Sapcle - Freshdesk | Customer support software by Freshworks · Multi-product support capability...

Post on 09-Sep-2020

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Sapcle is a global IT consulting organization that focuses on empowering employees and promoting its

philosophy of ‘employee entrepreneurship’ and ‘brand building’. Headquartered in Dubai, Sapcle has

development centres in several major Indian cities and a lot of international customers.

The Customer Support Challenge

Sapcle started out supporting customers through their email boxes. It was hard enough keeping all

conversations under control when it was just one product and one inbox, but when Sapcle expanded

its product range, things got real messy. They soon found themselves scrambling to keep track of the

constant inflow of support requests and were barely able to deliver support, let alone the exceptional

support experience their international customers had now come to expect.

Fast acknowledgement and quick updates, the keystone of Sapcle’s approach to customer support, was

rapidly becoming a relic of the past when Sapcle realized it needed to turn things around. The support

process was clearly not able to cope with the current size of the business. They needed a support tool that

could cope and grow with the business.

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At a Glance

Base Dubai, UAE

The Checklist Multi-product support capabilities A knowledge base Community forums Ease of use.

The Driving Factor A robust help desk with a rich and easy to use interface

Favorite Capability Multi-product support capability

“ Freshdesk is our first customer support tool and it will be the last for as far as we can see.

It gives us everything we want, in a simple and affordable package

-Ramesh SrinivasanSapcle

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The Requirements

Even though Sapcle had decided to invest in a support solution to organize all

its communication, they did not have the luxury of time or resources to spend

months in implementation and training their team. So, the biggest requirement

on their checklist was ease of use.

The tool had to be equipped to handle multiple products, an important

requirement as far as Sapcle was concerned. And they wanted the solution to be

robust enough to cope and grow to handle the load as Sapcle grew. They didn’t

want a tool that would just be able to handle the present customer base - they

wanted a tool that would help them scale up and grow in the future. They were

clear that they wanted to use a solution that would help them get to where they

wanted to be faster, smoother and easier.

The Freshdesk Experience

When Sapcle began using Freshdesk as its support solution of choice, their custom-

ers, especially the international ones, were able to tell the difference almost immedi-

ately. No email went unanswered and there was a radical improvement in response

time - by over 57% on average.

With Freshdesk, Sapcle also expanded its customer support reach to include Face-

book and Twitter under its umbrella. With their presence firmly established on the

social media scene, Sapcle is now able to listen in whenever their customers talk

about them.

“Providing support for multiple products used to be a messy, complicated process.

But Freshdesk has helped simplify things.”, says Ramesh Srinivasan, Sr. Executive at

Sapcle. “Since Freshdesk, we’ve seen a dramatic rise in our customer satisfaction,

especially during the sales and support cycles. We’ve never been happier!”

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