to do. In regards to this process sadgurudev told that if sadhak practice this for 5 minutes (means 200 times) thus results in kundalini activation in 21 days and muladhar becomes completely active. You can imagine that with just 5 minutes of daily practice kundalini activation is possible. If sadhak continues his practice further he may control the breath air to take it at any chakra and after this if sadhak continues this process for 5 minutes daily, one can activate all the chakras with this.


There are 10 doors of body from which air can come out of the body. As minor way, from our every minor halls of the body air can go out. But in majority it goes out from 10 main doors. They are 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, mouth, anus, lingam and navel. There is a big importance of pranayam in yoga and yoga tantra. One of the basic meaning of pranayam is to stop the pran in other words to control the pran. And in yog tantra, air is also called as Pran. As one of the yoga concept, for the time a breath could be stopped, the same development of the body life could be developed. Naabhi is central

part where is collective veins are situated, this is also place for Manipur chakra. Jatharagni is also situated here. In whole body fire could be generated from this place. Fire here means heat. In yoga concepts the process is about to save the virya or jiv dravya and from solid to liquid and finally to convert it in gaseous form. When air gets heat, it travels upwards. This way this jiv dravya is transformed in air form and it is spread in whole body. This is possible through Manipur chakra.In the first stage of the second process of the naad in gunjaran process 7 holes/doors are allowed to be closed. Now in further process, we are supposed to close more two doors also which are anus and sexual organ. For this sadhak should establish anus on the foot hill of the left leg and with right leg’s foot hill one should press the opening of the lingam. Now all the energy will try to move out from the Naabhi (navel) but because of the agni kunda it is not easily possible. Thus, all that energy in the form of air will roam across Manipur chakra. This way Manipur chakra will quickly get activation. Sadgurudev one told that if sadhak does this process for 20 minutes without breaking the Gunjaran then he can have aasan in the air (levitation). Because what so ever air will be, it will be gathered nearby Manipur chakra and because of the agni kunda the air stars being spread. This way the air will try to come out of the body but because the doors or holes of the body are closed, the air will stars travelling upwards. Because of this situation, when it will go up, it will also lift the whole body. This way, it is very complicated process and sadhak must have patience. It seems very easy in reading but in actual a lot more time hard work seeking.

Here we are discussion in relation with Naad. When one gets involved in this process that results in awaken of antschetna or inner consciousness. And at the end of the Gunjaran process, Dharana stage could be gain. In this stage one can enter into inner self and becomes able to hear the ‘Anahad Naad’.

AAVAHAN-23 (NAAD SIDDHI) Till now we discussed about three steps of first process related to Naad. Now, moving on to the second process of naad which has ‘Gunjaran’ (humming sound) as base. Sadgurudev have many time told about this process that if sadhak do this process in right way, one can gain stage of meditation in few days. Literally, there is deep and important relation between Naad & Gunjaran. Naad is inner continued sound which outside could be heard through inner ways.Our mobilization has a big effect of Naad on it. If the efficiency of the Naad is to be increased, that could be done with the medium of outer generated sound and can modulate those sounds to increase capabilities. The basic relation of naad stays with heart and to forward that energy further from there is bit tough and thus there is Gunjaran Process between the sadhak through which that energy can reach up to head. There is no direct affect of this energy on Head but it removes tardiness of knowledge sources and fibres by providing energy. With this process it is natural to have boost in knowledge power and if one does regular process for some days then it results in very

free meditation stage. And one keep on doing the process further on can hear and understand basic Naad.

Before completing this process it is very important for sadhak to do naadi sodhan. For this, one should do all five types of anulom vilom with beej mantra “Hreem”. Such processes have been mentioned previously. After the process with closed eyes one should take long breath and chant ‘Om’. After three times of ‘Om’ chantings, one can start the Gunjaran Process.

This process also has two sub processes. For few days one should follow this normal process.In this process one should sit in Padmasan or Siddhasan and after that one should take long breath and by closing eyes, ears, nose and mouth one should start Gunjaran. First one should try to do gunjaran of “Om” sound. Till the time it is possible do the gunjaran in single breath. Meanwhile eyes, nose, mouth and ear should be close and there should be no air lick from there. Take a breath again and start gunjaran again. This way this process should be done for 15 minutes, after that sound of Gunjaran should be changed to “Hoom” from “Om”. This process should also be done for 15 minutes. After that sadhak should do mantra chanting with sfatik rosary 21 rounds of “Om Hoom” beej. This process could be done at morning or evening. But in whole day, this process should be done once. It is good to follow the process for 11 days. After that sadhak should go for the next stage of this process.

AAVAHAN-22(LOKANUGAMAN RAHASYA) We discussed about first two stages of first process related to naad. There is last and important stage of this process. When this stage was discussed with Divyatma, he said that after this stage, with the help of inner universe sadhak can travel in other worlds. He can understand their living and can also communicate with living-once there. With that knowledge regarding sadhana can also be gain from them. For sadhak, this is very important boarding of sadhana world which can make his progress a historical.

When I presented my wish for more description of process, he told me that like previous two stages, this process is also been completed in 21 days. In this process, sadhak should do mantra chanting with sfatik rosary in both morning and evening time. Cloths should be white and direction should be north. Aasan should also be white in colour. Sadhak should do guru poojan first either in apparent form or in the form of emblem (on photo/yantra). After that sadhak should chant the mantra’s 21 rosary in morning and 21 rosaries in night. If it is possible, sadhak should also do the 21 rounds in afternoon too. This way 3 times/2 times in day sadhak should do mantra chanting in particular time period which is after 6 in morning, in case if applicable after 12 in afternoon and after 9 in the night time. This sadhana should be done with closed eyes with concentrating on heart. Mantra is

“Om Soham Hansah Swaha”There was no limit of my surprise. I heard this mantra many times. Sadgurudev have given this mantra in shivir and in articles 2-3 times. But like it happens always, we did not try to take

benefit from the mantra given by sadgurudev by taking it just another mantra. Today, in discussion with divyatma when I came to know about this my inner soul started feeling very emotional. In true sense sadgurudev had spread diamonds in front of us but by taking it as stones, we…

There was nothing to speak. In night time I was watching stars sleeping on the roof, it was looking like sadgurudev is smiling. This was not first time, before this too once I had made the same mistake. It is ok that we have materials of sadgurudev but I want to know about secret mantras; with such thinking I used to roam here and there. I came in contact with one accomplished tantric. He said that I can even saw you your isht right now. In the night time, he also did the same. I went overwhelmed with that experience. I asked that with what process you became eligible to do this; at that time answer came from his side that in tantra field you cannot have knowledge just like this, when you will prove your eligibility by winning my faith, I will tell you. I will give you the mantra with which I achieved this stage. And suffering many pains and problems after one and half year I was able to have his faith. And there came a day when he gave me the mantra but bitterness spread away in my soul. It was like if thousands of snakes bite me in one moment and I should die in certain. The mantra with which he achieved that stage and with his good will he told me that was tribeej mantra which was told by sadgurudev at least 1000 different times to his disciples. And I too heard that mantra many times. Guilt rushed all over me that I never understood the importance of sadhana given by sadgurudev. How pains and sufferings he must had faced to gain these divine mantras and that mantras he used to spread between us just like anything…tears rolled over my eyes, again started looking at the stars. It was like his face was clearly visible in the sky till, with divine smile. I think it may be the reason he told me that take these processes through aavahan, many secrets related to aavahan and sadhana will be revealed…

AAVAHAN-21 (SOHAM KRIYA) As it has been said, there are 5 types of anulom vilom. The different is based upon the breath taken from the nostril and poorak & rechak processes

1) Breathe in from left nostril and breath out from right2) Breathe in from left nostril and breath out from the same3) Breathe in from right nostril and breath out from left4) Breathe in from right nostril and breath out from the same5) Breathe in and breathe out from both nostrils.

In first four process when breath in is done from the one nostril, the other nostril should be closed with thumb after that do the holding process and while breathing out from the one nostril, the other nostril should be closed with thumb.

When the process of breath in is done chant mantra “So” in the mind, the time duration of breathe in, the equal time should be used for stretching the chant of mantra. At the time of holding the air with concentration on agya chakra one should chant mantra “soham” mentally. While breathing out one should chant “ham”.

With this process, every 5 type of this pranayam should be done 10-10 times. This should be continuing till 21 days which results in a yellowish light on the agya chakra. Entering in this light is the passport of the sukshm jagat. With this sadhak should also keep on chanting “soham” mantra as much as possible.

This is first stage of the yog-tantrik process of Naad. For the next stage the mantra which is taken to use is “hansah”This beej mantra is also one of the very important beej mantra which is also used with the same pranayam. When a person is eligible to enter in sukshm jagat he may go for second stage.

With application of this process the soul of the sadhak becomes pure. With this, the activeness of the Hriday Chakra makes sadhaka more eligible. To generate information of anything occurring at any place becomes possible. Position of Dhyana even becomes easier.

In this process also, sadhak is needed to chant the mantra like previous method only. While breathing in “Ham” mantra; at the time of holding “hamsah” mantra and while breathing out “sa” mantra should be chanted. With that one should keep on chanting this mantra as much as possible for them. This way 5 process of anulom vilom should be done 20-20 times. This is 21 days second stage.

After this, there is a third stage of the process. When Divyatma told me about this mantra, I was stuck and I did not come to believe it certainly.

AAVAHAN -20 (SOAHAM RAHASYA) As said by divyatma soham is very special mantra in itself. It is siddha peoples saying that this single mantra is enough to give you 12 type of rare siddhi. This mantra also has many further types. In yog tantra this mantra is considered as very important mantra. Though this is under Ajapa mantra which could be chanted at anytime but there is a special and important process under aavahan to enter in sukshm jagat.Anulom Vilom is one of the base pranayam. There are few important things to know before process. In reality, the conception spread in today’s time belonging to yoga cannot be said a complete truth. Yog is not just physical exercise. The meaning of yoga has been made very narrow. The definition of yoga have now turned to make legs up-down and to maintain flexibility of the body. Asan is one of the 8 side mentioned in a one system of yoga called ashtang yoga. Literally, this is not just a science to make our self fit physically but also a way to attain our self in spiritual field. The same way there are many wrong conceptions had been spread relating pranayam in the society. There is simple rule in relation to pranayam that the pure outer air should be inhaled which is transformed as energy in the body through pranayam and impure air should be exhale. Everyone is aware about the impure atmosphere in the cities today. If that impure air is inhaled will that give benefit or problem to the body? It is essential that pranayam should be done in pure atmosphere. With that, pranayama has relation direct with chakras so if with improper information practice of pranayam may cause troubles and not the benefits. Let we continue with anulom vilom. This pranayam have 5 type of it. In

this specific yog tantric process of anulom vilom pranayam the important specification is the breath inhaled should not be stored in lungs but it should reach to navel or Manipur chakra and it should be stored there till the time it stay, there should not be any force to stop it inside. Pranayam should be done empty stomach. Best time for pranayam is bramh muhurt. It is good to do pranayam under baniyan tree or peepal tree during day time. It is also good to do pranayam under bilva tree during the evening time before sun set. No pranayam should be practice near or under trees during night time. There are three steps of pranayam.Poorak – to inhale the air inside body, Kumbhak – to hold the air inside bodyRechak – to exhale the air out of the body In yog tantric process pranayam is called as sagarbhayaam or sagarbhapranaayam which means to do practice pranayam with mantra. To spread the energy of mantra in the body with the help of air. Soham beeja is collective form of shiv-shakti. Therefore by applying this particular process many type of knowledge starts generating in sadhak itself.


Complicated and hidden mysteries of yog tantra were being revealed under guidance of sadgurudev Nikhileshwaranand ji. Now it was waiting for eve. I was supposed to collect those secret processes through aavahan. Those processes could have also been given by sadgurudev, but what was the mottow behind his order, I was not aware. He owns nature where he many times send his disciples to other disciples and siddha people to gain knowledge, what his logic remains behind this system, to make any comment there is un eligibility.Evening time and one of the mysterious processes of aavahan started; to enter in sukshm jagat. Many divine souls were lost in their self in the white lights all over. At the moment, one divyatma came to me, who he was. I do not know about it. He straight came to point, I am giving you one procedure but to follow all the rules and regulations is basic necessary. I felt not strange that how he came to know about me because for these siddhatma and divyatma there is nothing impossible and that I had experienced many times. Then too I asked that the process is related with what subject. That time he told me that in kundalini yoga if this mantra is being performed it may give success in internal downward establishment and speed to go upwards increases. With the same process one can travel with his soul to vatious sukshm lok. But sadhak should use this mantra after some days practice of kundalini yoga. With that sadhak should chant the mantra with practice only.The mantra given by him which was of Krishna is as follows:Om Krishna rupasye kleem sarv sarvaay phatIf this mantra is performed with kundalini yoga, in some days sadhak will be able to establish himself in muladhar and after that his upward travel also get started. Sadhak should chant the mantra in gyan mudra and cloths should be white. This mantra should not be chanted with mouth sound, internal chanting should be done. It is also a necessary rule for sadhak is not to give the mantra to anyone for at least 3 years.

Is there any process in relation to naad yoga?

There is a big difference in naad yoga practice and same process of yog-tantra. There are two processes for the same. First mantra is “soham”

I asked ‘further’? He said laughingly that this is complete mantra. These are two beej mantra among which shiva and shakti is incorporate. Today sadhak do not show much interest in beej mantra but it is very basic thing that how big the mantra could be, majority have the beej mantra in it. If sadhak accomplish these beej mantras then to have any siddhi is very normal thing for those.


By accepting my prayers, sadgurudev disclose the complete process that first one should do anusthan of 1,25,000 mahakaali beej mantra ‘Kreeng’ which could be started on the 8th dark night of any month. By establishing yantra and picture of mahakaali in front one should complete the anusthan in one week during night time following all the rules and regulations of sadhana in which cloth and aasan should be black in colour and rosary should be black hakeek. When this anusthan get completed, same way start next anusthan certainly for dhoomavati beej “Dhoom” fo 1,25,000 chanting. The same rosary should be brought in use which has been previously used for mahakaali beej. When this anusthan is completed one should does next anusthan of mantra “dhoom kreeng Dhoom” with this a sadhak receive the stage where with the medium of yog-tantra exercise he can leave his actual time and could remain present in the past time with his shukshma form. With this sadhak should also apply practice of kundalini yoga. With practice sadhak can go as far possible in time factor as he wish.

How to practice kundalini yoga?

Sadhak should sit in peaceful atmosphere and by closing his eyes one should try to look and locate kundalini and should imagine to enter as deep as he can inside his internal infinite depth. At this time sadhak should not keep thoughts in his mind; slowly sadhak will not hear outer noise during practice and he starts travelling into depth inside body. Slowly sadhak will clearly starts watching his kundalini and when he completely goes inside, he find himself at muladhar chakra. At that stage sadhak should move ahead by going upward and slowly try to look at the inside chakras. When sadhak will get success in looking agya chakra at that time he may receives success in this yoga system and move ahead for naad yoga.

What is Naad Yoga?The basic sound which has remained when the universe was created that is called naad. It is basic in sounds and the one which is present in all living and non living creature of the earth. The same is also called as sound of Aum. That sounds keep on playing in our body. To establish contact with whole universe by realizing the same sound is naad yoga. This way there are also 2 sub-sounds (naad) apart from basic naad. When sadhak holds that sound of naad then the power produced with that sound

gets protection from loosing and that power is collected with yoga. This way sadhak becomes eligible to achieve ‘isht’.

So, does all these various yoga have relation with Kaal?In yog tantric processes all these yoga systems are merged with tantric mantras with which the effect becomes firm and quick. Like both of these processes are completely yoga systems but if tantric mantras are included in these practices then sadhak can reach to his desired destination very quick. If your wish is to have such processes you may have it through aavahan with which you will also understand many mysteries related to aavahan….

समस्त उपद्रव नाशार्थ घं�टाकर्ण महाव�र प्रयो�ग(Samast updrav nasharth ghantakarn mahaveer prayog)

The worship of Ghantakarn mahaveer is found much in jain dharm . and he is considered very famous and powerful dev. There are many types of his yantra found and this s is very amazing facts that the sadhanaye related to that are sill come in to the light .Sometimes so many activities starts in our family ,and behind that is not able to understandable , it seems very difficult to understand that till yesterday everything is normal but what happened today., sometimes reason behind that is not clearly known . Many times all these trouble are happened because of malefic activities of some tantric and many of such tantraik is easily available now a days . but we can not escape all these, when such problem occurs , than do this prayog for your protection and for remedy too. Sometimes because of malefic planet situation these problems occurs .and these event are not consider very welcome one .Mantra : om mahamaya ghantakarini mahaviri mam sarv updrav, grah peeda hawa byaar, kiya karaya ,chadha chadhaya , nashan kuru kuru swaha |The process :in any auspicious day do jap of this mantra 1100 times and with any mala if that be of hakeek than its fine, and clothes and asan colours should be yellow one .direction may be east or north one. When mantra jap be completed than prepare small ball of gugual and thoroughly dip in ghee and do havan with these ball, only 108 times.This is the mantra sidhdikaran process end . and whenever you or them member of your family faced the problem do havan with gugual and ghee only 108 times. This is very easy prayog not required much things an surely this helps a lot removing the problem .

बी�जो�क्त त�त्र- वग्बी�जो द्वार प र्ण शानिना क" प प्रप्ति$त अभ्यो'दयो प्रबी�ध निवधना (Beejokt Tantra- Vaagbeej dwara poorn Shani Kripa Prapti Abhyuday Prabodh Vidhaan )g

Shani…..fear, pain, incompleteness and unsatisfaction… this all true recognition of SHANI DEV?????

No these all are stupid ideas which were developed by fake people just to earn money on His name. Criticism can be accepted only then when you himself has done some work to the related field otherwise things which are blindly followed are usually faulty and play good for nothing role in anyone’s life. Sadgurudev himself provided a wonderful definition of Shani’s form which symbolizes Knowledge, Justice and continuous betterment of life and its classical example is that innocent children and mentally retarded persons don’t come under his jurisdiction.But to copy someone else style or doing mistake after mistake that too while having healthy mind falls in crime’s category because sound mind can judge that whatever is done by him can be destructive for his family, society, nation and for himself as well and this type of activities can’t be entitled positive activities.And in these types of matters to give proper justice comes under his legislation ….till here is common information about him which we all know……..isn’t it!!!!But do we ever think about that basic central point which gives essential knowledge required to give true justice means where is that resource situated which provides this type of hi-fi knowledge which further plays an important role in the field of justice. We all know that once when Lord Hanuman released Shani Dev from the prison of Lankesh he (Hanuman ji) acquired a promise from him that who so ever offer true devotion to his Lord i.e. Lord Rama or to him (Hanuman ji) as well from his true Mann, Vachan and Karma, Shani will never do any harm to him but unfortunately time is witness that any devotee who follow this procedure remains in more problems than anybody else.Did that promises were false?? No, it’s our fault that we don’t pay proper attention to that complete sentence which has three conditions i.e. Mann, Vachan and Karma……now it is up to you to decide are we following that conditions…..on the way to temple countless corrupted thoughts come into our mind for other people…and moreover is our life is free from jealous, cheating, ill deeds and telling lies….and the answer is BIG NO….

No doubt by doing all these meditations and prayers we want to have all comforts and luxuries but let me know by doing ill deeds that too with conscious mind how can we imagine to have fruitful result of all these holy jobs….but the thing which will surely we get is punishment that too with increment-i.e. basic multiply by 10 because at the time of committing that sin we had its incomplete and false knowledge and the we all know “Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing” Another thing which we need to aware about is that the mystery behind the origin of every planet and Mother Muntha is hidden in all these Beej Mantras means there is a particular Beej Mantra responsible for the origin of a particular planet and its power.Like “AING” beej is behind the origin of Shani Dev, his justice power is also originated from this “Vaagbeej” and the point which should keep in mind is

that at the time of universal creation it is this “Vaagbeej” without which nothing can be produced. This is also rhymed as “AING SHRISHTIRUPAAY”It means “Vaagbeej” is creational and to create something knowledge and consciousness is must and always remember it is only through complete truth one can have permanent happiness. In ancient literature we have multiple Mantra about Shani Dev but through which Mantra we can have what type of benefit this knowledge is missing and in this type of situation Sadgurudev himself can enlighten your way to avert harm and loss you can face. Creational mystery is vast that’s why here I am giving only that proyog through which one can have glimpse of Shani Dev’s original form and his blessings as well which further helps you to get rid of your life from the feeling of guilt and can give stability to your finance, social status, love and family life…..above of all this proyog can give you mental stability which promote your spiritual stability to attain your destination. At Wednesday morning after sunrise take bath and wear white clothes, sit on white altar (aasan), place copper plate in front of you and on it with your Anamika finger ( second last) while using white sandal write “AING” on it and offer Akshatt (rice), incense, four faced flour lamp ( aate ka chomukha deep), flowers, kheer and Clove (loung) on it. Your direction should be East. Before doing this poojan do Sadgurudev, Surya (Sun) and Lord Ganesha’s panchopchaar poojan first and enchant Guru Mantra because this is the base of every sadhna. Then do 11 rosaries of “AING” Mantra with Sfatik or Rudraksh rosary. This procedure should be carry on till Saturday and on Saturday after completing of procedure wear black or any other color’s but neat and clean clothes and put 7 nails (keel), black till, kajal, mustard oil, black cloth in front of you and offer mustard oil’s lamp, guggal incense, till ke laddu, clove (loung) black till and do 11 rosaries of given mantra with black hakeek or Rudraksh rosary. Dhyaan mantra-“ना�लां�जोना समभास� स यो प'त्र योमग्रजोम |छायो मत ण्ड स�भा त� त� नाममिम शाना2श्चरम4 ||”Mantra used in it gets its origin from Vaagbeej itself which helps you to release yourself from the veil of Maya i.e. outer false happiness and make sure the entry of SHRI (goddess laxmi) in your life while giving you true spiritual knowledge and mind which has the capacity to do justice, purity of character as well. By doing this proyog one can have Lord Shani Dev’s blessings for his whole life.Mantra-“ऐं ह्रीं7 श्रीं7 शाना2श्चरयो नाम9”“AING HREEM SHREEM SHANAISHCHARAAY NAMAH”After the completion of this procedure follow the basic Vaagbeej Mantra procedure again for next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and on its completion offer any small girl (kanya) food with gifts and money as per your capacity.

