
Post on 30-Mar-2016

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                                                                        I dedicate this book to Ms. Graves and Mrs. Coughlin, friends, family, cousins, and my Dad and Mom.    





I dedicate this book to Ms. Graves and Mrs. Coughlin, friends, family, cousins, and my Dad and Mom.

One cool winter morning in Antarctica, the ocean was frosty cold. The sun was shining on the ocean and it made the blue look like shimmering green. Mother Penguin was standing on an iceberg. She was getting ready to dive into the water to look for some fish for her baby. She didn’t see the tail of her predator, the killer whale.

Mother Penguin was deep, deep in the ocean, trying to catch a fish for her baby. Her bones were so heavy and this helped her stay deep in the water. All of a sudden, she turned around and saw a KILLER WHALE!! She used her wings that worked like flippers, to fly fast away from the killer whale. The killer whale kept chasing Mother Penguin and he was getting CLOSER and CLOSER and CLOSER…

At last, Mother Penguin spotted the iceberg with her baby on it. She jumped up and landed on the iceberg. The killer whale tried to grab Mother Penguin with his sharp teeth, but Mother Penguin slid on her belly and did not let the killer whale eat her up. The killer whale was tired from chasing Mother Penguin, so he went back into the ocean. Baby Penguin was happy to see her mother. Mother Penguin fed her baby the fish she had caught in the deep Antarctic Ocean.

About the Author

Sarai Gonzalez lives on a noisy street in Watertown, MA. She has two brothers named Eulice and Joel. She likes pasta with meatballs. She also likes math and reading and playing outside. She really liked making the cover for this book.

This is one of the many books that came to life while students in Mrs.

Mattson’s 3rd grade class explored the rich relationship between visual imagery

and the written word. This book was created as a part of Image-Making

Within the Writing Process, a dynamic art-and-literature-based approach to

writing developed by Beth Olshansky at the University of New Hampshire.

Image-Making uses hand-painted textured papers as the raw materials for

creating collage stories and poetry. Unlike a more traditional writing process,

within Image-Making the pictures always come first. This offers students with

diverse learning styles essential visual and kinesthetic tools for rehearsing,

drafting, and revising their ideas long before setting pencil to paper. Image-

Making was validated by the US Department of Education as an “innovative

and effective literacy program” in 1993. Today children around the world use

this process to create books in many languages.

Spring, 2010