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Computational Visual MediaDOI 10.1007/s41095-015-0028-y Vol. 1, No. 4, December 2015, 309–320

Research Article

SaliencyRank: Two-stage manifold ranking for salient objectdetection

Wei Qi1, Ming-Ming Cheng2, Ali Borji3, Huchuan Lu4, and Lian-Fa Bai1(�)

c© The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Salient object detection remains one of themost important and active research topics in computervision, with wide-ranging applications to objectrecognition, scene understanding, image retrieval,context aware image editing, image compression,etc. Most existing methods directly determine salientobjects by exploring various salient object features.Here, we propose a novel graph based ranking methodto detect and segment the most salient object in ascene according to its relationship to image border(background) regions, i.e., the background feature.Firstly, we use regions/super-pixels as graph nodes,which are fully connected to enable both long rangeand short range relations to be modeled. Therelationship of each region to the image border(background) is evaluated in two stages: (i) rankingwith hard background queries, and (ii) ranking withsoft foreground queries. We experimentally show howthis two-stage ranking based salient object detectionmethod is complementary to traditional methods, andthat integrated results outperform both. Our methodallows the exploitation of intrinsic image structureto achieve high quality salient object determinationusing a quadratic optimization framework, with aclosed form solution which can be easily computed.Extensive method evaluation and comparison usingthree challenging saliency datasets demonstrate thatour method consistently outperforms 10 state-of-the-art models by a big margin.

Keywords salient object detection; manifold ranking;visual attention; saliency

1 Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing210094, China. E-mail: (�).

2 Nankai University, Tianjin 300353, China.3 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53211, USA.4 Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China.Manuscript received: 2015-10-17; accepted: 2015-11-16

1 Introduction

Saliency detection has been an important problem incomputer vision for more than two decades. Its goalis to locate the most salient or interesting region in animage that captures the viewers’ visual attention [1,2]. Accurate and reliable saliency detection hasbeen successfully applied in numerous computervision tasks such as image compression [3], scenesegmentation [4], classification [5], content awareimage resizing [6, 7], photo collage [8], webpagedesign [9], and visual tracking [10].

State-of-the-art saliency methods can becategorized as either bottom–up (data-driven)or top–down (task-driven), all of which are builtupon low- or high-level visual features of images.Numerous novel techniques have been utilizedin existing algorithms, such as low rank matrixrecovery [11], manifold ranking [12], Bayesianframeworks [13], etc. However, despite a largenumber of reported models, it is still difficultto locate the most salient region in, and removenon-salient regions from, challenging images such asthe one in Fig. 1.

In this paper, we present a graph based manifoldranking method for salient object detection whichworks by analyzing the properties of the intrinsicimage structure. Firstly, we build a fully connectedgraph using super-pixels as graph nodes, in whichcolor features, texture features, and spatial distancesare modeled. Secondly, by exploiting a two-stageranking strategy using background and foregroundqueries in turn, we effectively determine therelationship of each region to the background(i.e., the image border). Our proposed manifoldranking approach focuses on correlation with the


310 Wei Qi et al.









Fig. 1 Salient object prediction for a sample image. While existingmodels often highlight non-salient regions in the image background,our model tends to remove such areas.

background, while traditional methods pay moreattention to the salient object, and these arecomplementary concerns. Thus in the last step,a Bayesian formula is used to infer the output byintegrating traditional models with the proposedmanifold ranking method.

To illustrate the effectiveness of our method,we present results on three challenging publicdatasets: (i) MSRA10K [14–16] (ii) ECSSD [17],and (iii) DUT-OMRON [12]. Extensive experimentsdemonstrate that our approach produces high-accuracy results, and also shows its superiorperformance in terms of three evaluation metrics tostate-of-the-art salient object detection approaches.

2 Related work

In this section, we briefly review related work onsaliency detection. Readers can refer to Refs. [1, 18]for an exhaustive review and comparisons of state-of-the-art saliency models.

