Salon Christmas Gifts: What Should I Buy the Team?

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Salon Christmas Gifts:

What Should I Buy the Team?

The Homemaker Extraordinaire

From large-scale renovations to the smallest homeware

accessories, this gift recipient is the definition of house-proud

The Happy Hour Queen (or King!)

Always the first to jump at an opportunity for a work night out,

this colleague will appreciate anything party related

The Coffee (or Tea!) Addict

You know better than to hassle them before they’ve had

their first hot beverage of the day, so show them you

understand with some coffee/tea break accessories

The Foodie

Has this salon worker a sophisticated or health conscious

palette? Feed their habit with a healthy snack subscription box

The WorkaholicCan’t remember the last time this salon worker was absent

from the salon? You probably won’t be able to persuade

them to take some time to relax. Show your appreciation of

their extra effort with a card. Or, get them a book that helps

them understand why all their hard work will pay off

The Gym Bunny

Is this colleague always posting gym selfies

to their instagram? Motivate them to continue their

active lifestyle after the indulgences at Christmas

The Girly Girl

The one colleague you know would be more

than happy with a beauty related gift

The Animal Lover

This colleague drops their beloved pooch off at doggy

daycare every morning on their way to the salon. Showing

their pet some love, is showing them some love

The Bookworm

You know not to ask this colleague to join you for lunch as they

are more than content to spend the time engrossed in their latest

read. Show them you understand with some reading accessories