Sake Making

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  • 7/31/2019 Sake Making


    How to Make Sake at Home


    Bob Taylor

    Taylor-MadeAK Brewing

    A Taylor-Made Guide


  • 7/31/2019 Sake Making


    Table of Contents

    Page 3: Introduction

    Page 4: About Sake and How Sake is Made

    Page 7: The Recipe

    Page 8: Ingredients

    Page 10: Equipment

    Page 11: Preparing the Rice

    Page 13: The Actual Process

    Page 22: Secondary and Packaging

    Page 25: Drinking Sake and Conclusion

    Copyright Bob Taylor 2007.


  • 7/31/2019 Sake Making


    How to Make Sake at Home - a Taylor-Made Guide


    If you Google for homebrew sake or make sake at home, youll get a few hits. But theyre all

    really the same poorly written guide. Ive been homebrewing my own sake for years, and Im really

    dissatisfied with the quality of the online homebrewing sake guides, whose process turns out a

    product that is vastly inferior to commercially made sakes and even my own home-made product.

    Im hoping to change that. This guide will teach you how to make authentic seishu () - refined

    Japanese sake - at home, using the kan-zukuri () [cold-brewed] method. While Im at it, I

    hope to educate you, at least a little bit, about different varieties of sake and maybe even different

    methods for making it. I dont intend for this to be the be-all end-all guide to sake, but I do hope it

    will generate some interest in making it at home from ingredients and equipment that are quite

    readily available. This is a long guide, with many pages, but hopefully taking the time to write all

    those pages will shed some light on a process that appears to be very complicated on the surface,

    but really is quite simple at its heart.

    This guide is aimed at moderately experienced homebrewers. If youre not a homebrewer, some

    terms will be a little unfamiliar to you. A quick Google search will usually define those words for

    you, but feel free to post questions in the form of comments on this guide. Ill be more than happy

    to answer them for you.

    Finally, to give credit where its due, everything I know about making sake, I learned from the book

    Sake (U.S.A) by Fred Eckhardt. I dont want to duplicate his work in its entirety here, but the recipe

    and method presented here are entirely his work. I heartily recommend adding his book to your

    library if you find this guide to be at all helpful.


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    About Sake

    Because of its alcohol content and the lack of hops and carbonation, most people refer to sake as

    rice wine. This is a contradiction in terms. Wines are always made from fruit, specifically the

    grape. Beer always contains hops, some kind of grain, and usually some amount of carbonation.

    Sake fits into neither one of these categories, though if you twisted my arm Id tell you that it would

    go in the beer category. However, the category that sake really fits in is jiu - the Chinese word that

    is the root for all the myriads of other Asians call their fermented alcoholic rice beverages.

    Making Sake

    Years ago my first attempt didnt turn out very well. It was very sour, low in alcohol, and just not

    very drinkable. Like many of the guides Google turns up, I tried to shortcut the process by adding

    all the ingredients at once and fermenting at room temperature. My excuse, such as it was, for that

    was I didnt have the right equipment for making sake, specifically a steamer and a means for

    controlling the fermentation temperature.

    Before you can make sake, you must learn the basic concepts of how sake is made. Lets start with

    the ingredients.

    Like beer, sake has only 4 ingredients:

    Water ()

    Rice ()

    Kome-koji ()

    Yeast ()

    Notice the absence of malt there? You cant malt rice for sake making the same way you malt

    barley, so the rice doesnt contain any enzymes for converting starch to sugar like malted barley

    does. Ill reiterate: rice wont convert itself to sugar for the yeast to ferment. Thats where kome-

    koji (just koji for short) comes in.


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    Koji is rice that has had aspergillus oryzae (koji-kin) mold grown on it. This special mold has an

    interesting property: it secretes enzymes that convert starch to sugar. If you add it to a soupy mash

    of rice, water, and yeast, the result is fermentation. All that remains is technique.

    If I were to list the steps for making sake right away, most of you would close this window and

    never come back. At first glance it looks really complex. Hell, my first attempt at sake turned out

    horrible largely because I didnt understand the rules of sake making and tried to oversimplify the

    process. I guess years of homebrewing experience really does make for a greater understanding of

    certain concepts, because when I got back to making sake after having given up for a few years, the

    whole convoluted and tradition-steeped process that the Japanese use to make sake makes sense to


    Eventually, I worked it out to simple rules that must be followed to make sake:

    Make a yeast starter. Like any other beer (especially lagers), a big healthy yeast starter is

    essential for a good sake fermentation. When making sake, this step is called the Moto or

    seed mash and the purpose is to get the yeast to reproduce to a good number and start

    actively fermenting before you add more rice and koji for the main fermentation.