Many models have been proposed for saliencydetection in recent years. The pioneering workby Itti et al. [19] constructs a bottom–up saliencymodel that estimates center–surround contrast basedon multi-scale image features. This model inspiredresearchers to build more predictive models thatcould be tested against experimental data. Harelet al. [20] define a graph based visual saliency(GBVS) model based on random walks for fixationprediction. In Ref. [21], Hou and Zhang define

image saliency by integration of the spectral residualin frequency domain and a saliency map in spatialdomain. Similarly, Achanta et al. [14] introduce afrequency-tuned method that defines pixel saliencybased on color differences. Liu et al. [16] constructa saliency model by using a conditional randomfield to combine a set of novel features. Zhanget al. [22] propose a saliency algorithm from theperspective of information theory. Rahtu et al. [23]measure the center–surround contrast of a slidingwindow within a Bayesian framework using theentire image to compute saliency. Goferman etal. [24] give a context-aware saliency algorithm todetect the most salient part of a scene based onfour principles of human visual attention. Chenget al. [15] consider histogram-based contrast andspatial relations to generate saliency maps. Shen andWu [11] integrate low-level and high-level featuresusing a low rank matrix recovery approach forsaliency detection. Jiang et al. [25] further exploitthe relationship between Markov random walksand saliency detection, and introduce an effectivesaliency algorithm using temporal properties in anabsorbing Markov chain. Jiang et al. [26] integratedegree of focus, object-likeness, and uniquenessfor saliency detection. Yan et al. [17] presenta hierarchical framework by combining multi-layer cues in saliency detection. In Ref. [27], adiscriminative regional feature integration approachwas introduced to estimate image saliency byregarding the problem as a regression task. Li etal. [13] formulate a visual saliency detection modelvia dense and sparse reconstruction error.

Recently, numerous novel techniques have beenutilized in salient object detection models, e.g.,hypergraph models [28], Boolean maps [29], high-dimensional color transforms [30], submodularapproaches [31], PCA [32], partial differentialequations (PDEs) [33], light fields [34], contextmodeling [35], co-saliency [36, 37], etc. Threemethods [12, 38, 39] have exploited the backgroundas a prior to guide saliency detection andachieve favorable results. However, most of thesemethods focus on the salient object itself, anddo not fully utilize important cues from imageborder/background regions. In this paper, wepropose a novel salient object detection model basedon a graph based ranking method to explore theunderlying image structure and use a Bayesian


SaliencyRank: Two-stage manifold ranking for salient object detection 311

framework to integrating models with good results.

3 Preliminaries

In this section, in the context of image regionlabeling, we briefly describe the manifold rankingframework on which our method is built. In Ref. [40],Zhou et al. propose a ranking framework whichexploits the intrinsic manifold structure of data forgraph labeling, which is further extended by Yanget al. [12] for salient object detection.

3.1 Graph based manifold rankingFor an input image containing n regions or super-pixels [41], we denote the feature vector for a regioni as vi ∈ Rm. Given the region feature vectorsV = {v1, · · · , vn}m×n, some regions are selected asqueries and the rest need to be ranked according totheir relevance. Let f : V → Rn denote a rankingfunction which assigns a ranking value to each regioni, defined as a vector f = [f1, · · · , fn]T. LetL = [l1, · · · , ln]T denote a label vector indicatingthe queries. We define a graph G = (V ,E) overimage regions, where nodes V are region featuresand the edges E are weighted by an affinity matrixW = [wij ]n×n. The degree matrix is defined as

D = diag{d1, · · · , dn} where di =n∑j=1

wij . The

optimal ranking of queries is given by the followingoptimization function:

f ∗=arg minf



∥∥∥∥∥ fi√di− fj√





where the parameter µ controls the balance betweenthe smoothness constraints (the first term) and thefitting constraints (the second term). Following thederivation in Refs. [12, 40], the resultant rankingfunctions are given by

f ∗ = AL (2)where

A =(

D − 11 + µ



4 Methodology

Our saliency detection framework is based on atwo-stage graph based manifold ranking process

Fig. 2 Our rich feature vector (see Section 4.1) provides a betterdescription of each region, allowing improved saliency detection(right) compared to use of a simple color feature (middle).

followed by a Bayesian integration process (see Fig.2).

