Safety Advisory Notes

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Safety Advisory Notes





 1. Introduction  

   Eucobat  is  the  European  association  of  national  collection  schemes  for  batteries.  They  assure  that  all  waste  batteries  are  collected  and  recycled  in  an  ecological  sound  way,  and  contribute  this  way  to  a  better  environment.    These  advisory  notes  are  based  upon  the  experience  and  the  best  practices  of  the  members  of  Eucobat,  to  the  best  knowledge  of  the  compliance  organizations.  They  are  subject  of  permanent  evaluation  and  improvement.    These  advisory  notes  do  not  take  into  account  specific  regulations  of  the  different  Member  States,  which  should  always  be  respected  in  the  respective  countries.      

2. Classification  of  the  collection  points      For  safety  reasons,  a  distinction  can  be  made  between  following  waste  battery  streams:    

• General  battery  mix:  this  mix  corresponds  to  the  average  mix  of  portable  waste  batteries  generated  by  households.  This  battery  mix  represents  a  very  limited  risk.The  main  risk  consists  of  a  short  circuit.  The  consequences  of  short-­‐circuiting  can  become  more  severe  with  an  increasing  share  of  the  high  energy  density  batteries  (in  particular  lithium  and  rechargeable  batteries)  in  the  battery  mix.  At  the  current  level  (e.g.  2-­‐2,5%  of  lithium  batteries  in  the  mix),  no  specific  actions  are  required,  but  its  share  in  the  battery  mix  should  be  analyzed  regularly.  

• A  high  concentration  of  the  same  type  of  batteries  or  naked  cells  or  damaged  batteries  (in  particular  Li-­‐Ion  packs,  NiCd  packs,  NiMH  packs,  button  cells,…).  

• Damaged  rechargeable  lithium  batteries  over  500g.    As  a  consequence,  the  collection  points  can  be  classified  as  follows:    

• General  collection  point:  Here,  a  general  battery  mix  is  collected.  As  a  consequence,  the  risks  are  very  limited.  

• Dedicated  collection  points:  these  collect  a  high  concentration  of  the  same  type  of  batteries  or  naked  cells  or  damaged  batteries  (in  particular  Li-­‐Ion  packs,  NiCd  packs,  NiMH  packs,  button  cells,…).  These  waste  streams  require  special  attention  due  to  the  nature  of  their  chemistry,  weight,  design  or  a  combination  of  those  elements.  



Eucobat  Safety  Advisory  Notes  v4.1     11/09/2012  

 Should  be  considered  as  dedicated  collection  points,  amongst  others:  

• E-­‐mobility  retailers  and  repair  centres  (e-­‐bikes,  e-­‐scooters,…)  • WEEE  dismantlers  • DIY  retailers  and  repair  centres  • EEE  afters  sales  services  and  refurbishment  centres  • Municipalities  (for  the  waste  streams  with  a  high  concentration  of  the  same  type  

of  batteries)  • Battery  experts  (specialized  wholesalers  or  retailers,  battery  pack  assemblers,…)  • Garages  • Any  organization  with  a  high  concentration  of  naked  cells  (specialized  retailers  

and  repair  centres  of  equipment  using  button  cells,…)  • …  

 This  list  is  exemplary  and  not  exhaustive.      

3. Advisory  notes  for  general  collection  points      

a. Advice  for  the  compliance  organizations      

• Optimize  containers,  taking  into  account  all  legal  requirements  for  storage  and  transport,  including  ADR,  in  order  to  direct  the  end-­‐users  to  the  most  appropriate  collection  point)  .  

• Limit  the  size  of  the  opening  on  waste  containers  for  individual  battery  cells,  so  only  portable  batteries  for  household  use  can  be  collected.  

• Raise  consumer  awareness  concerning  the  appropriate  collection  points  for  the  different  types  of  batteries  as  well  as  the  awareness  at  collection  points.  Use  appropriate  education  tools  to  raise  awareness  and  keep  children  attitude  within  safety  limits.  


b. Advice  for  the  general  collection  points      

• Only  collect  portable  batteries  for  household  use  • Only  use  the  container  supplied  by  the  local  Compliance  Organization  • Do  not  store  large  quantities,  according  to  the  instructions  of  the  Compliance  

Organization  • Call  the  Compliance  Organization  when  the  containers  are  full    • Do  not  store  under  sunlight  or  near  a  heat  source  • Do  not  store  in  a  humid  place.  Collected  waste  batteries  must  not  be  exposed  to  

the  operation  of  water  in  various  states  of  matter,  i.e.  rain,  snow.    If  stored  in  open  space,  keep  a  cover  permanently.    