This proyog can open the door of success and comfort for you so it’s up to you to follow it and take advantage….

VEERBHADR TANTROKT SARVESHVARI SADHNA(व�रभाद्र त�त्र�क्त सव:श्वर� सधना) VeerbhadraTantram is collection of various secret sadhana in itself, there are so many secrets related to the sadhana given in this secret scripture which are easy and authentic. Once upon a time this scripture used to be big literature in content but many parts of this scripture lost their existence time while. Anyway, in this scripture many sadhana related to various gods and goddesses are mentioned including rituals on Maaran, Vashikaran, Aakarshana, Mohan, Karya siddhim etc. The sadhana presented here is big gem of this scripture. This is sarveshwari sadhana. Mantra of this sadhana is swayam siddha or active this way possibility to attain success becomes more. With that there is another special characteristic is that person is free to choose their sadhana order and can have the desired result. This way, in tantra field, this sadhana is very important and secret.To accomplish this sadhana, sadhak should select the place where no disturbance occurs during sadhana time. Sadhak should start this prayog on Tuesday night. Rosary should be rudraksha and cloth and aasana should be Red. Direction should be north. Sadhak can use this mantra in following way. Description given in regard of mantra is this way:Just by remembering this mantra solution of the troubles could be gain related to bhoot, rakshas, (evil spirits) daakini, yogini. Whenever such auspicious troubles are marked, one should chant this mantra 7 times. For this prayoga, one should remember this mantra. As this mantra is swayam siddha, for this particular there is no need of any process to accomplish this. One can directly take the mantra in use.If this mantra is chanted for one thousand times, person gets extreme memory power and becomes brilliant. If this mantra is chanted 10,000 times one gets power to know everything means past and future incident could be seen.If one does this mantra chanting for 1, 00,000 times in the form of anusthan one can have power of khechari or bhoochari means (flying in the sky or walking power for longer distance).Sadhak can himself select the prayog and schedule could be arranged accordingly that these much of mantra chanting would be done in these much days.Sarveshwari Mantra : Om Ham th th th seim chaam tham th th th hrah hraum hraum hreim ksheim kshom ksheim ksham hraum hraum ksheim hreeng smaam dhmaam streem sarveshwari hum phat swaahaa This is tivra mantra so sadhak with fear in heart should not attempt this mantra sadhana.

Meanwhile the life time, one needs to go through so many troubles and problems to fulfil the wishes and to live the life with right track. Long time duration is spent to remain hardworking. And one should also need to be activating mentally and physically. Base thing in all these activity is to receive complete material pleasure. And money plays vital role to have the complete pleasure. Everyone today wish to complete oneself in term of material life, have the complete happiness shared in family. Fulfil own wishes and wills and to make the family prosperous. But is it possible for everyone? No. Because our life is based on Karma. Our Karma forms our fortune to live and based on the same we receive happiness and material pleasures. But this fortune or this luck could be converted through the medium of the sadhana. With hard work, in every field, if one receives blessings of the divine powers gained through the sadhana done with faith and devotion can grant success for sure. In regards to wealth gaining there are several sadhana in the field of tantra with which one fulfil wish to have money. But secretly many sadhana had remained famous with which one can obtain money for sure in very short span of time. With any medium or with any way sadhak receives the money. Such prayogas are called as “aakashmik dhan prapti prayog”. Here presented prayoga is incomparable in this quick wealth gaining prayoga. This process is short in term of time and is able to grant wish of the sadhak completely. This way, this prayoga is also beneficial for the people who do not have time to do long anusthan for many days. When prayoga is completed one gets new sources of wealth gaining, one may also gains trapped money. Or else in one or another medium finance is gained.

This sadhana could be started on any Friday.Time should be after 10PM (night)Aasan (sitting mat) and cloths of the sadhak should be Red in colour and direction should be north. Sadhak should do this sadhana sitting under the tree of Palaash (butea monosperma). If that is not possible for sadhak anyway, one should establish piece of the wood of the palaash on the red cloth in front where sadhana is being done. Sadhak should establish picture of goddess lakshmi in front. If possible one should also establish Mahalakshmi yantra or Shree yantra with that. And one should do poojan of the same. After that one should bow to maha lakshmi and pray for the success in the sadhana. After that one should chant 21 rounds of the following mantra with kamalgatta (lotus bead) rosary.Om shreem shighra siddhim tivr phalam pooray pooray dehi dehi shreem shreem shreem namahWhen mantra chanting is done, sadhak should offer 101 offerings (aahuti) of the cow Ghee (clarified butter) in to fire. After that sadhak should bow down and pray for the success in sadhana.

This process should be continued for three days. After three days sadhak should immerse rosary and if taken into use, the wood of the Palash (butea

monosperma) tree in water. Sadhaka’s wish to obtain finance would be fulfilled quickly.

2 SARAL LAKSHMI PRADAYAK PRAYOG(२ सरलां लांक्ष्म� प्रदयोक प्रयो�ग) In life path one need to achieve materialistic and spiritualistic completeness at both the fronts. When it comes to materialistic happiness then everyone can understand what the significance of money is in living life. This is the profound truth of life that at every step we need money and can’t deny from this fact that it’s an important part of life. By which one can achieve all those luxuries in life. But when there is lack of money or financial crunches then life goes haywire and turns into burden. In those circumstances in culture our many sadhnatmak solutions are given to get rid of it which we should grab instantly. If we worship the gods and goddess in right way surely we can get proper solution. In today’s hectic life schedule it’s really not feasible that to do big proceedings with all rules and regulations. And that to be with whole sadhnatmak intensions. In impending article such process are given which can be done without disturbing your following routine. And can take desired benefit in less time.

1. Shri Prayog.On daily basis after sunrise if you do one rosary two times in a day then you will find many different sources to earn money. And in any ways you get rid of it. In this process you have to enlighten ghee lamp in front of you facing towards north direction. No restriction on Asan and clothes. Mantra Jap should be done via Kamalgatta rosary. You can start it on any day. Do it for one month. Then afloat it in shrim shrim shrim nityamaddravye shrim shrim shrim siddhim namah.

2. Parad laxmi Prayog:

This is the best process. Take a mantra siddh parad laxmi idol and establish it on Friday night. Facing towards north direction. First of all do a normal worship ritual of Laxmi. Then by crystal rosary chant the following mantra for one hour. No need to count rosaries. Jap should go on for one hour in continuity.

Om shrim shighrasiddhim vishnupatni kalyaanmayi namah

Do this process for for 3 days. By this process a sadhak can get wealth and luxuries in his life. This will just increase day by day. This is really best process. Sadhak should really keep the rosary with him with safe and care. And if wants to do it again then in that case he can repeat the same rosary.


In this era everyone needs to have any job, without that its very difficult to successfully run the day to day life. This is the truth and we can not escape from that and many of us have self business as a job you can say .We are receiving so many mails indicating that we are facing much problem and their business is not running as it should be . many sadhanye has been published in this regards either in blog or e mag or in facebook Nikhil-alchemy group. For relation to finance and wish fulfilling. Sadhak must understand the meaning behind that and have place in his heart.Even competition are so tough in this field that self business of every person always run as he desired its not possible. the sadhak who has kanakdhra yantra in their home and in their workplace and daily reciting of kanakdhara strot path is doing they are not facing such a problem. Even their horoscope have worst combination and the miracle of these yantra are every body knows.And the same situation will be to those who have shri yantra or swarnkarshan yantra in their home and daily path of there respective yantra .Today through this post we are introducing one such a yantra , that you can easily make and helpful for such problem. and the problem related to business will be removing easily.Like any yantra making the procedure of this yantra making is the same , but this have to remember that in any auspicious day’s night ..make this yantra on the outer wall of your shop so that every one who visited in your shop can see this.Only thing you need to remember that make this yantra from sindur .and do poojan of this yantra with dhup and deep

आकस्मिस्मक धना प्रप्ति$त क@ लिलांए ..(शा@योर मक: टा यो अन्यो मD लांभादयोक ) To have money or finance is such a process everyone like that and for smooth running of human life the importance of money can not be underestimated. Majority of the wishes can be easily fulfilled if you have enough money.And in coming of finance in every month is also a must . and that fix income also be spend on fix reason. But if we get any sudden gain of money than it will be a matter of joy.But where can be get this sudden incoming of wealth. In general , we can not expect that every one can have some treasure . but majority of us see the share maket where we can easily gain money.. its true that but we also get the info that most of the fellow destroyed all his fortunate over there. but people always see the positive side .Those who take this market for long run. They are the safe players but those who invest money for short turn. They have to be more careful and vigil too.There is a small sadhana , on doing that successfully , the chance of loss can be minimized and risk can also be minimized. And the chance to get profit is more.

The mantra jap is needed 11 ,000 and the number of days are not fixed , abut on completion of the mantra jap , have to give aahuti 108 times with this mantra. And soon you will see that new new sources for finance is being open to you.The clothes and aasan will b e of yellow in color .and direction would be east or north one.Mantra jap should be better is done in morning hours.Mantra jap can be done with any mala .Sadgurudev poojan , mantra jap samarpan, and sankalp is always an essential part of any sadhana .Mantra : Aakash charini yakshini sundari aao dhan lao . meri jholi bhar jao varsha karo dhan ki jaise baadal varshe jal ki .kuber ki rani yakshini mahraani kasam tere pati ki laaz rakh jan ki sachche guru ka chela baantu prasaad meva Karen teri jay seva jay yakshini deva.After successful completion of this mantra and havan , whatever the excess money you gained keep a portion of that for your guru and offer some sweets to yakshini specially meva…

AATMSHAKTI PRAPTI PRAYOG Base of the any sadhana remains on sadhak’s internal personality. To receive power in any form continuously and to circulate and develop the same, is very important for any sadhak. But to maintain the situation where continuity of the sadhana stays is not easy for every sadhak to do. The basic reason is lack of the Atm Shakti. The basic element of soul is Aatm tatv and the power which gives it life is Aatm Shakti. In the partial absence of this power, progress of spiritual and material world gets break for any person. Rather it is about taking decision related to any side or to change the mind for accepting any thought, in the base of all these is Aatm Shakti. We receive Aatm shakti through Parmatma and thus we maintain flow of our works but with many of the reason it get affected. Thus it is important for all human being that they should develop this power. With the gross of Aatm shakti, the ultimate truth starts on getting revealed and person will start receiving many secret knowledge by its own. The lack of the courage and decision making in the sadhaka could also be filled with the medium of this power.At any auspicious day during night time after 10PM sadhak should establish paarad ganapati or any other Idol of ganapati and one should offer red vermillion on it followed by poojan. After that with moonga rosary chant 21 rounds of the following mantra. The mantra chanting should NOT be in mind the sound of the mantra should be audible. This process should be repeated for one weekOm Vakrtundaay HreemIn this prayog, sadhak should use red cloths & aasan only and red flowers should be offered. Direction should be north. This mantra may seem like another simple mantra but this mantra is Tivr tantrokt mantra in itself. After sadhana is completed, shadhak should establish the idol in worship place

and rosary should be worn. One month that rosary should be worn and possibly by doing one rosary a day will give many other comforts too. After one month the rosary should be placed at any temple.

Vashikaran Prayog through Bhagwaan Ganesh Sadhana

“vashikaran ek mantra hain taj de bachan kathor “ roughly meaning is that ,if you are a soft and polite spoken so definitely people attracts towards you, so secret of vashikaran is that avoid harsh and rough word to anyone., but the person who speak very softly sweetly often consider weak. Or this is consider as a sign of his/her weakness. It’s true that person should speak forcefully but sweet spoken style has a own beauty . but sometimes such a scene or circumstances created that all your effort fails or not producing the result. Than what you will do.How many times or how much ,you can give explanation to your near and dear one but when he/she refused to listen. And that also applicable to your colleague , in work place ,when he is not willing to help you. Than what to do?? .where nothing seems to work, then to protect your family, your life ‘s happiness , if you go for such a prayog than nothing wrong in it . we are not snatching happiness from any other.Sadgurudev used to say that theses prayog has their own value , a unique world and should not consider that with low respect. If we are not taking undue advantage of any one’s problem and circumstances , we are just making our life little easier than..Sadgurudev has given so many prayog in this relation in the magazine mantra tantra yantra vigyan. You can see your self.While attempting any prayog, what is your feeling and will and mindset is the basic foundation on that depends the beauty of sadhana, and if we are the soul part of Sadgurudev ji than how can, we ever do any work .that is not as per common society rules, Sadgurudev Bhagvaan always advised us to be a sadhak who well cultured, polite , and filled with sneh/love, so he never advocated that we should be like those sadhak who used to abuse any body and totally immersed in their own ego. But this also be remember that the one person about whom, he give many example is Bhagvaan shri Krishna , that is only ,,since up to a point everything is fine and ok , if any one crosses the limit than…For all of us what more be valuable, what will be more guiding star compare to our common father life (Sadgurudev). each moment ,each minute, second , and each page of his divine life is only and only for us. his such a pure divine life itself a guide light for all of his children like us, keeping this feeling this simple prayog for all of you.Om gloum rakt ganpatye namah

General rules: Direction should be north east facing. As this prayog is related to Bhagvaan ganesh than start with any Wednesday. Clothes and aasan should be of red color. Each day you have to chant 10 round of rosary (10 mala)per day for 10 days. Mantra jap should be done by red colored munga mala.When this prayog successfully completed than place any desired person’s photograph in front of you and do only 10 round of rosary , than he will be more cooperative to you.

This is enough for todayMoney is becoming the biggest truth now a days, and why not it to be, Rig-Veda’ says that all the qualities lies in lakshmi, and one great writer also said that now I am the same , my gyan also as it is, but o goddess lakshmi without your blessing , where am I today ?, no one respect me , no one want to meet me. but these are the writings in books. Every days what we are facing everybody already knew that. How to face the current situation is the biggest problem.Some are worried how to earn enough/sufficient so that our at least daily minimum needs would be fulfilled.On the other hand some has the qualities to earn more than enough ,they are also complaining that they are not able to save money , Is it true ??? yes on some level , since lakshmi Is not stationery , she is always moving. who can stop her?.Those who are continuously doing aarti with saying maiyya maiyya (mother mother ) actually hurting himself, why?, Sadgurudev ji very clearly mentioned that we should not worship goddess lakshmi as a mother since to mother we have to always give after a certain point,, what Sadgurudev more said in this connection , you can read/listen in his divine writings . but is there any way so that lakshmi can be finally made stationery in our home. and suppose if goddess lakshmi becomes totally stationery in our home and if that is not wise fully used than this also become headache. Than we are just a guard and nothing else.Sadgurudev used to say that its nice to be son of lakshmi instead of lakshmi das.Then how can be wisely used , here I would like to say through “sadbuddhi”.Than Bhagvaan Ganesh comes into picture.Through his blessing everything’s comes to positive for us, he is both obstruction creator and obstruction destroyer., most of us just do the Ganesh sadhana just for formality in the beginning of any sadhana. But how many of us knows that until mooladhar chakra Is properly functioning , till than sitting for any sadhana is not properly possible ,(as needed). And our sexual desire also can not be controlled , now a days whatever/everywhere we are watching is the over excess of this sexual unbalance /sensuous gratification is the result of not properly function of this mooladhar chakra. Think about a minute how wisely our rishis , gave this chakra a name mool +aadhar.( foundation of basic root ).Bhagvaan Ganesh is the lord of this chakra , that’s why this chakra is also known as Ganesh chakra,, and whenever any new work starts we say we have to “shri Ganesh “ of that work .Where with lakshmi Bhagvaan Ganesh controlled our buddhi than every thing positivity happens there.But how that can be possible????.We should have a place of Ganesh and lakshmi poojan in our daily poojan/sadhana .Mantra :Shreem om gam .There is no special rules have to be follow, only one round of rosary /one mala is sufficient and slowly slowly you can see the result.This is enough for today.

बी�जो�क्त तन्त्र�- अर्ण' परिरवत ना सFभाग्यो तरिरर्ण� प्रयो�ग (BEEJOKT TANTRAM- ANU PARIVARTAN SOUBHAGYA TARINI PRAYOG) “raagni chaamaatyajo doshah patnipaapam svabhatrtari|Tatha shishyarjitam paapm guruh prapnoti nischitam||”

it is said in Saar Sangrah that king will suffer for the mistakes made by ministers, husband will also not have relief from the sins of the wife same way Guru also pays for negative results occurred with sinful tasks of the disciple.To establish these above lines in heart and to think and act accordingly is the significance of the disciple hood. But all these things are not so easy, human is full of mistakes and after putting many efforts too, one cannot save self from the actions accumulated through fate. About kriyamaan or the current situation; we can try to make it proper balanced it is not easy task to on two other parts. For the action pay of the same karma kaal or time keeps on decay our existence and there comes a times when we are no more. This means that with our extreme efforts too, the results we have because of our sins, to vanish those sin effects big part of Sadgurudev’s energy is required.

Actually, the particles or atoms through which our body is meant, with effect of above three types of karma big part of these particles get covered with negative cover and to vanish the dirt acting cover, our boons keeps on working and if fate acts nice then knowledge in the form of fire is awaken and disciple will move ahead to burn the negative cover by increasing this fires with offerings and if this fire is awaken with extreme then one will achieve the desired level. And there left behind is only purity and purity generating pure particles.

“yat pinde tat bramhaande” ever thought on these lines, all the secrets are merged in this only, what is the basic necessity is to understand the secret meaning properly. And the day when we will understand this, we will also have the knowledge that why human is called best creation of god. Yes, human is best creature or else in the above line it would have “ yat deve tat bramhaande” because deva yoni or gods are best elytrons but this is not complete fact, actually Deva yoni is Bhoga yoni, those can complete the task for which they are made by Param Tatv and at anytime they cannot do anything more or less apart from the assigned like water can give effect of making wet but it cannot do the task of burning or drying, as being natural power; fixed form of kriya power, ichha power and gyan power stays in those. Whole universe has come out with shiva and shakti’s merge and in every particles and atoms their presence is natural as they are the universal truth and pure. There are three situations in the life, creation, adherence and destruction. Birth task is of creation tatva work which is executed by knowledge power and Bramhaa gives supplement of the process. After creation; adherence is provided by ichcha shakti or will power and destruction is the result of the Kriya process. Only human have the capacity to increase and decrease the amount of these powers, because the particulars which makes the body are filled with all three energy but just because of the dirt cover human cannot use these powers. Gods are even made of these atoms but they cannot make any task ahead then they are meant for neither they have kriya shakti or ichha shakti for the same.

Actually, because of the secret Kundalini Dev Yoni have the limitation of the power generation, they cannot increase the will neither they can supplement power of process. Yes it is fact that the power they have is completely pure and free from all impurities. Only we humans have the kundalini in awaken form and we can increase or decrease amount of Gyan,Kriya or Ichha powers, and that is the reason that the Param tatva also needs human form for incarnation. Human body is made of these power and atoms only. Necessity is to make it free from the cover of impurities. And then after the only thing which will remain behind is purity and one will get success, prosperity, welfare and completeness. The misfortune which leads to the humiliation, poverty, depression, decline and incompleteness; if the same misfortune is burnt one can start looking the power of shivatva within. And then there would be no more humiliation on every steps and there would be no more every step death then only the sentence becomes meaningful “mrutyormaa amrutam gamay”The festival time of Holi is made of various success provider times and the time of Holika dahan is the actual time of misfortune burning, sadgurudev used to say that this is Sankraanti time, this is the auspicious time for activation and gaining of universal powers, on one side by doing sadhana in this particular time duration one may achieve success in wish fulfilling; on other hand if blessings of the Guru is remain, one can also have the knowledge of the secrets through which particles could be made free from the cover of impurities and those could be modulated in positive way to achieve complete activeness and purity. In this sankraanti time sadhana related to modulation or change could be completed in ease and success could be gained. Bhagavati tara’s one form is there which is called sahastranvitdehaa tara or Saubhagy Tarini and this form is made popular by ShivAvataar jagat Guru Adya Shankaracharya ji. The meaning of this form is the one who have thousand bodies and with process of infinite transformation in each particle in the body rather there would be any misfortune or obstacles of karma or curses then too this prayog can vanish all the negative effects results in completeness fortune attraction prosperity and success. I received two ways from master to complete this procedure and by receiving both process from sadgurudev he experienced both; from the same the process which is very easy and only one day time duration considered is given here, with which at holika dahan muhurt one can have success. The other process is long and requires many materials. But in this single day prayog there is no such needs. On the holi morning one should do poojan of Sadgurudev and do 16 rosary of Guru Mantra and should pray in his feet for the permission to accomplish this incomparable and secret process with blessings of success. After that one should take sankal that “from my birth till now, deficiency in the life which I am getting because of the Karma results and with the all such situations I am living my life in lack and un-fortune, all those situation and defects should be remove and with a complete pure body I should step

forwards on the divine path to achieve success, please grant a prayer by giving me this bliss.”