4.1 Feature extraction & graph construction

We first use the simple linear iterative clustering(SLIC) super-pixel segmentation algorithm [41]to over-segment the input image, generating n

regions/super-pixels. To provide a rich featuredescription, we use the following feature vector vi ∈R7 to describe region i:

vi = [xi, yi, Li, ai, bi, ci, εi] (4)in which (xi, yi) is the region centroid, and (Li, ai, bi)is the average region color in the CIE Lab color space.Feature

ci = exp((xi − x0)2 + (yi − y0)2



represents the contextual information (i.e., the centerprior [42]); (x0, y0) is the position of the imagecenter. εi denotes the edge density of the region (weuse the Canny operator [43] in the implementation).Note that in Ref. [12], only CIE Lab color featuresare used to describe each region, which less robustlydeals with texture regions, and ignores importantcontextual information.

We construct a single layer fully connected graphG = (V ,E) with nodes V = {v1, · · · , vn} and edgesE which are weighted by an affinity matrix W =[wij ]n×n (see also Section 3.1). We define the affinityvalues between two image regions as

wij = exp(−‖vi − vj‖2



where σ controls the strength of the weight. Noticethat this graph is a fully connected graph, whichallows long range connections [44] between imageregions, and thus enables us to capture importantglobal cues [15] for salient object detection.

4.2 Ranking with hard background queries

It is commonly observed that objects of interest in

312 Wei Qi et al.

a photograph often occur such that they are rarelyconnected to image boundaries [12, 15, 27, 42]. Weuse image boundary regions as query samples to rankthe relevance of all other regions (see also Fig. 3,stage I). The labeling vector L is initialized so thatli = 1 if region i is a query sample and li = 0otherwise. Note that we automatically determinethe initial boundary regions in the same way as inRef. [12]; small errors here have little influence onthe final results. The relevance of each region canbe calculated using Eq. (2), and the correspondingsaliency value using a hard background query is

Sbq = 1−AL (7)where Sbq is a vector in which element Si representsthe saliency of region i according to the backgroundquery, and (∗) represents minmax normalization ofsaliency values into the range [0, 1].

Note that the fully connected graph topology andrich feature representation enable us to robustlyrank image regions using a single query, insteadof requiring 4 different boundary queries and theirintegration as in Ref. [12].

4.3 Ranking with soft foreground queries

The region saliency vector Sbq can be used as anew query to construct a saliency map that betterexplores the underlying intrinsic structure of imagedata. Equation (2) essentially multiplies the optimalaffinity matrix A by the query label vector L, whichdoes not necessarily need to be a binary query. Thus

(a) Input image





& in



(c) Queries(d) Rank


ge I

Stage II

Fig. 3 The two-stage manifold ranking framework.

(a) Source (b) G-Truth (c) Stage I (d) Stage II

Fig. 4 Example results for the two-stage manifold ranking basedsalient object detection.

we can directly feed Sbq into Eq. (2) as a softforeground query, without making the hard decisionof binarization [12], for which threshold selectioncould be difficult, potentially introducing artifacts.By substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (2), we get thefollowing soft foreground query saliency values:

Sfq = A(1−AL) (8)Figure 3 (stage II) shows an example of a

soft foreground query, which successfully suppressesbackground noise and highlights salient objectregions. Notice that Eq. (8) gives us a closed formsolution for our two-stage manifold ranking basedsalient object detection method, in which the matrixA ∈ Rn×n is a small matrix. This means that ouralgorithm can efficiently determine the salient objectregion (see Fig. 4).