    Rice must be added in doubling additions. If you add everything at once, your yeast will just

    give up before you reach the desired alcohol content of sake. Worse: if your yeast gives up,

    other bugs can take over and ruin your sake. So, add rice in additions that double your

    fermentation volume each time. Using this method, your homebrewed sake can reach

    18%-20% ABV.

    Koji is always added the night before you add your rice addition. Basically, you add koji to

    your fermenting sake at the same time that you put your rice in the fridge to soak for

    steaming. The purpose is to hydrate the koji so that it will give up its enzymes to the

    solution, ready to be soaked up by the steamed rice being added the next day.

    Control your fermentation temperature. The closer you get to 50F, the more dormant

    lactobacillus becomes. This allows the yeast to take control of the fermentation and prevents

    your sake from becoming too sour. Some acidity is necessary, but too much will render it



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    Apart from the above rules, there is the method of adding fermentables gradually to the

    fermentation. Sake brewing is separated into the following stages:

    Moto () - The seed or yeast mash. This is a yeast starter, fellow homebrewers.

    Moromi () - The main fermentation, which has three koji and rice additions:

    Hatsuzoe () - First addition.

    Nakazoe () - Middle addition.

    Tomezoe () - Final addition.

    Yodan () - Stabilizing addition.

    Got all that? Ok, recipe time!


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    The Recipe

    You can probably tell by now, making sake is more about process than ingredients. Even still, you

    have to know what you need for ingredients before you can start, right? Heres my basic recipe for

    about three gallons of sake, which can be halved or doubled (or tripled lol).

    10.00 lbs Short grain rice

    40.00 oz Cold Mountain Rice Koji

    2.00 gal Cold water

    0.75 tsp Brewer's yeast nutrient

    1.00 pinch Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate - MgSO4)

    1.25 tsp Morton Salt Substitute (potassium chloride - KCl)

    1.00 pack WYeast Sake Yeast

    You might notice a few funky ingredients on this list. Those being the salts. Unlike wort made

    from barley, rice doesnt contain the minerals and amino acids that yeast needs for a healthy

    fermentation. So were supplying those nutrients with the water. Brewers yeast nutrient for

    nitrogen, Epsom salts for magnesium, and Moton Salt Substitute for potassium and chloride. Please

    note: do not use a different brand of salt substitute without reading the ingredients list. Most other

    brands use calcium chloride, which normally isnt a bad thing to add to a batch of beer, but its not

    going to supply the potassium that we need here. These additions arent absolutely necessary (infact, the current batch of sake detailed in this thread was made without them), but they help your

    yeast get a leg up on all other microbes and in the long run will help to produce the most

    alcoholic sake possible.

    Also conspicuous in its absence is the citric acid, vintners acid blend, or citrus juice that most of

    the sake recipes found on the internet call for. Please dont do this to your sake. Commercial sake

    brewers dont do it, and neither should you. The stated purpose for this addition is to protect thesake from infection by lowering the pH. This really isnt necessary because there is going to be a

    lactic ferment along with the main yeast ferment that will acidify the sake for you and, along with

    the dominant sake yeast, will help to keep all other microbial activity in check. Citric acid is also a

    powerful antioxidant, which hurts your yeasts reproductive cycle. In other words, adding citric acid

    to your sake is only going to make your sake more sour, it doesnt serve any other beneficial



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    Ingredients - Strange Names and Where to Buy Them

    One by one, here are the ingredients listed in the above recipe and how to find them.

    Short Grain Rice - Here in the U.S.A. this variety is often called pearl or California pearl. The

    brand I prefer for making sake (and sushi!) is Kokuho Rose Sushi Rice. Its not expensive, and

    readily available in grocery stores that cater to ethnic foods. Ive even seen it at my local Fred

    Meyer (Kroger to you East Coasters). If you cant find it, you can use pretty much any short grain

    rice you can get your hands on.