After that for whole day stay in thinking of sadgurudev and bhagavati tara with Saatvik Bhaav and 45 minutes before holika dahan one should sit on white aasan wearing white or pink cloths facing east direction. One the wooden mate in front one should place pink cloth, establish sadgurudev’s picture and yantra on agglomerate of the rice coloured with red vermillion. In front of sadgurudev’s picture prepare downward triangle (mouth of which should be down side) and write “ Hreem” beeja with Anamika finger in it. Place Panchmukhi Rudraksh, Gomati chakra or whole betel nut on the same. After that do poojan of sadgurudev and Lord Ganpati and 5 rosary of Guru Mantra and 5 rosary of “GAM SHREEM GAM” should be done and by believing sadgurudev in the form of Bhagwati tara one should do poojan with red vermillion coloured rice, rose, saffron flavoured Kheer, eating leaf (paan) and cloves and place some money in the form of dakshina, remember that Dakshina money should not be so less that one should feel ashamed to offer it to guru house. Guru, Mantra and gods are not separable. Thus with full devotion one should do poojan and one should establish Ghee lamp on the left side of the triangle, one should do poojan of the lamp and betel nut with other materials. After that with Sfatik, White hakeek, Rudraksh, Kamalgatta or munga rosary with any of these rosary one should chant 21 rounds of the mantra concentrating. This mantra have no meditation mantra so with sadgurudev in mind one should complete mantra chanting, it is important to do sadgurudev’s meditation in this mantra. One can self experience the heat during the mantra chanting and with transformation of the particulars and atoms temperature of the body increases and fever remains for 2-3 days. In such situation one should have milk with purified butter (ghee). In this process, the amaizing mantra is as followed. This mantra is called Anu Parivartan Sahastranvitdehaa tara or Saubhagy taarini mantra.OM HREENG HLEEM HLEEM OUNG OUNG HREENG HREENG HREENG KREENG KREENG HUM HUM HUM PHATAfter completing this process sadhak will achieve vibration in the kundalini, prosperity, rapidity in the three basic powers, attraction and other discussed points which include most important fact that our body becomes free from all the defects and with which our negative effect does not applied to be suffered by Guru. After this prayog, with a blessing of sadguru one receives next step sadhana secret “swatah Bhaagyalekhan sadhana” with which one can write their own fortune by merging self in universe. On this auspicious time of Holi what would be more revealed secret then this and that too only one day Prayog. Yes here we becomes pure after completing the process but further it is not smartness to move on with doing bad deeds repeatedly and willingly, one should understand this fact.“Nikhil Pranaam and Jay sadgurudev”

बी�जो�क्त त�त्र- वग्बी�जो द्वार प र्ण शानिना क" प प्रप्ति$त अभ्यो'दयो प्रबी�ध निवधना (Beejokt Tantra- Vaagbeej dwara poorn Shani Kripa Prapti Abhyuday Prabodh Vidhaan )g

Shani…..fear, pain, incompleteness and unsatisfaction… this all true recognition of SHANI DEV?????No these all are stupid ideas which were developed by fake people just to earn money on His name. Criticism can be accepted only then when you himself has done some work to the related field otherwise things which are blindly followed are usually faulty and play good for nothing role in anyone’s life. Sadgurudev himself provided a wonderful definition of Shani’s form which symbolizes Knowledge, Justice and continuous betterment of life and its classical example is that innocent children and mentally retarded persons don’t come under his jurisdiction.But to copy someone else style or doing mistake after mistake that too while having healthy mind falls in crime’s category because sound mind can judge that whatever is done by him can be destructive for his family, society, nation and for himself as well and this type of activities can’t be entitled positive activities.And in these types of matters to give proper justice comes under his legislation ….till here is common information about him which we all know……..isn’t it!!!!But do we ever think about that basic central point which gives essential knowledge required to give true justice means where is that resource situated which provides this type of hi-fi knowledge which further plays an important role in the field of justice. We all know that once when Lord Hanuman released Shani Dev from the prison of Lankesh he (Hanuman ji) acquired a promise from him that who so ever offer true devotion to his Lord i.e. Lord Rama or to him (Hanuman ji) as well from his true Mann, Vachan and Karma, Shani will never do any harm to him but unfortunately time is witness that any devotee who follow this procedure remains in more problems than anybody else.Did that promises were false?? No, it’s our fault that we don’t pay proper attention to that complete sentence which has three conditions i.e. Mann, Vachan and Karma……now it is up to you to decide are we following that conditions…..on the way to temple countless corrupted thoughts come into our mind for other people…and moreover is our life is free from jealous, cheating, ill deeds and telling lies….and the answer is BIG NO….

No doubt by doing all these meditations and prayers we want to have all comforts and luxuries but let me know by doing ill deeds that too with conscious mind how can we imagine to have fruitful result of all these holy jobs….but the thing which will surely we get is punishment that too with increment-i.e. basic multiply by 10 because at the time of committing that sin we had its incomplete and false knowledge and the we all know “Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing”

Another thing which we need to aware about is that the mystery behind the origin of every planet and Mother Muntha is hidden in all these Beej Mantras means there is a particular Beej Mantra responsible for the origin of a particular planet and its power.Like “AING” beej is behind the origin of Shani Dev, his justice power is also originated from this “Vaagbeej” and the point which should keep in mind is that at the time of universal creation it is this “Vaagbeej” without which nothing can be produced. This is also rhymed as “AING SHRISHTIRUPAAY”It means “Vaagbeej” is creational and to create something knowledge and consciousness is must and always remember it is only through complete truth one can have permanent happiness. In ancient literature we have multiple Mantra about Shani Dev but through which Mantra we can have what type of benefit this knowledge is missing and in this type of situation Sadgurudev himself can enlighten your way to avert harm and loss you can face. Creational mystery is vast that’s why here I am giving only that proyog through which one can have glimpse of Shani Dev’s original form and his blessings as well which further helps you to get rid of your life from the feeling of guilt and can give stability to your finance, social status, love and family life…..above of all this proyog can give you mental stability which promote your spiritual stability to attain your destination. At Wednesday morning after sunrise take bath and wear white clothes, sit on white altar (aasan), place copper plate in front of you and on it with your Anamika finger ( second last) while using white sandal write “AING” on it and offer Akshatt (rice), incense, four faced flour lamp ( aate ka chomukha deep), flowers, kheer and Clove (loung) on it. Your direction should be East. Before doing this poojan do Sadgurudev, Surya (Sun) and Lord Ganesha’s panchopchaar poojan first and enchant Guru Mantra because this is the base of every sadhna. Then do 11 rosaries of “AING” Mantra with Sfatik or Rudraksh rosary. This procedure should be carry on till Saturday and on Saturday after completing of procedure wear black or any other color’s but neat and clean clothes and put 7 nails (keel), black till, kajal, mustard oil, black cloth in front of you and offer mustard oil’s lamp, guggal incense, till ke laddu, clove (loung) black till and do 11 rosaries of given mantra with black hakeek or Rudraksh rosary. Dhyaan mantra-“ना�लां�जोना समभास� स यो प'त्र योमग्रजोम |छायो मत ण्ड स�भा त� त� नाममिम शाना2श्चरम4 ||”Mantra used in it gets its origin from Vaagbeej itself which helps you to release yourself from the veil of Maya i.e. outer false happiness and make sure the entry of SHRI (goddess laxmi) in your life while giving you true spiritual knowledge and mind which has the capacity to do justice, purity of character as well. By doing this proyog one can have Lord Shani Dev’s blessings for his whole life.Mantra-“ऐं ह्रीं7 श्रीं7 शाना2श्चरयो नाम9” “AING HREEM SHREEM SHANAISHCHARAAY NAMAH” After the completion of this procedure follow the basic Vaagbeej

Mantra procedure again for next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and on its completion offer any small girl (kanya) food with gifts and money as per your capacity.This proyog can open the door of success and comfort for you so it’s up to you to follow it and take advantage….सद्गुHरु सधना क ब्रह्मां�ड�यो रहास्यो - ब्रह्मांत्व ग'रु सधना (SADGURU SADHNA KA BRAHMANDIY RAHASYA - BRAHMATV GURU SADHNA)

The good fortune is any sadhak is on peak when he himself see the Viraat Swarup of his Saadguru by his own eyes, our soul could see his brahma rup, imbibe it in our life. That’s the only wish. Here Bramha means – to understand our own internal form, to get introduce. And with that knowledge fathom the secrets of life. Via which activating the energy of Kundalini reached upto Agya Chakra and passing it reached at the highest peak of body i.e. sahastrar and feels and equally realize the state and he ends up the process. But this happiness can be discover only by two ways –Activation of Kundalini and taking Kundalini to agya chaktra crossing all other chakras and reaching upto the Sahastraar.Or requesting into the holy feets of Sadguru and earning very secretive Brhmatva Guru Mantra from him, only with that Shakti one can reach to its highest in this marital life also.First way is very difficult and it continuously needs practice and guidance. Most of the times whole life can go for activating only one chakra so don’t ask for whole kundalini activation approx. time. But the second way is most effective and successful way, in which Sadguru’s power is taken as support and shishya easily reached upto the sahastrar level. After crossing Agya chakra he gets the knowledge which is known as “Universal Secrets (Brahma Rahasya)”. And then he is able to see all the time viraat swarup of his sadguru. Then after there is no place of requesting mode in sadhak’s life, rather he accompanies the nature with same level. In that way for Sadhak nothing remains impossible.You can start this sadhna on Sadguru Sanyas Day or any Thursday of Mahendra Kaal.In this Sadhna only one thing which you should keep in mind i.e. Before and after of Mool Mantra 11-11 rosaries guru mantra are must and in mid of it 51 rosaries, along with that keep in mind that you should finish it on Friday early morning time i.e. Bramha Mahurt. This is 14 days sadhna followed with all general instructions with daily guru pujan too. And sadgurudev himself express their Viraat swarup and aware us with the universal secrets. With the same feeling proceed for sadhna with Sphatik (crstal) rosary. Clothes and Asana should be of white color. On small table place the Guru Picture, Guru Paaduka and the yantra used in Shaktipaat Saadhna. Produce similar yantra and complete the sadhna with same procedure as before.Brahmatva Guru Siddhi Mantra –Om Paraatpar Brahma Swarupam nirrvikalpam agyachakra dayeeti guruvaryai namah.In between of sadhna sadhak’s meditation happens automatically. And various dreams become visible which are related to his past and future, these are deeply related to our present life. Gradually you are able to grab the meaning of those dreams and certain point of time about whomsoever you think of and chant the mantra for 108 times and sheer closed eyes with concentration, all the activities of that person appears as picture.



When we are speaking of Completeness, it means about both aspects. Whereas we get dissolve in the holy feet of sadgurudev by understanding and practicing various sadhana of spirituality; it is also an important thing to have a strong material platform. We may receive reputation, respect, fame, glory. When it is tried to have completeness without being properly settled in material world, it may result in facing various hardship and struggles. Instead of that, it is better to move ahead toward our goals, with both material and spiritual sides. There are solutions for each and every material problems under sadhana, this directly means that sadhanas are not mere meant for spiritual gaining but sadhana support can also be took to have a complete success in material needs even.In today’s one sided world, there is a single concept of money speaking, it has become very important for everyone to have a proper income source. But many time it happens that a person with all capabilities even, does not become able to have a proper job and work. Or if they get it, so many troubles and difficulties keeps on knocking. Some time while having a proper work too, there is a problem of pay. Many people especially those who are searching for their first job do always worry on their first job which may work as proper pillar of their future career.In sabar sadhanas, we may have many sadhanas which lay sadhak to complete his desires by clearing the way. In below lines one of such sadhana is given. By doing this sadhana, all the troubles to have a proper work for sadhak becomes out of the way, the job is gained at proper liking and future worth working place. If anyone is facing any problem in running job too may perform this sadhana to remove that trouble. In short, this sadhana is meant for to remove each and every kind of job and work related problems.

Sadhak may start this sadhana on either day of Monday, Tuesday, Friday or Saturday.Time should be after 10 in night, direction should be north.After bath wear white cloths. Sit at your worship place and perform guru poojan. Pray for success.After that chant following mantra for 108 time (1 rosary)om somaavati bhagavati baragat dehi uttirn sarv baadha stambhay roshini ichchha poorti kuru kuru kuru sarv vashyam kuru kuru kuru hum toshini namahThe chanting should be done with white hakeek rosary, after chanting wear the rosary.This process should continue for 11 days. In this sadhana one should offer some food to cow before having a dinner. One should have dinner after doing this process only. If it is not possible, do not have dinner.After sadhana one should NOT drop rosary but rosary should be worn around neck.This is miracle of sadhana that after completion of sadhana, in few days one may have desired results.

आकस्मिस्मक धना प्रप्ति$त सधना - AKASMIK DHAN PRAPTI SADHNA Meanwhile the life time, one needs to go through so many troubles and problems to fulfil the wishes and to live the life with right track. Long time duration is spent to remain hardworking. And one should also need to be activating mentally and physically. Base thing in all these activity is to receive complete material pleasure. And money plays vital role to have the complete pleasure. Everyone today wish to complete oneself in term of material life, have the complete happiness shared in family. Fulfil own wishes and wills and to make the family prosperous. But is it possible for everyone? No. Because our life is based on Karma. Our Karma forms our fortune to live and based on the same we receive happiness and material pleasures. But this fortune or this luck could be converted through the medium of the sadhana. With hard work, in every field, if one receives blessings of the divine powers gained through the sadhana done with faith and devotion can grant success for sure. In regards to wealth gaining there are several sadhana in the field of tantra with which one fulfil wish to have money. But secretly many sadhana had remained famous with which one can obtain money for sure in very short span of time. With any medium or with any way sadhak receives the money. Such prayogas are called as “aakashmik dhan prapti prayog”. Here presented prayoga is incomparable in this quick wealth gaining prayoga. This process is short in term of time and is able to grant wish of the sadhak completely. This way, this prayoga is also beneficial for the people who do not have time to do long anusthan for many days. When prayoga is completed one gets new sources of wealth gaining, one may also gains trapped money. Or else in one or another medium finance is gained.This sadhana could be started on any Friday.Time should be after 10PM (night)

Aasan (sitting mat) and cloths of the sadhak should be Red in colour and direction should be north.

Sadhak should do this sadhana sitting under the tree of Palaash (butea monosperma). If that is not possible for sadhak anyway, one should establish piece of the wood of the palaash on the red cloth in front where sadhana is being done. Sadhak should establish picture of goddess lakshmi in front. If possible one should also establish Mahalakshmi yantra or Shree yantra with that. And one should do poojan of the same. After that one should bow to maha lakshmi and pray for the success in the sadhana. After that one should chant 21 rounds of the following mantra with kamalgatta (lotus bead) rosary. Om shreem shighra siddhim tivr phalam pooray pooray dehi dehi shreem shreem shreem namah

When mantra chanting is done, sadhak should offer 101 offerings (aahuti) of the cow Ghee (clarified butter) in to fire. After that sadhak should bow down and pray for the success in sadhana.

This process should be continued for three days. After three days sadhak should immerse rosary and if taken into use, the wood of the Palash (butea monosperma) tree in water. Sadhaka’s wish to obtain finance would be fulfilled quickly.

2 SARAL LAKSHMI PRADAYAK PRAYOG(२ सरलां लांक्ष्म� प्रदयोक प्रयो�ग) In life path one need to achieve materialistic and spiritualistic completeness at both the fronts. When it comes to materialistic happiness then everyone can understand what the significance of money is in living life. This is the profound truth of life that at every step we need money and can’t deny from this fact that it’s an important part of life. By which one can achieve all those luxuries in life. But when there is lack of money or financial crunches then life goes haywire and turns into burden. In those circumstances in culture our many sadhnatmak solutions are given to get rid of it which we should grab instantly. If we worship the gods and goddess in right way surely we can get proper solution. In today’s hectic life schedule it’s really not feasible that to do big proceedings with all rules and regulations. And that to be with whole sadhnatmak intensions. In impending article such process are given which can be done without disturbing your following routine. And can take desired benefit in less time.

1. Shri Prayog.

On daily basis after sunrise if you do one rosary two times in a day then you will find many different sources to earn money. And in any ways you get rid of it. In this process you have to enlighten ghee lamp in front of you facing towards north direction. No restriction on Asan and clothes. Mantra Jap should be done via Kamalgatta rosary. You can start it on any day. Do it for one month. Then afloat it in river.

om shrim shrim shrim nityamaddravye shrim shrim shrim siddhim namah.

2. Parad laxmi Prayog:

This is the best process. Take a mantra siddh parad laxmi idol and establish it on Friday night. Facing towards north direction. First of all do a normal worship ritual of Laxmi. Then by crystal rosary chant the following mantra for

one hour. No need to count rosaries. Jap should go on for one hour in continuity.

Om shrim shighrasiddhim vishnupatni kalyaanmayi namah

Do this process for for 3 days. By this process a sadhak can get wealth and luxuries in his life. This will just increase day by day. This is really best process. Sadhak should really keep the rosary with him with safe and care. And if wants to do it again then in that case he can repeat the same rosary.

प र्ण स�तना स'ख हा@त' - स�तना लांक्ष्म� सधना (SANTAAN LAKSHMI SADHNA) A human being always makes efforts as how his life could be better than present condition. Be it at materialistic front or the spiritual one. And I guess no need to explain the importance of money in anyone’s life.. Isn’t it? At every step of life one need to have money for moving ahead in his life. But only having money is sufficient? Hmm so answer is No.. That’s the reason various forms of Goddess Mahalaxmisadhna are in trend. From DhanLaxmi you get money, from SoubhagyaLaxmi you get good fortune and via AishvaryaLaxmi you get all the luxuries in your life. In the same sequence one more form of Mahalaxmi is their i.e. SantanLaxmi. The SantanLaxmi denotes progeny. Progeny not only bows you with happiness but also with this it enhances your completeness as it’s a very important part of life. Only by having child cannot complete you progeny happiness. Let say if in future the same child goes against you or behave wrongly or get trapped under wrong company and spoil his life then the same progeny becomes a curse or pain for you. Now the SantanLaxmiSadhna bows you with complete progeny happiness to you in your life. This sadhna benefices’ you in this manner..

This makes children mental thought positive and navigates in right direction. It gives complete good fortune. It escapes children from bad company and if already caught then sets free from it. This guides them in appropriate direction via which they achieve success in each front of life. They should remain always in favour of family member so that home environment also remains healthy and fine.

This is how this sadhnagaves you many more benefits in your life. And in real sense you achieve issue happiness in your life. As this sadhna is an

important part of married life as well. Even if anyone doesn’t have such problem can also attempt this sadhna. This has nothing to do with children age factor. I mean you can do it at any time.

You can start this sadhna on any Friday after 10 pm.

For this sadhna the clothes and asan should be red. Direction should be north.

One should place a photo of santanLaxmiinfront of him on red cloth. The form is like she is holding a small child in her lap. And if you don’t find such picture then you can use a ususalMahalaxmi picture also. Sadhak should use Dhup, Lamp and offer Sweets.

Sadhak should worship and then pray for complete happiness and siddhi. Then start mantra chanting by kamalgatta or coral rosary and complete 21 rosaries.

Om shreem aing santan lakshmi poorna siddhim aing shreem namah

After completion he should eat the offered sweet. Sadhak should continue this for 11 days. Then after completing sadhnasadhak should place the rosary at any Goddess (Devi) temple.