Difference from GMR [12]. Our method isdifferent from GMR [12] in several ways. Firstly, tocapture both long range connections and short rangeconnections, we use a fully connected graph topologyinstead of only considering local neighborhoods asin Ref. [12]. This design choice helps our methodto better capture the underlying image structurefor improved salient object detection. Secondly,a rich feature vector is used instead of simpleLab color. Thirdly, we use a single boundaryquery in the first stage and another foregroundquery in the second stage to avoid querying eachedge separately and possible artifacts introducedby hard thresholding. Finally, we quantitativelydemonstrate that modeling background informationis complementary to traditional methods andsignificantly improves upon the prior state-of-the-art performanced. In Fig. 6 and Section5.1, we quantitatively demonstrate that both thefully connected graph topology and rich featuressignificantly contribute to the high performance; theformer contributes more.


SaliencyRank: Two-stage manifold ranking for salient object detection 313

4.4 Bayesian integration

Most existing salient object detection methods placemore emphasis on salient object features, e.g.,Refs. [15, 17, 25, 27, 30, 32]. In contrast, ourtwo-stage manifold ranking salient object detectionmethod analyzes the input image according tobackground features (i.e., relationship to queriesof border regions). Such complementary relationssuggest that our two-stage manifold ranking resultsmay potentially be integrated with traditional salientobject detection results to obtain even bettersalient object predictions and segmentation accuracy.Following Refs. [13, 45], we use a Bayesian methodto integrate our two-stage manifold ranking resultswith traditional salient object detection results(e.g., DRFI [27] and RC [15]).

In Bayesian inference, both the prior and thelikelihood are needed to compute the posteriorprobability, which is utilized as the final integrationresult. Firstly, we use the saliency map generatedby traditional methods as the prior, denoted byp(F 1), while the two-stage manifold ranking resultis applied to generate a foreground mask in order toestimate the likelihood. In the following we use F 1

and F 0 to denote the foreground and background,respectively. We represent the input image by a colorhistogram in which each pixel z falls into a certainfeature Q(z) in the color channels of the CIE Labcolor space. Each pixel z is represented by a vectoru(z) = [l, a, b]T in the color space. The likelihoodcan then be computed by

p(Q(z)|F 1) =∏


N1(zu)NF 1


p(Q(z)|F 0) =∏


N0(zu)NF 0


where NF 1 and NF 0 denote the total number ofpixels in the foreground F 1 and background F 0,respectively. N1(zu) and N0(zu) are the numbersof points that fall into the corresponding bin thatcontains feature Q(z) in F 1 and F 0, respectively.Thus, the Bayesian formula can be defined asp(F 1|Q(z)) =

p(F 1)p(Q(z)|F 1)p(F 1)p(Q(z)|F 1) + (1− p(F 1))p(Q(z)|F 0) (11)

We represent the integration maps using traditionalmodels [15, 27] as the prior with p(F 1

tr|Q(z)).Another fusion map, p(F 1

fq|Q(z)), is further

constructed by utilizing the proposed method asthe prior while the traditional models are used tocompute the likelihood. The final saliency map isformulated in a straightforward manner by

p(F 1ours|Q(z)) = p(F 1

tr|Q(z)) + p(F 1fq|Q(z)) (12)

We have conducted tests using RC [15] andDRFI [27] as the traditional method, and denotethe corresponding integrated results as OursR andOursD respectively.

Figure 5 provides a visual comparison of differentcomponents of our method. In these examples,the final integration result successfully highlightsthe salient object region and suppresses backgroundelements. Our quantitative experimental results(see Section 5.1) on three well-known benchmarksconsistently are in agreement with the aboveassumptions, leading our method to significantlyoutperform the state-of-the-art methods.

5 Experimental evaluation

We have extensively evaluated two variants of ourmethod (OursD and OursR) on three challengingbenchmarks (MSRA10K [14–16], ECSSD [17], andDUT-OMRON [12]), and here compare the resultsagainst 10 state-of-the-art alternative methods(RC [15], PCA [32], GMR [12], HS [17], BMS [29],MC [25], DSR [13], DRFI [27], HDCT [30], andWCTR [39])) using three popular quantitativeevaluation metrics: precision–recall curves, adaptivethresholding, and mean absolute error. The otherapproaches used publicly available source code fromthe authors. When tested on the ECSSD dataset(with a typical image resolution of 400 × 300), theaverage running time of our method is 7.79 s on

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 5 Visual comparison of model components: (a) input image, (b)DRFI [27], (c) two-stage ranking result, and (d) Bayesian integrationresult.