    Cold Mountain Rice Koji - Without a doubt the most difficult product to find, simply because you

    dont know where to look! The first time I attempted sake, I sent my poor wife around to every

    Asian market in town looking for this item. She never did find it. I actually tripped over it at a large

    local ethnic store called New Sagaya. Really, any grocery store that caters to a wide range of ethnic

    interests (especially Japanese) will have this item - hey, if I can get it in Alaska, its probably

    available where you live! Alternatively, your local homebrew supply store may stock koji-kin

    spores. This is more expensive, but you can make your own kome-koji with it and one packet

    makes enough for several batches of sake. Push comes to shove, you can always order it (scroll all

    the way down to the bottom of the page).

    Sake Yeast - While were on the subject of homebrew supply stores, youre going to need some

    yeast. Youre not going to find sake yeast in a grocery store, so hit the yellow pages and locate a

    homebrew supply store near you and see if they stock WYeast WY3134 Sake #9 yeast. If they dont

    stock it, and theyre not willing to get it for you, you can always order it. If you just cant wait,

    white wine yeast will do just fine. Please dont use bread yeast, though. I know Asian homebrewers

    do it all the time, but believe me they wouldnt if homebrewing were legal there.

    Epsom Salt - Were out of the hard ingredients now. This is available at your local megamart,

    usually in the pharmaceuticals or first-aid department. I bet you probably have some under your

    bathroom sink or in the medicine cabinet to treat the occasional pulled muscle, even.

    Morton Salt Substitute - Grocery store. Morton is pretty ubiquitous, so you shouldnt have any

    reason to even consider a different brand of product. If for some reason you just cant find this


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    brand, read labels. If you cant find a salt substitute label that lists potassium chloride, just leave it

    out. You probably wont miss it.

    Water - Only mentioning this because all municipal water sources in our nation are chlorinated.

    Sake doesnt have the same issues with chlorophenols that beer does, but I still prefer to leave the

    chlorine out. Filter your water or buy distilled (its cheap).


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    You only really need some very basic equipment for making sake. If you have a basic homebrewing

    or winemaking equipment kit, youre already most of the way there! Heres a short list:

    Fermenter - A five-gallon, food-grade plastic bucket with a tight-fitting lid that has been drilled for

    a fermentation airlock. Like this one, but the spigot is not necessary (you wont use it).

    A large steamer - Really the only specialized piece of equipment you need, a large steamer that can

    hold 3 to 5 pounds of rice would be very nice to have. You could cook rice with a rice cooker or in a

    potbut really, sake rice needs to be steamed. Steamed rice doesnt get mushy and gluey like

    boiled rice does, and this is important for the koji to get hold of it. Large steamers sell for about $30

    at your local Asian market, so its not a huge investment.

    A racking cane and hose - Like beer, sake can be damaged by contact with oxygen, so siphoning is

    the rule when transferring it between vessels. This is available at your local homebrew supply store,

    if you dont already have one as part of your homebrewing/winemaking equipment.

    Airlocks and one-hole stoppers - Again, you want to protect your fermenting sake from theenvironment, and thats what these are for. If you bought a homebrewing kit, you have these


    Glass jugs of one-gallon capacity - Later in the process youre going to want to get the sake off of

    the rice lees, but its not quite ready to drink yet. One-gallon glass jugs (like the ones good quality

    juices come in) will serve as perfect secondary fermenters or bright tanks in which your sake can

    finish fermenting, clear, and mature.

    A means to control fermentation temperature - Every homebrewer dreams of having a chest

    freezer with a temperature controller on it dedicated to his beer. I have one, and I love it. But

    fulfilling this requirement doesnt necessarily mean you need a piece of equipment for the job. If

    you have a basement, garage, or any part of your home that stays in the 50F-55F temperature

    range for at least part of the year, that will do nicely to keep your sake fermenting in the right

    temperature range for each step of the process.


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    Preparing the Rice

    Rice must be cooked before it can be used for making sake. The reason, familiar to all-grain

    homebrewers, has to do with gelatinizing the starches in the rice kerels. Gelatinizing alters the

    structure of the starch granules in such a way as to make them more readily soluble. Bottom line:

    you have to cook the rice before the koji enzymes can do anything else with it.

    The preferred method of preparing rice for sake is steaming. This is because steamed rice, while

    fully gelatinized, doesnt have the tendency to go mushy and gooey like normally cooked rice does.