बी�जो�क्त त�त्र- त�त्र ज्यो�नितष और मना�कमना प तQ नाव्य श्रीं� चै2तन्यो कल्प प र्ण त�त्र बीध और स$तद�ष नाशाक-अवध त@श्वर कलां@शाचिंचैVतमणिर्ण सबीर� प्रयो�ग(POORN TANTRABADHA AUR SAPTDOSH NASHAK-AVDHOOT KALESHCHINTAMANI SAABRI PRAYOG) Days ondays i was getting more involved in my sadhna.. My concentration graph was justincreasing day by day and along with that the depthness of mantra chanting too.As per sadgurudev’s instruction i had to this mantra sadhna with moreconcentration. Actually this is a two stage sadhna where in i have to get blessingsof VigyanGanpati, thereafter i have to use such mantras via which nathsiddhaasare called up. Ensuing of the hard meditation of God Dattatrey, the placesituated at the bank of Godaveririver known as RakshasBhuvan and due thatmeditation only the god Dattaestableshed the VigyanGanpati at this place. Thisis just 33 miles far away from Janla.Sadgurudevtold that he had siddh the Ganpati’s various forms at their original root placesand with his unappreciated meditational power he explored those secrets whichgot dissappeared due to time

lapsation. He then told that this form of LordGanpati reveals the screts of Tantravigyaninfront of sadhak. Along with themantra and thier principles it expressess and gavessadhak such experiences inwhich he came to knowthe main processofdoing this sadhna. Well along withthis procedure if u call the nathsiddh then so easily u can get their selfguidence from them. And this is how they fulfilur utter wish also. Due to thefact of God Dattatreysiddh place many secrets are attached about the originsof Siddha Lok also.

Withthe order of Sadgurudevi was in researching “NavnathSadhnaPaddhti” and myaim was to attain their association and via them understanding the secrets ofthose mantras which are termed as inaccessable. In the same sequence i have to doAvahan of the Nathsiddh “SiddhRevannath” and had to understand the wholeprocess named “PurnaTantraBaadha and SaptdoshNashak – AvadhuteshvarKaleshchintamaniSabariprayog”. Then concentrating on AvahanGutikathereby continously chanted upanshu mantra ofit via which the Avahan process get completes.Sadgurudev told that the process of KaleshchintamaniSabariprayog secrets can understood only by SiddhRevannaathand only by hisblessings the success can be achieved.

When Sadgurudev permitted me to do this sadhna then I asked him “Oh my lord, why only this sequence which works for attaining success in this sadhna.”

While resolving my curiosity, Sadgurudev said – “several times person is affected with obstacles, due to which he faces difficulties in financial, societal, mental, familiar condition becomes weak and in resultant a person’s life gets spoil completely. At certain situation we always blame the external badha for it. But the fact is sheer half-truth. And in case if this is true still we can’t identify what’s the problem’s original form is because in detrition and degradation mainly 7 reasons are identified due to which a person gets diverted from his success path to failure path because of anxiety and everything comes on stake.

Theseobstacles are external and internal types. Well removing them totally is notpossible just by one sadhna. And even we really not aware what exactly theproblem types is. And when we desire the information regarding its solutionthen we get just tricked by any

one on name of tantrabadha etc. and this ishow he gets stucked from both the side. And on top of it, its not necessarythat whatever u r asking for help is the same help u get from other person imean not necessarily he is the right one for it. Exactly same goes in Tantra.means all the process of tantra isknown by any single tantrik is justimpossible or rare. But nath siddhas had done continous work on the new sadhnaprocedures and contributed in society. In same squence the “SiddhRevannaath”comes which is the form of tantra great scholarLankadhipatiRavan. And beingthe follower of Tantra field he explored new secrets and imbibed too. By Lordshiva he penned down the various difficult sadhna procedures. In same sequence earned“PurnaTantraBaadha and SaptdoshNashak – AvadhuteshvarKaleshchintamaniSabariprayog”.

Thereforethis can be understood by them only. After taking Sadgurudev’s permission itherby came to jalna and pull on the sadhna as per instruction.First i have to take blessings of Lord VigyanGanpati and then Avahan process of Naath, somehow i completed both the stagesproperly and i got association of that Mahasiddh. Well here i can express what typeof knowledge i got from that mahasiddh..any other time..

Aftercompletion when he appeared infront of me then while giving me the mantra ofthatAvadhuteshvarKaleshchintamanisabriprayogand understand this from urSadguru “NikhileshvarnandJi” because each guru flows a different type ofmeditational energy in his disciple as thats is achieved from the continousrubbing of guru’s pran. And how to attain the success in sadhna, what are thepoints to be undertaken, how to complete it and get benifit from it whole thisis depends upon the sadguru’sMantreshvar form which decides how capable hisdeisciple is. Only he can make the difficult sadhna in to easiest for for hisshishya. Well all this facts can only be told by sadgurudev.

Wheni put my curiosity via this mantra and whole procedure infront of sadgurudev,he said by this mantra the seven types of faults can be vanish off. The 7 faults are –

AdhidevikDosh – Sometimes sadhak’sKuldevi and Devta (own diety) gets angry with himmeans if they are not worshipped accordingly. if they are not taken care withproper procedures due to carelessness

or laziness then in that case thesuraksha chakra of diety gets slowdown else get break also. so he doesnt getthe blessings of them and resultant he bogged up with unfortune.

IshtaDosh – every person is a part of specific God power and on the same fact hisIsht is also decided.but many times sadhakdoesnt know about this fact. this isonly known to sadguru only. But when sadhak doesn’t express any curiosity toknowing it then in that case in sake of illusion or greed he just startworshipping any god and make him his isht. And in such circumstances its notneccessary that chosen god is friendly with his diety. Sometimes due o pastlife effects the enemy can be any Devshakti also because every sadhakgets which association of devshakti or which qualitymatched up with the prangat form which is really unknown to sadhak. And even hecant find out on his own. Then in such situation he gets attracted towards theexaggerated incidence and in greed of earning more and just starts praying anygod and original one gets ignore somehow in such condition. sosadhak becomesdetached with his own diety blessings. then insuch case he gets sheer lossess instead of benifits. And all this is just outof his understanding as his base is unclear.

Karmadosh– Every person gets malefics of three types of Karma – Praarabdh(pastlife done), Sanchit(accumulated) and Kriyaamaan(present). Let assume in this life youhave done continous good work but the lackings of life are just iresistable notgetting less in any case. Then in such condition we just get enable tounderstand as what type of fault we have done that such problems we r facing inthis life as single happiness doesn’t comes to us niether a sign of progress isdisplayed. Now this knowledge can be given only by guru or it can be figure outvia his Kundalini also. Even this can be know as to which malefics we r facing.Are they related to our pastlives effects, accumultaed or presents karmas.

AadharDosh – Sometimes our demotion reason is our moh, love and duty. Means there issome one who is so attached to us or close to us. As that loved one is so muchbogged up with hurdles and unfortune in his life and we just pray for himbyheart and even try to removes it. But in such condition we didn’t realisethat this is otherway around inviting our misfortune also. And the faultsrelated to moh is so horrible that not only we but also our family gets

incircle of this unfortune. And progress of whole family becomes on stake. Adifferent types of depression, anxiety and imperialism covered up. Even the badwork done by our ancestors also influences us which we bear as hisrepresentative. I mean Pitradosh is also considered in this.

ShaapDosh – By our karmas we hurt anybody, or do wrong with him directly leads us toour bad luck. The cosmos is not untouched with bhavs and so that our bhavscomes infront of us in real form. The principle behind this is when our mind isfilled with such bhavs and when it coincides with the lord of those bhavsturned into real form in our life. then they dont stay as bhav but becomes thereal feeling. Thats the reason any one who desires with silence or the one whois so hurt and desire gets definitely fulfil. Plz be adhere that cosmos getsattracted toward negativity more and accepts soon. And returns back its resultin more broader form. Because in this only power has be distributed in orderwith positivity. It simply means that fruits of boons can be late but cursewill be applicable instantly. It includes Vaastudosh also mean the place whereu r residing, the situations, the cures, the time and the incidences becomeshorrible and that building or place flows with negativity always. And inresults the imperialism of misfortune just flowscontinously on sadhak.

NavgrahDosh – At the time of birth what is the planetary position, stars and whateffects on stars, in which dasha he took birth,position of progressive planets,enemy planets, all types of dashas their malefics and benefics effects onsadhak, how much benefits or losses he will face is entirely depend upon theseabove facts. Well this is identified by the Kundali.

TantraBaadha Dosh – Your continous progress, family happiness and due to any enemitymany accomplshes the bad thing on you.which results in bad fortune of you andyour family. Well no special learnings are required for doing this bad things. Withsheer combination of tantrik things, powers this can be done easily. because inconstruction of building the experts are required but in doing blinddestruction no expertise is required as when you will throw stones somewherearound it will hit only.

Aboveany 7 or any of it can be the reason of your misfortune of you or you r familyrelatives. breaking of financial condition, seperation

of husband wife,stepping of children on wrong path, illusionary metality decisions,miscarriages, conception problem, physical diseases, failures in sadhna,mispublicity, irritation, following wrong path, problems in court cases,national problems, depression, continous demotion, poverty etc are results ofthese 7 faults only.

Nowin this situation we really dont understand what to be done. Whosover guide uswe just do it and result is always unfavourable. Because if we dont know theroute cause of our problems we cant find right solution on it. exactly like thestomache medicine cant cure the neck pain.

But by AvadhuteshvarKaleshchintamaniSabariprayogabove all 7 faultscan be cure and get in control fully. Defacto this mantra is originated fromthe beej mantra which vanishes all faults. From Shivratri to Holi in this spanif this sadhna is performed the best results can be achieved. And in other daysonly 21 days are to be undertaken.Atnight around 10.30 pm to 12.45 pm daily chanting s done. In this sadhna no prerules are applicable. facing towards south direction placing on black asana, wearingblack clothes, establish the Paradshivling or any activated shivling on smalltable. This should be done in steel plate. First of all sadgurudev worship,then lord Ganpati,lord Bhairav and lordAghor , request them to bow u success in this sadhna and permission too. Thenon left side of Shivlingenlight the oil lamp and on right water filled in coppervessel should be kept. Well that vessel must be touched with all the members offamily. Means every one should take bath the put some water into that vesseland pray for complete cure.

Thereaftersadhak should do complete worshipp of Shivling with Akshat (rice), flowers,dhup, lamp, sesame laddu, black hakik rosary, rudraksh rosary. Chant it for 7-7 times and then offer back sesame, black pepper, mustard and cloves.


Thenafter this mantra with full concentration wear that rosary and by that samagriagain chant this mantra without any rosary and offer it. Do it for 45 minutes.


Then after again chant the previous mantra 7 rosary and offer those samagri. Do this daily and collect the samgri in any mud pot. While chanting the body temperature increases, headache, bad feeling regarding sadhna, shakiness, sweating continuously happens. Even little bit fear or u feel like someone is along wid u. If we start it from Shivratri then only for seven days we have to do this sadhna. Whatever collected in those seven days should be tied in any black cloth along with jap mala, sweets sesame laddu should be offered in Holika Agni facing south direction and devote some dakshina also. Ifyou want to do it on any other days then for 21 days and on last day fire onany lone place and devote it in facing towards south. The moment we offer it infire the loud noises comes out. After coming back to home just take shower and thensprinkle that water in copper vessel on each member of the house. Then on nextday offer food to 3 girls and 1 boy and give them some dakshina also. THis ishow this Divine prayog given by Sadgurudev is self experienced. And above thissharp prayog no other prayogi have seen till now in my life. I have takenbenifits of it and you also can take.

निनाणिश्चत योणिXर्ण� सयो'ज्यो ग'टिटाक निनाम र्ण(NISHCHIT YAKSHINI SAYUJYA GUTIKA NIRMAAN) Mercury attracts the Pranashakti very soon and when its trembling nature is controlled via Mantra, Herbs and Stones and metals all togetherly when empower mercury then this parad becomes the ultimate source for u to accomplish ur wishes. For Yakshini sadhna the Nishchit Yakshini Sayujya Gutika is cumpulsory. Whomsoever will possess this gutika would definitely achieve the success. Till now the procedure of making this gutika has been kept very secretful. But Sadgurudev always given a torch in form of knowledge in their hands to remove the darkness and illusions from our lives. Today on these pages I m giving that beloved part of my heart so that my co guru brothers and sisters can achieve those steps of success which just a dream of them. Take 15 gms Ashta Sanskarit Parad, 1 ratti HIrak bhasma, 2 gms gold powder, 3 gms silver powder on shivlingi and grind it in pan juice, now take this grinded mixture(hey hey it should be done on asan only) and while grinding just chant the Rasayan Siddhi Mantra also.


Do it continuously for 8 hours..after that put some white rock salt and warm water and again grind it so that the color becomes black. Then take out that

black water and throw it.Be careful the mercury should not go away while throwing now put this roch salt water and grind it again till the moment th balck water comes out. When the clean water comes out and becomes fine then take cotton thin cloth and filter it. The remaining alchemy in the cloth is solid mercury. And make a tablet of it. And then keep it in shivlingi juice for 3 days. So that it will become more solid and dense. Then after on Friday morning take this gutika establish it on white cloth in worship area. U also wear a white clothes.Then start Guru pujan, Ganapati Pujan, Lamp Pujan then Guru mantra 21 malas, then enlight the lamp infront of that gutika. First of all the panchopchar pujan must be done. Then call Yakshini via following mantra and mudra on this gutika. Be careful whichever yakshini u are calling should pronounce her name instead of ‘amuk’…okkk-


Then after offer the asan in gutika to tha yakshini, this should be done by ring finger via touching the gutika, and chant mantra for 11 times.


Then after chant above mantra for 21 times and offer akshat(rice) on gutika.


Then after while chanting this above mantra do the panchopchar on gutika and do the worship.


Then after from above mantra chant for 21 malas by yakshini mala, this whole procedure should be done for 3 consecutive days.


Then after in Visarjani Mudra chant this mantra and devote the yakshini.


Now after completing the series the gutika becomes glowy and it is reflects. And some what hot also means that the pranashchetna of yakshini is established. Well on this gutik with same procedure many more yakshini sadhna can be performed. And if at all she just stay at home and daily worship rituals happenes then also financial condition would be always remain favourable and protects u from future accidents aslo.

Rajat kalpa

Take 2 tola or 10 gms swet somal and on it chant Trivarnatmak mantra for 1008 times and exactly in same was on black cow milk also. Then by Daula Yantra make somal drink such black cow milk. when milk gets over then take out somal from it and wash it from Ganga Jal.Then chant for 11000 times the mantra. Then melt the 10 gms copper in fire and take 2 ratti of somal and wrap up it in wax and rotate it with ful speed. The whole copper would be converted into silver. This process is given by Shree Kalidutt Sharmaji which have experienced personally..

पा�रद स्वर्ण� अर्ण सि�द्धि� गो�लक-A Very Rare and Miraculous Parad swarn anu siddhi Golak

A Very Rare and Miraculous Parad Golak

धम र्थ म'$भा�गनाम नाष्ट रज्यो निववध यो@ |

आयो'यो[व�लांभार्थ: म'क्तयो@र्थ चै म'म'X'र्णम ||

Dharmarth Mupbhoganam Nasht Rajya Vivadharye |

Aayuyaryovamlabharthe Muktyerth Ch Mumukshunaam ||

This Vidya ( *****Parad Tantra Vigyanam****) helps public to attain Dharma, Arth and Kaam , kings to attain lost states and helps state to prosper, provides long life and youngness to householders and provides salvation to saints.

Those who know Parad Tantra are very few in number and if there are, they are in far off mountains where it is really impossible for common public to approach them and those who are among us, it is even more cumbersome to understand them .However, those who are among us , they always reveal the facts that……

Ras Scriptures mentions about nearly 60000 gutikas and golaks but they are silent on the process of making them and the benefits of them. This field is full of amazing secrets…. र�गप�कब्धि]मग्नाना..परदनाच्च परद9 ||

RogPankabdhimgraana….paaradanaachh paradah ||

What can free human beings from sea of diseases; this is only possible by Parad Tantra Science. Which disease we are talking about? Actually, here all the diseases whether spiritual, physical, mental or materialistic are included.

सकलां पदरर्थ हा_ जोग महा� भाग्योहा�ना नार कछा' पवत नाहा� “

Sakal Padarthhain Jag Maahi ,Bhagyaheen Nar Kuchu Paavat Naahi

Up till what time, we can afford crying over our misfortune or the fate which has slept like python( a type of snake) . It has to end somewhere. Atleast after being Tantra sadhaks and disciples of Sadgurudev; it does not suit us sitting idle.

So how is it possible, to win over all the unfavourable circumstances in life……… it possible?Why not? And this is precisely where Ras Shastra comes into picture and also it’s utility.Ras Shastra is very higher order knowledge and science in itself .However, it was forgotten for quite some time in the past. But new rays of light and hope have emerged with full intensity and brightness and is introducing us to this high level Tantra Science.Any science ,how higher-order it may be of , if it does not have any utility in our daily life then what is the meaning of it? It does not apply to Parad Tantra Science.

Instead, it puts the idea conveyed by following sloka in front of us ….

“भा�गस्थ म�Xस्थ करस्थ एव चै “.

“BhogasthMokshasthKarasthevch “

In this series: When problems are troubling us in our life, which gutika we should take help of? When we are unable to make up mind to start highly effort-consuming and difficult sadhnas then? When our family is facing the problem of poverty and conflicts each and every day?

Should we do Aavahan of Sadgurudev for every minute problem and leave everything on him? ...Is it fair on our part to do so? Should we use directly the highly Divine Mahamantra GuruMantra for each and every problem? Will it be right?

Rather than using Shatkarmas(6 procedures of tantra) like Vashikaran, Ucchatan, we develop a feeling of apprehension towards them… it correct?

Why should not we make knowledge of Sadgurudev as our base and become self-dependent and great sadhaks and put some strides forward on Rajmarg of Shishyta.

Vaital Sadhna, Bhagwan Daitetrya Pratyaksh Sadhna,Dhan Aagman Sadhna …..and similar 1008 sadhnas can be done on it……….information about that gutika

The Gutika which is highly essential for learning Surya Vigyanam….,Parad Vigyanam….,Kaal Vigyanam …….., Sthan Vigyanam………,Vayu Vigyanam……….,and other science. It is virtually impossible to highlight the Importance of such divine gutika.

Not only for self-defence in Shamshaan sadhnas, but also for complete success in every shamshaan sadhna. To make our whole life disease-free Which is capable of providing success in every sadhna. Which is capable of transforming our failure into success This takes our life to higher pedestal, towards perfection and guides us to our aim very quickly.

As the name says “Parad Swarn Anu Siddh Golak”, why only this name was given……Every name or word carries a special meaning in Tantra Science…………. What does word Anu (Atom) signifies? The smallest unit of the material by which material transformation can be done but how material transformation is possible? For this, MaharishiKanaad has created a special scripture which is famous by the name “Kanadopnashid”……………..For this atomic science, one name that comes into our mind,that is **Surya Vigyanam**and in this science “Siddhashram Surya Lens”…………and getting this lens has been the dream of everyone……it has got an important place in Surya Vigyan. What is this lens all about? It is a very special lens whereby using various angles, atoms can be combined or splited and as a result, material transformation takes place. Only this……………..this Surya Vigyan is capable of giving a new life………However, it is very cumbersome to get this Siddhashram Surya Lens.

Adding pure metal Gold in Parad….!!! That too using Shastra principles……. This is not a big task because there , we are talking about only metal but here we are talking about element which is capable of giving rebirth to the whole world…….It is dream even for siddhs of this path to make this possible. And then “Anu Siddhi”……..this has remained a dream even for Mahayogis because what is this entire world?.....Only the different combination of atoms….if one gets accomplishment in it……..then what is left…..!!!

Chanting special mantras in front of this Golak makes it transparent….Parad and transparent…!!!! This is not possible at all??..but this is true. Sadgurudev has explained this fact much earlier and has said multiple times that quality of Parad have no limits and the one who does not takes it’s assistance, he /she is wasting both his/her time and power. We can see the results by doing it ourselves if we have the qualities of shishya and if we have trust in the words of Sadgurudev…………

Shamshaan Sadhna:::: is the the boon for a person’s life, but is it that much easy???. Here the procedures are both easy and difficult but even any slightest of mistake is not forgiven. Even a minute mistake can prove to be disastrous. However Chanting one special

mantra on this gutika not only provides complete security in shamshaan procedures but also provides success in these procedures and higher-order sadhnas.

Bindu Sodhan Procedure:: Parad is Shiva’s bindu and our sperm is our bindu. Now we have purified the sperm of lord Shiva but when our sperm is impurethenhow can we do higher order sadhnas??It will be like pouring pure things in an impure container. Who will accept this fact that his bindu has not been purified yet. However, as long as one’s bindu is not pure then how can he/she be considered competent enough for higher level procedures? But the amazing procedure for Bindu Sodhan (purifying the sperm) is not even mentioned in shastras……..But this is possible with the help of special process done on Parad Gutika/Golak. This process is so simple that Sadhak will find it hard to believe it……However when bindu is purified then face of that person glows, he develops an aura.And when Bindu starts purifying…..then we move towards Shiva Element…….which is in reality Sadgurudev element …………….we are one more step closer….. And any step…any sadhna which takes us towards lotus feet of Sadgurudev……..will it not be higher order Guru Sadhna…??? In Shatkarma Sadhna::depending on Sadgurudev even for minute things…putting full burden on him……………this is not fair for any Shishya , nor it is in accordance with the moral principles. If Sadgurudev had wished like this, then why would he have givenmore than 1 lakh sadhnas and mantras? Sadgurudev has clearly said in Dhoomavati sadhna that Why to go to Guru…when Guru has given you the procedure. Guru will accomplish the workonly by going to particular deva then why don’t you go to that deva directly……………..then what is left for us to say….

Husband/Wife does not listen to each other…….no respect in society/office………seeing with helplessness getting child deprived of moral values……..cursing your fate even after seeing a capable life partner………..running after the tantriks for your tasks…………living with diseases……compromising with enemies and lifeat every moment… losing in life at every place……suffering despite of being capable….

Why not by help of shatkarmas…….a simple procedure which is possible through this golak can transform the direction of our life in higher direction.

Sadgurudev has always considered the unnecessary ego to be wrong but he has always praised the self-pride.Why are we scared to utilize knowledge given by our father …So beggar-like……powerless….helpless…..he has not made us like it ….we have chosen this path.He has shown the path of prosperity .But we chose compromise…He said that do not make compromise with circumstance. My blood is running in your veins, you should keep this thing in mind …….Move forward……You will be successful…But we kept aside the weapon of sadhna and started singing ab soup diya is jeevan ka Bhaar…..

How this Rare Gutika is Created??

You all are aware of some process which can be done on this gutika or Golak and this Gutika/Golak is made from Parad of more than 8 sanskars.But why this sanskarsevery time??Because Ras Tantra Shastra says

“स�स्कर� हा� ग'र्णन्तरधनाम”

“Sanskaroo hi Gunantaradhanam”

Only with the help of sanskars, infinite qualities of Parad can be amplified.

But is it necessary to follow the rules of Shastras?

For this “GorakshSanhita” clarifies and directs also

“ ना शास्त्र रनिहात� किंकVलिचैत कम चैस्मिस्तनित क' त्र लिचैत ||

“Na Shastra Rahitam Kinchit Karm Chastiti Kutra Chit ||

How can we get success without following the rules given in Shastras

This Golak, combined with divine sanskars of Parad is divine in itself. If it is prepared after giving swarna graas and rajat graas and combining it with divine herbs then what really is left?

It takes 6 hours per day for 16 days for this process…..4 hours in the day and 2 hours in night for preparing this Golak, these are the rules of shastras. Then the person by whose name this rare golak is made ……energising it personally by name of that sadhak, it’s abhisinchitikaran and doing special procedures on it finally completes the preliminary step. But after this, sadhak has to do Sadgurudev’s complete poojan, Swarnakarshan Bhairav Sthapan (which is base for parad sadhna), not only the nath butNav Nath and lord Daitetrya sthapan process on its own on this gutika……Because Adi Guru of Nath School only popularised the parad sanskars. Then Nav nath are sons of lord Shiva and parad is the sperm of Lord Shiva so how we can forget Shivaelement. How can we ignore the importance of Nav Grah Sthapan? To add to that how we can forget the sthapan of mother of nine planets Muntha.Getting the blessing of these nine planets with the help of parad, is also an essential element.

Not only Ashta Lakshmi ( 8 forms of Lakshmi) but sthapan of 1o8 forms of each Lakshmi should be done on this golak whereby this parad golak can open the doors of bright fortune for the sadhak.Vaarahi Devi Sthapan in golak is necessary so that sadhak can utilize it for stambhan purpose. But why stambhan only? Because to get rid of tantra badha,sthapan of this Maha Shakti is necessary. When parad can give person the ability to trespass time then sthapan of Lord Mahakaal is bound to happen in this golak otherwise how our achievements will remain stable. So we have done the sthapan of Lord Mahakaal, but how we can forget the divine form of supreme deity of time Maa Mahakaali, Maa Kaamkala Kali, Guhakali, and Siddhipradakali. Sthapan of all these forms of Maa Jagdamba should be done on Maha Shakti Peeth which is the place of Maa Paramba.

But all these procedures can be done only on Mahashakti peeth Kamakhya Peeth. Now all these procedures have to be done by sadhak himself. How is it possible.?? How sadhak will have knowledge about this…??? Then chanting *****ten elements combined Ten Mahvidya mantra**** on every peeth established there, now it has virtually become impossible.

Sanyasi disciples of Sadgurudevji have agreed to make us available this divine gutika by doing these processes for us and have put an

end to our doubts. Those who were not able to participate in special parad Kamakhya workshop, but those who are willing to get it , they can get it………….what good fortune it can be……….that too while sitting at home.

When there is Bindu UddhavRetas Gutika, then why do we need Parad Anu siddhi Golak at all?

Every gutika has its own meaning. Bindu Retas Gutika…………….it is for complete life transformation………for complete chakra jagran………………for connecting inner universe of sadhak with the outer one……………for knowing self-element………..completely imbibing it…………for making the concrete base for getting success in each sadhna……and this is not a miracle-providing gutika…Rather it is gutika for life-long Bindu Sadhna….. Because the process which transforms as a whole…………….will not be a one day process.

By this Bindu Gutika, Sadhak can’t do Shatkarma process. It can’t be used in Shamshaan sadhna. Vaital Sadhna, Lord Daitetrya Pratyakshikaran sadhna, Sthapan of various forms of Lakshmi can’t be done by it.It does not have any direct intervention in Surya Vigyanam, Kaal Vigyanam, Kshan Vigyanam and other sciences ……….Then what does it mean?

How much higher might be the accomplishment, but for it suitability…..ability ….strong base…..purifying of entire inner body…….Jagran of entire chakras in body……awakening of entire mental and spiritual power is essential. Otherwise getting these accomplishments is not only difficult but also very effort-consuming…..

But those we want to live life on their own terms and conditions….. Who want to move towards higher plane……who want to make unfavourable situations favourable……..who wants to earn respect in society and state.And the most important fact is that If we are tantra sadhak, then why should we bow down? Infact we should impart new life to those who are helpless…..powerless….incapable by our sadhna power.This has only been the dream of Sadgurudev, which has been the voice of our Vedic saints that based on the feeling of “Vasudev Katumbakam” we become concrete base for our society, our country and bring our culture up again.And in the last

about this Parad Gutika. Ki “Hari anant aur Hari Katha Ananta”,And who are lucky, get this gutika…

For them…This is the time…………

FOR FINANACIAL GAIN-PADMAVATI DEVI PRAYOG Sadgurudev Bhagvaan , on a place says that , “in comparison to the time ,when he started his career as a teacher and the current one ,only differences is that , in that era , character had a very high value , a person with high character with very low financial health , get respect by even the very wealthy person, and now the character has been replaced by money, now character has not has such value , only if a person has money ,everyone will see and do the respect of him, that was right at that time so this is right in this time.” Money is not everything but it can do many things, for that view our Sadgurudev has given us so many sadhana to improve our financial health.

Sadgurudev Bhagvaan says that “ you are not understanding the values of theses sadhana, if you had completed any one sadhana with full heart and devotion than many of you, are not facing the problem related to wealth/money, as you are facing now ” and he mentioned approx 20 various sect name of that , he has given sadhana specially in a issue at that time.

“Lakshmi prapti “, “Ashvery Mahalakshmi Sadhana” , “Tara sadhana”, “Mahalakshmi sadhana ke durlabh prayog” like so many sadhanatmak books written by him. But we are not understanding their value, if we can than…..

In this relation , once he has given various hidden secret rules related to lakshmi sadhana to us and mentioned that when desired financial property is not achieving through various lakshmi sadhana , than a person must go for “padmavati devi sadhana” , who is the ruler of financial prosperity in jain dharma sadhana. And one can understand the financial health our jain brothers . Sadgurudev Bhagvaan has given many times padma vati sadhana ,but….

When we do not have time ( the basic argument of our generation ) than..

When we are not interested in any big sadhana than,,

When we are not ready for to follow sadhanatmak rules than..

When we are not able to purchase costly yantra and mala than..

When such a sadhanatmak atmosphere is not available in our home than..

When we have not any separate room for sadhana than..

Taking care of these arguments Sadgurudev Bhagvaan has given many small sadhana for this purpose, yes its is true that they are a not replacing the effect of long sadhana but they can surely given some relief and positivity in money matter, when you feet the change you can surely come forward to do sadhana .. yes it is true..

Mantra ;

Om padmavati sakal padme padampushini vaanchhitarthye puray puray namah ||

General rules: Do jap this mantra one mala for next 30 days .And pray for financial improvement.Should not eat lahsun and pyaj in that duration.Jap mala be off sphatik or kamal-gutte .Direction should be north and cloths/aasan be of white color.Jap time should be morning hours,Is it right for me to request you all that , pray to Sadgurudev Bhagvaan for success in any sadhana , is an essential / must part of any sadhana, this all you know already, but how many of us , offer our jap at the end of any days mantra to the divine holy lotus feet of Sadgurudev Bhagvaan with full devotion and heart ,Sadgurudev Bhagvaan is not one of the basic foundation of any sadhana, but he is the only foundation of any sadhana.

He is the beginning and he is the end.“Sadgurudev sakshat param braham ..

Tasmai shri sadgurudev namah.”This is enough for today..

प र्ण बीध निनावरक ध मवत� ना"चिंसVहा प्रयो�ग(POORN BADHA NIVARAK DHOOMAVATI NRISINH PRAYOG)

People remains trapped in various obstacles during life. Rather it may be in relation of wealth, prosperity, health, family or in other relation. Majority of the people tries to find solution for the trouble but in very short span of time they adopt problem instead of seeking for solution. This way, many of the troubles and obstacles becomes part o the life and people take it granted to live with these troubles. This is not deserved in anyway. Our tradition does not teach us to compromise with troubles. Rather we have been taught to remove the troubles by taking the help of the nature. To win. But how it is possible? In our valuable tradition of the sadhana, solution related to every trouble has been mentioned. It is our right to take help from the divine power and modulate the life in the right and appropriate way. Our ancestors have

given importance to the normal life but never for the life with troubles. Sadhana way was indicated with a reason that person may overcome trouble and obstacles and fulfil the deficiency in the life to achieve totality.

Many times we see that many troubles and problems start shooting all of a sudden in the family. It may be internal problem of the family or health related issues or it may be traps of the enemies. And when solution for the one problem is found then many other problem starts knocking the door. Such type of atmosphere makes the life sad of the related person that how these troubles could be removed. Reason behind such problems may be various dosha like grah dosha, vastu dosha, karm dosha and some time tantra prayoga also. When one is suffering from such situation, person should take the divine help. When we have powers of sadhana with us, we should be confident to remove every trouble. What basic thing needed is faith, trust and devotion toward sadgurudev.

This prayog is merged of mahavidya mother Dhoomavati and Lord Nrusimha. Goddess is always welfare provider. And always bliss her devotee with desired results. She bless by removing all the troubles. On other hand God Nrusimha removes all the traps & problems and removes the deficiencies in the life. This way, the given prayog is very important.

This prayog could be started on any day. Time should be after 10 in the night and direction should be east.

Sadhak should wear red cloth and sit on the red aasan. Sadhak should establish pictures of goddess Dhoomavati and God Nrusimha in front of him and should light lamp of the oil praying to remove all the obstacles troubles and problems of the life. After that one should chant 21 rounds of the following mantra with Munga Rosary.

Dhoom Dhoom samast Baadhaa Nivaaranaay SinhMukhaay Phat

sadhak should continue this process for 7 days after which the rosary should be dropped in river. Sadhak will start looking desired results in sadhana duration only.


From 108 ancient sciences, there are still some sciences about which common people do not know anything. Such one of the science which had remained famous was fight science (yuddh vijnana). Under this category of the science teaching used to be given to the person by

developing one’s power and ability for self and other’s protection. With that teachings related to weapons were also be used to given which act as helper in power development. Under this science it had also been used to taught that how to use energy which is there in land and air to generate power and fight. This was the science which spread during Buddha era with which new innovations took place and various knowledge of martial art came in touch with different countries. With this, we get idea that our ancient sages must have special knowledge of bio and physic sciences. When this science was merged with tantra side then various processes came to know which were meant to win the fights. Many prayoga came in ront like Seinya Stambhan, Seinya Maaran, Raajya Mohini, Raja Vashikaran etc. with these, most important processes which came forward were astr sadhana. in our scriptures it is mentioned that in fight various astra were brought to use, we find mention of various astra like agni, paavakaa, varun, naag, aghor, bramha etc. all these astra could be gain with sadhana today even. To accomplish sadhana of various god goddess and to gain astra from them such incidents are found in our scriptures. This way sudarshan chakra belongs to god Vishnu. Astra related sadhana are very hard and rigorous and may take several years for sadhak. But there are small ritual too exists related to these astra. By accomplishing which god and goddess send their astra to sadhana for their protection being pleased. But such rare processes are hard to get, somewhere mantra could be found mentioned but processes are hard to find. Sadgurudev have given knowledge about such processes to ascetic disciples. This is our fortune that our ascetic brothers and sisters hold knowledge of such rare processes. With blessings of sadgurudev I am here by sharing a process with you, which is related to sudarshan chakra.

This sadhana could be started on any auspicious day. In the night time after having bath sadhak should wear white cloth and sit on white aasan. And with rudraksh rosary one should chant mantra. sadhak should complete 10000 mantra in 7 days maximum, sadhak can make selection of the days according to their capacity but no. of mantra chanting should remain same daily. If one wishes, sadhak can also complete all mantra in 1 day.

Om Sudarshan Chakraay Sheeghra aagachchh mam sarvatr rakshay rakshay swaha

After mantra chanting sadhak should wear the rosary and when it is eclipse (solar/lunar) one should chant 11 rosary of the same mantra and should offer 1008 aahuti with the same mantra of honey in the fire. It is great boon that sadhak can have glimpse of sudarshan chakra at that time. Sadhak should bow down to it and pray for the protection. After that sudarshan chakra will remain in invisible form near sadhak and in every way it save from dangers ad enemies. Enemies no more can harm in any way to sadhak.

If during sadhana, sadhak chants aghor mantra will add extra benefit to get success in sadhana.

म'कदम� मD निवर�ध� पX रूप� शात्र' परस्त प्रयो�ग Kaal bhairav sadhana - to overcome unwanted incidents

In the path of life the basic two obstacle creator enemies are certain problems and unexpected accidents. If these main two obstacles are not there in the life; a person can have a good hold over the progress of material and spiritual life. The movement of the time is infinite which runs continuous. This resulting us in present to term went off as ‘past’ and expected as ‘future’. But every incident are basically pre-placed in the motion of time and when you reach at that particular point of the time it comes in front of you as ‘Present’. This way in our life if any situation is there or arriving situations all those were prearranged in the time as a result enforced with karma. This way all those incidents are safe in the time rather it is favourable for you or not. Just think, if anyhow we remove those unexpected unfavourable moments from the life, how beautiful our life will start acting! But, is it possible? Sadhana is process to make impossible a possible thing. In this field, impossible remains as very small word only. In tantra there are several processes through with help of which we may get to know about the problems and unwanted incidents before it occur. But the here presented is the process through which not only meant to let you knew about the forthcoming troubles but it also saves you from the effect of the same. Such processes are for sure present in the many old tantra scriptures but those all are in codes and time consuming. As having a complicated processes and long time durations to do such sadhanas are really hard in this particular time period. But Sadgurudev have majority of the time provided simple and fast result giving sadhana to his disciples of material world.

In sadhana below, the rosary should be used of rudraksha or black hakeek. Aasan and cloth should be Red in colour and direction should be south. This is 11 days sadhana which could be started on any Saturday or Tuesday after 11 in night.Sadhak should establish photo or idol of Kaal Bhairav infront of him. The poojan of the same should be done with red vermillion, oil, Sindoor, flower etc. Dhoop and oil lamp should be offered. After that one should take sankalp with water on palm that I am doing this mantra chanting to overcome all the accidents, problems and troubles I request you to help me. After that, chant 21 rosary of following mantra.Om kaalBhairav amuk saadhakaanaam rakshay rakshay bhavishyam darshay darshay humIn this mantra one should chant their own name on the place of ‘Amuk saadhakaanaam’.In future when ever any troubles or unwanted incident is about to happen, Lord kaal Bhairav will inform sadhak with any of the form. Sadhak can convert his task that way. Though lord Bhairav will keep on helping sadhak directly indirectly.

Easiest prayog from protection from itar yoni

Many secrets will be revealed in coming Mahavisheshank based on teekshan shakti and itar yoni. Many of us generally have fears regarding these itar yoni tatv. We have to go out of town /home regarding our professional purpose , and so we have to stay in hotel , some times in unknown place too, so quite natural that some fears enter our heart.

Whether we may call them a negative energy or give them some other name, but they have some impact upon us, so there is need to have a vidhan so that we can have protection,

But why we need them

One of famous writer on tantra subject in our country , due to personal work visited foreign country and in night , when he could not find a proper place to stay so stay a unknown hotel ( hotel staff not ready to allot a room , but due to his pressure ,they give one room that was not generally allotted ) , he has a rules that he strictly follows before sleeping he always used to chant through a very specific way “ The hanuman chalisa” , when he slept two or three times in night ,his room doors was knocked, whenever he opened the door no one was out there . very strange.

When in the morning , he woke up ,the hotel staff was very much surprised to see him healthy , they asked every thing is fine with him,

he said yes , what happened,

They told whenever any new customers stay in this room, what happened ,who do that , no one knew that but in night ,when the door knocked ,and person come outside to check what was the problem? and when he saw downward some one pushed him, so many accident happened because of that.

It has been said that in night times specially evening time , light should be on in every room of your home for some duration. So that theses negative elements effect minimize up to a certain extent., the room that has not been used for a long time, and no light available in that and if no one visited inside that , generally controlled by these elements, and when you suddenly use the room, than many such a accident happens , only the person effected knew.

One of mine friend went to Delhi for job relation and stay in a house of his friend, the room ,he used was not taken in use by that family . one night when my friend prepare to sleep and as he the switched off the light , suddenly a heavy push from some one happened on him , he was surprised .

, as switched on the light but no one was there ,very surprising event for him. Very next day , he asked that friend family that how long that room was vacant and not taken in use ,they replied about a year, so after listening this event a earthen lamp was daily light up in that room.

Sadgurudev Bhagvaan used to say that evening time in every room of your home, light should be on.

Here I am disclosing you a very easy process , no need for any special process to get siddhtta,

Just chant one time and clap three times little bit with hard., that’s all . you will get protection, yes you can do on some very special days of sadhana , if offer some aahuti and do havan with this mantra than little bit more effect can be gained.

Mantra :

Om chaouki hanuman beer ki , vaan dhwja phahraye | maaru maaru marut sut , mushtik shatru nsay | mere isht raamchandr ji ,agua hanumant veer | chouk sudarshan chakra ki , raksha kare sharir | tona brahm bhut prêt sang , dayan dae | saanp bichchu chor vaat , sab kuchh nisphal jai |

दृष्ट� द�ष निनावरक अद्भुHत सरलां प्रयो�ग Ups and down makes the rhythm of life, and one , who understand this philosophy he is able to understand the way of life a little, now he is not in sorrow in small misfortunate nor he felt extremely happy , when he encounter something very positive. And he , now takes life in even mindness condition. Bhagvaan shri krishn advocated this things. Sadgurudev ji says that this does not mean that person became total idle , one should see , who is saying the word , and how was the life of Bhagvaan shri krishn ,,that is full of extremely working , busy in positive work. And bhagvaan shri krishn said that , I have everything , I do not need anything but still I do work , since as the higher level person do , other person in society will work accordingly.

But this is also true sometimes person is , because of the rhythm of thses ups and down felt very sad and want some moment of peace . and this is the place where one of the karm of famous tantra’s shat karm comes in to picture.

One should not forgot that this “shanti karm “ has its own place in tantra shat karm. On that in general sadhak often does not pay much attention. Think about a minit without having peace in your life , how you can proceed on the path or proceed on the sadhana field. At least one should have mental peace when he is doing the mantra jap.

Sadgurudev ji has given one , such a mantra to control person’s anger, and very similar to that mantra here in this sadhana ..mentioned.This has been told many times ,that there is some very vital force reside in pipal tree , and this has been accepted by all the tantragy too. And if any

person suffering from severe illness and if stand very close to this tree and try to encircled this tree with his both hand and feel that the great energy forces coming in his body so instantly, he will receive that too. Since this tree is full of great life energy forces.

So you have to offer some sweet water to this tree in evening time and do poojan with agarbaati , Mantra :Om namah shante prashante om hreem hraam sarv krodh prashamni swaha |

Now you can chant every day 108 times this mantra than whatever the friction arises in your family life means between your family member , that will be reduces to much level and you will feel much relax. Do not think that since this is very easy prayog so may be its result will be very late .. each and every prayog ha s its own value.

AN EASY SABAR MANTRA FOR ANY TYPE OF HEAD-ACHE If the utility of higher level sadhana are well understood by every one than the importance of easy sadhana also can not be underestimated. Since where a single pin can work on that place a sword can not . keeping in mind these facts we are continuously publishing the prayog some are from very high level than other from very simple one , if some prayog related to spiritual world than some also related to modern day to day life problem.