314 Wei Qi et al.

a laptop with an Intel i3 2.4 GHz CPU and 8 GBRAM, using our unoptimized Matlab code. Most ofthe time in our method is taken by the traditionalsalient object method.

5.1 Effectiveness of the design and choices

We first consider the effectiveness of the designand choices for the proposed method, using theECSSD dataset, and show the results in Fig. 6. Thisfigure demonstrates that the two-stage manifoldranking based salient object detection (Sbq, Sfq)and existing DRFI [27] approaches can achievegood performance when applied alone. Afterapplying the Bayesian integration model, it can beclearly seen that the performance of the proposedmethod is significantly enhanced, leading to better

Recall0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









First stageFirst stage without full_connectedFirst stage without rich features


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0















Fig. 6 Precision–recall curves for the ECSSD dataset with differentdesign options of our approach. OursWt means our saliency rankresults without Bayesian integration. See also Fig. 7(ii) for additionalcomparision with other methods.

performance than that of the model components.Hereafter, we use the best configuration (OursD) forperformance evaluation in the following experiments.

5.2 Precision and recall

Following Refs. [14, 15, 46], we quantitativelyevaluate the performance of our method in termsof precision and recall rates. Precision is definedas the percentage of salient pixels correctly assigned,while recall corresponds to the percentage of detectedsalient pixels among all the ground truth pixels. Inalignment with previous works, we binarize saliencymaps using every threshold in the range [0, 255]. Theresulting precision–recall curves in Fig. 7(a) clearlyshow that our algorithm consistently outperformsother methods at almost every threshold for anyrecall rate and any tested dataset.

We also tested image-dependent adaptivethresholding as suggested by Ref. [14], wherethe binarization threshold is defined as twice as theaverage saliency value over the image. F-measure,the harmonic mean of precision and recall, is anotherpopular evaluation measure calculated as follows:

Fβ = (1 + β2)Precision× Recallβ2Precision + Recall (13)

where β2 is set to 0.3 to give more weightto precision than recall, as suggested in earlierworks [14, 15, 46]. Figure 7 shows the performanceof 12 saliency methods on all tested datasets.The experimental results show that our approachconstantly achieves higher precision, recall, andF-measure than existing methods. Within theseevaluations, the best method among the baselinesis DRFI [27], which is complementary to our two-stage manifold ranking based results; integratiingthem outperforms either by a large margin (see alsoSection 5.1).

In most cases, our approach highlights salientregions effectively and suppresses backgroundelements robustly, thus producing more accurateresults. A visual comparison of methods is providedin Fig. 8.

5.3 Mean absolute error

We further evaluate the mean absolute error (MAE)between the continuous saliency map S and theground truth map T , as suggested in Refs. [46, 47].


SaliencyRank: Two-stage manifold ranking for salient object detection 315














0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0








K d




























Recall 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

(ii) E





t [1







































Recall 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







set [1































(a) Precision and recall rates (b) Adaptive thresholding

Fig. 7 Quantitative comparison between our method and 10 alternative methods, including GMR [12], DRFI [27], RC [15], HS [17], BMS [29],PCA [32], MC [25], DSR [13], HDCT [30], WCTR [39], OursR, and OursD. See Fig. 9 for more comparisons.

The MAE is computed as

MAE = 1W ×H


H∑y=1|S(x, y)− T (x, y)| (14)

where W and H denote the width and the heightof the saliency map S or the ground truth T ,respectively. As shown in Fig. 9, our method

successfully reduces the MAE compared to state-of-the-art methods, and generates favorable results.

