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February 2010 Issue, Vol. 29 No. 6, St. Augustine High School, San Diego CA


Saints SceneFebruary 2010 Vol 29 no. 6




St. Augustine High School 3266 Nutmeg Street

San Diego, CA 92104-5199619-282-2184

Dear Parents and FriendsMLK Day Celebrates Values

That Are Right On!

Just two weeks ago we celebrated the Mar-tin Luther King, Jr. Holiday commemo-rating the timeless values he taught us

through his example – the values of courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility and service. Around the nation we use the King Holi-day to honor the life and contributions of America’s greatest champion of racial justice and equality, the leader who not only dreamed

of a color-blind society, but who also led a non-violent movement that achieved historic reforms to help make it a reality. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is not only for celebration, education and tribute, but above all a day of service. And this is where his great dream parallels the journey of our faith. Dr. King once said that we all have to decide whether we “will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness.” Life’s most persistent and nagging question, he said, is “what are you doing for others?” He would quote Mark 9:35, the scripture in which Jesus of Nazareth tells James and John “...whoso-ever will be great among you shall be your servant; and whosoever among you will be the first shall be the servant of all.” And in our work with Saintsmen we aim to show that with our hearts open to this spirit of unconditional love, we can indeed achieve the beloved community that is both part of MLK’s dream and the achievement of our walk of faith. MLK day was a whole lot more than a day off. It is a day whose values are right on!

Yours in the Spirit of Catholic Education,

James HornePrincipal



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Principal James Horne

Continued on page 6.

Innovative Education — St. Augustine High School’s popular mid-year “third semester” is pro-filed on pages four and five showcasing many of the “hands on or intern opportunities” afforded this year. Saintsmen (left to right): Patrick McClain (’10); John Amarillas (’10); Andrew Mera (’10); Zeke Oliwa (’10) and Jamie Bonilla-Fimbres (’10). Engineering Class. See Pages four and five for more Intersession Activity.




by B







Intersession 2010 at Work ...Road TogetherGift-Gathering Parties Support

Vital Saints Needs Plus, They’re Fun

By Edwin Hearn, PresidentSt. Augustine High School

Saint Augustine High School is a unique and special community supported com-pletely and whole-heartedly by a host

of different people – the Augustinians, the faculty, the students (your sons) and you, the parents. The enterprise of building communi-ty is a difficult one and requires the combined efforts of many to make it work successfully. It is very easy to find an excuse not to be involved, but St. Augustine High School is too important for your family not to support it actively. If your responsibility to Saints ends with the payment of tuition, the magic is lost. Saints has great meaning for all of us; it is important to make sure the uniqueness of this community is not taken for granted. The Annual Dinner Auction, formally known as The Big One, will be held on Sat-urday, April 17th, with a series of Gift-Gath-ering Parties taking place in February and March in support of the event. These socials will be held at the homes of Saints parents around the community. By now, you should have received an invitation to attend these af-fairs. Yes, you are asked to bring a donation for the Annual Dinner Auction – anything is acceptable. As you can imagine, it takes many, many items for an auction to be suc-cessful. For those of you who have attended a Gift-Gathering Party, you know it is a great evening – good food, wonderful company and, most importantly, a great feeling of sup-port for St. Augustine High School. Saints is worthy of the community’s investment of time and energy. That Saints exists today is due to the care and concern of previous generations of parents who support-ed this small school with huge expectations. Being part of a community requires com-mitment. That you care about St. Augustine High School is evident. Everyday, parents tell me how much their sons love Saints and that it has made all the difference in their devel-opment. Caring about something like an inde-pendent Augustinian Catholic school means being part of the Saints community. For Saints to be all that it can be, all the

“Hey, Grandma and Grandpa, the Principal Wants to See You”

By John White (Saint Parent ’13, ’11)

Relax, Grandparents. You’re not in trouble, but Saints Principal Mr. James Horne really does want to see

you at Grandparents Day on Friday, Febru-ary 12 at Saints, especially grandparents he’s never met before Since 1988, when Fr. John Sanders,

OSA, (’66) was principal, Saints has opened the campus for a special morning focused on grandparents – and others who fill that role, such as aunts, uncles and close family friends – honoring their role in each student’s family and acknowledging their support for Catholic high school education. The event includes a mass and has grown to standing-room-only attendance in the gym. “It began as a way to make Saints even more family-friendly,” says Fr. John Keller, OSA, (’55) principal between 2001 and 2003. “That link across the parents’ generation to the grandparents’ generation is very important in a lot of Saints families, so this is our way of highlighting it. Besides, we have students whose grandparents and extended family members are active at the school, and having three generations of a family involved at the same time is a tremendous advantage for us. Not many high schools can claim that.” Grandparents Day begins at 10:30 am with a light snack and a tour of the campus. Mass in the gym follows at 11:30, with nor-mal Friday dismissal at 12:30 pm. Grandpar-ents and students have the opportunity for a photo with the principal, and grandmothers receive a flower. “The first year attendance was sparse because we relied entirely on word of mouth, but Mrs. Evenson has since begun organizing our invitations and asking grandparents for

Continued on page 6.

February 2010 Calendar Highlights Event Name Date Time/placeAP Meeting for students & parents Feb 10 6 pm/gymGrandparents Day Feb 12 10:30 am/Enter at main gateValentines Day Dance Feb 12 7 pm-10 pm/gymNo School – Presidents Day Feb 15 ASB Activity Day Feb 15 Miramar Speed CircuitCourse Selections for 2010-2011 Feb 16 HomeroomAsh Wednesday Feb 17 8 am Mass/gymJunior Financial Aid Night Feb 17 8:30 pm/gymFrosh Bowling Social Feb 19 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm TBAKairos Retreat Feb 23-26 Palomar Christian Center

Find a complete list of events, including winter sports schedules, in the calendar at





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on Campus

Editor’s Note: Inspiration for this column came from a Coretta Scott King article on “The meaning of MLK Day.”


