Savage Moon PS3 Game Instructions v2

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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This is the instructions screens from the PS3 strategy game, Savage Moon. See for more info on the game.


Savage Moon Instructionsfor the PS3 Game by FluffyLogic -

Page 1

Welcome Commander. You are here to protect our mining operations. These operations are located on Imoons - living asteroids invaluable for their mineral deposits. Military force is needed as Imoons have an auto-immune system that protects them; Insectocytes. These come in ever more dangerous waves and types. Use strategy, cunning, technology and the landscape itself as your weapons to achieve victory.

Page 2

Now Commander, observe the following information: Your available drop-pods (1), available credits (2), your mining base's health (3), the current wave plus total number of waves (4) and your current score (5). You cannot build towers on other buildings (6) hostile terrain (7) or lava (8). You earn funds by killing Insectocyctes. At the end of each level you will be awarded points for any credits that remain. At the start of each new level the Tech. Tree is re-set.

Page 3

To upgrade or sell an individual tower, press the Cross button when the cursor is placed over that tower. Then you can scroll through the menu options for that tower: Upgrading (1) costs, but makes the tower more powerful. Selling (2) will only get 50% of the build cost. You can also access the tower's CCTV camera (3). In addition you can also see: Current upgrade level of tower (4), tower's health (5), damage (6), range (7), rate of fire (in RPM or rounds per minute, 8).

Page 4

You can use the Command Skills menu at any time to change the priorities of your defensive formations. These are; Damage Bonus - boosts the damage your towers cause the enemy (1). Credit Bonus - gain a bonus on earned income (2). Armor Bonus - improves the ability of your towers to withstand damage by the enemy (3). When an area/s is selected for a bonus, the other area/s effectiveness is reduced.

Page 5

Each level consists of a number of waves. The Advance Wave menu shows you the type/s of Insectocytes in the current wave (1) and the next two waves (2 & 3). We have the technology to advance waves (4) and push the next wave into combat. This earns extra points and income. The wave timer bar (5) indicates the time until the next wave spawns. Each wave of Insectocytes gets progressively stronger as the Imoon learns to adapt to your attacks, however each new wave brings a new allocation of drop-pods with which to land new towers.

Page 6

In addition, Central Command records the following information on your performance: Campaign Time (1), Total income earned (2), Bonus income from Command Skills (as a percentage of total, 3), Income efficiency (unspent income as a percentage of total income earned, 4), Total amount of Insectocytes that have attacked the Mining Base (5), Total Insectocytes killed (6), Total towers built (7), Total towers destroyed (8), Total towers sold (9).

Page 7

As you complete each nebula, a game mode is opened - Vengeance Mode. In Vengeance Mode you can replay the existing levels in the nebula, however, this time there is no limit to the number of waves you will face and each time the Insectocytes get much, much stronger! The mining base will be overwhelmed by the enemy, the only question is how long you will last... This concludes our instructions briefing Commander.

For more on the game see: