Saquen los apuntes, por favor Are/is = Estar Keeps on, continues = Seguir (e-i) Progressives "going"...

Post on 25-Jan-2016

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Saquen los apuntes, por favor

Are/is = EstarKeeps on, continues =

Seguir (e-i)

Progressives "going" "learning" "being"-ando-iendo

They are starting to prepare.

Empezar + a

It keeps on changing.

We are surviving.


Have they been studying?

We are thinking about the problem.

Pensar + en

Who is helping you?

Are you still writing it? (el libro)

Can we keep on playing?

She is trying to teach me.

We keep asking ourselves the same questions.


Las Respuestas

They are starting to prepare.

Ellos están empezando a preparar.

It keeps on changing.

Sigue cambiando.

We are surviving.

Estamos sobreviviendo.

Have they been studying?

¿Han estado estudiando?

We are thinking about the problem…

Estamos pensando en el problema…

Who is helping you?

¿Quién te está ayudando?¿Quién está ayudándote?

Are you still writing it? (el libro)

¿Todavía estás escribiéndolo?¿Lo estás escribiendo todavía?

Can we keep on playing?

¿Podemos seguir jugando?

She is trying to teach me.

Ella está intentando enseñarme.Ella me está intentando ensenñar.

We keep asking ourselves the same questions.Seguimos preguntándonos las mismas preguntas.

Nos seguimos preguntando las mismas preguntas.

Apuntes:Pronouns before helping verb or attached to

gerundStem-changing IR verbs (chanclas) – do the

changeDivirtiéndose PidiendoMuriéndose RiéndoseDurmiendo SirviendoViniendo Siguiendo

Seguir – sigo, sigues, sigue, seguimos, siguenEstar – estoy, estás, está, estamos, estánAlso included: questions, do/io, possessive, present

perfect, old vocab, new vocab

Empezar + a CambiarPensar + en Depender + deSobrevivir HabitarPreguntarse Tomar medidas

Saquen los apuntes, por favor


Day 2

They are changing it. (el sistema)

She keeps on avoiding it(el riesgo)


They are taking measures in order to improve it (la situación)

Are you using yours? (la calculadora)

We are thinking about ways to support it. (la causa)

Who is reading it? (el periódico)

Have you all been listening?

Do you want to keep on playing?

They are trying to implement a solution.

It is increasing.

Las Respuestas

They are changing it. (el sistema)

Ellos lo están cambiando.Ellos están cambiándolo.

She keeps on avoiding it(el riesgo)

Ella sigue evitándolo.Ella lo sigue evitando.

They are taking measures in order to improve it (la situación)

Ellos están tomando medidas para mejorarla.

Are you using yours? (la calculadora)

¿Estás usando la tuya?

We are thinking about ways to support it…(la causa)

Estamos pensando en maneras de apoyarla…

Who is reading it? (el periódico)

¿Quién está leyéndolo?¿Quién lo está leyendo?

Have you all been listening?

¿Han estado escuchando?

Do you want to keep on playing?

¿Quieres seguir jugando?

They are trying to implement a solution.

Ellos están tratando de implementar una solución.(intentando implementar)

It is increasing

Está aumentando(incrementando)

Saquen los apuntes, por favor


Day 3

She is promoting it (la causa)

I keep on trying.

We are thinking about the situation.

Is he using it? (la calculadora)

They are beginning to understand.

Who is reading it? (el periódico)

Has she been participating in class?

Are you going to keep on playing?

I am taking measures in order to avoid it. (el riesgo)

They are resolving their conflict

Las Respuestas

She is promoting it. (la causa)

Ella está promoviéndola.Ella la está promoviendo.

I keep on trying.

Sigo intentando.

We are thinking about the situation.

Estamos pensando en la situación.

Is he using it? (la calculadora)

¿Está usándola?¿La está usando?

They are beginning to understand

Están empezando a entender.

Who is reading it? (el periódico)

¿Quién está leyéndolo?¿Quién lo está leyendo?

Has she been participating in class?

¿Ha estado participando en clase?

Are you going to keep on playing?

¿Vas a seguir jugando?

I am taking measures to avoid it.

Estoy tomando medidas para evitarlo.

They are resolving their conflict

Están resolviendo su conflicto

Buenos días

Repaso – Con los compañeros

Necesitas un lápiz – no necesitas tu cuaderno.


It keeps on changing.


Have they been studying?


She is trying to teach me.


She keeps on avoiding it(el riesgo)


Are you using yours? (la calculadora)


We are thinking about ways to support it. (la causa)


It is increasing.


I keep on trying.


Is he using it? (la calculadora)


They are beginning to understand.

respuestasSigue cambiando¿Han estado

estudiando?Ella está tratando

de enseñarme Ella sigue

evitándolo¿Estás usando la


Estamos pensando en maneras de apoyarla.

Está aumentandoSigo intentando.¿Está usándola?Están empezando

a entender.