Saints GrandparentsYou are Invited to be our Guests!

At the

22nd AnnualSt. Augustine High School

Grandparents’Day Celebration

February 12, 2010 at 10:45 AM


Augustinian HeritageAugustine: A student,

a teacher, a parent

Part SixBy Fr. Bob Gavotto, O.S.A., (’55)

Saints Chaplain

Augustine as Teacher

Augustine, having finished his academic preparation, began his professional life as teacher in a world convulsed and dominated by competi-tion. As a grammaticus he opened a rural school in his

hometown during the course of 374-375. Among his first batch of students was his fellow townsman Alypius, who was to become a great friend and com-panion throughout his life. During 375-376, again helped by Romanianus, he moved to Carthage and opened a school of rheto-ric. For seven long years he rode out the Carthagin-ian storm as happily as he could. The student world was unruly. Inflation was rife. His search for under-standing led him down a variety of paths. He was attracted to Manichaeism in this restlessness and he struggled with many issues. Perhaps in a search for

Fr. Bob Gavotto OSA (’55)

peace or for greater success, he set off to conquer Rome. He deceived his mother by departing under the guise of going to bid farewell to another, as she was opposed to his decision. Arriving in Rome in the year 383, he opened a new school of rhetoric in the capital of the Empire. Once again he was without much good fortune. While the stu-dents of the capital were better behaved and calmer than those of Carthage, they were also more street-wise and disappeared when it came to pay their fees! Rome, however, was Rome. And in Rome a great opportunity arose: a public competition to become the teacher of rhetoric in the Imperial House in Milan. Al-though disadvantaged by being an ‘African’, Augustine was encouraged by his friends to put himself forward. With the help of some influential Roman Manichaeans, he competed successfully and was appointed Public Orator at Milan. Full of hope and fear, he moved to Milan in the year 384. He had reached the peak of his profession, but his mental anguish continued and he was tormented by ongo-ing personal restlessness. He was fortunate in being able to hear Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, speak and then to meet him. He was reunited with his mother, who arrived from Africa in 385. His own interior growth, as well as the enlightenment he was gaining about the nature of God from the writings of Neo-Platonist philosophy and those of Saint Paul, led him towards finding the answer to his search in the Christian faith. The final promptings came through the voice of a child. Distraught with his inner struggles, he was in the garden of his lodgings in Milan when he heard the chant-

ing of a child: ‘Take and read. Take and read.’ He picked up a book of the writings of Saint Paul and found himself reading from Romans: “Not in dissipa-tion and drunkenness nor in orgies of self-centered pleasure or lewdness, not in arguing and jealousy; but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh or the gratification of your desires.” He then completely rejected his former life and its preoc-cupations. He embarked on a totally new adventure.

[These excerpts are from Education, An Augustinian Approach, pages 8-9.]

Next time: Augustine’s own reflections on being a teacher.

St. Augustine, pray for us!

Saints Scene Going Green SoonProgressnoun |’prägrəs; ’präg’res; ’prō’gres|• advance or development toward a better, more complete, or more modern condition : we are making progress to-ward equal rights. With progress in mind, we wish to inform our loy-al readers that beginning in 2010, the school’s monthly Saints Scene newspaper will be going green. Because faster methods of communicating school news to parents and the Saints Community are possible and in demand, Saints Scene will be available through the Internet and Email only.* Benefits are many. You will receive the school news faster and in full color for the first time. Plus, there will be a significant reduction in costs, which means monies saved will be earmarked for other needs. And, Saints Scene and the school will be doing their part in going green. We’re saving trees and monies and getting important news to you faster. That’s another definition of progress.

*Beginning in January, readers will find Saints Scene on the school’s website: Or, if you’d like to receive Saints Scene automatically via Email—a one-time sign-up is also available on the school’s website.

Alums Visit Campus to Discuss their Careers

Junior Career Day NearsThe Junior Career Day is scheduled for Friday,

February 26, 2010, beginning at 9 am. It is for the Junior Class only and involves 10 alumni

speakers from various walks of life. We are always look-ing for members of the alumni who are able to devote half of their day to our career day presentations. Typical careers that are represented have been medi-cine, dentistry, firefighting, law enforcement, careers in law, architecture, engineering, education, the priesthood, aviation and accounting to name a few. Since we have 10 different careers for the students to learn about, each alumni speaker (who is able to join us) is paired with another speaker.

Hey, Grandma and Grandpatheir contact informa-tion, so the past five years, the gym has been filled to capac-ity,” says Fr. John. “Well over half of our students bring at least one guest, and with every new class we have new grandpar-ents. The priest says

a special blessing over the grandparents, and the boys give their grandparents a blessing as well. We’re celebrating the importance Saints places on families and the connec-tion across generations through education, good example, and faith.” So save the date: Friday, February 12 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. All Saints families will receive invitations and response cards by mail in late January. Staff contact for the event is Mrs. Karene Evenson (619-282-2184, x5515, And let Grandma and Grandpa know that the princi-pal really does want to see them.

Continued from page 1

Two alumni speakers are stationed in designated classrooms and the juniors visit each classroom for a total of 40 minutes each. This means that each speaker will speak to 5 different junior classes for 15 minutes each. Then, 10 of the allotted 40 minutes is for ques-tions and answers. In essence, each speaker will be repeating his presentation to a total of 5 five different junior classes. Interested alumni members who would like to participate in the Junior Career Day for 2010 should contact Assistant Principal Tom Cudal (619) 282-2184, ext. 5520 or

Visit the St. Augustine High School College andGuidance Counseling Website often to:


• Contact your son’s Guidance Counselor• Find out SAT & ACT test dates for 2009-2010• View Freshman through Senior checklists on preparing for college• Research Financial Aid & Scholarships

• Explore links to colleges across the country

Special note: Parents interested in hosting a three week internship for a Saints senior, please contact Dr. Rey at

For more college info go to and on the home page click “Academics” and scroll down to college guidance.

