SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator Master Guide En

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SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator Master Guide En


SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity AcceleratorDocument Version: - 2013-05-15

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master Guide

Table of Contents1 General Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 GWPA: Documentation Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

3 GWPA: Software Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4 GWPA: Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.1 Introduction to OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP (GWPA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94.2 Introduction to the Service Consumption Toolkits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

5 GWPA: Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master Guide

Table of Contents

1 General Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity AcceleratorSAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator (GWPA) provides Eclipse-based developer tools for the provisioning and consumption of OData services regardless of the service provisioning platform and service consuming technology. It comprises a graphical OData Model Editor for the creation of OData models that define the data structure required and service consumption toolkits that allow you to create and design the applications with which you can consume the data retrieved from your SAP systems.

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator (GWPA) enhances the SAP NetWeaver Gateway offering by providing a graphical OData Model Editor and service consumption toolkits in Eclipse. Since the OData Model Editor and the consumption toolkits are available as Eclipse plug-ins (features), SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator is able to release the OData model creation phase from a standard ABAP development process and provides you with maximum flexibility to use the service provisioning platform and service consuming technology of your choice.

SAP NetWeaver Gateway enables people-centric applications to consume SAP Business Suite data through popular platforms and devices in an easy and standards-based manner. It connects business users to SAP systems using consumer technologies, groupware, and mobile devices and is based on the Atom Publishing Protocol and the Open Data Protocol (OData). OData is an industry standard that offers database-like access to business data using REST-based (representational state transfer) architecture. For the consumption of this data outside of SAP, no knowledge of SAP structures is required and the data that is published can easily be consumed by various platforms.

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master GuideGeneral Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3

NoteWhile SAP NetWeaver Gateway uses OData, the OData implementation in place is not a full implementation according to the official OData specification at This restriction applies to all OData versions.

The features you download for SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator provide you with an uncomplicated and versatile development environment, which you can use in combination with the Service Builder for the fine-tuning of OData models and service implementation in ABAP, and a number of service consumption toolkits.

OData Model Editor for OData Model Creation

The graphical OData Model Editor in Eclipse enables you to start the OData service development phase by creating an OData model. A knowledge of ABAP is not required to create an OData model in Eclipse, which means you can focus solely on the data you want to retrieve from your SAP systems and define the structure in which you want the data to be published. After you have created a suitable OData model based on your own requirements, you can export the OData model definition file to the service provisioning platform of your choice to create a service implementation.

For more information, see the OData Model Creation section of the Development Guide.

Service Builder for Service Implementation

You can upload OData model definition files created in the OData Model Editor in Eclipse to your chosen service provisioning platform. For example, ABAP developers can upload OData model definition files to the Service Builder in SAP NetWeaver Gateway to create a service implementation based on the data and structures defined in the OData model.

For more information, see the Service Implementation section of the Development Guide.

Toolkits for Service Consumption

After a service implementation (OData) service has been created in your chosen development language and environment, you can use the consumption toolkits available for SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator to design and create the applications you want to consume the data published by your new OData service implementation.

For more information, see the Service Consumption section of the Development Guide.

4 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master Guide

General Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator


SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator can be extended for specific OData service provisioning platforms enabling you to reflect specific constraints and features, provide specific artifacts such as type system, and support the deployment of OData services, for example.

For more information, see Extensibility in the Service Consumption section of the Development Guide.

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SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master GuideGeneral Introduction to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5

2 GWPA: Documentation OverviewThe Master Guide for SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator provides you with a starting point for implementation and provides an overview of the features you need to install as a minimum requirement and those that are optional.

In addition to this Master Guide, the following guides are available for SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator:

● Installation and Configuration Guide● Development Guide

6 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master Guide

GWPA: Documentation Overview

3 GWPA: Software PrerequisitesDescribes the software prerequisites for using and installing the SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator (GWPA) features.

To use SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator, ensure that the mimimum software prerequisites for the operating environments are met:

Table 1: Software PrerequisitesOperating System Hardware Java Runtime Environment

Windows 7 x86 64-bit Oracle JDK 6 (64-bit version for Windows 7)

Mac OS X 10.6 or higher Apple Java 6 64-bit

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator comprises a set of features (plug-ins) you need for OData model development and OData service consumption. As a minimum requirement, you must install the feature OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP (GWPA), while the additional features (toolkits) for service consumption are optional depending on the platform you intend on using. Since the software requirements for the individual features vary, refer to the feature-specific documentation for more information.

Minimum Installation

To use SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivty Accelerator, you must install the feature OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP, which comprises the OData modeling tools and framework. In turn, this core feature includes the following additional dependent features that are installed automatically when you select OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP (GWPA):

● OData Modeler and Tools Core (GWPA)● OData Java Client Library

For the minimum installation of SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator you require:

● Java SE6 (JDK 1.6). Download it from

● Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or Eclipse Classic 4.2.2 (64 bit). Download Eclipse from

NoteIf you want to use the Service Catalog (contained in the OData Java Client Library feature) to access all existing OData services created with SAP NetWeaver Gateway, you also require:

● SAP NetWeaver Gateway 2.0 SP05 or higher.● Connection settings to an SAP NetWeaver Gateway system including host name and port number.● User credentials for looging onto the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system to which you want to connect.

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master GuideGWPA: Software Prerequisites © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7

Toolkits for Service Consumption

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator includes toolkits to enable service consumption on different platforms. Depending on the platform you use, you can install the corresponding toolkit. For more information, see the Installation Guide, which includes toolkit-specific installation requirements.