    This means that clumps are a lot easier to break up, and your hands will thank you for that when it

    comes time to mix the rice into the moromi. If you dont have a steamer, cant concoct one, and

    couldnt find one to buy, then cooking in a rice cooker or even simmering in a pot on the stove is

    acceptable - so dont let not being able to steam your rice discourage you!

    You prepare rice for steaming like this: Wash the rice thoroughly in running cold water to remove


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    all starch powder. Then, cover the rice in 2-3 inches of very cold water, and stash in your fridge for

    about 18 hours. Properly soaked rice is slightly less than crunchy and nibbles easily (if its squishy,

    you soaked too long. if very crunchy, it hasnt soaked long enough). After soaking, drain off the

    cold water in a colander for at least half an hour. Then place the rice in your steamer (with plenty of

    water in the bottom half) and steam for 45 minutes. Steamed rice is tender to the tooth and

    translucent - not white, like simmered rice.

    I realize that this seems like a small subject to devote an entire page to, but it stands by itself

    because it deals with the base ingredient of our recipe.


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    Making Sake, Part II - The Actual Process

    Ok, step-by-step, heres how to make a batch of sake.

    Moto ()(Total time: 14 days)

    Prepare 2.5 cups of cold water by adding 0.75 tsp yeast nutrient and a pinch of Epsom salt and

    stirring until completely dissolved. Then add a half cup of koji and stir it into the water. Put this into

    the fridge at the same time as you put your rice to soak for steaming.

    Prepare 1.5 cups of rice as described above (wash, soak, steam).


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    After steaming, add the hot rice to the cold koji and water mixture in your fermenter (theres no

    reason to use an intermediate vessel here) to produce a starting temperature of about 74F. Mix well

    with a sanitized spoon, and put this fermenter somewhere where it will remain at this temperature

    for the next couple days. Stir twice a day with a sanitized spoon. In the first few hours the rice will

    soak up almost all of the liquid (see image), but after 24 hours the koji enzymes will cause the rice

    to liquify again.

    After two days, cool to 50-60F and add the yeast on top. Dont stir the yeast in yet! Cover and let

    stand for 12 hours. The cool temperature at this stage is very important (sake yeast is a lager yeast) -

    remember the sour flavors I mentioned earlier? Move the fermenter to your basement or into a

    temperature-controlled refrigerator.

    After 12 hours have gone by, allow the temperature to come back up to 68-72F and stir the yeast

    into the moto mixture with a sanitized spoon. Stir twice a day for 3 days, then once a day for three

    more days.


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    The basic ferment of the moto is now finished, and the temperature should again be lowered to

    50F. Allow the moto to rest for 5 more days. Now you are ready for moromi fermentation!


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    Moromi () and Odori ()(Total time: 26 days)

    Fred Ekhardt wrote in his book:

    The moromi ferment will be a three-stage buildup over a four day period. The slow buildup is

    necessary to ensure a maximum alcohol content. The stages, or additions, are called first addition

    (hatsuzoe), middle addition (nakazoe), and tomezoe or last addition. Each consists of a further

    portion of koji, steamed rice, and water. These sequential additions each double the volume of the

    mash until the full ferment can take place over about three weeks.

    Hatsuzoe (): (Day 1 - 2)Day -1: Eighteen hours before you expect to add this addition, wash and soak 2.5 cups of rice in

    cold water. At the same time, add a cup of koji to the moto, which has now been working for 2

    weeks. Stir the koji in with a sanitized spoon.


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    Day 1: After soaking, prepare the rice with the usual steaming method. While the rice is steaming,

    dissolve 1.25 teaspoon of Morton salt substitute (or potassium chloride) in a little warm water, then

    add more cold water to make a total of 2.75 cups. Stash this in the fridge to chill.

    Day 1: When finished steaming, add the rice to the above cold water to cool the rice down. When

    the rice gets down below 85F, add it to the moto.

    Day 1 2: Long-time beer makers hate this step. Wash your hands and arms really really well, then

    use them (yes, your hands) to mix the steamed rice into your moto, making sure to break up all the

    clumps. This should take you about 30 minutes or so. When youre done, put the lid and airlock

    back on and keep the temperature at around 70F. Stir with a sanitized spoon at 2 hour intervals for

    the next 12 hours, then twice a day for the next 2 days. You have now tripled the volume of your

    original moto.