Grandson Guide—At an earlier Grandparents Day, Saintsman Jake Denney (’08) gave his grandmom a campus tour.

Welcome Augustinian ProvincialsEarly this month, the Augustinian California Province will host the upcoming bi-annual conference for the Provincials of English-speaking Provinces. Those in attendance will be:Fr. David Middleton OSA: Provincial of England and ScotlandFr. Gerry Horan OSA: Provincial of IrelandFr. Lucien Borg OSA: Provincial of MaltaFr. Emanuel Borg OSA: Newly-elected Provincial of MaltaFr. Gary Sanders OSA: Provincial of CaliforniaFr. Francis Galvan Provincial of Canada


Better Year Ahead:

President Hearn “Cautiously Optimistic”

Re: State of Saints By Edwin Hearn, PresidentSt. Augustine High School

Editor’s Note: The following address was presented as part of the Austin Parents Assn. meeting held January 6 on campus.

Are you wondering how you made it through 2009 in one piece? I, for one, don’t think

I have too many more 2009s in me. How about you? When we came back from the holiday break this year, I sat down in my office that first Monday and thought about how I felt one year before, when I came back from the 2008 holidays. I was recalling how the banking system was wobbly, the auto industry was on its knees, unemployment was headed one way and the stock market was headed in the other, and here I was, the president of a small, Catholic high school, with a lot of work ahead of me. A year ago, my team and I were doing what-if analy-sis on several different factors around the recession, most of which were out of our control:

• What if enrollment dropped from 725 to 650? To 600?• How would the recession affect our endowment? What if our endowment tanked? • What if the need for financial assistance skyrock-eted? How could we budget enough for it?• What if I made 500 Parent Pledge phone calls and raised eighteen dollars? Should I put that time to better fundraising use?• What about the Master Plan and Building for Saints II? Was there any point to working on the future when the present seemed so ominous?• What if we threw a placement exam, and nobody came? Or if plenty of kids passed, but not enough could afford tuition? So, just like most of you, I was feeling some serious stress. It wasn’t quite the edge of darkness, but on a few days I think I was able to see it from my office window. Then, one day near the end of last school year, I recalled a scene from a football game I had coached way back when. From deep in our own territory, one of our rookie receivers had caught his first pass in a game and was outrunning his pursuers – first three, then two, then one defensive back. By about midfield it was a two-man foot race, and I thought, “He’s got the ball, he’s got the speed and he’s going the right way. All he needs to do is put one foot in front of the other and keep it up.” My stomach was in knots watching him, and it felt to me as though he took six years to get into that end zone, but he did. So, that’s how my team and I made it through 2009. We put one foot in front of the other and kept it up. At the January State of Saints meeting with school parents this year, I presented our results, which I summarize here:

• Enrollment – Boy, did I waste stomach acid on this one. Our total enrollment this year is within one student of last year. You know what they say: “‘Flat’ is the new ‘up.’”• Tuition receipts – In spite of the recession, tuition receipts are healthy; a huge thank-you Saints fami-lies for really stepping up to the plate. At the end of 2005, when the economy was still in good shape, there was $169,000 in past-due tuition. The figure rose to $474,000 by the end of 2007, and would you believe that it’s back down to $132,000 as of last month? • Fundraising – When I conduct my Parent Pledge during the summer and fall each year, I usually focus first on fundraising and secondly on socializing. I told myself I’d be lucky to get any pledges in 2009, so I switched my priorities. “Things are tough all over,” I told myself, “so I’ll focus more on getting to know the parents, because it doesn’t feel like the right climate in

Edwin J. Hearn, Jr.

Three Murders & It’s Only MondaySaints Players Present a Mystery Comedy

by Pat Cook

“It was the kind of night when you caught your-self holding your breath for no reason at all,” says private eye Harry Monday as he investi-gates three murders at the Peaceful Pines Sani-tarium. “Odd how relatives always head up a suspect list,” he notes as the de-ceased’s families arrive. Odder still when he finds out they all belong to the same family. Harry finds

it tough going when he tries to determine who killed an old sea captain, a ventriloquist, and a tramp. What did these three have in common?

Continued on page 6.

And why would lawyer Lilly Dramkean get involved in shady legalities? And how come no one can ever keep track of socialite Mary Tobias: “She’s one of those dames from Who’s Who who doesn’t know what’s what,” Harry says. Throw in an Indian, a Swedish gardener and a dis-gruntled nurse and the confusion multiplies. This lightning-paced comedy/mystery comes com-plete with its own lightning as a storm blows out all the fuses...and the murders keep coming! In this spoof on the old-style private-eye movies, the laughs are fast and furi-ous... and the ending will simply slay you. The Saints Players once again put their talents on stage as they perform, “Three Murders and It’s Only Monday” on March 4, 5, 6 at 7 pm and Sunday, March 7 at 1 pm. Performances will be at the Coronado School of the Arts, 650 D Avenue, Coronado. Tickets are $10 each and are available from SHOW-BOXOFFICE.COM (small transaction fee) or at the door for each performance.