Installing SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator

To install SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator, open your Eclipse installation and choose HelpInstall New Software from the Eclipse menu. In the Work with: field, enter the following URL<Eclipse Version>, for example, As default, the features are listed according to category so expand the SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator (GWPA) category to select the features you want to install. For more information, see the SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Installation Guide.

Related Linkshttps://tools.hana.ondemand.com

8 © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master Guide

GWPA: Software Prerequisites

4 GWPA: FeaturesLists the features for SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator.

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator comprises the following features that provide you with a flexible development environment for OData model creation and service consumption:

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Minimum Installation

● OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP (GWPA)

NoteIncludes dependent features OData Modeler and Tools Core and OData Java Client Library

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Optional Installation

Optional features for your service consumption platform in alphabetical order:

● OData Toolkit for Java Platform, Standard Edition● Toolkit for Android (GWPA)● Toolkit for HTML5 (GWPA)● Toolkit iOS Toolkit (GWPA)● Toolkit for PHP Toolkit (GWPA)

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4.1 Introduction to OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP (GWPA)

The OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP (GWPA) feature provide wizards and a graphical editor that obtain user actions and data in order to generate code for the following:

● OData models and service metadataClient applications interfacing with OData services.

In addition, you can do the following:

● Browse, view, and explore existing OData services and their entities to use for various SAP business solutions in the Service Catalog

● Use the supported toolkits or create your own custom toolkit to generate starter applications or proxies that interface with OData services.

● Generate source code for a proxy that calls an OData service to interface with your existing applications in a supported target toolkit environment.

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SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master GuideGWPA: Features © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 9

4.2 Introduction to the Service Consumption Toolkits

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator provides you with a comprehensive set of service consumption toolkits for developing and delivering SAP solutions and applications in your specified target extension platform.

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator includes the following toolkits (features) for installation that are tailored to suit each platform. These optional features are listed here in alphabetical order:

● OData Toolkit for Java Platform, Standard EditionThe OData Toolkit for Java Platform, Standard Edition is for developing and delivering solutions and client applications for the Java platform.

● Toolkit for Android (GWPA)The Toolkit for Android (GWPA) consists of an environment, a pattern and templates, suitable for developing SAP solutions for use in the Android environment.

● Toolkit for HTML5 (GWPA)The Toolkit for HTML5 (GWPA) is a collection of environments, patterns and templates, suitable for developing SAP solutions for use in any browser environment that supports the HTML5 protocol (SAPUI5 and JQuery) including browsers on mobile devices.

● Toolkit for iOS (GWPA)The Toolkit for iOS (GWPA) enables you to easily and quickly create starter kit applications for the iPhone and iPad devices which can retrieve data from your existing SAP systems. You can then take the generated code and extend it to support your needs.

● Toolkit for PHP (GWPA)The Toolkit for PHP (GWPA) is a collection of environment, pattern and a template, which are suitable for developing SAP solutions and applications for PHP

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GWPA: Features

5 GWPA: GlossaryTerminology overview for SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator

The following provides an overview of the main terms used in SAP NetWeaver Productivity Accelerator

Table 2: Terms and DefinitionTerm Definition

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator (GWPA)

SAP NetWeaver Gateway program that comprises a set of Eclipse features for OData model creation and OData service consumption for different service consumption platforms. SAP NetWeaver Gateway enables applications to consume SAP Business Suite data using different devices and platforms using OData.

OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP GWPA feature to be installed as minimum installation requirement that comprises the OData Model Editor development tools and framework capabilities. When you install this feature, the dependent features OData Modeler and Tools Core and OData Java Client Library are installed automatically.

OData Java Client Library GWPA feature installed together with mandatory feature OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP. It provides a set of public APIs that enable your custom application in the Java environment to interface with OData services, for example, with SAP NetWeaver Gateway.

Toolkits GWPA provides optional service consumption toolkits for different service consumption platforms. You can install the toolkit features that correspond to your platforms together with the mandatory OData Modeler and Tools Core for SAP feature.

Open Data Protocol (OData) Standard Web protocol for querying and updating data. It applies and builds upon Web technologies such as HTTP, Atom Publising Protocol, and JSON to provide access to information from a variety of applications. For more information, see OData.

OData model Root entity that represents a self-contained business object defining a people-centric view on respective business information. The nodes of this hierarchy are called entity types. For more information, see OData.

Blank OData model Option in GWPA to create an entirely new OData model.

OData metadata document Complete XML representation of an OData model.

SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator: Master GuideGWPA: Glossary © 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11

Term Definition

OData model definition file XML OData model definition. You can import OData model definition files into the Service Builer to create a service implementation.

OData Model Editor Eclipse-based OData development tool installed as part of the OData Tools Core for SAP feature. You create the OData model using the OData Model Editor. It is a multi-page editor with a Design view. You can use the OData Model Editor to view or edit any OData model that can be imported with the file extension .odata.

OData model element The graphical representation of the elements on the OData Model Editor.

Elements The entity type, complex type, enum type, and funtion import present under the Palette are called as elements. These elements are used in the OData Model Editor to create OData model elements.

Pallete Area in the OData Model Editor that contains all the artifacts you need to create an OData model.

OData service (in SAP NetWeaver Gateway) In the context of SAP NetWeaver Gateway, an OData service implementation is used to extract data from an SAP system based on an OData model. Is a repository object used for routing (system aliases are assigned to a service) and authorization checks. It has a dedicated ICF node and can contain one or more OData models.

Service Catalog Provides an overview of all OData services created with SAP NetWeaver Gateway.

Service Builder ABAP design-time tool (transaction SEGW), which can be used in conjuction with SAP NetWeaver Gateway Productivity Accelerator for OData model development and service implementation.

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GWPA: Glossary

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