5.4 Limitations

Our model suffers from similar limitations to othersaliency detection methods. Firstly, when identicalcolors appear in both the foreground and the

316 Wei Qi et al.

Inputs G-Truth OursD DRFI [27] DSR [13] HDCT [30] WCTR [39] HS [17] RC [15]

Fig. 8 Comparison of different methods on the MSRA10K, ECSSD, and DUT-OMRON datasets. Such visual comparisons suggest that theproposed method consistently produces better saliency results closer to the ground truth.

background regions, our algorithm can not alwaysdetect the most salient object. Secondly, whenprocessing images with heterogeneous backgrounds

and low light foregrounds, our approach oftengenerates less accurate saliency maps. Typicalfailure cases of our model are shown in Fig. 10.


SaliencyRank: Two-stage manifold ranking for salient object detection 317























































(a) MSRA10K dataset [14–16] (b) ECSSD dataset [17] (c) DUT-OMRON dataset [12]

Fig. 9 MAE statistics for our methods and 10 alternative methods. See Fig. 7 for more comparisons.

Fig. 10 Typical failure cases: our method suffers difficulties whendealing with images which have identical colors and heterogeneousbackgrounds with low light foregrounds.

6 Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we have presented an effectivesalient object detection approach based on themanifold ranking model. The proposed modelexploits intrinsic structural details by estimating therelevance of the salient object and the backgroundfeatures. One key aspect of our model whichdistinguishes it from the current literature is thatit emphasizes background features more, not justsalient object features. Furthermore, thanks tothe complementary effects of the proposed modeland the traditional models, we may apply aBayesian formulation as an output interface forcue integration, leading to an improved saliencydetection performance, which outperforms both.We have evaluated the proposed method on threechallenging salient object datasets and compared itsperformance to those using existing state-of-the-artmodels. Extensive experimental results show thatour model achieves better results and can effectivelyhandle different cases in challenging scenarios.

Our future work will focus on further features toovercome the limitations of our model to improve theaccuracy of saliency detection in images containingforeground objects having a background of similartexture. Another direction will be to detect andsegment composite objects, as object componentssometimes have quite different features (e.g., headwith respect to the rest of body). In this regard, itwould be interesting to know how human choose themost salient object when dealing with compositeobjects. This may help us discover semantics thatshould be included in salient object detection modelsto reduce false negatives.


L.-F. Bai and M.-M. Cheng were funded by theNational Natural Science Foundation of Chinaunder project No. 61231014 and No. 61572264,respectively. A. Borji was supported by DefenseAdvanced Research Projects Agency (No. HR0011-10-C-0034), the National Science Foundation(No. BCS-0827764), and the Army Research Office(No. W911NF-08-1-0360).

Open Access This article is distributed under theterms of the Creative Commons Attribution License whichpermits any use, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original author(s) and the source arecredited.


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Wei Qi is currently a Ph.D. candidateat Nanjing University of Science andTechnology. His research interestsinclude visual attention, objectdetection, and image enhancement.

Ming-Ming Cheng received his from Tsinghua University in2012. Then he was a two-year researchfellow, with Prof. Philip Torr inOxford. He is now an associate professorat Nankai University. His researchinterests include computer graphics,computer vision, and image processing.

Ali Borji received his Ph.D. degree incognitive neurosciences at Institute forStudies in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)in Tehran, Iran, 2009, and spent fouryears as a postdoctoral scholar at iLab,University of Southern California from2010 to 2014. He is currently an assistantprofessor at University of Wisconsin,

Milwaukee, USA. His research interests include visualattention, active learning, object and scene recognition, andcognitive and computational neurosciences.

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Huchuan Lu received his M.S. degreein signal and information processingand Ph.D. degree in system engineeringfrom Dalian University of Technology(DUT), China, in 1998 and 2008,respectively. He joined DUT in 1998, asa faculty member, where he is currentlya full professor with the School of

Information and Communication Engineering. His researchinterests include visual tracking, saliency detection, andsegmentation. He is a member of the Association forComputing Machinery, and an Associate Editor of IEEETransactions on Cybernetics.

Lian-Fa Bai is a professor of JiangsuKey Laboratory of Spectral Imaging andIntelligence Sense, Nanjing Universityof Science and Technology. He got hisPh.D. degree in Nanjing University ofScience and Technology. His currentresearch interests include computervision and image detection.

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