From The Band RoomThe 2010 Mardi Gras Parade held in the

Gaslamp Quarter, has invited the Saints Band, under the direction of Maestro Bran-

don Jagow, to lead the Fat Tuesday parade on Feb-ruary 16, at 7:30 pm downtown. Mr. Jagow has put together a Dixieland band, consisting of Se-niors, Willie Fleming on Trombone, Lucas Moore on Trumpet and Kevin Guico on Tuba, Junior, Jack Gehegan on Snare Drum and, Sophomores,

John Dompor on Saxophone, and Josh Vidals on Bass Drum. The Saintsmen will jam down the Fifth Avenue parade route performing “When The Saints Go Marching In”, as well as other Dixieland tunes selected by Mr. Jagow. The Saints band program is committed to showing the community what we do on Nutmeg St. For more information about the Mardi Gras parade route, visit


Around the Patio

Around the PatioI n t e r s e s s i o n 2 0 1 0

Focusing on

Life ExperiencesFocusing on

Life Experiences Jason Nunez (2012) Film Production Class Damian Carusillo (’13) Speech Class

(L-R): David Patino (’12) and Raul Pareyon (’12) Digital Photography Class

Kyle Schaar (’12) and Aaron Gutierrez (’12) Aleks Math Class

Brody Leonard (’11) Graphic Design Brian Nguyen (’12) Graphic Design

Roberto Carrillo (’12) Graphic Design

(Left to Right): Juan Moreno (‘12), Kevin Yim (‘12) and Austin Farres Oriol (‘12) Digital Photography

Elliott Stepanof (’13) Speech Class demonstration

Ryan Walsh (’11) Speech Class demonstration

Dominic Vetuschi (’12) Dominic what are you doing on the gym floor? None of the Intersession teachers are claiming you as part of their classes.

(L-R): Nick Church (’11), Alex Swider (’12) and Donny Walsh (’10). The player diving with the ball is Dustin Gardner (’12). Rugby Class

Around the Patio


I n t e r s e s s i o n 2 0 1 0

Focusing on

Life ExperiencesFocusing on

Life Experiences

(L-R): David Patino (’12) and Raul Pareyon (’12) Digital Photography Class

Dominic Vetuschi (’12) Dominic what are you doing on the gym floor? None of the Intersession teachers are claiming you as part of their classes.

(Left;) Dominic Smith (’10) and Adam Johnson (’10): San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles magazine interns.

(Top Row, L-R): Edwin Corpus (’12), Jacob Fulton (’12), Paul Brown (‘12), Nathan Penick (’12), John Dompor (’12) and Zack Blodgett (’12). (Lower Row, L-R): Jason Yudiono (’12) and Dan Narelli (’12). Engineering

Derek Graham (’12) Architecture Nathan Penick (’12) Engineering

(L-R): Nick Church (’11), Alex Swider (’12) and Donny Walsh (’10). The player diving with the ball is Dustin Gardner (’12). Rugby Class

(Top row, Left to right) Jordan Jodzio (’12) and Anthony Bane (’11). (Lower row, L-R): Miguel Locsin (’11), Mike Barr (’12); Garett Kain and Art Klant (’12): Automotive Class.

Nick Gonsalves (’10) Architecture

Guest speaker at Sports Agent Class

SHOOTERS GALLERY: Who Took What Photo: All images on these two pages were photo-graphed by Saints 2010 Interses-sion Digital Photography Class.

Name PhotoDavid Lloyd 1, 7 & 2Andrew Deeb 3Kevin Yim 4, 13 & 17Nicholas Morrell 5

Name PhotoFidel Cazarez 6Mr. Pat Healy 8Samuel Turner 9Anthony Mansour 10

Name PhotoRyan Lepis 14Raul Pareyon 15Arthur Jay Jimenez 16 & 19Blake McCormick 18 & Page 1


Gift-Gathering Parties that SupportSaints Spring Fundraiser

Begin This Month

Party Planner Fun Guide

“Gift-Gathering Parties,” a series of informal cocktail parties, will return for a third year. Founded by the Aus-tin Parents Association, these special gatherings are for the adults in the Saints community. They help to support the Saints Dinner Auction fundraiser in the spring. At each Gift Gathering Party, guests are asked to do-nate an item or service. You may also take advantage of the underwriting, sponsorship and business advertising opportunities as well. Last year, several Saints families combined efforts to come up with unique and creative auction items such as catered dinners in homes and private clubs, cruises, and themed baskets. Individual families also made do-nations of sports memorabilia, gift certificates, vacation

getaways, spa packages, etc. “The parties were so successful last year that we have decided to hold them again, with a few minor improve-ments,” says Saints President, Mr. Edwin Hearn, who promises to attend each party. Co-Chairs Patricia Kiernan and JoAnn Totah explain this year will be different. There are only going to be four parties. Each family will receive one invitation with all the possible dates and they can choose where they wish to attend. The parties will be hosted by Saints families from around the county. There will also be one party held at the school for alumni, parents of alumni and friends of Saints who wish to continue their support of the school.

Here is a schedule of the party dates, times and hosts.When your invitation arrives in the mail, please respond as quickly as possible.

parents need to be involved. Please accept my personal invitation to attend a Gift Gathering party. Bring an auction item and have fun meeting great people all supporting the cause. For those of you who have been looking to be more involved, this is a great opportunity to find a niche to help. Each of us brings a unique pres-ence to the community. When someone chooses not to be involved, the community misses the wonderful gift of their presence – a loss for all. I have been to eighteen of these parties and I can honestly say each one has been fun. Yes, as President, I have to be there, but at each one, I have had the op-

portunity to meet new parents. In 38 years as a Catholic school educator, I have never considered my work to be just a job. It is a vocation and a joy. I am blessed to say that I have always loved what I do. Catholic Schools exist through the sacrifice of the Catholic community. The only way to provide greater resources for our young men is for each of us to be an integral part of the Saints community. Saints has always been about com-munity and always will be. Please make time for a Gift Gathering Party and the Annual Dinner Auction. Only though our combined efforts, large or small, is success possible. Be a part of building a greater Saints. Your presence at these events can make all the difference. See you there.

