Sales -Common Problems

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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ByPrabhu Swaminathan

Sales –It’s a co-creation of experience

Common Sales -Problems

Theory Vs Practical At the end it’s the luck Customer Expecting too

much Pressure vs Perseverance Priced too high Delivery Challenges Competition from Customers

perspective Influence the customer to


Theory Vs Practice

a. Suspect (Market Understanding)

b. Prospect( Influencer /Decision Maker)

c. Customer (Pattern of Buying)d. Key Accounte. See for that Spot ( True value-

Ego not the product/Service)f. Identify your own success

style (resonate with values, systems )

Is there Luck!

Market Knowledge/Go with Preparation for every customer as every customer is unique

Understand the Value Proposition – In line with Customer expectations

Be Honest /True/Disciplined(Its ok to accept what we don’t have )

Like the product/service you sell (Body/Mind /Soul –Resonance)

Consistency in all the above –Its no what we do once matters

We become unlucky (If we have gaps in the above for the customer /Prospect to turn towards competition)


Expectations Vs Fulfilment

Set right expectations/Customers can be more informed

Be realistic If challenges be the first

to alert the customer Loop in customer in the

process of execution Leave that small

Impact( Coffee)

Pressure Vs Perseverance

Just do the right thing (Define right thing properly)

Put 80% of the time in the right account (Define right account properly /Decision maker/Potential/Influencer)

Understand demand = F( willingness to buy , Ability to pay ,Cultural/Values constraint)-Everyone who is willing to buy is not your potential customer.

Do few value adds . Its ok to invest time and giving the customer few reports

Follow up (Disciplined time lines) Don’t push for closure rather

communicate the value if closed quickly

Priced too high!

Be clear on Individual empowerment to close deals

Survey- What they don’t teach in HBS

Use right technique

Calls Emails Style Network Forums Lead Channels

Delivery Issues

Gap between Super Selling and Delivery Constraint

Understanding the competency of the back end

Understanding the internal policy constraints

Why- He is waiting ! Why- He has been

blocked to vent out! Why- You be the owner

and listen Why- You have all

chances to make a bigger Impact

Example :

Volunteer to Disappointed Customer

Knowledge first- relationship next- Business follows

Do just 1 more Customer gets disappointed at times not

because we don’t deliver but just because nobody owns the failure

Crisis to an opportunity to regain peak trust

Make the customers feel guilty by discipline and process

Sales is a co-creation –Involve the customers in the process

At the end of the day we are dealing with humans (Don’t forget emotions)

“Sales Success” – When customers become good life time friends

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