Generally sadhak are much interested towards the prayog that are related to financial side or financial aspect of life , and its quite natural since who can deny the importance of finance in this modern era, but its also a well understood thing that to earn finance a healthy body and mind/mental condition is also required, , but for our illness , whom we can accuse either our defective life style or impure food product . so every one is suffering from some dieses . minor or major as the case may be. And in that , the dieses which creates a lot of problem is headache in that migraine is very painful . ask to those who is suffering from this dieses or from their family member.Is there any sabar mantra prayog that can be very helpful , and also do not required much time to get siddhita . since who do not want a healthy life and also a healthy body.

Mantra :

Hazaar ghar ghale ek ghar khaay , aage chale to pichhe jaay ,furo mantra ishwaro vaachaa .

The process of getting siddhita in this mantra is very simple , actually we have published a complete full issue of our TANTRA KAUMUDI e mag on sabar mantra , in that we have dealt the subject in details in every aspect of this sabar mantra. This is very simple mantra and think about a minit , what blessing and thankfulness you can receive if you are able to heal any person who is suffering from this illness.

General rules:Can use asan and clothes of yellow color. You can jap any time means either day or in night.You have to recite /chant only 1008 times. If that can be done on any auspicious day or in grahan time. That would be much better .And no other any special rules.When any person suffering from this illness comes before you , simply move your palm over his fore head (with touch). And chant only 7 times of this mantra and seven times phoonk (blow the air from mouth )on the forehead. He will get relief from the pain .Though this is very simple prayog but no one can deny its importance And this is enough for this day .

ती�व्र इच्छा� पा�र्तिती� शा�बर यो�गिगोनी� प्रयो�गो

For a sadhak it is essential to have knowledge of Kaal because in special time durations the flow of the energy goes high. In specific time durations specific gods remains active in their complete form. And energy flow in the universe gets to its maximum. For sadhak, percentage to achieve success increases by doing sadhana in that particular time periods. In this direction, time of eclipse is very important for sadhak. In this particular time duration if sadhak does any sadhana or mantra in that condition it is easy to obtain maximum benefit of that mantra and related process. In this particular time duration any sadhana or mantra chanting could be done but there are some specific shabar sadhana reserved for this specific time, which are done in eclipse time only. This way, there are many secret processes which can take sadhak to the door of success. In fact, our life is bunch of wishes. And if wish do not take place in life, life itself loose a place. Because wish / will (ichchaa) is among three major powers, kriyajnanaichchaachashaktih. To fulfill desires is never inappropriate. Tantra is process of adornment, to accomplish which has not been accomplished and to develop whatever has been achieved. Also tantra does not support suppression. Sadhak should fulfill their appropriate desires and keep on taking steps forwards on the path of completeness. In regards of eclipse time, from many secret processes there is existence of processes to fulfill desires also. If sadhak completes these processes with steps then for sure success could be gain. Among these processes one of them is ‘tivra yonigi ichhapurti prayog’. Which is here by presented for you all on this eclipse.

For this sadhana, sadhak should apply cow dung on the floor of aasan. And after that one should sit on aasan which is placed on it. If it is not possible for sadhak one can sit on the floor directly without aasan. This sadhana should be done naked body, if that is not possible one should wear white cloths. It is better if sadhak remains alone in the sadhana room. Sadhak should light big oil lamp in front of him and should pray 64 yogini in mind by offering sweets to them. And one should repeat three times a wish or desire to be fulfilled

and should again pray to yogini for the fulfillment of the same. After that sadhak should start chanting mantra given below. There is no rosary required for mantra chanting but if one wishes can brought rudraksh rosary in use. Sadhak should start this process one hour before eclipse starts and should do the mantra as much as possible, thus it is always better to keep on chanting the mantra till post one hour of eclipse’s ending time.

Om Jogini Jogini Aavo Aavo Kalyaan Dhaaro Ichchhaa Pooro Aan Durgaaki Gorakhnaath guru Ko aadesh aadesh aadesh.

After mantra chanting gets over one should eat the sweet offered and have bath. The wish of the sadhak for sure gets fulfilled in very short time duration.

बी�जो�क्त तन्त्र�-मत"क शालिक्त रहास्यो और प्रर्ण सम्म�हाना शालिक्त प्रयो�ग (Beejokt Tantram-Maatrika Shakti And Praan sammohan Shakti Paryog) complete in both language (Mannaat traayte swasya mantraam srav bhaavtah)

Simply, mantra is only that thing which protects its practitioners a safety from all the sides. The direct relationship of mantra siddhi is from converting to what we see in kalpaana yog to the sakaar yog i.e. what we see in this world. When we recite the mantras or beej mantra , slowly and slowly ,the cover that covers these mantras gets removed and the mantras shine with brightness and with the help of strong sankalp shakti, the shakti of kalpnaa lok arrives in our real world. And it scatters around the sadhak depending upon the sankalp shakti of sadhak whether it is more or less and what the sadhak had thought about that shakti, only in that form it comes in front of the sadhak.

Likewise, we see many forms around ourselves, similarly, there is a existence of different forms in kalpnaa lok. We read about these forms many a times in our tantra scriptures . When we pronounce any akshar(hindi alphabet),there is a generation of special vibration or in other words, we can say there is a special and different vibration of each and every akshar(hindi alphabet )which results in the creation of a special voice. When we study Mimaansa Scriptures , we came to know that the devtaas do not have any form and they take the form of mantra only. That ‘why, when we recite any mantra, they take the form of only those behavior which we have combined them in our mantras. In our body, out of 7 chakras, there are 50 alphabets

which are present in our 6 chakras. And when we speak those akshar or words, they affect all our chakradals in one time or it follow some special path to effect all the chakra dals. For example, when we pronounce “र�” it is

made up of 3 hindi alphabets i.e. ‘र’(R),’अ’(a ),’म(m). Now see,

‘र’(R)- is pronounced when our throat touches upper part of mouth.

’अ’(a ) is pronounced from our throat.

’म(m) is pronounced from both our lips and nose.

Now, if we pronounce “र#” in one word,then, this beej mantra effects three

departments of our saptlok(seven loks) presence in our body and it increases our agni tatv and the fire which is produced from this is not normal, it removes all negative energy of our sukshma jagat. When, we burn the dead body of any human being,we pronounce only this word.

Similarly, every word generates some special effect with its special vibration. Remember, every word has its own place in this universe,and special planet has a relationship with the special word.What are beej mantras?

The combination of divine akshars (hindi alphabets) is only called beej in which there is a presence of power and behavior of that devtaa. With continuous recitements of these beej mantras, these mantras generates special vibration in there special areas in the universe and these vibrations is also generated in the planets which are denoting them. I have also said this thing above that every word has its own voice and form in the universe, similarly, with the continuous pronouncation of these beej mantras and with the mantra voice, that devtaa form with the help of our praan power and aatm power in sankaalp lok or bhaav lok have to work for us with their presence. This definition is really diffult but whosoever understand this , then, for him, for which word, we have to provide which place and how to combine these words become a simple task for him. Then, nothing remain impossible for him.

The sadhak reach its goal only and only by moving himself upwards through his own various negative points. We can succeed only through sammohan shakti. We can have several meaning for sammohan shakti but for the one which I am speaking is called "Praan sammohan" among the great

tantriks. The master has told me a simple but a special one paryog which he had received from our sadgurudev.The shakti(power) which the sadhak received from this type of sammohan not only remove the negativeness of the sadhak but also turns the negativeness of the peoples around him to purity. Many a times, we are upset from the bad habits of our brothers,sisters,childrens,wife and friends but, sometimes, our dearones cannot convert their bad habits to good one even if they want. In those cases, we can help our dear ones , if we know “praan sammohan beej”. If one sadhak practice a special beej mantra, then, he is safe not only from outside negative powers but also receives a support from our saints continuously and if he want something, then, his wishes are fulfilled but, he must have purity in all the cases. Minds and hearts of practioner of this beej mantra sadhak not only establish relation with his dear ones living far away from him but, with conitinuous practice, he reads their thoughts and can convert their negativeness to positiveness. To defeat from our senior officers or neighbors, the real win is to convert their behavior to what we want.In the morning or in the evening, after doing dainik poojan and gur mantra, light a Deepak of pure ghee, while seeing the burned Deepak, rub your both hands and continuous recite “HUM HREENG KLEEM” for 10 minutes. The voice while pronouncation should be so much less that no one can listen it except you.The heatness will come in your hands and after 10 minutes touch your fingers in both your eyes and head. After some days, even if u rub your hands for more time, their temperature will remain normal, this practice is of only 1 month and one can succeed in one month only. After, one month, the personality of the sadhak changes and with it, if you recite this mantra in your heart, the temperatures of your hands get increase, then, if you rub your thumb with first and the second finger behind or downward, in front of an angry men, then, his angerness converts to coolness and he will behave according to what you want from him and with the changing in his behavior the temperature of our hands gets normal which shows that our process has succeeded.

There are various sides of this sadhna, through this we can have contact with great saints, we can transform thoughts,we can reads thoughts of someone,increase the energy of our praan, mental diseases can be removed, about all these I will tell you in the near future, you can’t understand the powers of this paryog without doing it seriously.


Who do not want to get favor of govt or political person since many of your work can be done so easily and that too much ease and with much money .and its quite natural that every one thinking to be one of them , but is it so easy to became influential one .without any extra capability.

Every person want that he will have his name in his surrounding and in his work environment. But that I s not so easy .

This is also the pain of every leader that every one will admire his work but its not so easy .and how that can be possible.

Every person who is related to the market or who work area related to the society and every salesman who want to sale his product , they all are r not always successful so a feeling of depression I s quite natural .

Same feeling and pain also exists from some pandit and katha vachak that their words are not caring so much weight as other s . even others are not match to their experience and ability.

Only with word you can not mold the whole masses as you like though its true that words have power but something more important .

Who have the time to use vshikarn prayog for each and every one , is it any prayog who can easily sammohit the whole audience . and sadhana field shows many of such a prayog in front of sadhak.

Vashikarn prayog should not be always seen in the view of only man and woman but in that category there are sarv jan vashikaran, sarv jagat vashikaran and not only this but whole universe vashikaran also come . but they are not so easy . and its not possible to absorbs their energy in a sec. even bhagvaan buddh and bhagvaan krishn demonstrated the power of vashikaran vidya but through the different way they did not do the prayog to any one but instead of that they convert their body means energies their body with the sammohan . and who so ever see them will get hypnotize automatically.

To get and successfully completion of that level prayog need avery high degree of energy in the sadhak body .

Here a sadhana prayog related to sabha vashikaran and that is shabar prayog .if sadhak will do this with faith surely he will enjoy the benefit of that .

Mantra : om namo bhagvati pur pur veshni puradhipatye sarv jagad bhayankari chhi bhai om raam raam rm reem kleem vaalous vanch kaam vaan sarv shri samst nar nari ganam mam vashyam nay nay swahaa ||


This sadhana can be started on any auspicious day.

Direction should be the north

Cloths and aasan should be of yellow color.

Mantra jap can be done with yellow hakeek mala.

Mantra jap should be don in the morning.

Total mantra jap should be 10,000times mantra jap means 100 round of rosary.

And after completion of that do havan with 100o aahuti.

To get success do understand the importance of sadgurudev poojan and reciting of guru mantra , the more faith you have so much the success you will get.

Mantra is little bit lengthy but in comparison to success . is little.

Offer each days mantra jap to holy feet of sadgurudev ji.

When the mantra jap and havan will complete . than when even any situation arise simple chant mentally 11 times this mantra and move one hand over your face and see all round you means the person whom you want to come under the sammohan. And se e the result.

This is one of the highly effective sadhana , and sadhak must pay attention on that. **************************************************************************************SABAR TEL MOHAN SADHNA

In tantra field ‘Mohan’ has its own important place among six basic rituals. Where though vashikarana, the control of one’s mind could be taken to the hand; with the help of mohan one can positively divert mental status of the individual which is the basic difference among these two. Mohan process gives way for the acceptance of particular process or circumstances in the

positive way by their own mind for the particular person. Like when vashikaran is done on particular person, at that time he is ordered to accomplish the given task in his inner consciousness but he would not realize it. But in mohan, person is bounded mentally to repond positively by its own toward the sadhak. Every ritual task has its own importance and all are great in its own. Knife and seasor both does work of cutting but both are used at different places. Basically it depends on the situations.

In today’s world, everyone is aware about the importance of the mohan. Business, workplace or it is about the house holdings. To take help from tantra for favorable conditions is never wrong if the motto of that task is not wrong. To increase business by making businessman and customers in favor or to establish a personality with colleagues at workplace or to make house people favorable at every step such prayoga is needed.

In shabar mantra there are crores of rituals related to shat karma which are easy in nature and very effective too. To accomplish such mantra, many types of mediums require. Like betel nuts, cardamom, sweets, perfumes etc. By accomplishing such materials with the help of them there are several rituals to make conditions favorable. Like such important process one of the secret processes is as follow.

Sadhak needs oil of sesame for this prayog. Sadhak can take oil in desired quantity according to will. Oil should be kept in glass bottle and till the time mantra chanting is done, the head of the bottle should be open. One should chant 51 rounds of the following mantra on Saturday night with white hakeek rosary in front of that oil. The same process should be done on next Saturday. Total 3 Saturday the process should be repeated. Sadhak can wear any cloth for this. Direction should be south. Dhoop should be kept on going till the time of mantra chanting.

Tel tel mahaa tel dekhoo tera khel mohay mohay saadhay saadhay aan guru ki.(ती%ल ती%ल महा� ती%ल द%खू� ती%र� खू%ल म�हायो म�हायो ��धयो ��धयो आर्ण गोरु क+)

After mantra chantings of 3 Saturday sadhak should keep that oil with care. Whenever one need to do prayog, one should light the lamp with that oil and 11 rosary of the following mantra should be done ; meanwhile the mantra chantings the lamp should kept on burning.

Tel tel mahaa tel dekhoo tera khel (amuk) ko mohay mohay saadhay saadhay aan guru ki

(ती%ल ती%ल महा� ती%ल द%खू� ती%र� खू%ल (अमक) क� म�हायो म�हायो ��धयो ��धयो आर्ण गोरु क+.)

In mantra chant the particular desired person’s name on which Mohan is supposed to be done. The desired one will get favorable in certain. For mantra chanting one should bring into use the same rosary which is previously used on 3 Saturdays.

Strot sadhana : for removing problems in life(Gajendra moksh strot) mentioning so many problem(every aspect of life) what they are facing. think about a minute, we all are trying to escape from the hard work/devotion/faith needed for success in sadhana, and still want to have 100% success in very first attempt!!!!, then think about yourself what is the value and usefulness of big sadhana?, if all the work can be easily completed by small sadhana. Each sadhana has its own value . problem could be worse, when sadhak has not taken guru Diksha, and due to any reason, they are not able to purchase yantra or mala and may be sometimes non corporation of member of their family. (every failure not a welcome things, but those one ,who can understand the basic phenomena lies behind every failure, already knows that it just opening of a new horizon for success, other wise on getting success on that point ,may be you will not grow/interested to go ahead.)

It has been said that Sadgurudev always purify us through fire , that simply does not means that he would throw us in the midst of fire but created such a circumstance and condition ,where we can easily find out mistake weakness and other impurities of our life , and he also watches us in the midst of these failure how many of us will move other destination /other guru and how many still on the path, how we react s and how much doubt still lies in our heart and mind,

Once Sadgurudev ji wrote that who want to sow the seasonal plants in his garden ,every one preferred evergreen plants, so that he also plants such a evergreen plants who one day become the tree, that provide shelter to whole mankind in this time of highly testing.,

(some guru bhai and sister are in confusion regarding using of certain words in sabar mantra, like “shiv ko trishul pade” for them ,we just want to say that not to pay much attention on the literal meaning of the sabar mantra since mantra is a force that works on the vibration , so do not change the words, and also you will get no harm, and if any where any such a precaution is needed,we will already mentioned,)

But when this doubt is not loosing its ground from our heart, and we are not having time to go for big sadhana, is there any more way?.

So that we can set aside our problem.

Sadgurudev Bhagvaan provide so many prayog in our mag. And one of such a prayog is “gajendra moksha strot” Sadgurudev Bhagvaan wrote many experiences related to himself and from high ups and top political leaders, when Sadgurudev ji has said than according to “mantra

moolam guru vakya” what more is needed to write. When bhagvaan Vishnu /narayan himself run to protect his bhakt ,than any worst condition can stand in front of him? this strot really provide amazing miraculous result. just go for that and you also become a witness of its effects.

What is the strot means , this is the combination of so many shlok composed by mahyogies/great one/masters, when their isht appeared before him , and that time their heart voice comes in the form of strot. And these words carries your heart feeling directly towards the your isht and proved the miraculous result., since this is not mantra so if any pronunciation problem occurs that not much matters since it depends upon your purity of heart and feelings,

As many of you already aware of general rules applicable in this strot sadhana, but here are some general and some special points.

Have a bath and wear clean cloths,

Try to have printed strot, if not possible than do try to get the strot written by some one else, since it s not recommended that person note down in his own handwriting the strot and than start path of that, but if sometimes such a circumstance occurs where you do not want to show other than you can d o that yourself.

Try to have the photograph of that strot isht before you,

In your pooja room Sadgurudev and param bandniya mataji’s photo must be present.

Try to light up the earthen lamp, and ddhoop agarvatti , theses are the instrument to show the proper respect and your feeling for towards your isht.

Do try to chant the strota as the minimum number specified for that to have siddhita, and than you can use.

Or take water in your hand say your problem and mentioned clearly how many day and how much number of path you are going to do.

Always be very punctual regarding your sadhana starting time, it’s a must factor for the sadhana success.

Never publicize what you are doing and how you are doing , this many time bring you failure.

And last but not the least point that always offer every days jap/path in the divine lotus feet of Sadgurudev ji, since through many dev /devta only he is giving us the fruits/result of that path to all of us . since still we have not get those purity in our eyes.

If any one of you having so much trouble some life and not getting any way to overcome that , have a try for this strot with full heart and devotion, and you will see the result yourself in some

days. And this strot is very easily available in any market religious shop. Bhagvaan shri narayan is the real form of Sadgurudev ji’s when he is caring all of us, this surely open doors of good uck, and this strot can be used in any type of problem in life you are facing.This is enough for today

Surya VigYan, Paarad Tantra and Vashikaran No matter how good it feels to hear changes, conversion of a substance in another substance. Since centuries had been went on this subject of learning to understand, it just feels comfortable in reading and hearing this matter but is not so simple nor the subject of the mystery is attainable so comfortable that by having knowledge about this and we will became scolar in it..Is is that easy? What does u think? let me tell you one thing, Sadgurudev not only publicly presented as simple but also formulated the privacy of the subject as before to put all pupils understand the rare subject and be comfortable in learning. 'Soot Rahasyam' is one such text in which I highly classified the secrets of the Sun science and Alchemy Tantra which i received by Sadgurudev. Some of the methods and secrets to the same texts respectively 'Tantra-Kaumudi' We will keep these pages per issue. This article is one of the link of the same this time.

In 1971, the 92 molecules were discovered in science and reported a similar molecule in the universe are no more than that, in 1987, the 115 molecules were re-announced. Did u get the meaning or you understand, Ohhh didnt understand, varies over time because the number of science discovery center of his secrets is salient and hence still can not find that the entire 147 molecules is the spiritual center search. And millennia before it were made clear that the 147 Siddhashram molecules and all molecules that are present in the sun rays. Sun rays that their indirectly color white is visible fact they are equipped with 7 different colors and that joint will appear white. Purple, blue, green, yellow, violet, orange and red colors that are seven of these rays.7 Ashva chariot of the sun in the Vedas, the ascent is described then it is very esoteric meaning. If you understand the science that is before the sun rays to understand its 7 letter. Each beam 21 properties containing molecules, thus 7X21 = 147....Isnt it hnna? So each molecule has its own merits.