Gift GatheringContinued from page 1

which to ask for money.” Well, Saints families have just amazed me with their generosity. While we have had to write off some pledges from previous years, we are receiving approximately $250,000 per year from this program.• Endowment – The school maintains an Endowment, and we use part of the interest we earn from the endow-ment for financial aid. In May 2008, the endowment balance was about $2.3 million; by February 2009 it was down to $1.5 million; and as of November 2009 it’s back up to almost $2 million. Due to the downturn, there was no income from the Endowment and, therefore, no fund-ing from the Endowment for Financial Aid. It’s a white-knuckler at times, but at least we’re on the upswing.• Admissions – We had approximately 300 boys take the placement exam in January 2009, on par with previ-ous years. We had a high rate of acceptance, a respect-able waiting list among those who excelled on the exam, and we filled the freshman class.• Financial Aid – For this school year, we had bud-geted $1.1 million in tuition grants and scholarships; the actual figure is $1.3 million, so we’re helping even more families than we’d anticipated. • Planning – When the economy started heading south, I was tempted to take the Phase II model of the Master Plan (Building Future Saints II) and move it from my office to the freezer in the faculty lounge. A recession can wreak havoc with a master plan, and we considered putting everything on ice until things started looking up again, but we’ve decided to proceed, engaging the ar-chitectural firm of Domini Architectural Associates and incurring fees of about $120,000. • Expenses – We spent $126,000 on campus improve-ments like gym lockers, purchases for the science labs, the water feature in the plaza, and others. Our tech expen-ditures for software, hardware, support, consulting and library programs came to $145,000. For equipment and furnishings, we spent another $81,000. There are plenty of things we didn’t do, but we resisted the temptation to be penny-wise and pound-foolish. (Oh, and health insur-

ance premiums for faculty and staff are up 21 percent this year. I really don’t enjoy talking about that.)

• Bonded Indebtedness for Phase I – We owe $828,000 a year to Union Bank for our $12 million Bond. We have maintained our Bond requirement ratio and I’m confident we’ll be able to make that payment. So, as grisly as things looked for much of last year, I’m cautiously optimistic about 2010, and I hope you are as well. What can I say? I’m in my fourth year at Saints,

Meet New Freshman OfficersThe Freshman Class Recently Elected theFollowing Saintsmen to Represent Them:

President – Jason Mapa Vice-President – Eli Ashenafi Secretary – Joey Ramm Treasurer – Xavier Redondo

Editor’s Note: The Freshman Officers article appeared incorrectly in the December, 2009 issue of Saints Scene.We publish it this time with the correct names under the photos. Saints Scene apologizes for the error.

Better Year AheadContinued from page 3

Party Date Host Family LocationSaturday, February 20: Dave and Cathy Smith La MesaSaturday, March 6: Mark and Mary Grant AlpineSaturday March 13: Anibal/Derr/Trevino Families Fletcher HillsSaturday March 20: John & Linda Small and Saints Campus/ John & Stacy Turner Alumni Party

If you have questions please contactPatricia Kiernan ( orJoAnn Totah (

and I feel as if I’d landed in heaven, because I’m seeing remarkable strength of spirit among students, faculty and our parents. I think that when we’re worried about the economy and the war and terrorism and the nation and the sometimes difficult task of putting one foot in front of the other and keeping it up, we want – no, we need – to believe in something that really resonates with us. Thanks to all of you for believing in your Saintsmen, for believing in our faculty and staff, and for believing in St. Augustine High School.

APA Parent Enlists Students to Aid

Sober Grad Night Creativity

Alex Dominguez, a parent of a Saints Fresh-man, who volunteered to be the Chair of the annual Sober Grad Night, quickly expand-

ed his Austin Parents Assn. committee by enlist-ing brainstorming help from the student body. Mr. Dominguez asked Saint Augustine ASB President Miguel Acosta (’10) to assist in the planning of the popular Sober Grad Night event. This event will be held the evening after graduation ceremonies. In turn, ASB President Acosta invited stu-dents to join the ASB/APA committee add-ing Senior Class Officers to the panel: Rob-bie Cantonwine; Jeff Dormann; Anthony Riel; and Alan Lam Acosta said, “The committee will begin contact-ing past seniors from Saints and OLP to gather input on Sober Grad Night activities.” The ASB President added the following stu-dents to help publicize Sober Grad Night to help and to increase student participation: Sean Glass; Marcus Thefeld and Alex Padua “We are pleased with the connection we made with ASB President Miguel Acosta. The APA is looking forward to working with him. I’m certain he and his group will help make the event a success,” said Mr. Dominguez. “Right now, we’re interested in trying to get a sense of what alums liked most about the evening,” he said. You may contact Alex Dominguez with any input you may have on Sober Grad Night at (760)845-6691 or


Saints JV Boys Nab 2nd

Tourney TitleBy

The St. Augustine junior varsity boys soccer team is off to a good start this season as they captured their second tournament title by defeating West-