• Keep  an  appropriate  fire  extinguisher  near  the  storage  vicinity.  Research  concerning  best  fire  extinguishing  equipment  is  on-­‐going.  According  to  general  


Eucobat  Safety  Advisory  Notes  v4.1     11/09/2012  

knowledge,  the  use  of  dry  sand  is  appropriate  in  all  cases.  Avoid  the  use  of  water  in  case  of  fire.    

• Avoid  the  presence  of  other  type  of  waste,  especially  current  conductive  equipment  or  equipment  which  may  damage  batteries  

• Keep  the  container  in  a  space  with  a  certain  level  of  social  control  and  supervision  in  order  to  avoid  abuse  

• Keep  the  container  in  a  ventilated  space      

4. Advisory  notes  for  dedicated  collection  points      

a. Advice  for  the  compliance  organizations      

• Optimize  the  container  systems  at  relevant  collection  points,  in  compliance  with  all  applicable  regulations.        

• Containers  holding  lithium  batteries  must  be  clearly  labelled  that  they  contain  such  batteries.  

• Review  the  instructions  for  the  collection  points  regularly,  and  update  them  when  necessary..  

• Raise  the  awareness  at  collection  points  and  the  awareness  of  all  process  chain  participants          

b. Advice  for  the  collection  points      

• Avoid  any  short  circuit.  This  can  be  achieved  by  different  prevention  measures:  

o Pack  individually  each  single  cell.  When  feasible,  use  the  original  packaging.  

o Do  not  remove  batteries  from  their  original  (cardboard)  packaging  after  collection.  

o Scotch  tape  both  terminals  of  the  waste  batteries.    o Separate  batteries  with  loose  wires  from  others  and  remove  loose  

wires  when  possible,  or  put  them  in  a  separate  plastic  bag    • Do  not  store  large  quantities  of  primary  lithium  batteries  in  one  consignment.  • It  is  recommended  that  these  batteries  be  stored  separately  in  a  plastic  drum  and  

be  stored  away  from  heat  and  flammable  sources.      • In  order  to  reduce  the  risk  of  fire,  store  temporarily  these  batteries  in  a  small  

consignment  using  minerals  like  sand,  vermiculite  as  cushioning  agent    • When  feasible,  store  selective  consignments  of  Lithium  Primary  Batteries  under  

controlled  atmosphere  (CO2)  conditions    • Batteries  must  not  be  exposed  to  sudden  impacts  or  high  temperatures.  It  is  

recommended  that  handling  be  planned  with  fire/explosion  in  mind.  In  case  of  a  fire/explosion,  consider  the  direction  of  any  thrown-­‐out  burning  lithium  or  other  battery  fragments.  Lithium  reacts  slowly  with  water  in  forming  combustible  hydrogen  gas.  


Eucobat  Safety  Advisory  Notes  v4.1     11/09/2012  

• All  the  employees  should  be  trained  in  handling  lithium  cells.    • If  possible,  consider  targeted  discharge  of  batteries.    • Do  not  store  these  batteries  with  other  flammable  materials  (e.g.  solvent,  paper,  

plastic,…).  • A  good  general  fire  extinguishing  agent  is  dry  sand.    • Avoid  contact  with  leaking  or  venting  batteries,  especially  skin  and  eyes.    At  

contact  with  spilled  battery  liquid,  rinse  abundantly  with  water.  • Inform  the  local  compliance  organisation  as  soon  as  possible  at  the  occasion  of  

any  incident  and  try  to  preserve  the  evidence  as  much  as  possible  without  taking  any  unnecessary  risks.  


5. Damaged  lithium  batteries  over  500g    

 The  ADR  2013  regulation  provides  a  special  provision  for  damaged  lithium  batteries  over  500g.  This  provision  has  already  entered  into  force  in  some  countries  in  2011.    The  transport  of  these  damaged  lithium  batteries  over  500g  is  permitted  only  in  a  packaging  approved  by  the  national  competent  authorities  and  under  the  conditions  defined  by  these  national  competent  authorities.  A  copy  of  the  approval  must  accompany  each  consignment,  or  the  transport  document  must  refer  to  it.    Research  concerning  the  most  appropriate  packaging  for  these  transports  is  on-­‐going.  

   6. General  remark  

   The  objective  of  these  advisory  notes  is  to  minimize  the  risks  of  battery  collection  as  much  as  possible.  The  combination  of  different  measures  will  lead  to  a  considerable  reduction  of  risk,  while  the  total  avoidance  of  risks  can  never  be  guaranteed.