The whole universe is made up of 147 molecules, whether more or less based on this only, as if a paper is made from 21 molecules and gold by 97 molecules, thus the number of molecules will be different in each object or creature. If we understands the the Sun Science core, the molecules their properties will be easy and seamless conversion of the substance. Each molecule has its own merits, ie 147 molecules to understand their properties after the construction and conversion that is comfortable because every one have it's action animation divine action, for it provided Sadhguru seeker divine spells from your home have to practice to pronounce the mantra and has to be proven, and let me tell you the

meaning of the mukh is Jiwha, throat, teeth, mouth breathing or does not feed tube,actually it means ‘navel’,the meaning of the mantra swadhishtana is of the self-installation, building or home is where the mantra and reached to navel and through all the air and present glory of the energy of fire gives life’s substance or organism and the mantra that the seeker has proven he can create new creation can donate life, Lord Krishna, the son of his master stimulus sage, Abhimanyu son was tested and so life like that of 1984 Amarnath Yatra Sadgurudeo in the event to life to Sumitra. Who can forget this hnnnna? That each beam color is your character or his owner is and is a Brahmrishi their own spells, this spell 21-21 Remember the special properties of molecules are equipped with these Mantras

Beejaksharoan feature or combination of substances according to the cross Sampaut and which is provided to sadhak by his Sadguru and turn that knowledge seeker, then you own scriptures Rupno seeker makes up the split takes the same suit your soul the upcoming points of the subject will be clear, because this subject can be written over 1000 pages), the nature of matter always present in the live show he's not giving it is different when any power or mutual aid through the sum of their component molecules must be delivered to start appearing in the condition they appear.A Sun scientist or a scholar of Ras shastra when he knows very well how these molecules and how to catch her yoga or some other molecule to fragmentation, when the key is that which way the molecules to be done and how to split Let them do yoga a new material receipt. And it is also extremely difficult task, think how easy it is to read Remember not to split the molecules to their totals, but it is not the right way because you can not fission or fusion of the action so extreme that the energy is free is disastrous for many centuries and their destruction does influence human culture and life, I know you would not ve forgotten the Hiroshima and Nagasaki case. Are you? Well I shall tell you the sum of these rays or fission while 2 are an important factor that brings success to us.1.Aflao containing 147 different molecules containing the beam from which the lens can pass and speed by which the sum of her wishful elements molecules can be made and another "Anu siddhi Maartnde golok" which Yogi wear around your neck and by which without lenses or Sanalyith the molecules can be separated. The building itself is extremely difficult, and find that the seven Mantras can be proven that the comfortable mantra is called Sapta Rishi to prove that the 147 molecules are used. The pill and manufacture of mercury by itself is Lens or should say this is by cotton yarn by such rites have been over 22 are the values after 18 because mercury that is consumed by contrary motion seems to live again have been solid and liquid curve seems to come and 22 they completely transparent and generating capacity that consists of is, like mercury the molecule accomplishment Maartnde spells hair inverted using this type of eyeball and lens made is. The action is extremely difficult and confidential.

Under the Surya Tantra unworkable Tantric actions also can be easily performed as to achieve Lakshmi the legislation of the process of Arc Bhubaneswari,for hypnotising the punjibhut sun to Vashikaran mantra sadhana, here I am specifying similar use.Through which the Nine planets power making their friendly for us and the Lakshmi vashikaran can also happen.leave the common man spell and what ever Sadgurudeo taught me from these texts and to which I use and got advantages.

So from Sunday morning the mantra chanting can be started.Direction should be towards east and shall be white clothing or asan posture. Take bath and Get read before sunrise and offer the water mixed with kumkum before sunrise to sun and should worship them and ask them to make offerings and pray for success from Sadgurudev. After sitting on the asana daily meditation and worship the Sadgurudev in accordance with law to worship the sun, offer the sweets i.e. navedya and guru mantra should be done by rudraksha rosary beads for 16(beads malas) chanting, then following mantra 11 malas to make it to till next Sunday's action. Then if you want to use this mantra whenever feasible instead of a certain man or woman by name 108 times chanting to 3 days. Hmmmm isn’t it good! Now you will see urself immersed in an ocean of surprise effect.

Om namo bhagwate shri suryaay hreem sahastra kirnaaya aim atulbal parakramaaya navgrah dashdikpaal lakshmidevtaaya dharmakarmasahitaaya amuknaam naathay naathay mohay mohay aakarshay aakarshay daasanudaas kru kuru vasham kuru kuru swaha.

"Soot Rahasyam”quoted in the pages of many secrets who constantly are impatient to open up in each issue infront u,so my dear reader just wait and watch the next issue for the opening of a new mystery.

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कपलिलांक स�प्रदयो-2(KAPALIK SAMPRADAY-2) Many people underestimated Kapalik sadhna as a sadhna done for pleasure and got attracted towards it because of sexual factor and thats how it got converted in Bhog marg means the path of licentiousness. In real sense the chhakra sadhna of Kapaliks later treated as the sources of satisfying sexual pleasures. In resultant this sadhna seen from hatred eyes…. Well the one who were Kapaliks in real sense started their own individual level practices. Adi Sankaracharya started revolting these practices, so the major part of this community shifted to Nepal border and Tibet. This remained active in Tibet as it and later come in light as Boudh Kapalik sadhnas.

In the opinion of many Historians the SaivaShakt path came in trend. The sadhnas related from this community kept major significance. In Kapalik Chakra the Sadhak is known as Bhairav and female Sadhika as Tripursundari. And in the Sexual activities they achieved many siddhies and powers. Only by just means of will power they can control any part of body and any type of creation and destruction process via this path. In this Path Kapalik accepts the female bhairavi as his wife also. Their Mathas are still can be seen in northern part of India in decrepit manner.

In Kapalik Sadhnas the sadhnas of Gods and Goddess like Mahakali, Bhairav, Chandali, Chamunda Shiv, Tripura whereas In Boudh Kapalik sadhnas the Tibetan gods like Vajra Bhairav, Mahakal, Hevjra are worshipped. Previously via just mantra power the kapaliks can make other kapaliks sexual energy decrease or increase. By which in exact measurement the sadhna can be done. This is how this wonderful path got disappeared in external sense but still awakening in secret form in various tantric mathas and still kapaliks are accomplishing these sadhnas successfully.

सध'सहा� ४-शा2व सम्प्रदयो(कपलिलांक सम्प्रदयो १)SAADHUSHAHI 4-SHAIV SAMPRADAAY(KAPALIK SAMPRADAY 1) In Indian Spiritual Culture the Sadhna path and established doctrine peculiarities have various varieties in itself. The Shaiv Marg which is the main path of Lord Shiva reverence can be divided into two parts. Mantra path and Upasana (worship) Path. The worshipping path is mostly known as Mythological path whereas the Mantra Path is known as developed or non-mythological path. In Mantra path there are many ways of worshipping Lord Shiva.

Kapalik Path – This was the best known. It has been heard from the Siddhas that this path has been mostly found one. Its main places known as Mathas are found in Varanasi and the famous place like Somnath is known as Shaiv place but later it has drowned down pathetically.

Lingmarg or Lingyat – This path is based on the ling (genital) of Shiva. This one is especially famous in Dravids and Southern India. On the side of Pratishtha Vidhan this was emphasized more. The other name of this path is Shiv Sidhant Marg also. By the way it has also been added to the Atimarg in which the establishment and mantra sadhna is included most.

Pashupat Marg – This way is mainly used for God Pashupat sadhnas. The main areas where it has been practiced is Nepal and border lines of India.

Kaalmukh Maarg – This is the main path of Mahakaal Sadhna which has been practiced in central India.

Kashmiri Shaiv Marg – This was most famous path which was used between Kashmiri Pandits. And their main place where it was used was Jammu and Kashmir before the Mughal rulers.

Aghor Marg – This is most high level of path amongst all. The areas nearby Varanasi, Girnar, Aburd, Pachmadi, Jabalpur, Gorakhpur is the common place for Aghor practitioners.

Apart from all these, there are many other ways which were in light and attached with each other in either way. Today many has been disappeared but prominently metioned in Tantra textures.

Now let’s discuss in brief about the Kapalik Marg.

Kapalik Sampradaay is a wonderful path of Shiva’s reverence. The one who is dikshit in this path is known as Kapalik or bhairav whereas female practioners are known as Devi Shakti or Tripur Sundari. In this Path mostly

the Dev Shakti and their Aadi Shakti is accepted mainly. There are two difference of it. Many kapaliks doesn’t accept the other forms of Gods and Goddess. They treat Ling and Yoni (genitals of male and female) as their Gods and Goddess. But in the other path accepts the identity of other gods and goddess and their related sadhnas also. This is based on Meat, alcohol and Sex. Along with the purified Meat and alcohol, the sexual activities are done and this leads to different siddis and that’s how it works. This is toughest path as good as walking on sword. Because in this path the sadhak doesn’t do anything just for sake of getting pleasure. Rather he has to be uncontaminated detached from the acts. Well the class of Kapalik was not less than any king size rather they were always decorated with the valuable gems and golden jewelleries. And while spending luxurious life they have to become the hardest form as unanointed. That’s how many were attracted towards it and becomes the only reason of this path. (continued)

Beejaatmak Tantra Aur Bhagya Utkeelan Vidhaan(HINDI+ENGLISH) Common human’s life is just based on two type of wheels named expectations and destinations and no doubt fulfillment of these expectations give us happiness and leads our life towards development… let me know my dear is it all right for us to look at sky in the form of our destiny so that there will be someone who can hear us and fulfill our motives…..and is it destiny which always support us….no it never happens always….so is it fine to sit back in such dreadful situations…….again a big NO. The fact is that “necessity is the mother of invention” so it is clear that who will work hard definitely will be honored of destiny. Mostly we cry over poverty and illness and to remove such pitfalls we do number of experiments but again all in vain and this causes depression in our life.

When we talk about that it is our needs which causes miracles but one thing which should kept in mind is that when we talk about hard work it’s not always about physical beside this sadhnatmak hardship is must and when both of these powers works for you then definitely emptiness of life removes and development, luxury, destiny and magnificence blessed you.

During hardship times we do our best to change time’s cycle from misfortune to fortune and to get this done we take the shelter of Anushthans but do we ever try to know whether these anushthans and all that going on right direction or not? Because to get all this perfectly done we need to follow a systematical order as firstly one should get rid of his misfortune, secondly make sure your poverty has been destroyed than finally you can welcome Goddess Laxmi in the form of Shri in your home so that she should stay there

permanently to give you and your family a luxuries life for- ever and forever. Another important fact is that to carry on big anushthan at grand scale is not always prove beneficial as to carry out them one should be more conscious and stable in his thoughts and action whereas on the other hand long anushthan makes us bored quite bitter but true so for a domestic person its always good to get power and blessings from Beejaatmak sadhnaas as they get easily sidh and fruitful as well and according to “योथा� ब�जम तीथा� अ#क रम.” if you

sow pure seed than its quite sure you are going to have a fruitful tree similarly when we talk about sadhnaa its result depends on our concentration in the form of seed. One should always keep in his mind that in order to enlighten each and every month, needs to follow different procedure as in order to sidh “KLEEM” beej for Vashikaran purpose is followed by totally differ process in which this mantra is get sidh for Sanhaar proyog.

Here we are talking about financial growth so if one faces financial crisis so what should he prefers to do…..with any type of Laxmi proyog he should lit the spark the “HREEM” beej with it as by doing so work will work at super speed…..about this beej mantra another important thing is that if someone uses this mantra alone then to all the financial obstacles ultimately get removes as the results of the proyog don’t affected by the fact that at what scale you are carrying out them. Instead of this the important thing is that how strong your consciousness is and faithfully you are carrying out them. Always remember that “HREEM” beej collectively symbolizes Maha Kaali, Maha Saraswati and Maha Laxmi in short this beej represents Shakti (power), Veag (density) and Teevrta (velocity) and the procedures based on the fact that how you get it enlighten.

As we are talking about financial betterment or permanence in job so its my duty to let you know its procedure-

At any night take 100grams pure honey in clear glass utensil (kaanch ka paatr) and place that paatr in front of Sadgurudev, Lord Ganpati and Goddess Laxmi, lit ghee lamp and offer rose (gulab) incense and rose flowers as well, your clothes and aasan should neat and clean and time can be evening or night as well. Then if possible write “HREEM” with ashtgandha on bhojpatra with the pencil of pomegranate stem (anaar ki kalam) if not bhojpatra you can use white paper for it then after Hreem write your name then again after your name write Hreem. Remember you have to use very short paper for this. After that do 3 rosary of beej mantra with the rosary of Black Hkeek aur Moonga. After finishing it roll that paper in round shape and dip it in that honey….follow this process for continuous 3 days means daily

you need to write beej mantra then your name then again mantra on paper and after pooja dip that paper in honey….you can do any other proyog along with this related to Laxmi and if you are not doing so than increase the number of rosaries from 3 to 7 and days from 3 to 5. Day after the final jaap day take out all the papers from honey gat them dump under the flowing clean water and as the matter of honey you can use it to strengthen your memory as well as it can be used for Vashikaran sadhna. If you want to eat or drink that honey then don’t forget to dip a cardamom (ilaichi) in it every day. It is just because of the blessings of our revered Sadgurudev that we have such a small, easy but meaningful proyog to get comforts in our life.


Tanta is not a philosophy………not a principle……………neither it talks about it ,rather it puts the process forward whereby we can get the results …….and to add to that , it does not ignore any condition of life………nor it see them with contempt rather how to bring about divinity in it……….how to make our body the way to reach supreme element ,which we see with contempt. Tantra is a very big ocean, various streams have been added to it and today no one can say how many branches it has.

Tantra understands the shortcomings of life and it does not encourage us to run away from them rather it suggest one way ………….one attitude…….one mind-set to understand, not to run………understand it and get rid of it.Tantra accepts the fact that there is influence of shortcoming of various past lives on human life…. and the kaam, anger whatever they are, they are hiding the basic inherent beauty of soul.Tantra never favours suppression. It knows very well that any form of energy whatever it may be …if it is suppressed , it will definitely emerge in some way or other, therefore it will be much better to transform it in higher direction of life………………….Tantra never sees the sexual feeling with inferiority point of view rather it only opposes the excess of it.Tantra says how to make sexual energy directed upwards which is directed downwards in common man. It does not talk about destroying the sexual feeling because it knows this itself is the kundalini power (serpent power) ,just its direction has to be changed because if it is destroyed then human life will become spiritless, it will wither away…….whole joy ,happiness of life will vanish . All the joy and progress of life is due to this power only. Same is the condition with anger .Without anger; life will become spineless like that of earthworm…….so this condition is also not accepted by Tantra.Tantra gives very high importance to acceptance………………..that if it is like this then ok ……if we have accepted it ……………..whatever may be the consequences, that are also accepted with full mind, full soul, full heart.

However in the guise of acceptance, it is not to promote any disharmony that in guise of it, we keep on doing whatever we want to.Sadhak of present times is well-mannered, civilized and whenever he sits for sadhna in this unfavourable environment, then if kaam, anger is in excess, it comes in front of him. A person may have any of them in deficiency; he might have any other shortcoming in excess….. But ultimately the result is the same that either he is not able to sadhna or he is not able to complete the sadhna. Now if we have to do sadhna every time to get rid of every problem then the path will become burdensome. However the actual condition is actually opposite of it.Both the ways consume same amount of time but only the paths are different.Now what we can do?Should we sit idle…………………because………..whenever we get up to do something then nature first puts forward the unfavourable circumstances in front of us………Because only the powerful will survive in the battle of life and sadhna ….Now to chant mantra for everything is not correct especially when we are facing scarcity of time….and at this time one science comes to our rescue, the science which we know but we are unaware of its supremacy. That science is Yantra Science.And what is this Yantra?The image which is formed after pronunciation of any name, after Aavahan of any deva, after chanting the mantra related to any universal power and which contains all the sub power related to that power is called Yantra. Now though we have Pran-Prathishta (Energizing) process and other process, but several procedures are so much easy that……Meaning amazing yantras regarding whom if the facts are revealed then people may find it hard to believe ……….that too self-accomplished……..meaning that sadhak does not even have to chant the mantras.Precious jewels of this science is yet to be revealed…………….You all will be introduced to this science…… any of the coming editions of Tantra Kaumadi.Today , let’s see one of such yantra …………….no process to accomplish (siddh) this yantra, just form it on piece of paper and keep it in sadhna room …..Nothing more need to be done, you yourself will experience the results. It would be much better if it is made on any auspicious day……………..but what is so special about it…………..which will fulfil your wish too………..let’s look at the design of this yantra.ॐ********(OM) Supreme power of whole universe ……….and origin of everything…….thenह्रीं7****** (Hreem) If we see it, it appears to be in form of Heart and it’s residing place is also lotus heart meaning Anahat Chakra.ऐं *** (Aim)looks like the throat ,it’s place is Vishudha Chakra.

क्लां7 ***(Kleem) looks like Navel and it’s place is Navel Chakra (Manipur Chakra).Amazing thing is about the design of these beej mantras…..just by way of writing one can tell about the place where they are associated with or where they are established. Being in combination with these special beej mantras, it helps in fulfilling the wishes of the sadhak.Because in tantra, anything or any fact is not worth ignoring. The science which sees divinity in everything, it has seen the specialty in every alphabet, if sadhak is willing to know it……Construct or write this yantra on any auspicious day. How to do it has already been told in the previous articles .To repeat it again will not be correct.Do this easy process and get the benefits.

म@र@ अना'भा त सरलां लांघं' प्रयो�ग (MERE ANUBHOOT SARAL LAGHU PRAYOG) 1. If all of a sudden atmosphere of the house becomes distressed then one

should take bit of salt and should place it on the shoulder and by facing north one should chant following mantra for 11 times. “Om Uttaraay Sarv Baadhaa nivaranaay Phat” after that one should take that salt in hand and should place it bit far out of the house. This way distressed surroundings becomes normal.

2. If one feels haunting or spirit in the house then one should light Dhoop in the evening time and should rotate it in every part of house by chanting mantra “Ham Rudraroopaay Upadrav Naashay Naashay Phat”. By doing this process for few days, no spirit could harm

3.While going for interview of job; before a day one should go to Mazaar or mosque and should distribute white sweets to kids. Should pray there and one should take green thread from the cloth there. After reaching home one should give Lohbaan dhoop to that thread and should puff on it while chanting “Allaahu Madad”, this way 88 times puff and mantra chanting should be done. One should place this thread while going for interview; success could be gained.

4.One should plant “Amarbel” at the business place to increase business. One should daily give water to it and should light Incense sticks to it and if any mantra related to lakshmi is chanted in front of it, the power of that lakshmi mantra is increases.

5. Before starting to take any medicine one should chant the mantra 108 times by placing medicine in front and after this process if medicine is applied to

use can result in maximum benefit from the medicine. “ Om Dhanawantari Sarvoshadhi Siddhim Kuru Kuru Namah”

6. Piece of the elephant teeth is very important. On any Friday night if ‘shreem’ is written on it with red vermillion and one should chants shree sukta as much as possible. After that one should cover it in red cloth and place it in money locker. Thus blessings of Lakshmi will keep on remain.

7. Giving ardhya water to Sun is very auspicious. If Gaayatri mantra is chanted 7 times before Ardhya water is provided to sun then one’s inner consciousness increases and develops.

8. There should be no mirror directly in front of main gate inside home. This may cause troubles related to money in one or another way so this thing should be noted carefully.

(क' छा अना'भा त टा�टाक@ )KUCHH ANUBHOOT TOTKE Take a feather of crow which should not be taken out deliberately.. Take only the one which comes out naturally. Then blow air from mouth on it and chant this mantra simultaneously om kaakbhushandi namah sarvajan mohay mohay vashya vashya kuru kuru swaahaa. Do as this for 108 times. Then burn it and collect ashes of it. Then place ashes in front and give the acense of Loban dhup to it and again chant the same mantra without any rosary facing towards south direction. Then do the tilak of this ash for 7 consecutive days. By doing this you will everyone enamored towards you.

By keeping peacock feather in your worship area it enhances the prosperity in life.

By chanting this mantra Om namo kaalraatri sarvashatru naashay namah on donkey’s teeth for 108 times and entomb under lonely place can relieve you from all your enemies.If you found owl feather and then if you chant this mantra Om ullukana vidhveshay phat for 1000 times and throw it at away at any house can create malicious in that house.

If you make a lamp from the cotton of calotropis gigantean plant (a medicinal plant) and flamed it at any Lord shiva temple can make him happy. By doing such act the planetary malefic effects would get away.

The root of Harebell keeps quite important in itself, by establishing it in house and worshipping goddess Mahakali and chanting the Beej mantra Kreem can relieve you from financial crisis. Plant the creeping leaves of undefeated plant at your house. Give it incense on daily basis and chant the

mantra Om mahalaxmi vaanchitaarth pooray poray namah for 108 times can complete your wishes.

At any lonely place just chant this mantra Pret moksham pradombhavah for 11 times and keep sweet kheer and water their itself. Do it for three consecutive days will definitely complete your wish.

While incensing use the sandal wood piece and then flame it in house. This will keep your home happy. At any active shrine or grave place distributing sweets is termed as very auspicious. Well this is mentioned in ancient books also. This leads to progress in many ways.

अद्भुHत टा�टाक त�त्र (AMAZING TOTKA TANTRA) Five basic elements are very important and they all are present nearby us in one or another form. Therefore sometimes avoiding or neglecting these elements could bring various problems related to health and wealth. Manytime person forgets small things and go for big anusthana. But if one takes care in small trouble, there would be no base to develop big incidents. When our Vedas had given these elements a name of Gods then their insult in any form would never be accepted. Following are the Totka related to these five elements collected from various scriptures.

There should not be basil plant or possibly anyother plant which is dried inside the house, this is dosha related to Bhoomi tatva. With such thing problems related to health and money will be increase. Such plants when gets dry, should be immersed in river or ocean with mud of it.

One should avoid possible stagnant water near main door of the house. Possibly one should avoid stagnant water filled especially in exact front of the house. With this person may suffer from the wealth related problems. As a solution, sadhak should make sign of “swastika” on the main door.