view HS in penalty kicks in the finals of the inaugural Westview-Del Norte Classic on Dec. 23. “This squad has the potential to have a very memo-rable year in that they can accomplish anything they put their minds to combined with continuous hard work and a team based sharpened focus,” Head Coach Rob Wojtach said. “They are a pure joy to coach and very exciting to watch.” The Saints advanced to the finals after battling La Costa Canyon, another strong program from North County. However, LCC was no match for the creative and focused Saints team and the Saints won 3-0. In the finals a tough Westview team showed why they were playing for the title. After two full 40-minute scoreless halves the game went straight to penalty kicks. The Saints very strong and agile keeper Aaron Martinez blocked three consecutive Westview PK attempts and then sealed the deal by taking and making the third PK to clinch the win for the Saints. This was the second pre-season tournament cham-pionship for the Saints, who are now holding a 12-0 record. The first tournament title was in the Montgomery Barons Tournament where they played Poway, another strong North County team, in the finals and won in over-time. The Saints captured the Barons title on a brilliant show of determination and skill when sophomore Con-nor Keefe dribbled through a mass of defenders and then managed to get off a bullet of a shot to the upper right inside of the goal. Compared to most of the opponents the Saints have faced whose rosters number close to 22-plus players, the Saints only have 15 spots on the bench. They are a hard working group and they appear to have a great camara-derie both on and off the field. The strength of the Saints is well balanced across the field. Their defense is anchored by Martinez, who in the first 12 matches allowed only five goals. In front of Martinez is a very strong back line with sophomores Daniel “DJ “ Johnson, Dominic Padua, Jason Nunez and Ryan Muir. Freshman Joseph “Joey” Saad keeps it bal-anced at stopper. The midfield is full of talent with sophomores Alex Galan and Keefe as the center mids with Fidel Cesares and Julian Garcia as the left-wingers and sophomore Alex Miyai and junior Austin McCalley as the right outside mids. The final piece of the puzzle is the work of

forwards Jaime Charles, Anthony Tancredi and fresh-man Dominic Chavez, who leads the attack for Saints. The Saints will open league play on January 20, 2010, when they host Kearney HS at their home field in North Park.

[Front Row, Left to Right]: St. Patrick Carlsbad: Wade Lippert, Andrew Connolly, Gabe Trujillo, Sam Mathai; St. John of the Cross: Alec Sprague, Santiago Alcala, Brian Amarillas, Roberto Iniquez; St. Rita: Daniel Barao, Deric Vierra. [2nd Row, L-R]: St. Pius X: Nick Marchesano, Andy Rios; Holy Trinity: Anthony Hernandez; St. Mary Escondido: Cody Sanders, Spencer Csonka, Rowan Pepper, Tyler Robinson; School of the Madeleine: Michael Young, Tanner Hood, Sam Varela. [3rd Row, L-R]: St. Pius X: Ethan Sanchez, Aaron Sanchez; Holy Trinity: Cole Flint, Josh Davis, Robert Clay; Blessed Sacrament: Adam McGrath, Sean Sullivan. [Top Row, L-R]: Holy Trinity: Anthony Dallo; Blessed Sacrament: Dominic Gagliano, Brennan Miya; St. Rita: Philip Labu-guen, Daniel Perez. Notes: Andy Rios pictured with St. Pius X teammates played on the 2009 World Champion Little League team that represented Chula Vista. Not Shown: School of the Madeleine: Jonathan Pendergast

Winter Sports in Action

Blessed Sacrament Crowned ParochialFootball Champion

The Alumni Association’s 2009 Parochial School Football Championship was won by Blessed Sacrament who outlasted St. Pius X 45-29 in

the championship game played December 5 on the up-per field. “The teams played a real shootout game that was exciting to watch,” said Tournament Chairman Gil Pimentel ’77. The two teams, who finished the regular season as the number 2 team in their respective leagues, were joined by Holy Trinity, St. John of the Cross, St. Patrick-Carlsbad, St. Mary, School of the Madeline, and St. Rita in the single elimination tournament. The Joe DiTomaso ’54 Coaching Award went to Robert Hunt ’85 (St. Rita’s). The St. John of the Cross was presented with the Spirit Award for its positive school spirit and support. “The talent displayed by players and the enthusiasm and spirit shown by fellow students and parents was as good as we’ve seen,” says Pimentel. He adds, “We’re hopeful several standout players will soon be competing as students at Saints.”

Article originally appeared online at Daily San Diego Soccer News on December 26, 2009. Reprinted with permission. For more up to the minute soccer news click on

All-County Parochial Flag FootballAll Star Team 2009

Saints Sports—[top row, left to right]: Varsity basketball player Darren Critchlow (’11) in a recent game vs Scripps Ranch. Varsity wrestler is Jeff Eaker (’10) in mat action. [Middle row, L-R]: Joey Erskine (’10) is Purpleman in the pit. Ceprian McClaron (’10) takes it up court against Scripps Ranch. [Lower, row]: This group photo was snapped after the annual Saints vs. Alum soccer match, which was won by the Alumni 3-1.

Publisher: Edwin J. Hearn, Jr. Saints President Editor-in-Chief: James Horne Saints Principal Senior Editor: Steve Chipp (’68), Alumni DirectorManaging Editor: Thomas Shess, Alum Parent (’05)Thomas.Shess@gmail.comArt Director: Carol SherwoodChief Photographer: Ernie Torgeson, Alum Parent (’08)

Circulation Director: Casey Callery, Associate Director of AdvancementAustin Parents Assn. Editor: Annette FlemingEditor Emeritus: John D. Keller O.S.A. (’55)Correction PolicyWhile every effort is made to be accurate, we occasionally err. We do apolo-gize to those impacted and kindly ask that you notify the Managing Editor so we may choose to publish corrections or amplifications in future issues.