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    Nakazoe (): (Day 2 - 3)

    Day 2: 18 hours early, wash and soak 6 cups of rice. At the same time, add 1.5 cups of koji to the

    fermenter. Stir it in with a sanitized spoon.

    Day 3: Steam your rice as usual. Then add the hot steamed rice to 8.75 cups of cold water. Mix with

    your clean hands, then add the whole thing to the fermenter. Again, mix with your hands for 30

    minutes, being sure to break up all the clumps.

    Day 3: Put the lid back on, keep the temperature at about 70F, and stir it up after 12 hours. By now

    your volume is about 2 gallons.


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    Tomezoe (): (Day 3 - 4)Day 3: After you stir the mash up in the last step, add the remaining koji and stir it in. At the same

    time, wash and soak the remaining 5 pounds of rice.

    Day 4: The next day, 24 hours after starting the nakazoe step, steam your rice. Add the hot steamed

    rice to 1 gallon + 1 cup of cold water, mix with your clean hands, and add the whole lot to the

    moromi. Again, mix it up with your hands, making sure to break up all the clumps. This will again

    double your volume to around 4 gallons. Leave this alone at 70F over night. At this time you can

    observe odori - the dancing ferment. The bubbling action of happy yeasties is a familiar sight to

    anyone who has made their own beer before.

    From the fifth day on, you want to maintain a cooler temperature for the fermentation. After the

    room-temperature overnight period between days 4 and 5, you should chill it down to as close to

    50F as you can get, or at least keep it between 50F and 60F. Believe me, you want to ferment this

    cool. A warm sake fermentation can lead to some funky flavors, so try to avoid it. This is why the


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    Japanese traditionally only made sake during the cold winter months, which is why this is called the

    kan-zukuri () or cold-brewed method. Stir at 12 hour intervals through the 6th day, then

    leave it alone for the next three weeks. Somewhere between day 19 and day 21, the fermentation

    should pretty much be over (a hydrometer would read at 1.000 or less at this point).

    Note that, since theres no way to determine an original gravity for sake, its not really possible to

    calculate ABV for the product. Youll know its alcoholic when you taste it, though! Ok, on to the

    next step.

    Yodan ()(Total time: a few hours to a day)

    The stabilizing addition. I only mention this for sake of completeness, as I always skip it because

    I prefer the driest and most alcoholic sake possible. There are two ways you can go here: you can

    add water to decrease the alcoholic strength of the product, or you can add rice and koji to sweeten

    the sake. Here are the calculated water additions:

    0 ounces - If you add no water in this step, the sake should finish with an alcohol content

    above 18.5% ABV. This is Genshu () sake.

    30 ounces - This will yield about 16% ABV, which we could call ordinary sake.

    68 ounces - The alcohol level will decrease to about 14% ABV. This is pretty weak for a

    non-carbonated product, and generally not recommended.

    20 ounces - Add two gallons of water and youll be down to about 12% ABV, which is the

    usual strength of fruit-flavored sakes.

    178 ounces - This will yield 10-11% ABV, which is low enough to allow you to bottle

    condition the sake for a carbonated product.


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    Why would you do this? Got me, Im just parroting the math. Ive never done any of these water


    Last, but certainly not least, adding 2 cups (uncooked amount) of steamed rice and 1/2 cup of koji

    to the sake at this point will add more sugar than the yeast can ferment, which will sweeten the

    sake. This amount of rice and koji will produce a very sweet sake called mirin, which is used in

    Japanese cooking to make such things as teriyaki sauce. Basically, the Japanese tend to use mirin in

    place of sugar wherever a sweetener is needed. If you prefer your sake to be sweeter, but not so

    sweet as mirin, you can decrease the amount of rice added in this step.


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    Secondary and Maturation (Bright Tank)

    (Total time: 14 days)

    If you made no additions at yodan, then you should rack the sake at this time. Clean and sanitize

    three one-gallon jugs, your racking cane and hose, and one-hole stoppers for the jugs. Then just

    siphon the sake off of the rice lees. Then take the lees and put them in a colander lined with

    cheesecloth, wrap it up, and squeeze as much liquid out as you can (if you have a small fruit press,

    this works even better). Use this to top up your jugs to the neck (dont fill them completely full).

    Affix stoppers and airlocks to these jugs, then keep them right at that 50F temperature for the next

    couple weeks. This will allow any residual fermentation to finish up and will allow the rice solids

    and yeast to settle out, leaving your sake relatively clear.