Wherever there is water dripping problem, one should repair it as soon as possible. Dripping water is not good for house and such house members may suffer from the mental disorders.

If shadow of the any temple’s flag take place on the house of any one, this is prithvi dosh such mention could be found in many tantra scirptures, people living in such houses could also suffer from health related issues in one or another form. Person should establish ‘kshetrapaal’ in the worship place of house and should daily offer jaggery to him as a solution.

If house is near Seminary ground, one should not look at any death body burning from inside the house, this cause dosha of Agni Tatva. For the solution of this, sadhak should offer 3 times water to the Sun or basil plant

and should also apologies lord Agni or fire and pray for the freedom of spirits of deaths.

It is always better to offer water to sun on the time of sun rise. That time if one chants “ Aum Ghruni Sury Aadityaay Sarv Dosh Nivaaranaay Namah” 11 times may gets freedom from every dosha.

If 5 incent sticks are lighted at the place where there is no humans by remembering 5 basic metals and if prayed to the Ancestor then all the dosha related to health and wealth does receives the solutions.

At the time of sunset if one lights a lamp at the place where water is kept in the house all the dosha related to aakash and Jal tatva gets solution

To have the divine help related to wealth one should search for a water-well. At the time of sun set one should take out water from it and at the night time one should bathe there with the same water by being fully naked. After that one should offer some sweets at mosque and get green thread from the same place. One should chant “Allaahu Madad” 88 times on that thread and then should be tied in neck or arm by putting it in taawiz. After that one should chant “allaahu Madad” as much possible daily. One will receive divine help in just 1 week. After 1 week that tawiz should be placed on the same mosque. Condition is Water should be only of water-well and one need to have bath at same place.

SOME MORE TOTKE Now a day a very less people, who has needed s faith a/believe on sadhana effect and power and much lesser are those , who have taken some moment for doing that sadhana whole heartily, considering these time limitation here are some small totka ( in this series) that will ease your life.

1. Offer water daily on papal tree reduces the pitra dosha.

2. To have /lead happy family life one must offer some aata and sarson oil to any ashram. 3. If after washing your hand and feet than go to bed, than those who are suffering from night fall problem , this helps them.

4. If any one have taken three or four time the fragrance of kateri root than he will feel much energetic on that day.

5. Cut the nibu in four piece and though one piece in each direction for 40 days then this helps him to find a job.

6. One should not have poojan of lakshmi alone, one must also worship Bhagvaan Vishnu along with her, than blessing of goddess lakshmi gained/achieved,

7. If one goes out of home with prior mahamrityunjaya jap than whole days his security is assured.

8. If the root of papal tree touched on the Saturday then the person life extended .

9. If kuldevi /devta dhyan or poojan is done every day than the whole day their blessing falls upon you.

10. If before taking your meal you offer some part to your pitar then their blessing , can be easily earned and much success on our life front ,can be achieved.

TOTKA VIGYAN Every prayog however big or small, if change person life for better than one must apply that, like that ,here some small prayog that will ease your life if applied with faith .

1. 1.each Wednesday , offer a yellow banana to cow this will increase you wealth and that should be start from moon waxing period.

2. Tie black dhaootura root around your waist gives to relief in night fall problem.

3. Before sun rise go to any square and through a little gud after chewing little first ,, and turn back without taking to any one, help to reduces headache.

4. To gain open closed business , taken one nibuu circled all the side of your business promises and after that cut in four piece and through that out.

5. On Friday if any one have massage with oil and little bit cow doung and than have a bath with water all his dosha will be removed.

6. While in the morning when you awake offer some aata( WHEAT FLOUR ) to ant (chiti), this will protect you all round.

7. On ravi pushy day take our chirchitta (apamarg) with full process and chant three round of navarn mantra and place that in your pooja room or your shop , finance incoming will increase.

8. To reduce tension offer some sweet or sweet water/ besan laddu to pepal tree after that add water on that this will very effective totaka.

9. Never touch pepal on Sunday ,

10. One touch pepal tree’s roots every after noon , his incurable illness get vanishes.

After succeeding sadhna(siddh some sadhna), which are the necessary procedures(Kriyaaye)?, through which we can use that succeeded sadhna(siddh sadhna)? This secret Process consist of three procedures:

स�धना निlयो सधना(SANDHAAN KRIYA SADHNA)प्रX@पर्ण निlयो सधना(PRAKSHEPAN KRIYA SADHNA)लांक्ष्यो निlयो सधना(LAKSHYA KRIYA SADHNA)

And the result of all these is…….SIDDHI KRIYA……The “SIDDHI KRIYA” which is the combined form of the above three Kriyaa’s. How to use this? But, first we have to understand each of these three kriyaa’s separately….The secrets of स�धना निlयो सधना(SANDHAAN KRIYA SADHNA) and “प्रक्षे%पार्ण गि0यो� ”( PRAKSHEPAN KRIYA )had already come in front of you all and how to do that procedure, the secret of that also has opened…….Now, in this divine series of necessary procedures, the third procedure(kriya) is ****** “लांक्ष्यो निlयो सधना(Lakshya KRIYA SADHNA) “ *******The sandhaan means the process of firing at the goal…..but prakshepan means how speedily the bullet is moving at the goal… other words, with how much force the bullet is fired….If the bullet has fired at the right point but its speed or force is less….then, how it will be fruitful or how we will succeed in our work……But, Lakshya Kriya takes you at the doorstep of success…….

No where information is given about this divine process…and when we realize the value of these procedures, then, we came to know with how much divinity these procedures are? Sadhak keeps on ordering sadhna packets but how to use them, he does not know about this? Here, we are not talking about sadhna siddhi but how to use that procedure after successfully compelting it, one should be aware about that also.There is a special importance of Anaahat Chakra in the area of sadhna because what we feel in our chit, all are decided here only and the meeting of avchetan and chetan man(heart) takes place here only. Avchetan man(heart) is the master of surprising powers and when the combination of these two do not take place, then, how can we move ahead on this field?

If mind is not in peaceful even after doing daily mantra jaap….chit is also very sad….Then, how will success will come even after doing so many sadhnas . Its meaning is that there is problem in ourself in doing procedures…But , where?......Whenever mind wins in the game of mind and heart, then, the loss is of the sadhak only because the field of sadhna is of feeling(bhaav) only. And how should sadhak know when his mind is working and when heart is working? When, he came to know about this, it becomes too late and the loss had already happened to him.In other way, when we talk about the stability of Sadgurudev Tatv, it is only in Anaahat Chakra and we can see him only in Aagya chakra, but when we remain sad, unhappy….then, it effects us there also….But ,how to control that situation, for that only, we need Lakshya Kriya Sadhna.Because due to the unhappiness of the heart, strongness will not come to that procedure, so, the sadhnaa which we are doing, how it will success? In tantra, there are Maaran Paryogs, which are not favourable for society rules but still if we see, how we have to attack our enemy, it is to be decided earlier and the success to one sadhna can make change to the whole life because now you have understand that how we can get the success?And how we have to give the force, it is decided we are in peaceful mood, so Lakshya Kriya sadhna not only give peace to your heart but controls your Praan Vaayu also. Why Praan Vaayu? It is because we get the force from Praan Vaayu only…..So, which are stable from their Chit , there is no problem to them but who are practicing for activating Sukshma sharir(body),this procedure not give force to them but strongs their rjat rajju so that, it will never break… the same time, increases the fire of your body because 95% of the diseases of our body is due to stomach only and the root cause behind of it is thefire within the body is less…….and Lakshya Kriya Sadhna ….decreases the distance in between the Chetan Man(heart)and Acchetan man(heart). Whether it is a kundli jaagran or any other sadhna, everywhere increases the percentage of success. The main outcome of Lakshya Kriya is siddhi Sadhna…..Siddhi Kriya will come in future that how can we use all these special procedures at one time? And what is this miraculous Siddhi paryog? And how its mantra is made?With the help of mantra of these three sadhna, it will be done. It will surely come….But, now, the procedure of this Lakshya Kriya Sadhna:म#त्र : हा�स: स�S हाम हा�स9Mantra: hansah soham hansah

With this divine mantra, the lankspati Raavan has kept in his controls all the devi and devtaas and get all his work done of his want through him.

Necessary Procedure:. In one maala, 21 maalas has to be done..Total, 21 maalas gas to be done, means it is a one day

procedure.. This mantra should be done by meditating on the paraad

shivling.-After doing one day procedure, every day jap can be done for 10-15 minutes. It can be done during walking or doing some other work.

-There is no rule to follow Brahmcharya (But if u, it will be good).- If someone leaves out of house(if outside food has been eaten during sadhna period), then,for that much days *3 maala of Navaarn mantra should be done,so that, we could be saved from tri dosh.-Clothes and Aasan should be red.-Jaap can be done from any maala except tulsi maala.-Direction north or east will be best.

-The necessary of following some special time during mantra jaap is not there.-.If the mantra jaap of sandhaan kriya is also being done at the same time, then, after doing mantra jaap of sandhaan kriya of that day, we can continue the mantra jaap of this process also.- with this, those who are practicing Sukshma Sharir(body), get special benefit and their Rjat Rajju becomes special affectful.- But, this paryog should only be done by seeing on paraad shivling.-So, how can u do the necessary third procedure, this secret is in front of u. You can do it successfully. It is simple. In this way, third important procedure of the necessary important process is in front of u.


Yogani sadana

Many of us generally get fearful ,when herd the name of yogini sadhana. But these sadhana are.., majority of the writer , just wrote about them for the sake of writing ,how many of them have real in person experiences. And those who has real direct experience, have kept silence, reason would be either people would not believe them or why to reveal such great sadhana between common person.There are enough writing regarding 64 tantra, are there are only 64 tatantra ?, no no this is not true,, this the classification based on shakt tantra, in other sect and we if includes damar and yamal tantra than theses list can be much much lengthy.This is the things for getting proud that what our scholars provide to all of us. and its our duty that we should try to protect this.Instead of just knowing , if we get successful in this sadhana than it would be much much better. We will have direct experience.

Yoginies are the ruler of tantra that simply means if have blessing of them or with the help of them you can learn any tantra in which you are interested….. after all, how long you are just be stand between maran and mohan.. when , in any day you have to move forward than why not today.Those who have listen ”shodas yogini sadhana” cd can easily understand that how much valuable gyan ,Sadgurudev bhagvaan stored in that , what we can say more, you can listen yourself.Theses yogini can be siddh as a mother , sister or as a lover. In the lover sense, always keep in our mind that there should be no physical gratification/sexual thought should be in our mind, , yes if having purity of sneh/love that is another case than on that level no need for physical realtion.Here this Sadhana can be done , consider yogini as your sister,Many of the obstacles problems already get solved through her blessing, success can be get in any field, have a taste of success through this sadhana.Mantra :om chand yogini sarvarth siddhim dehi namah||

General sadhanatmak rules: Jap can be done through black hakik mala Sadhana can be started on any Friday. Direction would be northeast facing. The clothes and aasan would be of red color. Start the mantra jap after 11PM(night). This sadhana is of 7 days .

After having success on this sadhana, this yogini help you in every work though she will be invisible,This is enough for today.

Dhoomavathi sadana

Dhoomavati is one of such mahavidhya about which least literature could be obtained. The sadhak of this mahavidya is also least. Basically her sadhana is done to prevent from enemy or to finish them. But in relation to this mahavidya there are so many such prayoga which are un-imaginable. The name ‘Charpat Bhanjan” has remained famous among highly accomplished sadhak of dhoomavati, charpat bhanjan have also been named charpat nath or charpatinath. Charapat nath have studied deeply majority sadhanas of the dhumavati in his life and among few, he holds a place who accomplished mantrik dhoomavati. He has remained deathless and he is in his actual body today even. It is famous about him that he was able to transform himself in any tangible or intangible element like human, animal, water, fire or anything else. Before 750-800 years this great sadhak of dhoomavati created scriptures to remove misunderstandings related to dhoomavati including few

fantastic works like dhoomavatirahashya, dhoomavatisaparya, dhoomavatipoojapadhhati. In many secret tantric places these scriptures are safe currently even but the ritual processes have gone extinct and did not come in front of general people. Though being Alakshmi there were so many processes which were made famous by him to have wealth, to generate prosperity and complete house-holding happiness. But to make these processes secret could be circumstances of that time or may be anything else but it have always been a big loss for material sadhaka. The sadhanas developed by charpat bhanjan includes one of the sadhana through which if done by a person can have a power to understand the personality of the person or to know anything about them like character, nature aur what thoughts are going on currently in that person’s mind. Sadhana like this are really very rare. Because with such sadhana what development and benefit one can generate in day to day life could be understand very simply. This sadhana holds a special place in rare sadhana which are meant for the development of the mind powers. I am sharing that charpatnath pranit dhoomavati prayoga.

Before starting this sadhana, sadhak should select their place for sadhana. There should be no one to sit on the aasan or the place of sadhana till the time sadhana days are going on. In this sadhana shadhak needs to do 11 rosary of mantra daily for one month (30 days). Rosary should be black hakeek. Cloth should be black. Time should be after 11 Pm in night. Establish dhoomavati yantra and picture infront of you. Lamp of the oil should keep on burning during sadhana time. Do viniyoga after yantra and picture poojan,Viniyog: asy shri charapatbhanjan pranit dhoomavatee prayogasy purn viniyog abhisht siddhiyarthe karishyame purn siddhiyarthe viniyog namah

After this chant 11 rounds of the following mantra.Om dhoomavatee kare na kaam, to ann haraam, jivan taro sukh sanvaaro, purati mam icchha, runi daas tamaaro om chhoo

After mantra chanting offer the chantings to the goddess dhoomavati.It is not even more if we say that after completing this rare procedure a sadhak becomes invincible.

Jwala shatru stambhan prayog It is natural to have obstacles and problems in steps of life. In today’s time when everywhere is mistrust and hypocrisy thus it is obvious to have troubling life for majority of the people. And a person gets trapped in many Conspiracies. This way, happy family turns in sorrowful family. Sometimes familiar people of the person turn in enemy all of a sudden and they remain in try to ruin the life of the person in some or other way, whatever it may result in for them too. In today’s era in such situation there remains no

meaning in mind of humanism. And person maintains silence calling this fortune. He watches his self and family’s ruination and in last the heinous results appears which lay the life completely disturbed forever. In such situation there remain no options. But in our scriptures where there is big importance has allotted to sincerity, on other side timidity has been counted as big obstacle in one’s life. In such situation, to teach lessons to enemies in not against dignity. It is something similar when one does stop some attacker on family for protection and one attack on the attacker. In our tantra scriptures there are several such important rituals which are better to be done at right time. But one should not apply it in just kidding or in a way to just trouble any one with no reason other else opposite results may also be faced. There remains no effect of any trap made by enemies and in future too there should be no such planning of enemies to hurt or damage us the same thinking should be there in sadhak’s mind. Among such secret and mysterious processes of tantra one is “jwala shatru stambhan”. This is very important process as it is done in Satvik method but its effect is very sharp. Goddess Jwala is in the form of fire herself, and by stopping enemy’s thinking and development it blesses sadhak. Sadhak need not special materials for this prayog.

This process could be start on any day and this should be done for 8 days, in these 8 days sadhak should take saatvik food, onion and garlic also be avoided. This is jain tantra sadhana so these things should strictly be followed. In this prayog cloths and aasan should remain white. Direction should be north. After 10 in the night sadhak should pray goddess jwala for the protection from enemies. After that one should do 1008 aahutis with pure ghee in fir with following mantra.

Om zhraam jwaalaamaalini shatru stambhay uchchatay phat

After aahuti (fire offerings) gets over one should sleep on the floor. This way if the process is done for 8 days every enemies of sadhak gets paralyzed in planning any harm and sadhak will not face any further problem. Every Conspiracy prepares by enemies to harm sadhak will reversed to them self.

SABAR VIDWESHAN PRAYOG In the path of tantra vidweshan is also wonder task under shat karma. Under this subject there are many type of processes exist to fulfil wish of relation cut off. In today’s era every human beings stays in need of such prayog but many times it acts a big confusion on selecting the prayoga. The reason behind this, is, we did not studied properly tantra side of our great tradition. Vidweshan prayog was used by royal families in ancient time, even many kings were

applying rituals from royal tantric for the vidweshan processes on enemies. This factor of tantra too has many processes under which many type of vidweshana exists. But here the discussion is about the basic vidweshana need in today’s time. Many times it has been seen that with different situations and circumstances human gets involved in bad company of people and ruins his life. In that situation family members keeps on trying to make person understand but many times that does not work and thus this results in tremendous implications. Apart from these, in today’s modern era people do not hesitate to ruin the life of girls by diverting them on wrong side. Sometimes it has also been seen that the after marriage life of a person gets highly disturbed when some other person enters in married male or female and that way life of the whole family gets disturbed.

This side of vidweshan deals with dissolution of the relations. Thus by doing the prayog, the circumstances forms in such a way that relation of the two people gets end. With the help of this prayog many families could be saved before it gets ruined. Sadgurudev many time have made people complete such processes and as a quick result people have gained their happy life back. Very important point related to this experiment is on whom so ever both the person the prayoga is done should not be aware about the prayoga; Neither those should receive any message that such experiment or is process being carried out on them.

It’s better if one is having photograph of those two people, if it is not possible one can take piece of their cloths. Place that in some vessel on Wednesday night in front of you and write the name of them with soot. If photo or cloth is not available one can take two small stones and write name on it. After that sitting there complete 21 rounds of the following shabar mantra. In this rosary is taken of donkey’s teeth which is almost impossible in today’s time so black hakeek rosary could be brought in use. Direction should be south and cloths & aasan should be black in color if possible. Process should be done for three days.

Om kham falaane ko falaane se vidweshay vidweshay maarjataa aadipurushaay hum

On the place of word falaane one should take name of desired person this way on both place one should take name of disered person one followed by another. Remember the first name should be of the person for whom the process is being carried out and on the second place name of the person should be taken of the person with whom relation is inappropriate.

When three days gets completed, one should drop take photo/cloth/ stone to drop and both should be dropped in different direction. Rosary should also be dropped with that.

Shtru nashak sadhana prayog Sadgurudev Bhagvaan many times used to say this rajsthani proverb that “ye meri mai aisa put jan ,dushman hoy hazaar “ means o mother become a

mother of such a son that have at least thousand enemies” but our life is like earth worm so where is the enemy ?, since enemy will be to those one , who are doing something different.

Its true , that one ,the person will be a centre of criticisms , who is doing something special, not to that fellow who is sitting with closed eyes , he is already a paramhans.

Like that . our life will have rays of Sadgurudev bhagvaaan’s divine knowledge , than only our life has a purpose , its not good that we become only a criticizer, this is a accuse to life. leave this criticism too others.At least that was not the dream of our Sadgurudev bhagvaan , he wants that all of us turn to small sun from a small Deepak., we should not be just a shishy who can say only “ jai Sadgurudev” When there is life , then surely , some type of enemy will also, we have,. but whom we call a shatru ??? to that who stand against us , or our physical or financial or mental problem. Theses all above mentioned situation are our enemy.intrernal and external both are the problem.

Like that we cannot sit longer in our aasan , or worried about ever increasing our sexual desire in sadhana kaal or physical illness or our near and dear one. Or any other type of accident. All theses are known as shtru./enemies.Than how we can solve that is there any way to achieve that ,Sadgurudev Bhagvaan did not leave any field on sadhana on that he not taught to all of us, since he is the param purush , ultimate in sadhana jagat., this is his blessing that are coming as this prayog. Do this prayog any time when you think shatru are creating problem. Do jap this mantra for one week with a jap of 21 round of rosary for each 7 days. Start this prayog with Monday, facing uttar /purv direction and jap time will be after 10pm night. And not only aasan but the clothes of you should wear be white.Mantra :Rum rum rum rum rum rum rum rudraay shtrudamnaay namah ||

SARV BAADHA VINASHAK SABAR SADHNA Some time we see that each and every happiness gets over from life, every attempt of success meets with failure, family life gets upsets, any person of family doing what he or she wants to do, leaving family without any reason then this mantra not only brings back not only happiness and prosperity but also remove the problems of Sthaan Dosh, Disha Dosh and make them permanent prosperous.

If one get sidh this mantra by moving rosary 1100 times then it protects the person from his deadly problems, secure him and his belongings during journey but to get all this

done firstly one should do Guru Poojan. After getting mantra sidh in which house or shop mishappenings are occurring, some ill powers are residing there then from the main gate of that place to the every internal or external gate count them and take equal quantity of SMALL NAAGFANI NAILS(keel) and a handful of Black Odaad cereal( daal) . After that come out from the house and enchant 5 times mantra on every nail (keel) and blow mouth air (phoonk maarna) on it and cereal (daal). Each time when you will enchant mantra on nail equally you should do the same with the cereal now having these things in the hand entered into the house but internally keep on enchanting mantra japp. Finally while entering in the last room of the house spread some cereal(daal) and then come out from the room and mark the nail on the slit of door( ek keel drwaze ki chokhath per thook do). Follow the same procedure at each and every door then finally on main gate. This is my personal recognized practical.