Saints Scene Your monthly reporton the St. Augustine

High School Experience

SENIORSClass of 2010Principal’s ListGPA of 4.0 or betterJose Miguel Acosta José Miguel AcostaSamuel Zachary BanuelosKele Edward BigknifeMikkal Gregory BlickScott Alan BriggsDevin Allan ChurchmanChristopher Joseph CurtisNicholas Albert DeCinoAustin Matthew DickersonSean Ryan FitzgeraldAbraham GallegosSean William GlassKenneth Howard Gouin,IIIDrake VanVliet GradyThomas David HartPatricio Andres Healy MontalvoSamuel Brimhall HowethElliot Vincente HumphreyIan Renan HumphreyMackenzie Boone KeaneAndrew Peter KondanPaul Anthony MaaloufMark Michael MalekPeter Atwell Bradley Martin,IIIGrant Thomas McNamaraChristopher Thoms Miller Jr.Cody Chao Young OeiEzekiel Gonzalez OliwaBryce Richard PersichettiNathan Albert PleinJairus Eclevia RacelisAnthony Reynoso RielRyan Thomas SuarezMr. Jonathan Nile TaliaJack Richardson UtzPhilip VenturaDavid Michael VondracekWilliam Anton Young

First HonorsGPA of 3.60 to 3.99 Andres Benjamin Alvarez AndaChristopher Santos AveryAllan James BantuganDana Christian BarbaroCarlos Jesus BrambilaMatthew Dodd ButeraPeter John CataldoIvan Louis CavallinoJake John ClarkDaniel Alberto CruzChristopher James DanteDaniel Joseph DeitersJeffrey Michael DormannJoseph Thomas ErskineChristopher Lane FreestoneFernando Rafael Garcia-Granados VictoriaAnthony Peter GautilleLuke Joseph HenningGuillermo Anthony HernandezTrevor Matthew HopkinsNicholas Donald KlotzAlan Trung LamDaniel Herrera LongstrethAsdrubal Samuel MaciasDaniel Leif MarksEthan Patrick MathiasLucas Robert MooreRodrigo MoraRyan Jameson Morrell

THE HONOR ROLLSt. Augustine High School Scholar Standouts

Congratulations to the following Saintsmen for having earned a gradepoint average of 3.20 or higher during the First Semester 2009-2010.

Alexander Kenneth PaduaJason John PeroneEnrique Joaquin Rodriguez SantosDominic Velasco SmithLuke Gromer SmithJackson Trimm SusterDennis Reyes TorculasTyler Joseph TorwickJose Manuel ValenzuelaClayton Edward Van AkenTravis Andrew WebbSean Thomas Young

Second HonorsGPA of 3.20 to 3.59Miguel Alejandro AllendeJohn Erick AmarillasMatthew Frank AsaroFrancisco BotelloJustin Nicanor BrownRobert Joseph CantonwineAlexander Dickinson ChaconCarlos Antonio ChavezTim David CooksonBryan Daniel CullenPeter Robert DrayOscar Elias Gonzalez-AyalaKevin Matthew GuicoCarlos Andres HankAdam Matthew JohnsonBrandon Dean LattmanJulien Francis LaverdiereBenjamin Raymond LawsonFranco Ivano MacklisMarcel Michael MansourPatrick James McClainBlake Francis McCormickColin James MorrinJohn Thomas MossinghoffPhillip Cesar OnaAlexander Nicholas Prevallet KinstlePaul Thomas SchlosserAlexander Edward SextonTyler Murdock ToranoFernando Antonio TrujilloIan Jacob Williamson

JUNIORSClass of 2011Principal’s ListGPA of 4.0 or betterTeague Kristian AshcraftGerardo AzcarragaKevin Michael BarajasThomas More BarrettKevin Callahan BauckmanConor Patrick BeckJames Robert BirkettChristopher Burton CattTyler Christian ConnollyDarren Thomas CritchlowEvan James CritchlowKevin Thomas DixonConnor Mac Niallais DowlingMichael Sean EbelingJose Luis EscamillaRyan Monroe FolettaJorge Salgado GarciaTyler Berton HodgdonJames Gonzalez JoaquinJon Matthew KalfayanBrody James LeonardVitorio Nicklaus Guiseppe Lorenzini

Brian Sullivan MaloyJohn Reilly MarinBrandon Cole MartelliChristopher Logan McConnellAlexis OsunaBrian Jacob PanishMichael Day PhillipsSpencer James PoisetSebastian James RevelsMichael Dylan RobertsonRyan Phillip RustConnor Dean SmithPatrick Gromer SmithDerek James SnyderRaymond Sami TotahZac Spencer TuckerNicholas Daniel ValentiniRyan James VillardRyan Lawrence WalshAdam Morgan WhalenPatrick Michael Wynne

First HonorsGPA of 3.60 to 3.99Eduardo AckermanChris Jordan Perpetua BanagaMichael John CoyneJoseph Anthony DagostinoSean Leonard DaveyJoseph Taylor EvansJohn Wendell GeheganGarett Thomas KainChristian Michael KondanGaston LukenCarlos Cristobal MartinezAustin Jacob McCalleyKevin Michael-James McKinleyChase Alan Mohan MinosGabriel MorenoMatthew Joseph PekinMatthew Richard RyanVito Anthony RyanAlexander Loughrin SaccoCarlos Hiram SotoJesse Ian WatsonWilliam Arthur WickettJack Brooke Winters Second HonorsGPA of 3.20 to 3.59Nolan Cornelius AlisasisJuan Antonio ArceVictor Joseph AsaroRyan William BurgunderCesar CardenasNicholas Andrew ChurchDavid Alexander CookGiancarlo CortesJohn Ryan CrokeEvan David CrowerJoseph Anthony DixonRoberto J. EstrellaWally John Marcial GonzalezSean Howard HalboPaul Stewart HundleyAlan J. JohnsonMichael John LoCocoAlexander Nathan Noel LowerNicolas Edward MedaLucas Hanks MoralesCole Jordan NealTyler Stanley NehringRicardo NoriegaAnthony Raffi OghassabianMatthew Ponteprino RushSteven Michael Salanger

Nicholas Theodore SamourisAdam Thomas SecordGeoffrey Alan SuppleeDonovan James TheseiraTaylor Ryan Patrick TonnerPaul Daniel WilliamsGarrett Charles WooJonathan Robert Young