    At this point you could just put a tight lid on your jugs of sake and store it in your fridge for

    anywhere from 2 weeks to a month before you drink it all. I seriously dont recommend this


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    because any longer and lactobacillus can take over and turn your sake very, very sour. The next step

    is pasteurization.

    Pasteurizing sake is pretty easy. Just put your sake into a pot of water on your stove, stick a

    thermometer in through the mouth of the bottle, and heat until the sake reaches 140F. Then take it

    out, put a lid on it, and allow it to cool. The resulting pasteurized sake can be stored for up to 6

    months before drinking or repackaging.

    Packaging for Consumption

    Right now you have a couple options:

    After aging, you can leave the sake as-is (or mix the sediment into solution and rack to smaller

    bottles, followed by re-pasteurizing and sealing) and enjoy it as nigorizake () - cloudy sake

    that is meant to have the sediment mixed into the sake before drinking. This kind of sake is sweeter

    and has more body than filtered sake, and is very delicious in and of itself.

    Or you can allow the jugs to become well-settled and carefully rack the cleared sake off of the

    sediment into smaller bottles, re-pasteurize, and seal. This is muroka () or unfiltered sake -

    seishu that hasnt been further clarified by filtration. Its still a little hazy, and thats generally

    considered to be unacceptable for [em]seishu[/em]. To render this sake brilliant, I suggest fining

    with bentonite - a type of clay used by vintners to clarify their white wines.

    The ratio of bentonite used is generally 1/2 teaspoon per gallon being fined - for our recipe, that

    works out to 1.5 teaspoons bentonite. Start with a cup (8 fluid ounces) of really hot water. Stirring

    continuously with a whisk, slowly sprinkle the bentonite powder into the water. Once you have it all

    in a smooth slurry, gently stir it into your sake in its secondary fermenter (split it up if youre using

    multiple jugs as secondaries). In about 3 days it will completely settle out and you can rack the

    brilliant sake off of the sediment for bottling and pasteurizing.

    Sake is ready to drink any time after its bottled, but a modest aging period of about two months

    tends to improve the flavor. Traditionally, sake is aged at the brewery for six months in this stage of


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    production, before filtering, bottling, and re-pasteurizing the product for sale. But Im not going to

    suggest anything so extreme here, aging for 6 weeks to two months will be sufficient to get rid of

    the green sake flavors.

    Thus we come to the eighth and final page of my guide: drinking your sake!


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    Drinking Sake

    A lot of people I talk to are a bit in the dark about how to drink sake. I will now attempt to light the

    way for you! Homebrewed sake can be drank warm or chilled, and is great either way.

    Drinking chilled sake: Chilled sake is traditionally drunk from 6 oz square cedar (or cypress) cups

    called masu. Usually a bit of salt is sprinkled on the rim, symbolizing food (sakana). Traditionally,

    sake is never consumed without food, so putting salt on your cup is just a way to allow you to drink

    sake by itself! The cedar masu add its own complementing flavor to the sake, but can overwhelm

    more delicately flavored ginjo sakes; for which a laquerware alternative is available.

    Drinking warm sake: Restaurants use a sake machine through which hot sake is dispensed from

    18 liter boxes for consumption by their American patrons. Warm sake is good, but these machines

    heat the sake up to almost boiling and keep it there for far too long as it dispenses. This is far too

    hot to drink, and actually ruins the sake - changing the flavor and boiling the alcohol out of it. The

    same thing often happens if you try to warm sake up in the microwave if you arent careful,


    The proper warm temperature to drink sake at is just barely warmer than your blood: 110F-120F.To warm it up, put a small pan of water on the stove and bring to a boil. While youre waiting, pour

    some sake into the jug of your favorite sake set, and put a thermometer in it. When the water boils,

    remove from the stove and put your sake jug in the hot water. Gently heat until the thermometer

    reads the appropriate temperature, then immediately serve.


    Well, I hope you found this guide to be much more helpful than those other guides that Google

    turns up. As stated at the beginning, Im always happy to answer questions - so if you have them,

    either use the contact button above to e-mail it to me or post it as a comment here and I will do my

    very best to answer it for you in as clear a manner as possible.

    Happy Brewing!

    Bob Taylor, Taylor-MadeAK Brewing