SOPHOMORESClass of 2012Principal’s ListGPA of 4.0 or betterDominic Joseph CarusilloMaximiliano CortesThomas Aubert DaviesJohn Punzalan DomporCarlo Raphael Fulgencio EscuderoAustin Gabriel Farres OriolDaniel William JohnstonConnor Michael KeefeDavid Evan LloydHeriberto MartinezJohn Conrad McGarryRyan Alexander MuirJason NunezMatthew Stephen PalmerAlexander John PayneDerek Lee PriceNeil Everett RensKarl Michael Cameros ReyesNicklaus Karl RuppertAlexander Tyler SwiderAndrew Sebastian VazquezJohn Patrick WilsonKevin Waylon YimJason Sacamay Yudiono

First HonorsGPA of 3.60 to 3.99Gerald Comia AlisasisAaron Daniel AndersonLuis Carlos AstiazaranIan Amadeus BoboliaMatthew Christopher CamarataStefan Taylor CarnahanSpencer Riley CastilloPietro Anthony DeLucaFernando Manuel EchegarayChad Alexander FitzgeraldRyan Raymond GarofaloIrish Joseph GironPeter James HulburtNicholas Austin KemmeNicholas Bennett MorrellDaniele Giovanni NarelliBrian Thienan NguyenRaul PareyonNathan Timothy PenickGerard Paul Liang-Ren ShenDominic Arthur VetuschiAugustus Joseph Woestman Second HonorsGPA of 3.20 to 3.59Daniel Adam AcevedoPatrick Joseph BonesMitchel James BorgstromRobert Etienne CayaEloy Celis SanchezCullen Quinn ConatyAnthony Lloyd CookEdwin Flores Corpus Jr.William Robert DeCinoAndrew Richard DeebFelipe Xavier Diaz

Derek Roman Pharaoh GrahamAdrian GutierrezJonathan Paul HeidMichael Joseph InfantineArthur Jay Guardiana JimenezLorenzo JuarezRobert Alan KinslowJames Eliot LowellJoshua Ignacio MaciasBernardo Martinez-LutterothKenneth Alan McClenahanJosh Perry MillerAlejandro Ryuichi MiyaiJuan Manuel Moreno IVSpencer Herbert-William MorganWilliam Patrick MorstadAnthony Patrick NavaLuke Christopher NowlandSamuel Joseph ParadaDrew Alan Peterson Jr.Patrick Thomas PleinNathaniel Douglas RainsDaniel Gregory RamirezNathan Christopher RhodenAndres Eugenio RothenhauslerBlaine Patrick SafirDominick James SawayaMartin Austin ShivesBryan Joseph TarantinoRyan Theodor TweedJoshua Guillermo Vidals

FRESHMANClass of 2013Principal’s ListGPA of 4.0 or betterTaylor Brant AhearnMichael Athanasios BalourdasGarrett Philip BarclayRobert Edmund Hubbard BaughmanJoel Sinlao BautistaEdrick DrachenbergAndrew Thomas GaylordHuy Nang HaDiego Francisco HealyRobert Milton Jertberg IIIJordan Joseph De Jesus LapiraAlex Richard LarsonPatrick James LavelleJason Luab MapaJoseph Edward McCabeLuis Andrés MirandaJoseph Le MoserNicholas Colwell MunozNicholas Stephen NadhirBenjamin Jackson PiorkowskiDarren Joseph PolandNicolas Alejandro QuirogaJoseph Clifford RammXavier Aloysius Nerona RedondoJuan Miguel RodriguezJoseph David SaadCole Richard SchenewerkRyan Michael StamperScott Francis SzafranskiJames Joseph Zehentbauer First HonorsGPA of 3.60 to 3.99Robert Frederic AragonLeelye AshenafiDaniel Enrique BartolomeKyle Grohmann-William BeddowDamian George CarusilloTimothy Luke ChapmanAbelardo Corral

Brock William CrecyKyle Kentaro DalyCooper Stephen DeGrawPatrick John DixonSpencer Edward DixonJose Armando Fernandez GuerreroJames Sullivan FilleyDaniel Patrick FlanaganPatrick Cristobal GerardoDiego Francisco GonzalezWill James Marcial GonzalezSteven Michael GrosseJose Mario HankGregory Thomas HeidNicholas John HesslingTyler Berend HofsteeAustin Gannon HyattFrancisco Koichi IshinoTristan JuarezMax James KaderabekKostas Yiannis KotselasAndrew Patrick LeyvaGregory Scott LoweJoseph Thomas MaaloufAndrew David MadsenThomas Harold McCarthyMatthew Peter MedaRichard Henry MoomjianKevin OsmanWilliam Macaspac RainesStephen Coleman RougasCarlo Salomon RuizKevin Patrick SkinnerEvan Daniel SudaNicholas Alexander VithaAndrew Dominic WhiteThomas Jefferson WickettMark Robert Wolford Jr.Adrian Xavier Zavala

Second HonorsGPA of 3.20 to 3.59Jose Sebastian AlberdiJustin Matthew BeckNoel Melodias BenitezFlavio Rene BorquezMichael Francis CaliSpencer Filippone CalvertRobert Frank De Cort Jr.Michael Thomas DeitersEric Michael DexterJohn Paul DixonConnor Gregory FilleySean Patrick FlanneryRichard Anthony FrancoJosiah Amos GilbBryan Ray Mooney GoebelJoseph Richard HowderMariano Lino LagunaAdrian Fernando LedesmaRobert John LeechCharles Xavier MadrugaMichael Alexander MartinRyan Alan MerrillRyan Denver NeckMatthew Zachary PalpallatocBrandon Alberto RodriguezAdrian Llevares SantosAustin Joseph SchmidAustin Andrew SiragusaNick Sabah TomaDavid Trung-Hieu TranJose Oscar ValenzuelaScott Anthony WalshJohn Daniel YourgZachery Christopher Zickert
